Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 100 questões.

2514103 Ano: 2016
Disciplina: Física
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA
Elétrons com energia cinética inicial de !$ 2 \, MeV !$ são injetados em um dispositivo (bétatron) que os acelera em uma trajetória circular perpendicular a um campo magnético cujo fluxo varia a uma taxa de 1 000 Wb/s. Assinale a energia cinética final alcançada pelos elétrons após 500 000 revoluções.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2514101 Ano: 2016
Disciplina: Literatura Brasileira e Estrangeira
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA
No poema de Maria Lúcia Alvim intitulado Frasco de âmbar, que possui uma atmosfera muito feminina,
Frasco de âmbar
À força de guardar-te
(Em: Vivenda. São Paulo: Duas Cidades, 1989.)
I. a voz lírica expressa-se de modo sentimental - daí o ponto de exclamação - revelando forte afeto do "eu" em relação ao "tu".
II. a fala dirigida ao objeto contém um lamento pela sua perda, ocorrida apesar de todo o cuidado e apego que a ele foram dedicados.
III. o teor metafórico do poema se reforça na associação estabelecida entre a volatilidade do perfume e o sentimento amoroso.
Está(ão) correta(s)


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2514030 Ano: 2016
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA
Lauren Gensler, FORBES STAFF
In an airy converted furniture store in Seattle‘s Pioneer Square neighborhood, five novice impact fund managers from Zimbabwe, Guatemala and the Netherlands are rehearsing the sales pitches they‘ll make the next day to 60 mostly institutional investors, representing $10 billion in capital.
The presentations will be a graduation ceremony of sorts. Despite their impressive resumes, the five men have just completed a four-week boot camp covering everything from term sheets, accounting and mezzanine debt structures to dealing with corruption to defining and marketing their brands. They‘ll head home with golden contacts (investor cocktail hours were built into the packed schedule) and a commitment for up to $500,000 in seed capital from Capria Accelerator, a first-of-its-kind venture whose initial investors include Microsoft cofounder (and world‘s richest man) Bill Gates.
One of those rehearsing is Patrick Makanza, 51, an M.B.A. and veteran of Unilever and Barclays Bank, who quit a cushy job at a top Zimbabwe private equity firm and launched Vakayi Capital. The first fund being formed by Vakayi (which means "to build") will back for-profit businesses providing essential services in Zimbabwe, which has per capita gross domestic product of about $1,000. That fund will make loans (with an option to convert some to equity) for an average of four years to small and medium-size businesses that want to expand and can‘t get adequate bank financing. Among potential investments: an eye clinic that‘s building a new operating room so it can double its daily procedures and bring down the cost of cataract surgery; an education microlender; and a builder of low-cost housing.
The next day, in their presentation, Makanza and his Vakayi cofounder tackle head-on the tough issues they might be asked about, including Zimbabwe‘s endemic corruption, economic challenges and currency dramas–it squelched hyperinflation in 2009 by switching to foreign currencies, primarily the U.S. dollar. But in the question period Tracy Washington, principal investment officer for the International Finance Corp.‘s global private equity funds, lobs a personal query at Makanza, a father of four who is partial to conservative business suits and golf. "With your resume", she asks, "why get involved with so risky an enterprise, and will you stick to it?" Makanza responds that he worked in venture capital back in the 1990s and came to miss the highs and lows of investing in early-stage entrepreneurs. "I still have at least ten years to do this. … It‘s a real roller-coaster lifestyle. But I enjoyed it, and I want to have more of that experience again."
Impact investing – which aims to produce both financial and social or environmental returns – is in vogue. Big names in finance, from BlackRock to Goldman Sachs to Bank of America Merrill Lynch, have been piling in recently, seeing it as a way to appeal to the socially conscious Millennials now building and inheriting wealth.
But this alternative asset class is still small – $77 billion invested worldwide, according to a new survey from the Global Impact Investing Network. To grow, it needs experienced, hands-on fund managers, and those are in short supply, particularly in areas with the greatest needs, such as sub-Saharan Africa.
Fonte: (Acesso em 07/07/2016).
É INCORRETO afirmar que Patrick Makanza


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2513405 Ano: 2016
Disciplina: Literatura Brasileira e Estrangeira
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA
Sobre o poema de Manuel Bandeira,
Irene no céu
Irene preta
Irene boa
Irene sempre de bom humor.
Imagino Irene entrando no céu:
- Licença, meu branco!
E São Pedro bonachão:
- Entra, Irene. Você não precisa pedir licença.
(Em: Libertinagem. Rio de Janeiro: Pongetti, 1930.)
é INCORRETO afirmar que a relação afetiva entre o sujeito lírico e Irene


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2513042 Ano: 2016
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA
Considere o sistema de equações
!$ \begin{cases} { \large 1 \over x} + { \large 27 \over y^2} + { \large 8 \over z^3} =3 \\ { \large 4 \over x} + { \large 81 \over y^2}+ { \large 40 \over z^3}=10 \\ { \large 2 \over x}+ { \large 54 \over y^2}+ { \large 24 \over z^3}=7 \end{cases} !$
Se !$ (x,y,z) !$ é uma solução real de !$ S !$, então !$ \left\vert x \right\vert + \left\vert y \right\vert + \left\vert z \right\vert !$ é igual a


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2512425 Ano: 2016
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA
Tiny rockets are going to be sent into space to study the far universe in the most ambitious space exploration project in history.
Scientists including Stephen Hawking and backers such as internet investor Yuri Milner and Mark Zuckerberg will send "nano craft" deep into space to explore the most remote regions that humans have ever seen, by far.
The hugely ambitious project could reveal deep secrets of the universe and will allow people to photograph one of the most likely places to hold life on other worlds.
Professor Hawking said at the event: "What makes us unique is transcending our limits. Gravity pins us to the ground, but I just flew to America.
"How do we transcend these limits? With our minds and our machines.
"The limit that confronts us now is the great void between us and the stars. But now we can transcend it, with light beams, light sails, and the lightest spacecraft ever built. Today we commit to this next great leap into the cosmos, because we are human and our nature is to fly."
The Starshot Project hopes to get the tiny robots out to the Alpha Centauri star system, 25 trillion miles away. Getting there through normal means would take 30,000 years – but the new project hopes that using the tiny rockets will allow them to get there in just 20.
Scientists think that the Alpha Centauri system might well have an Earth-like planet that could be found in its "habitable zones". The craft will be able to take pictures of those – a potential way that they might find life on other worlds.
The crafts will be "gram-scale nano craft", according to Yuri Milner, which will make their way through space using a "sail pushed by a light beam". Their design will allow them to fly at 25 per cent of light speed.
Those craft will be able to send back images of possible planets and other scientific data, according to the scientists behind it.
"The human story is one of great leaps," Dr Milner said. "Today we are preparing for the next great leap – to the stars.
"Can we literally reach the stars, and can we do it in our lifetime?"
The tiny rockets are made up of computers that can be mounted to a tiny "wafer". Shrinking computer components mean that all of the necessary parts – cameras, thrusters, power supply and navigation equipment – can all be mounted on a tiny plate that will be a fully functional space probe.
Before those are built, the project will have to create all of the important parts on the ground. That includes the construction of a light-beamer that can power the rockets and a "mothership" that will be able to carry them all out into space and launch them.
Because of economies of scale and the decreasing price of computer components, the team will eventually be able to send out the rockets for just a few hundred thousand dollars, they said.
Fonte: (acesso em 03/05/2016).
De acordo com o texto, o principal objetivo do Projeto Starshot é


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2512268 Ano: 2016
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

Com os elementos !$ 1,2, ... , 10 !$ são formadas todas as sequências !$ (a_1,a_2, ... , a_7) !$. Escolhendo-se aleatoriamente uma dessas sequências, a probabilidade de a sequência escolhida não conter elementos repetidos é



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2512235 Ano: 2016
Disciplina: Química
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA
Considere as proposições a seguir:
I. A reação do ácido butanóico com a metilamina forma N-metil-butanamida.
II. A reação do ácido propanóico com 1-propanol forma propanoato de propila.
III. 3-etil-2,2-dimetil-pentano é um isômero estrutural do 2,2,3,4-tetrametil-pentano.
IV. O 2-propanol é um composto quiral.
Das proposições acima estão CORRETAS


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2517274 Ano: 2016
Disciplina: Física
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA
Água de um reservatório é usada para girar um moinho de raio !$ R !$ com velocidade angular !$ w !$ constante graças ao jato que flui do orifício de área !$ S !$ situado a uma profundidade !$ h !$ do seu nível. Com o jato incidindo perpendicularmente em cada pá, com choque totalmente inelástico, calcule o torque das forças de atrito no eixo do moinho, sendo !$ ρ !$ e !$ g !$, respectivamente, a massa específica da água e a aceleração da gravidade.
Enunciado 2777099-1
Questão Anulada


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2512914 Ano: 2016
Disciplina: Física
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA
Na figura, a extremidade de uma haste delgada livre, de massa !$ m !$ uniformemente distribuída, apoia-se sem atrito sobre a massa !$ M !$ do pêndulo simples. Considerando o atrito entre a haste e o piso, assinale a razão !$ M/m !$ para que o conjunto permaneça em equilíbrio estático.
Enunciado 2718159-1
Questão Anulada


Questão presente nas seguintes provas