Magna Concursos

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2451988 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
Though subject to fundamental principles and insights concerning translation in general, interpreting studies is clearly distinguished by its unique object of study, that is, ‘real-time’ human translation in an essentially shared communicative context. (Interpreting is commonly referred to as ‘oral’ as opposed to ‘written’ translation, i.e. as the activity of rendering spoken messages in another language, but this simple definition fails to accommodate a number of important phenomena, as explained in section 8.2). In addition, this field of study has evolved rather differently from that of written translation, as will be described in section 8.2. Moreover, the recent diversification of interpreting as a professional practice and object of research, which has given rise to many new areas of interdisciplinary interface, has made it even more difficult to accommodate the field of interpreting studies within the boundaries, however fuzzy, of translation studies.
Considering the fragment below, one can say that:
“Moreover, the recent diversification of interpreting as a professional practice and object of research, which has given rise to many new areas of interdisciplinary interface, has made it even more difficult to accommodate the field of interpreting studies within the boundaries, however fuzzy, of translation studies.”


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2451967 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
Poema de sete faces
Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Quando nasci, um anjo torto
desses que vivem na sombra
disse: Vai, Carlos! ser gauche na vida.
As casas espiam os homens
que correm atrás de mulheres.
A tarde talvez fosse azul,
não houvesse tantos desejos.
O bonde passa cheio de pernas:
pernas brancas pretas amarelas.
Para que tanta perna, meu Deus, pergunta meu coração.
Porém meus olhos
não perguntam nada.
O homem atrás do bigode
é sério, simples e forte.
Quase não conversa.
Tem poucos, raros amigos
o homem atrás dos óculos e do bigode.
Meu Deus, por que me abandonaste
se sabias que eu não era Deus,
se sabias que eu era fraco?
Mundo mundo vasto mundo
se eu me chamasse Raimundo
seria uma rima, não seria uma solução.
Mundo mundo vasto mundo,
mais vasto é meu coração.
Eu não devia te dizer
mas essa lua
mas esse conhaque
botam a gente comovido como o diabo.
Seven-sided poem
(tradução de Elizabeth Bishop)
When I was born, one of the crooked
angels who live in shadow, said:
Carlos, go on! Be gauche in life!
The houses watch the men,
men who run after women.
If the afternoon had been blue,
there might have been less desire.
The trolley goes by full of legs:
white legs, black legs, yellow legs.
My God, why all the legs?
my heart asks. But my eyes
ask nothing at all.
The man behind the moustache
is serious, simple, and strong.
He hardly ever speaks.
He has a few, choice friends,
the man behind the spectacles and the moustache.
My God, why hast Thou forsaken me
if Thou knew’st I was not God
if Thou knew’st I was weak?
Universe, vast universe,
If I had been named Eugene
that would not be what I mean
but it would go into verse
Universe, vast universe,
my heart is vaster.
I oughtn’t to tell you,
but this moon
and this brandy
play the devil with one’s emotions.
Considering each poem as a whole (their titles, stanzas, verses, rhymes and content), we can draw the following conclusions about literary translation, EXCEPT:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2450996 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
I am an Indian, very brown, born in
Malabar, I speak three languages, write in
Two dream in one. Don’t write in English, they said,
English is not your mother-tongue. Why not leave
Me alone, critics, friends, visiting cousins,
Everyone of you? Why not let me speak in
Any language I like? The language I speak
Becomes mine, its distortions, its queernesses,
All mine, mine alone. It is half English, half
Indian, funny perhaps, but it is honest,
It is as human as I am human, don’t
You see? It voices my joys, my longings, my
Hopes, and it is useful to me . . .
(Kamala Das, 1997: 10)
Kamala Das captures the paradox of English in the world today. To some, English anywhere outside the mother tongue context is an alien language, perhaps even an imposed language. From this standpoint, English has a fixed identity, both political and linguistic. It represents something peculiarly English, or perhaps Anglo-American, but at all events certainly Western. English has become a world language because – and to the extent that – Anglo-American, Western culture has become hegemonic in the world. To others English, although not their mother tongue, is nevertheless their language, an expression of their own unique identity. It is theirs because they have made it so – through their lived experiences in the language that have gained expression in the way they use English. In this view, English has become a world language to the extent that it has been stripped of any simplistic association with Anglo American and Western culture. World English has emerged because its users have changed the language as they have spread it. Of the many English writers from Africa and Asia who have addressed this topic, perhaps none has expressed the point so eloquently as Chinua Achebe:
What I . . . see is a new voice coming out of Africa, speaking of African experience in a world-wide language. . . . The price a world language must be prepared to pay is submission to many different kinds of use. . . . The African writer should aim to use English in a way that brings out his message best without altering the language to the extent that its value as a medium of international exchange will be lost. . . . He should aim at fashioning out an English which
is at once universal and able to carry his peculiar experience . . . I feel that the English language will be able to carry the weight of my African experience. But it will have to be a new English, still in full communion with its ancestral home but altered to suit its new African surroundings. (1994: 433–4)
According to the text, the paradox of English in the world today is:


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2450245 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: TI - Sistemas Operacionais
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
Selecione a afirmativa INCORRETA:


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2450028 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
Though subject to fundamental principles and insights concerning translation in general, interpreting studies is clearly distinguished by its unique object of study, that is, ‘real-time’ human translation in an essentially shared communicative context. (Interpreting is commonly referred to as ‘oral’ as opposed to ‘written’ translation, i.e. as the activity of rendering spoken messages in another language, but this simple definition fails to accommodate a number of important phenomena, as explained in section 8.2). In addition, this field of study has evolved rather differently from that of written translation, as will be described in section 8.2. Moreover, the recent diversification of interpreting as a professional practice and object of research, which has given rise to many new areas of interdisciplinary interface, has made it even more difficult to accommodate the field of interpreting studies within the boundaries, however fuzzy, of translation studies.
In “(…) the activity of rendering spoken messages in another language.”, the verb ‘rendering’:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2469399 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Informática
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
No OpenOffice Calc, considere que as células A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3 da planilha estão preenchidas, respectivamente, com os seguintes valores inteiros: 1, 9, 5, 2, 8, 4, 3, 7, 6. Ao se digitar a fórmula =IF(SUM(A1:A3)>SUM(A1:C1), MIN(B1:B3), MAX(A3:C3)) em uma célula, o resultado será:
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Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2466019 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
Alcoholism’s toll is frightening. Cirrhosis of the liver kills at least 14,000 alcoholics a year. Drunk drivers were responsible for approximately half of the 46,000 driving fatalities in the USA in 1996. Alcohol was implicated in up to 70% of the 4,000 drowning deaths last year and in about 30% of the suicides. A Department of Justice survey estimates that nearly a third of the nation’s 523,000 state-prison inmates drank heavily before committing rapes, burglaries and assaults. As many as 45% of the country’s more than 250,000 homeless are alcoholics. (TIME Magazine)
The words frightening, fatalities, implicated and estimates in bold type in the text can be replaced with little or subtle change in meaning by, respectively:
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Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2458588 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
I am an Indian, very brown, born in
Malabar, I speak three languages, write in
Two dream in one. Don’t write in English, they said,
English is not your mother-tongue. Why not leave
Me alone, critics, friends, visiting cousins,
Everyone of you? Why not let me speak in
Any language I like? The language I speak
Becomes mine, its distortions, its queernesses,
All mine, mine alone. It is half English, half
Indian, funny perhaps, but it is honest,
It is as human as I am human, don’t
You see? It voices my joys, my longings, my
Hopes, and it is useful to me . . .
(Kamala Das, 1997: 10)
Kamala Das captures the paradox of English in the world today. To some, English anywhere outside the mother tongue context is an alien language, perhaps even an imposed language. From this standpoint, English has a fixed identity, both political and linguistic. It represents something peculiarly English, or perhaps Anglo-American, but at all events certainly Western. English has become a world language because – and to the extent that – Anglo-American, Western culture has become hegemonic in the world. To others English, although not their mother tongue, is nevertheless their language, an expression of their own unique identity. It is theirs because they have made it so – through their lived experiences in the language that have gained expression in the way they use English. In this view, English has become a world language to the extent that it has been stripped of any simplistic association with Anglo American and Western culture. World English has emerged because its users have changed the language as they have spread it. Of the many English writers from Africa and Asia who have addressed this topic, perhaps none has expressed the point so eloquently as Chinua Achebe:
What I . . . see is a new voice coming out of Africa, speaking of African experience in a world-wide language. . . . The price a world language must be prepared to pay is submission to many different kinds of use. . . . The African writer should aim to use English in a way that brings out his message best without altering the language to the extent that its value as a medium of international exchange will be lost. . . . He should aim at fashioning out an English which
is at once universal and able to carry his peculiar experience . . . I feel that the English language will be able to carry the weight of my African experience. But it will have to be a new English, still in full communion with its ancestral home but altered to suit its new African surroundings. (1994: 433–4)
In the text, the referents of the words in bold (its, their, so, who) are, respectively:
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Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Um candidato para um concurso cujo requisito é ter curso superior precisa dominar as estruturas (regras) da norma culta, a fim de que, quando necessário, ele tenha condições de utilizar a Língua Portuguesa de maneira adequada e eficiente. Assinale a alternativa em que o uso da norma culta e a justificativa estejam corretos:
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Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2452932 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Informática
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
Selecione o comando Linux responsável por listar o conteúdo de uma pasta do sistema de arquivos:
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