Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 75 questões.

780103 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Direito Processual Penal
Banca: UNEB
Orgão: PM-BA
Segundo o entendimento do Superior Tribunal de Justiça sobre prisão preventiva, marque a alternativa INCORRETA:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
780067 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Direito Penal
Banca: UNEB
Orgão: PM-BA
Sobre os crimes contra o patrimônio, é correto afirmar:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
779813 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UNEB
Orgão: PM-BA
Boy in London died after being stabbed multiple times.
A 16-year-old boy died after he was stabbed a number of times in north-west London by a group who had chased him, police have said.
The Metropolitan police were called to Munster Square in Camden, close to Regent's Park, at about 11.10pm on Monday. The boy was pronunced dead at the scene, with paramedics in attendance, and his next of kin were informed.
DCI Paul Healy said in a statement that police were in the early stages of their murder investigation and appealed for members of the public to "do the rigth thing and speak to us", with no arrests yet made.
"We believe the victim was chased around the square by a number of suspects prior to being stabbed a number of times," he said. "The suspects made off in a vehicle which was discovered burnt out nearby. Another vehicle believed to be involved in the incident was also found burnt out some distance away."
At the scene on Tuesday afternoon next to Munster Square, which sits in the middle of a number of tall council blocks, a large police cordon remained in place and stretched across a number of nearby roads. Residents said the cordon was so large because the boy had been chased.
A resident, Rosanara Begum, told the Evening Standard: "The boy was running away from them, Then we saw the two boys holding him and the other one stabbing him"
"As soons as I heard: 'Help me, help me', I was on the phone to the ambulance. He was bleending a lot. The attackers were skinny and just looked like teenagers. They were running off and they were screaming and laughing."
Her daughter added: "We saw three boys all wearing hoods all covered in black, the middle one had a long black, marchete-type knife. It was really long".
BUSBY, Mattha. Boy in London died after being stabbed multiple times. Disponível em: Acesso em:13 ago. 2019.
What kind of text is this?


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
779809 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Ética na Administração Pública
Banca: UNEB
Orgão: PM-BA
Cidadania é, portanto, a condição da democracia. O poder democrático é aquele que tem gestão, controle, mas não tem domínio nem subordinação, não tem superioridade nem inferioridade. Uma sociedade democrática é uma relação entre cidadãos e cidadãs. É aquela que se constrói da sociedade para o Estado, de baixo para cima, que estimula e se fundamenta na autonomia, independência, diversidade de pontos de vista e, sobretudo, na ética - conjunto de valores ligados à defesa da vida e ao modo como as pessoas se relacionam, respeitando as diferenças, mas defendendo a igualdade de acesso aos bens coletivos.
Sobre o conceito da cidadania e o seu exercício, é correto afirmar:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
779619 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: UNEB
Orgão: PM-BA
O estudo das matrizes tem muitas explicações na computação gráfica. É através de operações com matrizes que um programa gráfico altera a posição dos pontos que compõem uma imagem, fazendo-a girar, mudar de posição ou de escala. Na computação gráfica, essas operações recebem o nome de transformações geométricas. Por exemplo, uma rotação de !$ θ !$ graus de um ponto !$ P = (x, y) !$, em torno da origem no sentido anti-horário é feita a partir do produto da matriz de rotação !$ R = \begin{bmatrix} cos(θ) & - sen(θ) \\ sen(θ) & cos(θ) \end{bmatrix} !$ com a matriz !$ P = \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \end{bmatrix} !$, que resulta em uma matriz !$ P = \begin{bmatrix} x' \\ y' \end{bmatrix} !$, a qual indica a nova posição do ponto após a rotação !$ P' = R . P !$.
A nova posição do ponto !$ P = (1, 2) !$ após uma rotação de 90 graus no sentido anti-horário, em torno da origem, é:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
779504 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Sociologia
Banca: UNEB
Orgão: PM-BA
Nos últimos anos muito tem se falado sobre o feminicídio. A imensa quantidade de crimes cometidos contra as mulheres justificou a implantação da lei 13.104/15.
Sobre esse tema, está correta a alternativa:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
779061 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UNEB
Orgão: PM-BA
Boy in London died after being stabbed multiple times.
A 16-year-old boy died after he was stabbed a number of times in north-west London by a group who had chased him, police have said.
The Metropolitan police were called to Munster Square in Camden, close to Regent's Park, at about 11.10pm on Monday. The boy was pronunced dead at the scene, with paramedics in attendance, and his next of kin were informed.
DCI Paul Healy said in a statement that police were in the early stages of their murder investigation and appealed for members of the public to "do the rigth thing and speak to us", with no arrests yet made.
"We believe the victim was chased around the square by a number of suspects prior to being stabbed a number of times," he said. "The suspects made off in a vehicle which was discovered burnt out nearby. Another vehicle believed to be involved in the incident was also found burnt out some distance away."
At the scene on Tuesday afternoon next to Munster Square, which sits in the middle of a number of tall council blocks, a large police cordon remained in place and stretched across a number of nearby roads. Residents said the cordon was so large because the boy had been chased.
A resident, Rosanara Begum, told the Evening Standard: "The boy was running away from them, Then we saw the two boys holding him and the other one stabbing him"
"As soons as I heard: 'Help me, help me', I was on the phone to the ambulance. He was bleending a lot. The attackers were skinny and just looked like teenagers. They were running off and they were screaming and laughing."
Her daughter added: "We saw three boys all wearing hoods all covered in black, the middle one had a long black, marchete-type knife. It was really long".
BUSBY, Mattha. Boy in London died after being stabbed multiple times. Disponível em: Acesso em:13 ago. 2019.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
778844 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Informática
Banca: UNEB
Orgão: PM-BA
Considere a seguinte planilha, criada no Microsoft Excel 2010, em suas configurações originais:
Enunciado 778844-1
Ao se aplicar a fórmula =MAIOR(B2:B6;2) na célula C7, o resultado obtido será:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
778839 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Geografia
Banca: UNEB
Orgão: PM-BA
A migração constitui o deslocamento de um indivíduo ou grupo, por um determinado tempo e envolve mudança de residência habitual, o que implica numa modificação da vida cotidiana. Neste conceito, a noção de tempo e de espaço vai influenciar na definição dos diferentes movimentos migratórios. Estes são antigos e constituídos de interesses individuais e/ou coletivos. No caso específico do Brasil, desde o século XVI, o país vem sendo construído a partir da contribuição de vários povos. Até a metade da década de 1950, o Brasil se caracterizava como um país anfitrião de indivíduos oriundos da Europa, África e da Ásia. A partir de 1990, em função da crise econômica muitos brasileiros resolveram se engajar num movimento migratório internacional, em direção a vários países que estão no centro e na simiperiferia do capitalismo. Com base no texto e no conhecimento sobre o assunto, marque V ou F, conforme seja verdadeiro ou falso.
As migrações internacionais provocam profundas transformações nos territórios envolvidos em função de
( ) os migrantes estabelecem contatos institucionais entre os governos dos países envolvidos, no propósito de tornar as convivências mais solidárias e gerar melhores condições de emprego e renda.
( ) em função das questões culturais, o país acolhedor procura criar políticas públicas para atender a população emigrante.
( ) o processo de globalização ampliou as distancias físicas, o que vem dificultando os movimentos migratórios.
( ) a crise estabelecida no Brasil, sobretudo na década de 1980, acentuou a emigração brasileira em direção a vários países do mundo, a exemplo dos EUA, Canadá, França, Itália, Espanha, Portugal, entre outros.
( ) a emigração brasileira é entendida como consequência dos processos econômicos, sociais e psicológicos, construídos historicamente, resultado do processo de globalização e demais delineadores da Nova Divisão Internacional do Trabalho.
Assinale a alternativa correta.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
778711 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UNEB
Orgão: PM-BA
Benefits of exercise
People are less active nowadays, partly because technology has made our lives easier. We drive cars or take public transport. Machines wash our clothes. We entertain ourselves in front of a TV or computer screen. Fewer people are doing manual work, and most of us have jobs that involve little physical effort. Work, household chores, shopping and other necessary activities are far less demanding than for previous generations.
We move around less and burn off less energy than people used to. Research suggests that many adults spend more than 7 hours a day sitting down, at work, on transport or in their leisure time. People aged over 65 spend 10 hours or more each day sitting or lying down, making them the most sedentary age group.
Inactivity is described by the Departament of Health as a "silent killer". Evidence is emerging that sedentary behaviour, such as sitting or lyiing down for long periods, is bad for your health.
Not only should you try to raise your activity levels, but you should also reduce the amount of time you and your family spend sitting down.
Common examples of sedentary behaviour include watching TV, using a computer, using the car for short journeys and sitting down to read, talk or listen to music. This type of behaviour is thought to increase your risk of developing many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, as well as weight gain and obesity.
"Previous generations were active more naturally through work and manual labour, but today we have to find ways of integranting activity into our daily lives," says Dr Cavill.
Whether it's limiting the time babies spend strapped in their buggies, or encouraging adults to stand up and move frequently, people of all ages need to reduce their sedentary behaviour.
"This means that each of nus needs to think about increasing the types of activities that suit our lifestyle and can easily be included in our day," says Dr Cavill.
Crucially, you can hit your weekly activity target but still be at risk of ill health if you spend the rest of the time sitting or lying down.
NHS. "Benefits of exercise". Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 ago. 2019. (ADAPTADO)
The text is about


Questão presente nas seguintes provas