Magna Concursos

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1312059 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Santo André-SP
New York caffeine junkies, look alive: A new app called CUPS allows subscribers to pay $45 per month for unlimited coffee from almost 40 independent coffee shops around the city.
Designed by a small team from Israel, the app is intended as an alternative to the smartphone loyalty cards offered by the likes of Starbucks (SBUX). "lt's a similar service," says Gilad Rotem, a co-founder of the startup, which is also called CUPS. "We're offering a mobile app, prepaid plan, but it's for independent, higher-quality coffee."
New Yorkers will pay $45 a month for brewed, drip, pour-over, or filtered coffee (or tea). Latte drinkers will pay more: The unlimited espresso subscription costs $85 a month.
Rotem says the prices are equivalent to about 22 cups, or roughly one java beverage per workday per month. On average, Americans consume 1.7 cups of coffee a day, according to Studylogic, which means a CUPS subscription may not be a bad deal. For coffee drinkers with a lower caffeine tolerance, CUPS also offers prepaid package deals for 5, 10, or 20 drinks per month.
By Caroline Winter - Businessweek- April 15, 2014. Adapted from :
ln the sentence "New York caffeine junkies, look alive ... ". The author's intention towards the readeris to:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1308671 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Santo André-SP
New York (CNN) - Returning to her roots as Arkansas' first lady, Hillary Clinton will speak to an early childhood education organization that she first championed in the 1980s.
Clinton is scheduled to give the keynote address at the Home lnstruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) conference on April 28 at Gallaudet University in Washington as the group marks its 25th anniversary. While Bill Clinton was governar in Arkansas, his wife first observed the early education outreach program on a trip to Florida.
"She brought the concept to Arkansas as a way to help a very rural state get children ready for school," HIPPY USA Executive Director Lia Lent told CNN.
HIPPY staff visit the homes of at-risk 3- and 4-yearolds, training parents to get their children ready for school. The program operates 135 sites in 21 states and Washington.
Clinton has continued pursuing her interest in early childhood education in part through a "Too Small to Fail" initiative by her family's charitable arm, the Clinton Foundation. The program promotes and implements research geared toward helping children from birth to age 5.
Although Clinton can command large sums for speaking engagements, her HIPPY appearance will be unpaid.
CNN Senior Political Correspondent Brianna Keilar, April 3, 2014. Adapted
The group Home lnstruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) mentioned in the text celebrates its:


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Conforme descrito no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, a criança e o adolescente têm direito à educação, visando ao pleno desenvolvimento de sua pessoa, preparo para o exercício da cidadania e qualificação para o trabalho. Assinale a única alternativa que é inverídica em relação a esse Estatuto.


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Leia as seguintes afirmações sobre o pensamento de Paulo Freire, a partir da leitura de seu livro "Pedagogia da autonomia".
I. O mais importante na educação é o pragmatismo pedagógico, o treino técnico-científico do educando, pois é ele que o prepara para o exercício de uma profissão.
II. O espaço pedagógico deve ser neutro por excelência, tendo o educador uma posição apolítica, para que a escola não vire palanque para a defesa de posições autoritárias, seja de esquerda, seja de direita.
III. A educação é uma forma de intervenção no mundo, intervenção que, além do conhecimento dos conteúdos bem ou mal ensinados e/ou aprendidos, implica tanto o esforço de reprodução da ideologia dominante quanto o seu desmascaramento.
Está correto o que se afirma em:


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A Resolução CNE/CEB nº 01 de 2000 estabelece as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Algumas delas estão descritas a seguir.
I. Estas Diretrizes servem como referência opcional para as iniciativas autônomas que se desenvolvem sob a forma de processos formativos extraescolares na sociedade civil.
II. Estas Diretrizes se estendem à oferta dos exames supletivos para efeito de certificados de conclusão das etapas do ensino fundamental e do ensino médio da Educação de Jovens e Adultos.
III. A Língua Estrangeira, nesta etapa do ensino, é de oferta facultativa, mas de prestação obrigatória por parte do aluno, quando ofertada.
IV. Fica vedada, em cursos de Educação de Jovens e Adultos, a matrícula e a assistência de crianças e de adolescentes da faixa etária compreendida na escolaridade universal obrigatória, ou seja, de sete a quatorze anos completos.
V. Cabe a cada sistema de ensino definir a estrutura e a duração dos cursos da Educação de Jovens e Adultos, respeitadas as diretrizes curriculares nacionais, a identidade desta modalidade de educação e o regime de colaboração entre os entes federativos.
Quantas estão corretas?


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710682 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Santo André-SP
New York (CNN) - Returning to her roots as Arkansas' first lady, Hillary Clinton will speak to an early childhood education organization that she first championed in the 1980s.
Clinton is scheduled to give the keynote address at the Home lnstruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) conference on April 28 at Gallaudet University in Washington as the group marks its 25th anniversary. While Bill Clinton was governar in Arkansas, his wife first observed the early education outreach program on a trip to Florida.
"She brought the concept to Arkansas as a way to help a very rural state get children ready for school," HIPPY USA Executive Director Lia Lent told CNN.
HIPPY staff visit the homes of at-risk 3- and 4-yearolds, training parents to get their children ready for school. The program operates 135 sites in 21 states and Washington.
Clinton has continued pursuing her interest in early childhood education in part through a "Too Small to Fail" initiative by her family's charitable arm, the Clinton Foundation. The program promotes and implements research geared toward helping children from birth to age 5.
Although Clinton can command large sums for speaking engagements, her HIPPY appearance will be unpaid.
CNN Senior Political Correspondent Brianna Keilar, April 3, 2014. Adapted
Choose the alternative that is a most suitable synonym for the word "toward" - fifth paragraph.


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693730 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Santo André-SP
American 15-year-olds did better on an international problem-solving test than expected given their performance in math, reading, and science, according to a Program for lnternational Student Assessment (PISA) report issued April 1 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The U.S. ranked 18th out of 44 countries and regions on the online problem-solving test, which used a game-like interface to test students' ability to use an MP3 player they had never seen before; set a thermostat; buy a train ticket; plan a route through traffic; and test a robotic vacuum cleaner. The tests' goals were for students to "systematically explore a complex problem scenario, devise multi-step solutions that take into account ali constraints, and adjust their plans in light of the feedback received."
Asian countries dominated the problem-solving test, with Singapore ranking first, followed by South Korea; Japan; Macao, China; Hong Kong, China; Shanghai, China; and Taiwan (which the OECD delicately calls Chinese Taipei).
While U.S. student performance was not great, it was 10 points higher than expected given how students fared on other tests, according to the OECD.
Other countries also finished higher than expected for the sarne reason: South Korea, Japan, Serbia, England, ltaly, and Brazil. ln contrast, Bulgaria, Shanghai, Poland, and the United Arab Emirates did significantly worse than previous test scores suggested.
Students in Brazil, lreland, South Korea, and the U.S. were relatively good at interactive problems-ones that required students to track down some of the information needed to solve the problem.
According to the OECD, boys outperformed girls in 23 of the 44 countries or regions-including in the U.S.; girls outperformed boys in five; and there was no significant difference in gender performance in 16.
By Peter Coy April 02, 2014. Adapted from :
http://www. busi america n-15-year
The word "which", in the second paragraph, can be related to the following grammar structure:


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685084 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Santo André-SP
lt looks like spring has finally arrived for the U.S. economy, but it is not time to crack out the bubbly just yet.
The headline figure in Friday's employment report - 288,000 jobs added in April - was encouraging, as were some other details in the report. After the latest revisions, job growth in the past three months averages to about 240,000, a marked improvement over last year.
Moreover, the job creation seems to be broadly based. Construction, retail, and professional services ali saw big jumps in payroll numbers last month, indicating that the economy is recovering from the cold winter. lf this trend is sustained, the recovery will, by historical standards, start to look more normal, and healthier.
That's what 1, and others, predicted at the start of the year, but the cold winter delayed the expected increase in hiring and spending. Now things appear to be more on track.
That said, the jobs report also has a negative side, which should not be ignored. The unemployment rate fell from 6.6 per cent to 6.3 per cent, but this is largely the result of a big drop in the number of people looking for work: the labor force shrank by 806,000 people.
A falling labor force is usually a sign of a weak economy, not of a strong one. The labor-force-participation rate fell to 62.8 per cent, the lowest since 1978. The employment-to-population ratio - the broadest measure of the health of the labor market - stands at 58.9 per cent, which is also a very low figure by historical standards.
The good figures from the payroll survey do not change this picture, and they do not alter the fact that more than a third of the unemployed - about 3.5 million Americans - have been out of work for more than six months. So let's celebrate the good news but not get carried away.
Posted by John Cassidy - New Yorker, May 2, 2014 adapted from:
The verbs below that are followed by the sarne prepositions underlined in paragraphs 6 and 7, respectively, are:


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672369 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Santo André-SP
New applications for unemployment benefits held near their pre-recession leveis last week, offering further evidence of the economy's underlying strength.
lnitial claims for state unemployment benefits ticked up 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 304,000 for the week ended April 12, the Labor Department said on Thursday. They stayed dose to a 6-1/2 year low touched the prior week.
Economists polled by Reuters had forecast first-time applications for jobless benefits rising to 315,000.
The claims data covered the survey week for April nonfarm payrolls. Despite last week's increase, claims were down 19,000 between the March and April survey periods, which suggests an acceleration in job growth.
Job growth averaged about 195,000 per month in February and March, with the unemployment rate holding at near a five-year low of 6.7 percent over that period.
Labor market indicators such as job openings, the duration of unemployment and short-term unemployment, suggest some tightening in conditions.
On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said it was "quite plausible" the economy would be back to near full employment by the end of 2016.
The claims report showed the number of people still receiving benefits after an initial week of aid dropped 11,000 to 2.74 million in the week ended April 5. That was the lowest levei since December 2007.
By Lucia Mutikani - Adapted from /us-usa-economy
What can be inferred from the first paragraph in the text? "New applications for unemployment benefits held near their pre-recession levels last week, offering further evidence of the economy's underlying strength."


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Vanilda Paiva, em "Educação Popular e Educação de adultos", denomina como realismo em educação:


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