Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 50 questões.

398640 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: IBFC
Orgão: SEE-DF
O momento de correção de erros, na aula de língua estrangeira, é complexo e importante para o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem (FIGUEIREDO, 2005). Leia as três afirmações.
I. É recomendável que o professor utilize formas diferentes de correção, e discuta sobre elas, para que este momento seja uma oportunidade de reflexão.
II. É desnecessário que o professor explicite os motivos para a reprovação de um erro.
III. Algumas vezes, o erro pode ser uma forma não desejada ou desconhecida para o professor.
São verdadeiras:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
398639 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: IBFC
Orgão: SEE-DF
Com relação ao ensino de línguas estrangeiras, assinale a afirmação falsa.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
398638 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: IBFC
Orgão: SEE-DF
Choose the alternative with four different pronunciations for the sequence “-ough”:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
398637 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: IBFC
Orgão: SEE-DF
Read the text below to answer question.
European Union member states could cut their plastic bag use by 80%, the European commission has said, by charging for bags or even banning them.
Plastic bags are a major cause ofseaborne pollution, which is a serious hazard for marine life, and some regions have already moved to cut their use through charging. The UK deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, has pledged to bring forward charges in England that will affect single-use bags given out by supermarkets.
The European commission is proposing a new directive that would require member states to choose between three methods ofreducing the waste from bags: charges, national reduction targets, or an outright ban.
The packaging industry has responded by saying that most people use their plastic bags more than once, for instance using them as bins, but that does not cut the overall use.
When plastic bags, or pieces of them, find their way into the seas, they are a major hazard to marine life. A whale found dead on the Southern Spanish coast was found to have swallowed 17kg of plastic waste, including plastic bags. Fish, seabirds and mammals can ali ingest plastic, which they cannot digest and which can clog up their guts or cause choking.
One of the key problems with plastic bags is that they are so light and small that they easily escape into the environment, defying attempts to recycle them. The European commission has identified this as a key reason for cutting the use ofthe bags, and other plastic packaging. The first moves to legislate atan EU levei were made in 2011, and today’s announcement is likely to take at least two years to put into practice.
According to the most recent estimates, from 2008, the EU produces 3.4m tonnes of plastic bags in a year.
Choose the correct part of speech for found in the sentence “A whale found dead on the Southern Spanish coast (...)”


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
398636 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: IBFC
Orgão: SEE-DF
Read the text below to answer question.
European Union member states could cut their plastic bag use by 80%, the European commission has said, by charging for bags or even banning them.
Plastic bags are a major cause ofseaborne pollution, which is a serious hazard for marine life, and some regions have already moved to cut their use through charging. The UK deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, has pledged to bring forward charges in England that will affect single-use bags given out by supermarkets.
The European commission is proposing a new directive that would require member states to choose between three methods ofreducing the waste from bags: charges, national reduction targets, or an outright ban.
The packaging industry has responded by saying that most people use their plastic bags more than once, for instance using them as bins, but that does not cut the overall use.
When plastic bags, or pieces of them, find their way into the seas, they are a major hazard to marine life. A whale found dead on the Southern Spanish coast was found to have swallowed 17kg of plastic waste, including plastic bags. Fish, seabirds and mammals can ali ingest plastic, which they cannot digest and which can clog up their guts or cause choking.
One of the key problems with plastic bags is that they are so light and small that they easily escape into the environment, defying attempts to recycle them. The European commission has identified this as a key reason for cutting the use ofthe bags, and other plastic packaging. The first moves to legislate atan EU levei were made in 2011, and today’s announcement is likely to take at least two years to put into practice.
According to the most recent estimates, from 2008, the EU produces 3.4m tonnes of plastic bags in a year.
The verb tense in the following sentences is:
“(...) some regions have already moved (...)”
“The packaging industry has responded by (...)”


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
398635 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: IBFC
Orgão: SEE-DF
Read the text below to answer question.
European Union member states could cut their plastic bag use by 80%, the European commission has said, by charging for bags or even banning them.
Plastic bags are a major cause ofseaborne pollution, which is a serious hazard for marine life, and some regions have already moved to cut their use through charging. The UK deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, has pledged to bring forward charges in England that will affect single-use bags given out by supermarkets.
The European commission is proposing a new directive that would require member states to choose between three methods ofreducing the waste from bags: charges, national reduction targets, or an outright ban.
The packaging industry has responded by saying that most people use their plastic bags more than once, for instance using them as bins, but that does not cut the overall use.
When plastic bags, or pieces of them, find their way into the seas, they are a major hazard to marine life. A whale found dead on the Southern Spanish coast was found to have swallowed 17kg of plastic waste, including plastic bags. Fish, seabirds and mammals can ali ingest plastic, which they cannot digest and which can clog up their guts or cause choking.
One of the key problems with plastic bags is that they are so light and small that they easily escape into the environment, defying attempts to recycle them. The European commission has identified this as a key reason for cutting the use ofthe bags, and other plastic packaging. The first moves to legislate atan EU levei were made in 2011, and today’s announcement is likely to take at least two years to put into practice.
According to the most recent estimates, from 2008, the EU produces 3.4m tonnes of plastic bags in a year.
According to the first paragraph, hazard can be related in Portuguese to:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
398634 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: IBFC
Orgão: SEE-DF
Read the text below to answer question.
European Union member states could cut their plastic bag use by 80%, the European commission has said, by charging for bags or even banning them.
Plastic bags are a major cause ofseaborne pollution, which is a serious hazard for marine life, and some regions have already moved to cut their use through charging. The UK deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, has pledged to bring forward charges in England that will affect single-use bags given out by supermarkets.
The European commission is proposing a new directive that would require member states to choose between three methods ofreducing the waste from bags: charges, national reduction targets, or an outright ban.
The packaging industry has responded by saying that most people use their plastic bags more than once, for instance using them as bins, but that does not cut the overall use.
When plastic bags, or pieces of them, find their way into the seas, they are a major hazard to marine life. A whale found dead on the Southern Spanish coast was found to have swallowed 17kg of plastic waste, including plastic bags. Fish, seabirds and mammals can ali ingest plastic, which they cannot digest and which can clog up their guts or cause choking.
One of the key problems with plastic bags is that they are so light and small that they easily escape into the environment, defying attempts to recycle them. The European commission has identified this as a key reason for cutting the use ofthe bags, and other plastic packaging. The first moves to legislate atan EU levei were made in 2011, and today’s announcement is likely to take at least two years to put into practice.
According to the most recent estimates, from 2008, the EU produces 3.4m tonnes of plastic bags in a year.
The three methods proposed by the European Commission to reduce the waste caused by plastic bags are:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
398633 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: IBFC
Orgão: SEE-DF
Read the sentences below:
I. Since the traffic was horrible, I walked home.
II. Although I didn’t study for the test, I got a good grade.
III. I spoke to him even though I hadn’t forgiven him.
Choose the alternative with the correct sentences:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas

A criação de Regiões Administrativas ________________ .Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

A posse do futuro servidor do Distrito Federal deve ocorrer no prazo de trinta dias, contados da publicação do ato de nomeação. Entretanto, esse prazo pode ser prorrogado para ter início após o término das seguintes licenças, EXCETO:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas