Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 50 questões.

Enunciado 3543004-1

(Disponível em Acesso em 05/10/2103.)

Nas construções Oiprocevê (Olha pra você ver.) e Oiuchero (Olha o cheiro.) ocorrem, respectivamente, as figuras:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2462885 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFMT
Orgão: UNIR

Enunciado 2968476-1

In the text, the word however expresses



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2462884 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFMT
Orgão: UNIR

Enunciado 2968475-1

Choose the best sentence that expresses what the station clerk asked the woman.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2462883 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFMT
Orgão: UNIR

Enunciado 2968474-1

It can be inferred from the text that



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2462882 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFMT
Orgão: UNIR

Enhancing the post-secondary campus climate for students with disabilities

As a result of a combination of legislative, academic and social changes, increased numbers of students with disabilities are considering(b) post-secondary education as a viable option. Students with disabilities view access to post-secondary education as (1) an opportunity to enhance their chances of obtaining and maintaining(c) employment (2) a means of earning a higher annual income, and (3) a path-way to life-long independence and a greater quality of life. With a greater number of students with disabilities enrolling in colleges and universities nationwide, it is become more apparent however, that many campuses are not equipped to meet the unique and varied needs of these students. Just because access to post-secondary education is increasing for students with disabilities, it does not always follow that students selecting this option will discover welcoming,(d) supportive campus climates, programming and services that will facilitate choice, independence, and social participation, or adequate supports to promote academic success. Even at universities that have a solid record of developing and implementing model service delivery activities in support of students with disabilities, it is questionable as to whether these activities have, to any significant degree, impacted the underlying(a) campus climate.

Kristi Wilson, Elizabeth Getzel and Tracey Brown (In Journal of Vocational

Rehabilitation. September 6th, 2013.)

Considering the linguistic aspects of the text, mark the alternative that presents the correct use of the Gerund Form.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2462881 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFMT
Orgão: UNIR

Enhancing the post-secondary campus climate for students with disabilities

As a result of a combination of legislative, academic and social changes, increased numbers of students with disabilities are considering post-secondary education as a viable option. Students with disabilities view access to post-secondary education as (1) an opportunity to enhance their chances of obtaining and maintaining employment (2) a means of earning a higher annual income, and (3) a path-way to life-long independence and a greater quality of life. With a greater number of students with disabilities enrolling in colleges and universities nationwide, it is become more apparent however, that many campuses are not equipped to meet the unique and varied needs of these students. Just because access to post-secondary education is increasing for students with disabilities, it does not always follow that students selecting this option will discover welcoming, supportive campus climates, programming and services that will facilitate choice, independence, and social participation, or adequate supports to promote academic success. Even at universities that have a solid record of developing and implementing model service delivery activities in support of students with disabilities, it is questionable as to whether these activities have, to any significant degree, impacted the underlying campus climate.

Kristi Wilson, Elizabeth Getzel and Tracey Brown

(In Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. September 6th, 2013.)

In …it does not always follow that students…, the word follow is closer in meaning to



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2462880 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFMT
Orgão: UNIR

Enhancing the post-secondary campus climate for students with disabilities

As a result of a combination of legislative, academic and social changes, increased numbers of students with disabilities are considering post-secondary education as a viable option. Students with disabilities view access to post-secondary education as (1) an opportunity to enhance their chances of obtaining and maintaining employment (2) a means of earning a higher annual income, and (3) a path-way to life-long independence and a greater quality of life. With a greater number of students with disabilities enrolling in colleges and universities nationwide, it is become more apparent however, that many campuses are not equipped to meet the unique and varied needs of these students. Just because access to post-secondary education is increasing for students with disabilities, it does not always follow that students selecting this option will discover welcoming, supportive campus climates, programming and services that will facilitate choice, independence, and social participation, or adequate supports to promote academic success. Even at universities that have a solid record of developing and implementing model service delivery activities in support of students with disabilities, it is questionable as to whether these activities have, to any significant degree, impacted the underlying campus climate.

Kristi Wilson, Elizabeth Getzel and Tracey Brown

(In Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. September 6th, 2013.)

According to the text, disabled students have enrolled at post-secondary education to later achieve



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2462879 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFMT
Orgão: UNIR

Enhancing the post-secondary campus climate for students with disabilities

As a result of a combination of legislative, academic and social changes, increased numbers of students with disabilities are considering post-secondary education as a viable option. Students with disabilities view access to post-secondary education as (1) an opportunity to enhance their chances of obtaining and maintaining employment (2) a means of earning a higher annual income, and (3) a path-way to life-long independence and a greater quality of life. With a greater number of students with disabilities enrolling in colleges and universities nationwide, it is become more apparent however, that many campuses are not equipped to meet the unique and varied needs of these students. Just because access to post-secondary education is increasing for students with disabilities, it does not always follow that students selecting this option will discover welcoming, supportive campus climates, programming and services that will facilitate choice, independence, and social participation, or adequate supports to promote academic success. Even at universities that have a solid record of developing and implementing model service delivery activities in support of students with disabilities, it is questionable as to whether these activities have, to any significant degree, impacted the underlying campus climate.

Kristi Wilson, Elizabeth Getzel and Tracey Brown

(In Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. September 6th, 2013.)

Considering the information in the text, mark the correct sentence.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2462878 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Secretariado
Banca: UFMT
Orgão: UNIR



Aos I, às II horas, no bairro Jardim Paraíso, cidade Floresta Feliz, no gabinete da reitoria da Universidade Federal Virtual, realizou-se a primeira reunião do Comitê Gestor de Tecnologia da Informação – CGTI. A reunião foi presidida pela professora Doutora Maria da Roseira Jardim (Pró-Reitora de Administração e Gestão de Pessoas - PRAGEP), e contou com a presença da Vice-Reitora professora Doutora Hortência Bela, professor Doutor Cravo das Flores (Pró-Reitor de Infraestrutura-PROINFRA), professor Mestre Lírio das Rosas (Pró-Reitor de Planejamento-PROPLAN) e professor Mestre Eduardo das Flores (Pró-Reitor de Cultura, Extensão e Assuntos Estudantis-PROCEA), a fim de discutir ações sobre a Tecnologia da Informação – TI da UFV. A pauta da reunião foi apresentada e em seguida deu-se aos participantes a localização do Comitê Gestor no cenário da Universidade. Em seguida, o prof. Mestre Lírio das Rosas solicitou que devesse constar na Ata e nos assentamentos do Comitê Gestor de TI da UFV a inclusão da Pró-Reitoria de Infraestrutura. A professora Doutora Maria da Roseira prosseguiu a reunião lendo as informações sobre o CGTI que também estão disponíveis na página da UFV. A professora Vice-Reitora Doutora Hortência Bela informou que cada membro deverá ter um suplente para representá-lo nas reuniões.

III, a Pró-Reitora de Administração e Gestão de Pessoas professora Doutora Maria da Roseira Jardim encerrou a reunião às IV, e, eu, Eduardo Flores, secretário Ad hoc, V a presente ata, que deve ser assinada por todos os presentes.

Após 10 anos da realização dessa reunião, qual destino deverá ser dado ao documento Ata?



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2462877 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Secretariado
Banca: UFMT
Orgão: UNIR



Aos I, às II horas, no bairro Jardim Paraíso, cidade Floresta Feliz, no gabinete da reitoria da Universidade Federal Virtual, realizou-se a primeira reunião do Comitê Gestor de Tecnologia da Informação – CGTI. A reunião foi presidida pela professora Doutora Maria da Roseira Jardim (Pró-Reitora de Administração e Gestão de Pessoas - PRAGEP), e contou com a presença da Vice-Reitora professora Doutora Hortência Bela, professor Doutor Cravo das Flores (Pró-Reitor de Infraestrutura-PROINFRA), professor Mestre Lírio das Rosas (Pró-Reitor de Planejamento-PROPLAN) e professor Mestre Eduardo das Flores (Pró-Reitor de Cultura, Extensão e Assuntos Estudantis-PROCEA), a fim de discutir ações sobre a Tecnologia da Informação – TI da UFV. A pauta da reunião foi apresentada e em seguida deu-se aos participantes a localização do Comitê Gestor no cenário da Universidade. Em seguida, o prof. Mestre Lírio das Rosas solicitou que devesse constar na Ata e nos assentamentos do Comitê Gestor de TI da UFV a inclusão da Pró-Reitoria de Infraestrutura. A professora Doutora Maria da Roseira prosseguiu a reunião lendo as informações sobre o CGTI que também estão disponíveis na página da UFV. A professora Vice-Reitora Doutora Hortência Bela informou que cada membro deverá ter um suplente para representá-lo nas reuniões.

III, a Pró-Reitora de Administração e Gestão de Pessoas professora Doutora Maria da Roseira Jardim encerrou a reunião às IV, e, eu, Eduardo Flores, secretário Ad hoc, V a presente ata, que deve ser assinada por todos os presentes.

Assinale a sequência que preenche correta e respectivamente as lacunas de I a V.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas