Magna Concursos

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1767051 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Português
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Choro do poeta atual
Murilo Mendes
Deram-me um corpo, só um!
Para suportar calado
Tantas almas desunidas
Que esbarravam umas nas outras,
De tantas idades diversas;
Uma nasceu muito antes
De eu aparecer no mundo,
Outra nasceu com este corpo,
Outra está nascendo agora,
Há outras, nem sei direito,
São minhas filhas naturais,
Deliram dentro de mim,
Querem mudar de lugar,
Cada uma quer uma coisa,
Nunca mais tenho sossego,
Ó Deus, se existis, juntai
Minhas almas desencontradas.
I – “Deram-me um só corpo, só um! Para suportar calado Tantas almas desunidas”
II – “Deliram dentro de mim Querem mudar de lugar”
III – “Há outras, nem sei direito São minhas filhas naturais”
IV –“Cada uma quer uma coisa Nunca mais tenho sossego”
Em que grupo de versos se verifica a inconstância, um dos atributos da alma do eu-lírico?


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1766932 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Why would someone decide to stop eating? We know that the body needs food in order to function well. However, many people fast at some time during their lives. Why is this?
Some people fast for political reasons. In the early 20th century, women in England and the United States weren’t allowed to vote. In protest, many people fasted for days. They hoped that fasting would bring attention to this injustice. Gandhi, the famous Indian leader, fasted 17 times during his life. In 1943, he went without food for 21 days.
He fasted to bring attention to his country’s need for independence.
Fasting is also a spiritual practice in many religions. Every year during the month of Ramadan, which is a religious holiday, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.
Of course, not everyone fasts for political or religious reasons. Some people occasionally fast just because it makes them better. The American writer Mark Twain thought fasting was the best medicine for common illnesses.
Choosing to go with or without food can be very dangerous. However, that doesn’t stop people from fasting for political, religious, or health reasons.
Although it’s very dangerous to go without food, people


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1766907 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Se !$ 0 \, < \, \alpha \, < \, { \large \pi \over 2} \, e \,\, sen \,\, \alpha \, = \, { \large 2 \over 3}, !$ então !$ sen\,\, 2\alpha !$ é igual a


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1766899 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Sixteen-hour days – eight at work and eight at home – leave a parent little time or energy for sharing important values and relationships.
In addition, too little attention is currently paid to discipline – by which I mean teaching, not punishment. Parents who are away all day just don’t feel like upholding rules when they arrive home tired and spent. Yet, discipline is the second most important thing we can give our children, after love. An undisciplined child doesn’t learn how to control himself, and as a result, he doesn’t feel secure.
( taken from Family Circle Magazine )
uphold = apoiar e manter
“Yet”, is closest in meaning to


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1766895 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
When I’m bored, I look for something in the fridge, eat a slice of cheese maybe, or a tomato, or a carrot.
When I’m tired, I eat roasted peppers, creamy rice pudding, biscuits with tea.
When I’m a bit low, I eat chocolate, letting it melt in my mouth.
When I feel anxious, I make cakes or biscuits, even in the middle of the night, and the smell of baking eassures me: ginger biscuits, lemon pie, chocolate cake.
When I’m in a good mood, I wake in the early hours and plan meals for guests, and it’s like thinking about Christmas presents.
When I’m excited, I rarely feel hungry, for then I want to be light-footed and empty – a piece of steamed fish, maybe, or a green salad; something clean and light that won’t weigh me down; sushi is perfect.
When I’m guilty or agitated, I push things round my plate.
When I’m sad, I starve myself.
reassure = acalmar
light -footed = leve
weigh down = enfastiar
round = em direção contrária
According to the text, choose the suitable answer to this question: “Why is sushi perfect when she is excited?”


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1766892 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
The 7 New Wonders of the World were announced at a ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal, on 07-07-07 and the Statue of Christ the Redeemer, in Rio de Janeiro, is one of them.
Since 2001 over 100 million people worldwide voted for their favorite monuments by telephone and over the Internet. The Statue of Christ was the third-most voted. It is 38 meters tall and took five years to be built. It is on top of the hill, Corcovado, and was opened in 1931. The inclusion of the Statue of Christ amongst the New 7 Wonders of the World should boost tourism in Brazil.
The Ministry of Tourism believes that over the next few years about 250,000 new jobs will be created in the tourism sector.
(Adapted from a Maganews article)
to boost = impulsionar
amongst = entre, no meio de
According to the text, it isn’t correct to affirm that


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1766880 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Física
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
A palavra LASER vem da sigla Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Um laser que emite ondas eletromagnéticas, no ar, com velocidade de 3 . 108 m/s, com freqüência de 5,0 . 1014 Hz, terá comprimento de onda, em metros, igual a .


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1766873 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Português
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Assinale a alternativa em que há discurso indireto livre.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1766870 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Calculando i2053, obtém-se


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1766810 Ano: 2007
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
When I’m bored, I look for something in the fridge, eat a slice of cheese maybe, or a tomato, or a carrot.
When I’m tired, I eat roasted peppers, creamy rice pudding, biscuits with tea.
When I’m a bit low, I eat chocolate, letting it melt in my mouth.
When I feel anxious, I make cakes or biscuits, even in the middle of the night, and the smell of baking eassures me: ginger biscuits, lemon pie, chocolate cake.
When I’m in a good mood, I wake in the early hours and plan meals for guests, and it’s like thinking about Christmas presents.
When I’m excited, I rarely feel hungry, for then I want to be light-footed and empty – a piece of steamed fish, maybe, or a green salad; something clean and light that won’t weigh me down; sushi is perfect.
When I’m guilty or agitated, I push things round my plate.
When I’m sad, I starve myself.
reassure = acalmar
light -footed = leve
weigh down = enfastiar
round = em direção contrária
In “ I rarely feel hungry...”, the underlined word is closest in meaning to


Questão presente nas seguintes provas