Magna Concursos

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966186 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Português
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
Indique a alternativa com relação sintática INCORRETA, tendo como base os termos grifados.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
816219 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
TEXTO 1 Self-concept, social anxiety, and interpersonal perception skills
(1) Thus, one would expect that socially anxious people would have difficulty in interactions involving a careful reading of the social environment, combined with appropriate responses to that environment. (2) Social anxiety influences social behavior, information processing, and the self concept. (3) This study adds to an understanding of social anxiety by focusing on the role it plays in social information processing. (4) Cognitive aspects of social anxiety include anxious thoughts and worries, especially in situations calling upon social skills (Crozier, 1979). Anxious self-preoccupation often arouses negative emotions that interfere with information processing (Sarason & Sarason, 1986). (5) One of the critical aspects of social interaction is nonverbal behavior—those behavioral cues that require close attention and skill in decoding (Costanzo & Archer, 1989). (6) Socially anxious people have been shown to have lower self-esteem, nervous behaviors, loneliness, and self preoccupation (Cheek, 1979).
Shyness, a particular manifestation of social anxiety, has been shown to negatively affect information processing skills. For example, both shy children and adults did significantly worse on research tests than non-shy children and adults. Shy people report a great deal of frustration as not being able to interact with others successfully (Cheek, 1989). Often, doing so requires interpersonal skills that rely on a careful reading of the social situation through verbal and nonverbal cues. It may be that shy people lack such skills, either through arrested development, lack of practice, or cognitive interference.
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Questão presente nas seguintes provas
757025 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Administração Geral
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
Marque a alternativa que julgar INCORRETA em relação à Teoria de Sistemas.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
639833 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Arquivologia
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
Ainda com relação aos fatores de degradação, marque a alternativa que julgar INCORRETA.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
419125 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Português
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
A relação entre uma frase e outra está prejudicada na alternativa:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
367116 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Redação Oficial
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
Com relação à Redação Oficial (Manual de Redação da Presidência da República), marque a alternativa que julgar INCORRETA.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1523835 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Português
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
O termo grifado substitui o termo que o precede, sem que haja perda de sentido, na alternativa:
Questão Anulada


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
667421 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
TEXTO 2 Teamwork and diversity
Taking a team out of its comfort zone by introducing someone who is socially distinct will, in all likelihood, increase group discomfort, but it can also lead to better decision making and, ultimately, team performance, research by academics from Brigham Young University in Utah has concluded. "One of the most-cited benefits of diversity is the infusion of new ideas and perspectives," said study co-author Katie Liljenquist, assistant professor of organizational leadership at BYU's Marriott School of Management. "And while that very often is true, we found the mere presence of a newcomer who is socially distinct can really shake up the group dynamic. That leads to discomfort, but also to a better process that ultimately yields superior outcomes," she added.
As teams become more global and culturally diverse, the chances are that managers will increasingly be faced with the challenge of getting the best from teams where at least one person is nominally an "outsider". Research from Career Innovation has argued that managers of the future are going to be managing crosscultural, disparate and multi-lingual teams across wide geographical boundaries and timezones, yet few management teams are prepared for this or fully understand the team-working challenges this new reality is likely to bring.
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Questão Anulada


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1606255 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Redação Oficial
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
Com relação ao “Memorando”, marque a alternativa que julgar INCORRETA.
Questão Desatualizada


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1518254 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Redação Oficial
Banca: UFES
Orgão: UFES
Com relação às alternativas que se seguem, marque a que julgar INCORRETA.
Questão Desatualizada


Questão presente nas seguintes provas