Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 295 questões.

2644524 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Contabilidade Pública
Orgão: Pref. Caxambu Sul-SC

Caso 1

Para responder à questão considere as informações extraídas da contabilidade de um munícipio da federação em 30/11/2020.


Conta Contábil Débitos


Caixa e Equivalentes de Caixa em Moeda Nacional (F) 60.000


Impostos Sobre o Patrimônio e a Renda


Créditos Tributários a Receber (P) 15.000


Estoques – Almoxarifado (P) 10.000



Fornecedores e contas a pagar (F)


Impostos Sobre a Produção e a Circulação



Remuneração a Pessoal 30.000

Bens Móveis 100.000

Equipamentos (P) 50.000


Empréstimos e Financiamentos a Curto Prazo (P)



Patrimônio Social e Capital Social


Total 265.000


Em 31/12/2020, no balanço patrimonial, o total do ativo foi de:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o anúncio ou a placa de aviso escritos de maneira correta.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Leia o texto.


A casa, construção de palha e ramagem, é muito maior que seu habitante. Mas erguer a casa, no meio do mato espinhoso, leva apenas um par de semanas. A arte, por sua vez, exige muito tempo de trabalho.

Não existem duas casas iguais. Cada um pinta sua casa como quer, com pintura feita de sementes amassadas, e cada um a decora à sua maneira. Os arredores são cercados com tesouros arrancados da montanha ou do lixo de alguma cidade vizinha: as pedrinhas, as flores, os cascos de caracóis, as ervas e os musgos se colocam buscando harmonia; e as tampas de cerveja e os pedacinhos de vidros coloridos, de preferência azuis, desenham anéis ou leques no chão. As coisas vão mudando mil vezes de lugar, até encontrar o melhor para receber a luz de cada dia.

Não é à toa que esses pássaros são chamados de caseirinhos. Eles são os arquitetos mais alegres de todas as ilhas da Oceania.

Quando conclui a criação de sua casa e de seu jardim, cada pássaro espera. Espera, cantando, que passem as pássaras. E que uma delas detenha seu voo e veja sua obra. E o escolha.

(Eduardo Galeano)

Analise a frase abaixo:

“A casa, construção de palha e ramagem, é muito maior que seu habitante”.

Assinale a alternativa que indica a quantidade de substantivos na frase.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2644521 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: História
Orgão: Pref. Caxambu Sul-SC


Leia o texto abaixo para responder às questões 17 e 18.

Senhor, porque sei que terá prazer na grande vitória que Nosso Senhor me concedeu em minha viagem, escrevo-lhe esta, pela qual saberá como em 33 dias passei das ilhas de Canária para as Índias, com a armada que os ilustríssimos rei e rainha nossos senhores me concederam, onde encontrei muitas ilhas povoadas com gente sem número; e de todas elas tomei posse por Sua Alteza com pregão e bandeira real estendida, e não me contradisseram.

À primeira que encontrei, nomeei San Salvador em comemoração a Vossa Alta Majestade, ao qual maravilhosamente tudo isto se deve; os índios a chamam de Guanahaní; à segunda pus o nome de ilha de Santa Maria de Conceição (Cayo Rum); à terceira de Fernandina ; à quarta de Isabela; à quinta de ilha Juana, e assim a cada uma um novo nome.

Quando cheguei à Juana, segui pela costa dela em direção ao poente, e a achei tão grande que pensei ser terra firme: a província de Catayo. E como não encontrei vilas e povoados na costa do mar, excetuando pequenas povoações, com gente com a qual não se podia falar, porque logo fugiam todos, andava eu adiante pelo dito caminho, pensando em não errar grandes cidades ou vilas; e, a cabo de muitas léguas, visto não haver novidades, e que a costa me levava a setentrião, contrário à minha vontade, porque o inverno já estava encarnado, e eu tinha o propósito de ir ao austro, e também o vento me deu adiante, decidi não aguardar mais, e retornei até um porto assinalado, de onde enviei dois homens por terra, para saber se havia rei ou grandes cidades.

Carta de Colombo ao Rei da Espanha.


Disponível em: carta-de-cristovao-colombo-anunciando-o.html

Assinale a alternativa que indica fatores que podem ser apontados como causas da expansão marítima europeia, na qual se insere a viagem de Colombo.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2644520 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Contabilidade Pública
Orgão: Pref. Caxambu Sul-SC

O contador de um município da federação elaborou uma demonstração contábil aplicada ao setor público que evidencia as receitas e despesas orçamentárias, bem como os ingressos e dispêndios extraorçamentários, conjugados com os saldos de caixa do exercício anterior e os que se transferem para o início do exercício seguinte.

Essa demonstração contábil é o:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2644519 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Caxambu Sul-SC

Making Connections to Text

You read all the time. Sometimes you read just for fun. Other times you read for schoolwork. No matter what you are reading, what you read has meaning. You can connect to what you read.

Making connections is important. It’s giving your brain a place to store what you read. Your brain is like a file box. The new information is kept in a safe place. You can think about it later. When you want to use the information, it’s there in your brain. The more connections you make, the better. If you have a lot of connections your brain can work faster. If you have many ways to think about something, the information will be easier to find.

There are different ways connect as you read. One kind of connection is self-to-text. This is when you realize something you read a story has happened to you in your own life. Usually, this kind of connection comes the emotions you felt at that time. It may make you feel happy, afraid, or sad. Another kind of connection is textto-text. This is when reading a story reminds you about a story you read before. The last kind of connection is text-to-world. It reminds you something you have seen happen to someone you know or have seen in the news.

Read the following sentence:

“To improve your and study skills it is necessary to use some strategies: Guessing, Skimming and Scanning.

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna do texto.

Choose the alternative that correctly completes the gap in the sentence.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2644518 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Caxambu Sul-SC

Making Connections to Text

You read all the time. Sometimes you read just for fun. Other times you read for schoolwork. No matter what you are reading, what you read has meaning. You can connect to what you read.

Making connections is important. It’s giving your brain a place to store what you read. Your brain is like a file box. The new information is kept in a safe place. You can think about it later. When you want to use the information, it’s there in your brain. The more connections you make, the better. If you have a lot of connections your brain can work faster. If you have many ways to think about something, the information will be easier to find.

There are different ways connect as you read. One kind of connection is self-to-text. This is when you realize something you read a story has happened to you in your own life. Usually, this kind of connection comes the emotions you felt at that time. It may make you feel happy, afraid, or sad. Another kind of connection is textto-text. This is when reading a story reminds you about a story you read before. The last kind of connection is text-to-world. It reminds you something you have seen happen to someone you know or have seen in the news.

The ‘Methodological’ History of Language Teaching describes some methods of learning and teaching English as a second language.

Match them and to their characteristics.

Column 1 Methods

  1. The Direct Method.
  2. The Grammar Translation Method.
  3. The Audiolingual Method.

Column 2 Characteristics

( ) Its focus is on grammatical rules, memorization of vocabulary, translation of texts.

( ) This Method states that the second language learning should be more like first language learning – lots of oral interaction and no analysis on grammatical rules.

( ) It has its focus on a great deal of oral activity – no grammar nor translation.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2644517 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Caxambu Sul-SC

Making Connections to Text

You read all the time. Sometimes you read just for fun. Other times you read for schoolwork. No matter what you are reading, what you read has meaning. You can connect to what you read.

Making connections is important. It’s giving your brain a place to store what you read. Your brain is like a file box. The new information is kept in a safe place. You can think about it later. When you want to use the information, it’s there in your brain. The more connections you make, the better. If you have a lot of connections your brain can work faster. If you have many ways to think about something, the information will be easier to find.

There are different ways connect as you read. One kind of connection is self-to-text. This is when you realize something you read a story has happened to you in your own life. Usually, this kind of connection comes the emotions you felt at that time. It may make you feel happy, afraid, or sad. Another kind of connection is textto-text. This is when reading a story reminds you about a story you read before. The last kind of connection is text-to-world. It reminds you something you have seen happen to someone you know or have seen in the news.

When we learn a language, there are four skills that we need for complete communication.

Choose the alternative that presents the four correct ones.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2644516 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Caxambu Sul-SC

Making Connections to Text

You read all the time. Sometimes you read just for fun. Other times you read for schoolwork. No matter what you are reading, what you read has meaning. You can connect to what you read.

Making connections is important. It’s giving your brain a place to store what you read. Your brain is like a file box. The new information is kept in a safe place. You can think about it later. When you want to use the information, it’s there in your brain. The more connections you make, the better. If you have a lot of connections your brain can work faster. If you have many ways to think about something, the information will be easier to find.

There are different ways connect as you read. One kind of connection is self-to-text. This is when you realize something you read a story has happened to you in your own life. Usually, this kind of connection comes the emotions you felt at that time. It may make you feel happy, afraid, or sad. Another kind of connection is textto-text. This is when reading a story reminds you about a story you read before. The last kind of connection is text-to-world. It reminds you something you have seen happen to someone you know or have seen in the news.

Identify the following sentences as true ( T ) or false ( F ).

( ) The words in bold in the text can be classified, respectively, as: “you” subject pronoun; “your” possessive adjective.

( ) The word ‘realize’ underlined in the last paragraph, means ‘to understand clearly’.

( ) The infinitive forms of the following verbs: ‘kept’, ‘felt’ and ‘seen’, are: ‘keep’, ‘feel’, and ‘saw’.

( ) In the sentence: “You can think about it later.” , the underlined word is a modal verb used to express possibility.

Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2644515 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Caxambu Sul-SC

Making Connections to Text

You read all the time. Sometimes you read just for fun. Other times you read for schoolwork. No matter what you are reading, what you read has meaning. You can connect to what you read.

Making connections is important. It’s giving your brain a place to store what you read. Your brain is like a file box. The new information is kept in a safe place. You can think about it later. When you want to use the information, it’s there in your brain. The more connections you make, the better. If you have a lot of connections your brain can work faster. If you have many ways to think about something, the information will be easier to find.

There are different ways connect as you read. One kind of connection is self-to-text. This is when you realize something you read a story has happened to you in your own life. Usually, this kind of connection comes the emotions you felt at that time. It may make you feel happy, afraid, or sad. Another kind of connection is textto-text. This is when reading a story reminds you about a story you read before. The last kind of connection is text-to-world. It reminds you something you have seen happen to someone you know or have seen in the news.

Analyze the following sentence:

“If you have many ways to think about something, the information will be easier to find.”

Choose the alternative that presents its correct use:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas