Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 270 questões.

1823710 Ano: 2020
Disciplina: Ética e Regulação Profissional
Banca: AOCP
Orgão: Pref. Cariacica-ES
NÃO será considerada agravante na aplicação das sanções éticas, de acordo com o Código de Ética dos Profissionais de Contabilidade, a


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1823698 Ano: 2020
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: AOCP
Orgão: Pref. Cariacica-ES
Read the following article and answer question.
Can Allergies Cause Coughing — Or Is It Just A Cold?
Important q: Is it phlegmy or dry?
No matter why it's happening, a cough is always annoying—it's loud, it's uncomfortable, and it never fails to garner unwanted attention.
But what's really behind that cough? Can allergies cause coughing — or do you just have an annoying cold?
Well, turns out, there are some pretty distinct differences between allergy coughs and cold coughs...
Just curious: Why do we cough, anyway?
"The purpose of a cough is to help us," says Monica Lee, MD, an otolaryngologist at Massachusetts Eye and Ear. It’s your body’s way of trying to expel something it perceives as a threat in the airway, she says.
Those perceived threats can be a bunch of different things: a piece of food stuck in your throat, pollen, air pollution, or swelling or drainage from extra mucus in your throat. All those things irritate the sensory fibers in your airway, which then stimulate a cough.
As for what exactly happens in your body during a cough? It's kind of complex, says Dr. Lee. Basically, your vocal chords close briefly to generate pressure in the lungs. Once enough pressure is built up, your vocal chords open back up, and air flows quickly through your voice box, which generates that coughing sound. Kinda cool, huh?
7So...can allergies cause coughing? Give it to me straight.
In short, yes. Usually, allergies create dry coughs (it’s a direct reaction to something you’re sensitive or allergic to in the airways). If that's the case, you’ll likely have other symptoms (think: itchy, watery eyes; a runny nose; an itchy throat; and sneezing, says Dr. Lee). Headaches and wheezing often come with allergies, too, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.
Remind Me: When Is Allergy Season?
Timing's also a factor. If you're allergic to pollen (or your BFF's new adorable kitten), for example, you’ll likely notice symptoms (including your cough) almost immediately, or within an hour of being exposed. And those symptoms could last for hours after you've been exposed — even after the allergen isn't nearby anymore.
Coughs related to allergies are also dependent on patterns, so doctors always try to look at the big picture. Say you get a cough every single March. That could be a sign you're actually suffering from allergies, instead of the common cold. "You need to look at everything that's going on," says Paul Bryson, MD, an otolaryngologist at the Cleveland Clinic.
Your best defense for a cough from allergies? Antihistamines like Allegra, Claritin, and Zyrtec, which are all available over-the-counter. Other options include steroid nasal sprays and immunotherapy shots, which can work to regulate your body's response to allergens, instead of just relieving the symptoms.
How do I know my cough is from a cold?
You know how allergy coughs are typically on the drier side? Coughs from colds (or the flu) tend to be on the wetter side (that "wetness" is actually mucus your body which is trying to move out of your body, says Dr. Lee).
Coughs that come along with a cold usually come along with stuffiness, along with postnasal drip (a.k.a., mucus running down the back of your throat), which can cause a sore throat or chest discomfort. A low-grade fever may also signal a cold instead of allergies.
Colds aren't as immediate as allergies. Instead, they tend to develop over the course of a few days, says Dr. Bryson.
You can try a few different things to help relieve a cough. Decongestants can work for, well, congestion. And ingredients like dextromethorphan (found in many multi-symptom products like Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Relief) can help ease the coughing itself. Just make sure you take any products as-directed.
It should be said, however, that a dry cough isn't always allergies, just like a wet cough isn't always a cold. Allergies can plague your nose, for example, causing post-nasal drip (a wet cough), while mild colds might not leave you stuffed up enough to produce any phlegm.
Do I ever need to worry about a cough?
Something important to remember: A cough — no matter its cause — shouldn’t be your norm.
Colds usually run their course within a couple of weeks, which means a cough associated with a cold should go away in about three weeks time (though some can linger on for as long as eight weeks), according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The length of an allergy-related cough will vary depending on how (if) you're treating it.
But if you notice you’re still barking after two months of symptoms, see your doc. You could either be dealing with an allergy you’re not aware of (this is where an allergy test could come into play) or potentially suffering from another issue such as asthma (especially if you notice shortness of breath with any of your symptoms), reflux, pneumonia, or bronchitis, says Dr. Bryson.
And if something (allergies or a pesky cold) is bothering you enough to disrupt your life, don't put off getting it checked out. If nothing else, seeing a doc will give you peace of mind and maybe even speed up your recovery time.
SOURCE: Access: 02/12/2019.
According to the text, what is INCORRECT about coughing:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1823589 Ano: 2020
Disciplina: Português
Banca: AOCP
Orgão: Pref. Cariacica-ES
Analise os textos I e II para responder à questão.
Texto I
Enunciado 1823589-1
Disponível em: Acesso em: 08 dez. 2019.
Texto II
Fake News: as mentiras que viram notícias
Será que todos os que se manifestam sobre qualquer
assunto estão devidamente preparados
para utilizar devidamente os modernos canais de comunicação?
Danillo Saes
A realidade do mundo de hoje é ligada à velocidade, à digitalização e, consequentemente, à exposição em redes. Com a inserção da tecnologia no dia a dia das pessoas, é possível presenciar diversas mudanças, como o fato de um indivíduo com um perfil em uma plataforma social ser propagador de informações e não mais apenas receptor.
Este cenário de disseminação de ideias – boas ou ruins, certas ou erradas, do mesmo ponto de vista que o seu ou não – faz parte de um mundo moderno e democrático. Neste contexto, a tecnologia tem sido utilizada como ferramenta de propagação destes posicionamentos. Ao ter o poder do clique em mãos, as pessoas passam a ser mais ativas diante das informações que recebem. Os meios de comunicação mudaram as formas de divulgar suas notícias diante deste comportamento que os indivíduos passaram a adquirir com o passar do tempo. Há alguns anos, pesquisadores divulgaram artigos sobre a influência da “segunda tela”: o notebook ou o smartphone começavam a se infiltrar como coadjuvantes da tela da televisão. Telespectadores comentavam suas novelas, criticavam o técnico do seu time de futebol e faziam outros tipos de comentários. Hoje, os dispositivos móveis não são mais uma segunda tela, mas uma extensão real – e, muitas vezes, protagonista – para receber, digerir e disseminar as informações recebidas.
De meros mortais que até então era como éramos tratados pela grande mídia, como depósitos de informações – certas ou erradas, boas ou ruins, favoráveis ou contrárias –, passamos a ser também protagonistas através do “poder” que a tela de um dispositivo móvel nos dá. É incrível e, ao mesmo tempo, muito preocupante. Será que todos os que se manifestam sobre qualquer tipo de assunto estão devidamente preparados para isso? Será que têm bagagem suficiente para criticar? Os ditos “influenciadores” realmente têm o espírito crítico necessário unido à sua responsabilidade de “influenciar” ao publicar seus posicionamentos? São provocações, indagações, não afirmações.
Quando nos deparamos com as famosas fake news, por sermos ativos através das plataformas sociais, assumimos uma parcela (grande) de responsabilidade ao disseminá-las. Ao receber aquela notícia através do WhatsApp, ou aquele áudio que afirmam ser de uma determinada figura pública e, com nosso “dedinho ansioso”, compartilhamos o conteúdo em grupos com o intuito de dar “furos de reportagem” que até então eram coisa apenas de jornalistas, damos nosso aval àquela informação.
As pessoas que criam as fake news não estão isentas de responsabilidades – pelo contrário. O que desejo é provocar o leitor a desenvolver seu senso crítico diante da informação que se consome e, com isso, não tomar como verdade tudo aquilo que o impacta. O mesmo “poder” que a tecnologia nos dá para disseminar informações também nos proporciona a possibilidade de investigá-las, contestá-las, analisá-las. No entanto, investigar, contestar e analisar é trabalhoso, exige esforço de pensamento e queima de fosfato.
A diferença entre as fake news serem desmascaradas ou se transformarem em “verdade” está no pequeno intervalo de tempo entre o momento em que as consumimos e o momento em que clicamos em “encaminhar”.
Danillo Saes é coordenador de Análise e Desenvolvimento
Em “O mesmo “poder” que a tecnologia nos dá para disseminar informações também nos proporciona a possibilidade de investigá-las, contestá-las, analisá-las.”, a oração em destaque tem valor de


