Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 175 questões.

2696648 Ano: 2004
Disciplina: Biologia
Orgão: Petrobrás
Em Santa Catarina, a atividade de pesca parece ter começado com a chegada dos imigrantes açorianos, mantendo-se ao longo dos anos como principal fonte de sustento para numerosas famílias. Entretanto, a partir dos anos 80, vem-se verificando uma drástica diminuição dos estoques naturais, que compromete a qualidade de vida dessas comunidades tradicionais. Entre as alternativas de sobrevivência encontradas pelos pescadores catarinenses, pode-se apontar o cultivo de moluscos marinhos, sendo que, graças a isso, os cultivos de mexilhões e de ostras tornaram-se dominantes no estado. O grande sucesso do cultivo de moluscos foi um dos motivos para que fosse implantado um pólo de maricultura no estado, envolvendo também o cultivo de camarões e de peixes.
Luis Vinatea Arana. Aqüicultura e desenvolvimento sustentável.
Florianópolis: UFSC, 1999, p. 214 (com adaptações).
Considerando a temática retratada no texto acima, julgue o item seguinte.
As fazendas de camarões constituem, entre as modalidades de aqüicultura, aquela que apresenta melhor rendimento econômico, maior potencial para desenvolvimento comunitário dos pescadores e menor impacto ambiental.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2696646 Ano: 2004
Disciplina: Biologia
Orgão: Petrobrás
Enunciado 2800145-1
A figura acima indica a localização da Ilha da Queimada Grande, onde se pretende implantar o primeiro parque nacional marinho da região Sudeste. Estudos identificaram 137 espécies de peixes que vivem junto à ilha, que é o único ponto do país onde se reproduz o caranha, peixe que alcança 1,5 m e chega a pesar 60 kg. A ilha também abriga serpentes como a jararaca-ilhoa, considerada endêmica e ameaçada de extinção. Por causa das serpentes, a ilha é inabitada.
A partir das informações acima, considere a existência hipotética de um empreendimento de significativo impacto ambiental instalado na zona costeira de Itanhaém, em terras compradas pelo empreendedor ao longo de uma das praias do município. Considere, ainda, a existência de uma caverna habitada por morcegos nas proximidades do empreendimento e que, para iniciar as obras de instalação do empreendimento, mas buscando proteger a caverna, promoveu-se uma queimada ao redor da caverna, deixando-a, porém, intacta, assim como os morcegos no seu interior. Em face dessas considerações e das informações acima, julgue o item que se segue.
O parque nacional a ser implantado enquadra-se na modalidade de unidade de conservação de uso sustentável, e admitiria, portanto, caso houvesse comunidade tradicional ali residindo, que esta manejasse a vegetação na forma de extrativismo consorciado com cultivo de subsistência.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Read the following text and answer items 37 to 40 below. PETROBRAS operated in Brazil as a monopoly for close to half a century. However, after recent deregulation of the Brazilian oil sector and the consequent arrival of competitors, PETROBRAS is now facing important new challenges. PETROBRAS must continue to maximize its competitiveness and effectiveness through bidding on offshore exploration blocks that can potentially yield oil reserves. At the same time, though, PETROBRAS must continue to provide the necessary resources to the enforcement of its environmental commitment to Brazilian society through oil spill surveillance and prevention programs.
Internet: <>. Access on Feb./2004 (with adaptations).
It is correct to conclude from this passage that
the fact that only PETROBRAS was allowed to exploit Brazilian oil reserves was regulated by Brazilian law.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
PETROBRAS is well on the road to greatly increasing its market share of the South American oil business. The state-run oil giant is investing more than US$ 3 billion in a strategy to spread risk, its managers say, through bold foreign exploration.
In October 2002, PETROBRAS paid US$ 1 billion for 59% of Argentina’s second-largest oil producer, Perez Companc (PECOM), and expects to spend another US$ 2 billion over the next five years to beef up international production, mainly in Venezuela but also in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Earlier, PETROBRAS swapped a billion dollar’s worth of assets with Spanish-Argentine energy giant Repsol-YPF for a share of Argentina’s retail gasoline and refining business.
Internet: <>.
Access on Feb./2004 (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
More than two years ago, PETROBRAS purchased over a half of Argentina’s PECOM.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Read the following text and answer items 37 to 40 below. PETROBRAS operated in Brazil as a monopoly for close to half a century. However, after recent deregulation of the Brazilian oil sector and the consequent arrival of competitors, PETROBRAS is now facing important new challenges. PETROBRAS must continue to maximize its competitiveness and effectiveness through bidding on offshore exploration blocks that can potentially yield oil reserves. At the same time, though, PETROBRAS must continue to provide the necessary resources to the enforcement of its environmental commitment to Brazilian society through oil spill surveillance and prevention programs.
Internet: <>. Access on Feb./2004 (with adaptations).
It is correct to conclude from this passage that
PETROBRAS competitiveness is restricted to its onshore activities.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Read the following text and answer items 37 to 40 below. PETROBRAS operated in Brazil as a monopoly for close to half a century. However, after recent deregulation of the Brazilian oil sector and the consequent arrival of competitors, PETROBRAS is now facing important new challenges. PETROBRAS must continue to maximize its competitiveness and effectiveness through bidding on offshore exploration blocks that can potentially yield oil reserves. At the same time, though, PETROBRAS must continue to provide the necessary resources to the enforcement of its environmental commitment to Brazilian society through oil spill surveillance and prevention programs.
Internet: <>. Access on Feb./2004 (with adaptations).
It is correct to conclude from this passage that
PETROBRAS has been operating as a monopoly for nearly fifty years.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
PETROBRAS is well on the road to greatly increasing its market share of the South American oil business. The state-run oil giant is investing more than US$ 3 billion in a strategy to spread risk, its managers say, through bold foreign exploration.
In October 2002, PETROBRAS paid US$ 1 billion for 59% of Argentina’s second-largest oil producer, Perez Companc (PECOM), and expects to spend another US$ 2 billion over the next five years to beef up international production, mainly in Venezuela but also in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Earlier, PETROBRAS swapped a billion dollar’s worth of assets with Spanish-Argentine energy giant Repsol-YPF for a share of Argentina’s retail gasoline and refining business.
Internet: <>.
Access on Feb./2004 (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
PETROBRAS is about to exchange a billion dollars for a share of Argentina’s sale of gasoline in gas-stations and refining business.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
PETROBRAS is well on the road to greatly increasing its market share of the South American oil business. The state-run oil giant is investing more than US$ 3 billion in a strategy to spread risk, its managers say, through bold foreign exploration.
In October 2002, PETROBRAS paid US$ 1 billion for 59% of Argentina’s second-largest oil producer, Perez Companc (PECOM), and expects to spend another US$ 2 billion over the next five years to beef up international production, mainly in Venezuela but also in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Earlier, PETROBRAS swapped a billion dollar’s worth of assets with Spanish-Argentine energy giant Repsol-YPF for a share of Argentina’s retail gasoline and refining business.
Internet: <>.
Access on Feb./2004 (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
In five years’ time, PETROBRAS expects to strengthen its international participation in four other South American countries.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
PETROBRAS is well on the road to greatly increasing its market share of the South American oil business. The state-run oil giant is investing more than US$ 3 billion in a strategy to spread risk, its managers say, through bold foreign exploration.
In October 2002, PETROBRAS paid US$ 1 billion for 59% of Argentina’s second-largest oil producer, Perez Companc (PECOM), and expects to spend another US$ 2 billion over the next five years to beef up international production, mainly in Venezuela but also in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Earlier, PETROBRAS swapped a billion dollar’s worth of assets with Spanish-Argentine energy giant Repsol-YPF for a share of Argentina’s retail gasoline and refining business.
Internet: <>.
Access on Feb./2004 (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
PETROBRAS greatly increased its market participation in the South American oil enterprises.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
PETROBRAS is well on the road to greatly increasing its market share of the South American oil business. The state-run oil giant is investing more than US$ 3 billion in a strategy to spread risk, its managers say, through bold foreign exploration.
In October 2002, PETROBRAS paid US$ 1 billion for 59% of Argentina’s second-largest oil producer, Perez Companc (PECOM), and expects to spend another US$ 2 billion over the next five years to beef up international production, mainly in Venezuela but also in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Earlier, PETROBRAS swapped a billion dollar’s worth of assets with Spanish-Argentine energy giant Repsol-YPF for a share of Argentina’s retail gasoline and refining business.
Internet: <>.
Access on Feb./2004 (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
The word “road” can be correctly replaced by path.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas