Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 100 questões.

1294358 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
When I’m bored, I look for something in the fridge, eat a slice of cheese maybe, or a tomato, or a carrot.
When I’m tired, I eat roasted peppers, creamy rice pudding, biscuits with tea.
When I’m a bit low, I eat chocolate, letting it melt in my mouth.
When I feel anxious, I make cakes or biscuits, even in the middle of the night, and the smell of baking eassures me: ginger biscuits, lemon pie, chocolate cake.
When I’m in a good mood, I wake in the early hours and plan meals for guests, and it’s like thinking about Christmas presents.
When I’m excited, I rarely feel hungry, for then I want to be light-footed and empty – a piece of steamed fish, maybe, or a green salad; something clean and light that won’t weigh me down; sushi is perfect.
When I’m guilty or agitated, I push things round my plate.
When I’m sad, I starve myself.
reassure = acalmar
light -footed = leve
weigh down = enfastiar
round = em direção contrária
Based on the text,


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1293378 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
O valor da expressão !$ { \large tg \, x \over cossec \, x-1}, \,\, para \,\, 0 \, < \, x \, < { \large \pi \over 2} \,\, e \,\, sen \, x \, = \, { \large 1 \over 3}, \, é !$


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1293372 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
by Julie Diaz
Last week, I saw a doctor on TV saying, “Don’t give chocolates on Valentine’s Day.” He said that chocolate is unhealthy . However, other people say chocolate helps them feel better when they are miserable. What’s the truth? I searched on the Internet for interesting facts about chocolate.
Believe it or not, chocolate can be healthy. Some types of chocolate, especially dark one, have important nutrients called minerals that we need.
In addition, many people feel good after they eat chocolate. It contains stimulants, which are chemicals that often make us feel happy.
However, doctors say that eating too much chocolate may cause health problems. It contains a lot of saturated fats. Too many saturated fats can lead to heart disease and obesity.
After my search, I feel happy to continue eating chocolate moderately. And I hope my sweetie will be sweet to me by giving me my favorite sweet on Valentine’s Day!
The last paragraph reveals that the author


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1293370 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Português
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Observe as palavras destacadas em: “O comandante dos policiais da rodovia Presidente Dutra reuniu-os para esclarecer alguns procedimentos que deveriam cumprir logo que começasse a escurecer.”
Em relação ao processo de formação de palavras, assinale a afirmação correta.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1293369 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
by Julie Diaz
Last week, I saw a doctor on TV saying, “Don’t give chocolates on Valentine’s Day.” He said that chocolate is unhealthy . However, other people say chocolate helps them feel better when they are miserable. What’s the truth? I searched on the Internet for interesting facts about chocolate.
Believe it or not, chocolate can be healthy. Some types of chocolate, especially dark one, have important nutrients called minerals that we need.
In addition, many people feel good after they eat chocolate. It contains stimulants, which are chemicals that often make us feel happy.
However, doctors say that eating too much chocolate may cause health problems. It contains a lot of saturated fats. Too many saturated fats can lead to heart disease and obesity.
After my search, I feel happy to continue eating chocolate moderately. And I hope my sweetie will be sweet to me by giving me my favorite sweet on Valentine’s Day!
According to the text,


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1293363 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Para que f(x) = (2m – 6)x + 4 seja crescente em !$ \Re !$, o valor real de m deve ser tal que


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1293362 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Why would someone decide to stop eating? We know that the body needs food in order to function well. However, many people fast at some time during their lives. Why is this?
Some people fast for political reasons. In the early 20th century, women in England and the United States weren’t allowed to vote. In protest, many people fasted for days. They hoped that fasting would bring attention to this injustice. Gandhi, the famous Indian leader, fasted 17 times during his life. In 1943, he went without food for 21 days.
He fasted to bring attention to his country’s need for independence.
Fasting is also a spiritual practice in many religions. Every year during the month of Ramadan, which is a religious holiday, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.
Of course, not everyone fasts for political or religious reasons. Some people occasionally fast just because it makes them better. The American writer Mark Twain thought fasting was the best medicine for common illnesses.
Choosing to go with or without food can be very dangerous. However, that doesn’t stop people from fasting for political, religious, or health reasons.
“... not everyone fasts for political or religious reasons.” means that


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1293336 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Carl and Jenny are complete slobs. They don’t want to clean up the bathroom and they always leave the kitchen in a mess. But I still like Carl.
He’s really generous, but he’s impossible to live with. Jenny’s OK, but she’s a bit selfish. She’s the kind of person that never buys any bread, tea or coffee. I’ve decided to move out at the end of the year.
Since we moved in, Matt has become really badtempered and bossy. It’s true that he does more than his fair share of the housework, but he exaggerates and complains the whole time, too.
Carl’s great. I think he enjoys life and just gets on with it.
Do I do my share of the housework? No, but that’s because I don’t have a share! Matt likes to boast about how much he does – so I let him get on with it. Well, I suppose I do a little bit. I get on really well with Jenny because she’s always cheerful. I think we’ll both stay here for another year.
“ Well, I suppose I do a little bit.”, means that Carl


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1293307 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
When I’m bored, I look for something in the fridge, eat a slice of cheese maybe, or a tomato, or a carrot.
When I’m tired, I eat roasted peppers, creamy rice pudding, biscuits with tea.
When I’m a bit low, I eat chocolate, letting it melt in my mouth.
When I feel anxious, I make cakes or biscuits, even in the middle of the night, and the smell of baking eassures me: ginger biscuits, lemon pie, chocolate cake.
When I’m in a good mood, I wake in the early hours and plan meals for guests, and it’s like thinking about Christmas presents.
When I’m excited, I rarely feel hungry, for then I want to be light-footed and empty – a piece of steamed fish, maybe, or a green salad; something clean and light that won’t weigh me down; sushi is perfect.
When I’m guilty or agitated, I push things round my plate.
When I’m sad, I starve myself.
reassure = acalmar
light -footed = leve
weigh down = enfastiar
round = em direção contrária
The adjectives, underlined in the text,


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1293305 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Física
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr

Um veículo percorre uma pista de trajetória circular, horizontal, com velocidade constante em módulo. O raio da circunferência é de 160 m e o móvel completa uma volta a cada segundos, calcule em m/s2, o módulo da aceleração centrípeta que o veículo está submetido.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas