Magna Concursos

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Miguel Arroyo, no livro "Imagens Quebradas", ao discutir a importância do tempo no cotidiano escolar, afirma que:
I. o tempo escolar é uma construção cultural que tem suas permanências, mas também suas limitações, de acordo com as mudanças que acontecem na própria concepção das idades da vida.
II. os conteúdos escolares devem ser organizados de maneira cumulativa, dentro de uma lógica em que o domínio do conteúdo A precede o de B, que precede o de C, e assim sucessivamente, de modo que o aluno chegue ao final de cada ano com pleno domínio do conteúdo programado.
III. a reorganização do tempo escolar é necessária para que os alunos com problemas de aprendizagem possam atingir as metas programadas.
Está correto o que se afirma em:


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Dermeval Saviani, em "Escola e Democracia", considera que uma teoria crítica da educação deve:


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600470 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Santo André-SP
New applications for unemployment benefits held near their pre-recession leveis last week, offering further evidence of the economy's underlying strength.
lnitial claims for state unemployment benefits ticked up 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 304,000 for the week ended April 12, the Labor Department said on Thursday. They stayed dose to a 6-1/2 year low touched the prior week.
Economists polled by Reuters had forecast first-time applications for jobless benefits rising to 315,000.
The claims data covered the survey week for April nonfarm payrolls. Despite last week's increase, claims were down 19,000 between the March and April survey periods, which suggests an acceleration in job growth.
Job growth averaged about 195,000 per month in February and March, with the unemployment rate holding at near a five-year low of 6.7 percent over that period.
Labor market indicators such as job openings, the duration of unemployment and short-term unemployment, suggest some tightening in conditions.
On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said it was "quite plausible" the economy would be back to near full employment by the end of 2016.
The claims report showed the number of people still receiving benefits after an initial week of aid dropped 11,000 to 2.74 million in the week ended April 5. That was the lowest levei since December 2007.
By Lucia Mutikani - Adapted from /us-usa-economy
The alternative that properly replaces the meaning of the word "despite" on the fourth paragraph is:


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598274 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Santo André-SP
New York (CNN) - Returning to her roots as Arkansas' first lady, Hillary Clinton will speak to an early childhood education organization that she first championed in the 1980s.
Clinton is scheduled to give the keynote address at the Home lnstruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) conference on April 28 at Gallaudet University in Washington as the group marks its 25th anniversary. While Bill Clinton was governar in Arkansas, his wife first observed the early education outreach program on a trip to Florida.
"She brought the concept to Arkansas as a way to help a very rural state get children ready for school," HIPPY USA Executive Director Lia Lent told CNN.
HIPPY staff visit the homes of at-risk 3- and 4-yearolds, training parents to get their children ready for school. The program operates 135 sites in 21 states and Washington.
Clinton has continued pursuing her interest in early childhood education in part through a "Too Small to Fail" initiative by her family's charitable arm, the Clinton Foundation. The program promotes and implements research geared toward helping children from birth to age 5.
Although Clinton can command large sums for speaking engagements, her HIPPY appearance will be unpaid.
CNN Senior Political Correspondent Brianna Keilar, April 3, 2014. Adapted
Clinton still wishes to help children's education:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
598251 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Santo André-SP
New applications for unemployment benefits held near their pre-recession leveis last week, offering further evidence of the economy's underlying strength.
lnitial claims for state unemployment benefits ticked up 2,000 to a seasonally adjusted 304,000 for the week ended April 12, the Labor Department said on Thursday. They stayed dose to a 6-1/2 year low touched the prior week.
Economists polled by Reuters had forecast first-time applications for jobless benefits rising to 315,000.
The claims data covered the survey week for April nonfarm payrolls. Despite last week's increase, claims were down 19,000 between the March and April survey periods, which suggests an acceleration in job growth.
Job growth averaged about 195,000 per month in February and March, with the unemployment rate holding at near a five-year low of 6.7 percent over that period.
Labor market indicators such as job openings, the duration of unemployment and short-term unemployment, suggest some tightening in conditions.
On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said it was "quite plausible" the economy would be back to near full employment by the end of 2016.
The claims report showed the number of people still receiving benefits after an initial week of aid dropped 11,000 to 2.74 million in the week ended April 5. That was the lowest levei since December 2007.
By Lucia Mutikani - Adapted from /us-usa-economy
The suffix -less " ... applications for jobless benefits ... " means:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Leia o texto a seguir e assinale a alternativa que complete corretamente as lacunas sobre a Teoria Epistemológica de Piaget, de modo a dar sentido ao texto.
Conforme surgem solicitações do meio, as estruturas de inteligência vão se construindo e, a partir de novas solicitações, o sujeito tem a possibilidade de reorganizá-las, vivenciando constantes mecanismos de de novos objetos a esquemas já existentes e mecanismos de ampliação do conhecimento denominados de . O resultado das sucessivas e é chamado por Piaget de , conceito central de sua teoria construtivista do conhecimento.


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O Parecer CNE/CNB nº06/2010, que trata do Reexame do Parecer CNE/CEB nº 23/2008, que institui Diretrizes Operacionais para a Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), nos aspectos relativos à duração dos cursos e idade mínima para ingresso nos cursos de EJA; idade mínima e certificação nos exames de EJA; e Educação de Jovens e Adultos desenvolvida por meio da Educação a Distância (EAD) concluiu:
I. A respeito do reconhecimento e aceitação de transferências entre os cursos de EJA presencial e os mediados pela Educação a Distância.
II. A idade mínima para o desenvolvimento da EJA, com mediação da EAD, seja de 15 (quinze) anos completos para o 2º segmento do Ensino Fundamental, e de 18 (dezoito) anos completos para o Ensino Médio.
III. A oferta de EJA, desenvolvida por meio da Educação a Distância, não seja utilizada no primeiro segmento do Ensino Fundamental, dadas suas características próprias que demandam relação presencial.
IV. Aos estudantes serão fornecidos livros ou módulos/"apostilas", além de oportunidades de consulta no polo de apoio pedagógico, organizado para tal fim.
V. A relação professor/número de estudantes tenha como parâmetro a de um(a) professor(a) licenciado(a) para, no máximo, 120 estudantes, numa jornada de 40 horas de trabalho docente.
Estão corretos apenas os incisos:


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580826 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Santo André-SP
New York (CNN) - Returning to her roots as Arkansas' first lady, Hillary Clinton will speak to an early childhood education organization that she first championed in the 1980s.
Clinton is scheduled to give the keynote address at the Home lnstruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) conference on April 28 at Gallaudet University in Washington as the group marks its 25th anniversary. While Bill Clinton was governar in Arkansas, his wife first observed the early education outreach program on a trip to Florida.
"She brought the concept to Arkansas as a way to help a very rural state get children ready for school," HIPPY USA Executive Director Lia Lent told CNN.
HIPPY staff visit the homes of at-risk 3- and 4-yearolds, training parents to get their children ready for school. The program operates 135 sites in 21 states and Washington.
Clinton has continued pursuing her interest in early childhood education in part through a "Too Small to Fail" initiative by her family's charitable arm, the Clinton Foundation. The program promotes and implements research geared toward helping children from birth to age 5.
Although Clinton can command large sums for speaking engagements, her HIPPY appearance will be unpaid.
CNN Senior Political Correspondent Brianna Keilar, April 3, 2014. Adapted
The verb "championed", in the first paragraph, is closest meaning to:


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Wanderley Codo, em "Educação: carinho e trabalho", relata os resultados de uma pesquisa feita com educadores da rede pública de todo o país e conclui que o burnout é um fenômeno presente nessa população, que corrói, dia após dia, o educador e a educação. Sobre essa síndrome, leia as seguintes afirmações:
I. Traduz-se por um sentimento crônico de desânimo, de apatia e despersonalização.
II. Trata-se de um problema que afeta, principalmente, os trabalhadores em posições burocráticas.
III. Causa uma falta de envolvimento pessoal, afetando a habilidade para a realização do trabalho, bem como a organização do mesmo.
Está correto o que se afirma em:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
567991 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Santo André-SP
New York (CNN) - Returning to her roots as Arkansas' first lady, Hillary Clinton will speak to an early childhood education organization that she first championed in the 1980s.
Clinton is scheduled to give the keynote address at the Home lnstruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) conference on April 28 at Gallaudet University in Washington as the group marks its 25th anniversary. While Bill Clinton was governar in Arkansas, his wife first observed the early education outreach program on a trip to Florida.
"She brought the concept to Arkansas as a way to help a very rural state get children ready for school," HIPPY USA Executive Director Lia Lent told CNN.
HIPPY staff visit the homes of at-risk 3- and 4-yearolds, training parents to get their children ready for school. The program operates 135 sites in 21 states and Washington.
Clinton has continued pursuing her interest in early childhood education in part through a "Too Small to Fail" initiative by her family's charitable arm, the Clinton Foundation. The program promotes and implements research geared toward helping children from birth to age 5.
Although Clinton can command large sums for speaking engagements, her HIPPY appearance will be unpaid.
CNN Senior Political Correspondent Brianna Keilar, April 3, 2014. Adapted
ln the excerpt of the text - "HIPPY staff visit the homes of atrisk 3-and 4-year-olds, training parents to get their children ready for school." The possessive pronoun their refers to:


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