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1823562 Ano: 2020
Disciplina: Direito Educacional e Tecnológico
Banca: AOCP
Orgão: Pref. Cariacica-ES
Analise as assertivas e assinale a alternativa que aponta a(s) correta(s).
De acordo com a Resolução nº 4/2010, a avaliação de redes de Educação Básica:
I. ocorre periodicamente.
II. é realizada por órgãos internos da escola.
III. engloba os resultados da avaliação institucional.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1823561 Ano: 2020
Disciplina: Contabilidade Pública
Banca: AOCP
Orgão: Pref. Cariacica-ES
Considerando a mensuração dos ativos nas entidades do setor público, o custo de reposição é o


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1823524 Ano: 2020
Disciplina: Libras
Banca: AOCP
Orgão: Pref. Cariacica-ES
Preencha as lacunas e assinale a alternativa correta.
O , que visando à inclusão dos alunos surdos, dispõe sobre a inclusão da Libras como disciplina curricular, a formação e a certificação de professor, instrutor e tradutor/intérprete de Libras, o ensino da Língua Portuguesa como segunda língua para alunos surdos e a organização da educação bilíngue no ensino regular.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1817166 Ano: 2020
Disciplina: Libras
Banca: AOCP
Orgão: Pref. Cariacica-ES
Qual foi a ocorrência histórica que marcou negativamente a história da educação de surdos e quase causou a extinção da língua de sinais, chegando a fazer com que ela fosse proibida durante muito tempo?


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1817065 Ano: 2020
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: AOCP
Orgão: Pref. Cariacica-ES
Read the following article and answer question.
Can Allergies Cause Coughing — Or Is It Just A Cold?
Important q: Is it phlegmy or dry?
No matter why it's happening, a cough is always annoying—it's loud, it's uncomfortable, and it never fails to garner unwanted attention.
But what's really behind that cough? Can allergies cause coughing — or do you just have an annoying cold?
Well, turns out, there are some pretty distinct differences between allergy coughs and cold coughs...
Just curious: Why do we cough, anyway?
"The purpose of a cough is to help us," says Monica Lee, MD, an otolaryngologist at Massachusetts Eye and Ear. It’s your body’s way of trying to expel something it perceives as a threat in the airway, she says.
Those perceived threats can be a bunch of different things: a piece of food stuck in your throat, pollen, air pollution, or swelling or drainage from extra mucus in your throat. All those things irritate the sensory fibers in your airway, which then stimulate a cough.
As for what exactly happens in your body during a cough? It's kind of complex, says Dr. Lee. Basically, your vocal chords close briefly to generate pressure in the lungs. Once enough pressure is built up, your vocal chords open back up, and air flows quickly through your voice box, which generates that coughing sound. Kinda cool, huh?
7So...can allergies cause coughing? Give it to me straight.
In short, yes. Usually, allergies create dry coughs (it’s a direct reaction to something you’re sensitive or allergic to in the airways). If that's the case, you’ll likely have other symptoms (think: itchy, watery eyes; a runny nose; an itchy throat; and sneezing, says Dr. Lee). Headaches and wheezing often come with allergies, too, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.
Remind Me: When Is Allergy Season?
Timing's also a factor. If you're allergic to pollen (or your BFF's new adorable kitten), for example, you’ll likely notice symptoms (including your cough) almost immediately, or within an hour of being exposed. And those symptoms could last for hours after you've been exposed — even after the allergen isn't nearby anymore.
Coughs related to allergies are also dependent on patterns, so doctors always try to look at the big picture. Say you get a cough every single March. That could be a sign you're actually suffering from allergies, instead of the common cold. "You need to look at everything that's going on," says Paul Bryson, MD, an otolaryngologist at the Cleveland Clinic.
Your best defense for a cough from allergies? Antihistamines like Allegra, Claritin, and Zyrtec, which are all available over-the-counter. Other options include steroid nasal sprays and immunotherapy shots, which can work to regulate your body's response to allergens, instead of just relieving the symptoms.
How do I know my cough is from a cold?
You know how allergy coughs are typically on the drier side? Coughs from colds (or the flu) tend to be on the wetter side (that "wetness" is actually mucus your body which is trying to move out of your body, says Dr. Lee).
Coughs that come along with a cold usually come along with stuffiness, along with postnasal drip (a.k.a., mucus running down the back of your throat), which can cause a sore throat or chest discomfort. A low-grade fever may also signal a cold instead of allergies.
Colds aren't as immediate as allergies. Instead, they tend to develop over the course of a few days, says Dr. Bryson.
You can try a few different things to help relieve a cough. Decongestants can work for, well, congestion. And ingredients like dextromethorphan (found in many multi-symptom products like Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Nighttime Relief) can help ease the coughing itself. Just make sure you take any products as-directed.
It should be said, however, that a dry cough isn't always allergies, just like a wet cough isn't always a cold. Allergies can plague your nose, for example, causing post-nasal drip (a wet cough), while mild colds might not leave you stuffed up enough to produce any phlegm.
Do I ever need to worry about a cough?
Something important to remember: A cough — no matter its cause — shouldn’t be your norm.
Colds usually run their course within a couple of weeks, which means a cough associated with a cold should go away in about three weeks time (though some can linger on for as long as eight weeks), according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The length of an allergy-related cough will vary depending on how (if) you're treating it.
But if you notice you’re still barking after two months of symptoms, see your doc. You could either be dealing with an allergy you’re not aware of (this is where an allergy test could come into play) or potentially suffering from another issue such as asthma (especially if you notice shortness of breath with any of your symptoms), reflux, pneumonia, or bronchitis, says Dr. Bryson.
And if something (allergies or a pesky cold) is bothering you enough to disrupt your life, don't put off getting it checked out. If nothing else, seeing a doc will give you peace of mind and maybe even speed up your recovery time.
SOURCE: Access: 02/12/2019.
Mark the option that best describes the main subject discussed in the article:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1817061 Ano: 2020
Disciplina: Contabilidade Pública
Banca: AOCP
Orgão: Pref. Cariacica-ES
Nos termos do Manual de Contabilidade Aplicada ao Setor Público, quando o fato gerador do passivo exigível ocorrer antes do empenho, é necessário o registro de uma etapa intermediária entre


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1817040 Ano: 2020
Disciplina: Informática
Banca: AOCP
Orgão: Pref. Cariacica-ES
Relacione as colunas e assinale a alternativa com a sequência correta.
1. Extensão .xla
2. Extensão .docx
3. Extensão .m4a
4. Extensão .pdf
( ) Google Chrome.
( ) Windows Media Player.
( ) Libre Office Writer.
( ) Microsoft Excel.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas