Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 118 questões.

1459892 Ano: 2002
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: MPO

A transposta de uma matriz qualquer é aquela que se obtém trocando linhas por colunas. Sabendo-se que uma matriz quadrada de segunda ordem possui determinante igual a 2, então o determinante do dobro de sua matriz transposta é igual a:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1459891 Ano: 2002
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: MPO

Sabe-se que a função inversa da função seno é a função cossecante e que o seno do dobro de um arco é dado por sen 2x = 2 sen x cos x. Sabendose que x é um arco do segundo quadrante e que o cosseno da metade deste arco é igual a 1/3, então a cossecante de x vale:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1459888 Ano: 2002
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: MPO

Se A = {x € R | -1 < x < 3} e B = {x € R | -1 ; x < 3} e C = {x € R | 1 x < 3}, então o conjunto B - (A C) é dado por



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1459887 Ano: 2002
Disciplina: Raciocínio Lógico
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: MPO

M = 2x +3y, então M = 4p + 3r. Se M = 4p + 3r, então M = 2w – 3r. Por outro lado, M = 2x + 3y, ou M = 0. Se M = 0, então M+ H = 1. Ora, M+H ≠ 1. Logo,



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Read the text below in order to answer questions 28 to 30:

The Internet Revolution

It is clear that Brazil's economy stands to make even more productivity gains than the United States itself, as a result of the Internet revolution. The lack of legacy systems and the very inefficient nature of administrative systems in Brazil create enormous opportunities for efficiency gains. For many years, the so-called "Brazil Cost" has been a drag on Brazil's economy and an inhibitor of competitiveness of Brazilian industries in the export markets. The Internet is about to change all of this. A number of initiatives are underway using the Internet and PC technologies in the health care sector and, also, in the very important area of public administration. In the public administration area, some analysts believe that expense reductions and improvements in the quality of government services resulting from Internet based systems can entirely eliminate the Brazilian government budget deficits.

According to the author, the Brazilian



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Read the text below in order to answer questions 28 to 30:

The Internet Revolution

It is clear that Brazil's economy stands to make even more productivity gains than the United States itself, as a result of the Internet revolution. The lack of legacy systems and the very inefficient nature of administrative systems in Brazil create enormous opportunities for efficiency gains. For many years, the so-called "Brazil Cost" has been a drag on Brazil's economy and an inhibitor of competitiveness of Brazilian industries in the export markets. The Internet is about to change all of this. A number of initiatives are underway using the Internet and PC technologies in the health care sector and, also, in the very important area of public administration. In the public administration area, some analysts believe that expense reductions and improvements in the quality of government services resulting from Internet based systems can entirely eliminate the Brazilian government budget deficits.

According to the text, the Internet



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Read the text below in order to answer questions 28 to 30:

The Internet Revolution

It is clear that Brazil's economy stands to make even more productivity gains than the United States itself, as a result of the Internet revolution. The lack of legacy systems and the very inefficient nature of administrative systems in Brazil create enormous opportunities for efficiency gains. For many years, the so-called "Brazil Cost" has been a drag on Brazil's economy and an inhibitor of competitiveness of Brazilian industries in the export markets. The Internet is about to change all of this. A number of initiatives are underway using the Internet and PC technologies in the health care sector and, also, in the very important area of public administration. In the public administration area, some analysts believe that expense reductions and improvements in the quality of government services resulting from Internet based systems can entirely eliminate the Brazilian government budget deficits.

The author refers to the Brazilian administrative systems as



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Read the text below in order to answer questions

24 to 27:

The politics of administrative reform

Most countries of Latin America stabilized and opened their economies in the first generation of market oriented reforms in the 1980s and early 1990s. Now they face a much more costly and protracted task of rebuilding state capacity to deliver social services, regulate the economy, avoid recurrent fiscal crises, and improve the overall functioning of government. Why have some countries progressed further on administrative reform than other countries? Administrative reform usually starts with small groups of reformers within the executive branch. Among factors that facilitate reform are: balance of payments and fiscal crises, middle class and rural support, and the effective packaging of reform initiatives. Contrary to much of the literature, the nature of the party system ( cohesion, discipline and parity) does not explain much of the variation in reform experiences.

The "recurrent fiscal crises" mentioned by the author are fiscal crises that



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Read the text below in order to answer questions

24 to 27:

The politics of administrative reform

Most countries of Latin America stabilized and opened their economies in the first generation of market oriented reforms in the 1980s and early 1990s. Now they face a much more costly and protracted task of rebuilding state capacity to deliver social services, regulate the economy, avoid recurrent fiscal crises, and improve the overall functioning of government. Why have some countries progressed further on administrative reform than other countries? Administrative reform usually starts with small groups of reformers within the executive branch. Among factors that facilitate reform are: balance of payments and fiscal crises, middle class and rural support, and the effective packaging of reform initiatives. Contrary to much of the literature, the nature of the party system ( cohesion, discipline and parity) does not explain much of the variation in reform experiences.

According to the text, the rebuilding of state capacity



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Read the text below in order to answer questions

21 to 23:

A new budget system

In 1989, the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre came up with a radical solution to its major problems of unaccountability and extreme poverty: a participative budget. For the last decade, the people of the city have been deciding how the budget for public works should be allocated. Neighbourhood groups propose projects, and people from community groups and non-profit organisations who have been elected by their neighbours, decide which projects will go ahead. In some cases, the community delegates also oversee implementation of the final projects. This has had the triple result of avoiding corruption and mishandling funds, improving concrete matters on the ground, and increasing democratic participation in the process by a huge amount.

The participative budget



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