Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 50 questões.

Instructions – Questions on this test are taken from the two texts below. Read them carefully and then choose the correct alternatives that answer the questions or complete the statements placed immediately after each of them.


Wind Power

enunciado 349668-1

Wind power exploits the kinetic energy of wind in wind turbines to generate other forms of power, especially mechanical power and electricity. It is considered one of the most used forms of renewable energies: the term wind power describes the power generated from no-fossil sources, whose use has a very significant environmental importance by assuring both minor air pollution and reduction of gas carbon emission rate. Another positive aspect related to its use is the exceptional cost/production ratio.

Wind and Aeolic Generators

Air generators, the technical name for pinwheel, divide into various categories according to: the Aeolian generator that can be either on horizontal or on vertical axis, the number of shovels (from one to three) and the lengths of shovels (from fifty centimetres to thirty meters).

Air generators are constituted by: a rotor (a pivot on which are inserted shovels), a stopping system for shovels block; a turns’ multiplier to increase shovels’ speed, a generator that enables to convert mechanical power into electricity; and a control system that manages the pinwheel functionality (and that, in overloaded or malfunctioning eventuality, blocks it); some air generators, generally the bigger ones, have also a system that provides a constant alignment between the rotor axis and the wind direction.

Wind Farms

The “Wind Farms” are real power stations: they originate from the connection of several air generators located within a fixed distance from each other in order to avoid dangerous interferences among them.

Some Wind Farms, named Off-Shore, are located into the sea, near coasts and lakes; they are a valuable option also in densely populated countries.

The history of wind plants in Italy is almost recent; the first air generator, installed in Sardinia, dates back to 1989; up to now we can say that the wind power use is considerably increased: the number of wind plants is raised up to around forty.

Air Generators

Anyway, it is of note that this form of energy has some negative aspects: from an environmental point of view, even if they reduce the gas emissions rates, they have a negative landscape/visual impact. In addition, because air generators are fairly noisy, the noise pollution can annoy persons and animals that take also other risks: birds can be killed while flying across shoves, even if this rarely happens; there is also the problem of interferences, and of the magnetic fields creation, but this can be avoided by using small expedients.

To finish with, it is worth saying that wind power considerably reduces both gas and polluters emissions, which is on the contrary avoidable from normal power stations.

All the following are true about wind power, EXCEPT


Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Instructions – Questions on this test are taken from the two texts below. Read them carefully and then choose the correct alternatives that answer the questions or complete the statements placed immediately after each of them.


Wind Power

enunciado 349666-1

Wind power exploits the kinetic energy of wind in wind turbines to generate other forms of power, especially mechanical power and electricity. It is considered one of the most used forms of renewable energies: the term wind power describes the power generated from no-fossil sources, whose use has a very significant environmental importance by assuring both minor air pollution and reduction of gas carbon emission rate. Another positive aspect related to its use is the exceptional cost/production ratio.

Wind and Aeolic Generators

Air generators, the technical name for pinwheel, divide into various categories according to: the Aeolian generator that can be either on horizontal or on vertical axis, the number of shovels (from one to three) and the lengths of shovels (from fifty centimetres to thirty meters).

Air generators are constituted by: a rotor (a pivot on which are inserted shovels), a stopping system for shovels block; a turns’ multiplier to increase shovels’ speed, a generator that enables to convert mechanical power into electricity; and a control system that manages the pinwheel functionality (and that, in overloaded or malfunctioning eventuality, blocks it); some air generators, generally the bigger ones, have also a system that provides a constant alignment between the rotor axis and the wind direction.

Wind Farms

The “Wind Farms” are real power stations: they originate from the connection of several air generators located within a fixed distance from each other in order to avoid dangerous interferences among them.

Some Wind Farms, named Off-Shore, are located into the sea, near coasts and lakes; they are a valuable option also in densely populated countries.

The history of wind plants in Italy is almost recent; the first air generator, installed in Sardinia, dates back to 1989; up to now we can say that the wind power use is considerably increased: the number of wind plants is raised up to around forty.

Air Generators

Anyway, it is of note that this form of energy has some negative aspects: from an environmental point of view, even if they reduce the gas emissions rates, they have a negative landscape/visual impact. In addition, because air generators are fairly noisy, the noise pollution can annoy persons and animals that take also other risks: birds can be killed while flying across shoves, even if this rarely happens; there is also the problem of interferences, and of the magnetic fields creation, but this can be avoided by using small expedients.

To finish with, it is worth saying that wind power considerably reduces both gas and polluters emissions, which is on the contrary avoidable from normal power stations.

In order to generate power, wind


Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Instructions – Questions on this test are taken from the two texts below. Read them carefully and then choose the correct alternatives that answer the questions or complete the statements placed immediately after each of them.


Wind Power

enunciado 349674-1

Wind power exploits the kinetic energy of wind in wind turbines to generate other forms of power, especially mechanical power and electricity. It is considered one of the most used forms of renewable energies: the term wind power describes the power generated from no-fossil sources, whose use has a very significant environmental importance by assuring both minor air pollution and reduction of gas carbon emission rate. Another positive aspect related to its use is the exceptional cost/production ratio.

Wind and Aeolic Generators

Air generators, the technical name for pinwheel, divide into various categories according to: the Aeolian generator that can be either on horizontal or on vertical axis, the number of shovels (from one to three) and the lengths of shovels (from fifty centimetres to thirty meters).

Air generators are constituted by: a rotor (a pivot on which are inserted shovels), a stopping system for shovels block; a turns’ multiplier to increase shovels’ speed, a generator that enables to convert mechanical power into electricity; and a control system that manages the pinwheel functionality (and that, in overloaded or malfunctioning eventuality, blocks it); some air generators, generally the bigger ones, have also a system that provides a constant alignment between the rotor axis and the wind direction.

Wind Farms

The “Wind Farms” are real power stations: they originate from the connection of several air generators located within a fixed distance from each other in order to avoid dangerous interferences among them.

Some Wind Farms, named Off-Shore, are located into the sea, near coasts and lakes; they are a valuable option also in densely populated countries.

The history of wind plants in Italy is almost recent; the first air generator, installed in Sardinia, dates back to 1989; up to now we can say that the wind power use is considerably increased: the number of wind plants is raised up to around forty.

Air Generators

Anyway, it is of note that this form of energy has some negative aspects: from an environmental point of view, even if they reduce the gas emissions rates, they have a negative landscape/visual impact. In addition, because air generators are fairly noisy, the noise pollution can annoy persons and animals that take also other risks: birds can be killed while flying across shoves, even if this rarely happens; there is also the problem of interferences, and of the magnetic fields creation, but this can be avoided by using small expedients.

To finish with, it is worth saying that wind power considerably reduces both gas and polluters emissions, which is on the contrary avoidable from normal power stations.

According to the text, of all renewable energies, wind power


Questão presente nas seguintes provas

enunciado 349664-1

“Os ursos e focas estão em pânico.” (linhas 30 e 31)

A expressão sublinhada nessa frase revela



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

enunciado 349663-1

“As abelhas [...] morrem com os pesticidas.” (linhas 32 e 33)

A expressão sublinhada nessa frase tem sentido de



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

enunciado 349662-1

Mas de detalhe em detalhe [...] chega-se ao apocalipse.” (linhas 42 e 43)

No texto, a conjunção acima sublinhada confere à relação entre os períodos que liga um sentido de



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

enunciado 349661-1

“Os pássaros perderam o seu norte.” (linha 32)

A expressão sublinhada nessa frase pode ser corretamente analisada como



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

enunciado 349660-1

“Os corais que mantêm a vida e o oxigênio nas águas estão fenecendo.” (linhas 29)

A acentuação colocada na palavra acima sublinhada tem como justificativa



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3097070 Ano: 2012
Disciplina: Direito Previdenciário
Orgão: CEMIG

Analise as seguintes afirmativas sobre o salário-família.

I. O salário-família é uma importância paga bimestralmente pela empresa (a cada dois meses), junto com o salário do empregado e apresenta carência de três meses após a entrega dos documentos dos menores.

II. O salário-família será suspenso apenas se o segurado não apresentar o atestado de vacinação obrigatória nas datas estabelecidas pelo Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social.

III. Quando o empregado se afastar por motivo de auxílio-doença por acidente (acidente de trabalho), o salário família será pago durante todo o tempo de afastamento sempre pela empresa.

IV. Equiparam-se a filhos para fins de recebimento do salário-família, mediante declaração escrita do segurado, dentre outros, o enteado e o menor, que, por determinação judicial, estejam sob sua guarda.

A análise permite concluir que está(ão) CORRETA(S)

Questão Desatualizada


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3097069 Ano: 2012
Disciplina: Direito Previdenciário
Orgão: CEMIG

Segundo o Artigo 9º do Decreto n. 3.048, de 06 de maio de 1999, são segurados obrigatórios da previdência social as seguintes pessoas físicas:

VII - como segurado especial: a pessoa física residente no imóvel rural ou em aglomerado urbano ou rural próximo que, individualmente ou em regime de economia familiar, ainda que com o auxílio eventual de terceiros, na condição de: [...] b) pescador artesanal ou a este assemelhado, que faça da pesca profissão habitual ou principal meio de vida.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as condições para se considerar um pescador artesanal, conforme a norma.

Questão Desatualizada


Questão presente nas seguintes provas