Magna Concursos

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Para el Cuerpo de Técnicos de Gestión de la Hacienda Pública (Gestha), el repunte de la infl ación armonizada (4,3% en tasa interanual) y el consecuente diferencial de la economía española respecto a la media de la zona euro (1,2 puntos) no se deben a la dependencia energética de ese país y al encarecimiento de los alimentos, sino al mayor porcentaje de economía sumergida (estimada en el 23% del PIB, frente a la media europea de 10%) y al exceso de dinero negro en circulación existente en España (56.438 millones de euros). Desde la entrada en funcionamiento del euro, el volumen de crédito bancario en España dobla ya al del resto de los países con la misma moneda.

Gestha opina que este nivel de economía sumergida agrava el diferencial de precios con respecto al de la zona euro, lo cual merma el poder adquisitivo -unos diez puntos por encima de otros países europeosy la competitividad del comercio exterior, que sitúa a España a la cabeza del déficit del PIB exterior mundial. Los Técnicos de Hacienda proponen un aumento de los ingresos, una reducción del fraude fiscal y la economía sumergida, a lo que hay que sumar una rebaja específica del IRPF.

(El Mundo. España, 16.01.08)

De acuerdo con el texto, para los técnicos de Gestha, el diferencial de precios español con respecto al de la zona euro:


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Para el Cuerpo de Técnicos de Gestión de la Hacienda Pública (Gestha), el repunte de la infl ación armonizada (4,3% en tasa interanual) y el consecuente diferencial de la economía española respecto a la media de la zona euro (1,2 puntos) no se deben a la dependencia energética de ese país y al encarecimiento de los alimentos, sino al mayor porcentaje de economía sumergida (estimada en el 23% del PIB, frente a la media europea de 10%) y al exceso de dinero negro en circulación existente en España (56.438 millones de euros). Desde la entrada en funcionamiento del euro, el volumen de crédito bancario en España dobla ya al del resto de los países con la misma moneda.

Gestha opina que este nivel de economía sumergida agrava el diferencial de precios con respecto al de la zona euro, lo cual merma el poder adquisitivo -unos diez puntos por encima de otros países europeosy la competitividad del comercio exterior, que sitúa a España a la cabeza del déficit del PIB exterior mundial. Los Técnicos de Hacienda proponen un aumento de los ingresos, una reducción del fraude fiscal y la economía sumergida, a lo que hay que sumar una rebaja específica del IRPF.

(El Mundo. España, 16.01.08)

En el texto se dice que la tasa inflacionaria española:


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Your answer to question must be based on the text below entitled "Brazil's president is wildly popular":

Brazil's President is Wildly Popular
Source: Special Double Issue Newsweek
Dec 31st, 2007/ Jan 7th, 2008 (Adapted)

For Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, 2007 has been a good year. The economy is surging, even as the United States shows signs of weakness. Rising real wages, school enrollments and life expectancy have finally nudged Brazil into the United Nations' elite of "high human development" nations. One by one Lula has seen top aides and allies fall to corruption scandals, but so far nothing seems to dim his aura. Now some of Lula's most ardent devotees in the ruling Workers Party (PT) are even pushing to change the Constitution to allow him to run for a third consecutive term in office. "All the stars are aligned," says Walter Molano, a specialist in emerging markets with BCP Securities.

According to the text, the Brazilian President


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Your answer to question must be based on the text below entitled "Brazil's president is wildly popular":

Brazil's President is Wildly Popular
Source: Special Double Issue Newsweek
Dec 31st, 2007/ Jan 7th, 2008 (Adapted)

For Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, 2007 has been a good year. The economy is surging, even as the United States shows signs of weakness. Rising real wages, school enrollments and life expectancy have finally nudged Brazil into the United Nations' elite of "high human development" nations. One by one Lula has seen top aides and allies fall to corruption scandals, but so far nothing seems to dim his aura. Now some of Lula's most ardent devotees in the ruling Workers Party (PT) are even pushing to change the Constitution to allow him to run for a third consecutive term in office. "All the stars are aligned," says Walter Molano, a specialist in emerging markets with BCP Securities.

The text reports that the Brazilian economy is surging. In other words,


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Your answer to question must be based on the text below entitled "Brazil's president is wildly popular":

Brazil's President is Wildly Popular
Source: Special Double Issue Newsweek
Dec 31st, 2007/ Jan 7th, 2008 (Adapted)

For Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, 2007 has been a good year. The economy is surging, even as the United States shows signs of weakness. Rising real wages, school enrollments and life expectancy have finally nudged Brazil into the United Nations' elite of "high human development" nations. One by one Lula has seen top aides and allies fall to corruption scandals, but so far nothing seems to dim his aura. Now some of Lula's most ardent devotees in the ruling Workers Party (PT) are even pushing to change the Constitution to allow him to run for a third consecutive term in office. "All the stars are aligned," says Walter Molano, a specialist in emerging markets with BCP Securities.

The opening sentence of the text refers to the year of 2007 as having been


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Your answer to question must be based on the text below entitled "Land of Promise":

Land of Promise
April 12th 2007 (Adapted)

In 2003 Goldman Sachs, an investment bank, selected Brazil, along with Russia, India and China, as one of the "BRICs"- the developing countries that would share dominance of the world economy by 2050.

In some ways Brazil is the steadiest of the BRICs. Unlike China and Russia it is a full-blooded democracy; unlike India it has no serious disputes with its neighbours. It is the only BRIC without a nuclear bomb. The Heritage Foundation's "Economic Freedom Index", which measures such factors as protection of property rights and free trade, ranks Brazil ("moderate free") above the other BRICs ("mostly unfree"). One of the main reasons why Brazil's growth has been slower than China's and India's is that Brazil is richer and more urbanized.

The survey will argue that disgruntlement persists because Brazil is a battleground between progress and inertia. Since independence was proclaimed by the son of the Portuguese king, Brazil has been adding layer upon layer of change rather than sweeping away the old and starting afresh.

In paragraph 3, progress and inertia are cited as the two


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Your answer to question must be based on the text below entitled "Land of Promise":

Land of Promise
April 12th 2007 (Adapted)

In 2003 Goldman Sachs, an investment bank, selected Brazil, along with Russia, India and China, as one of the "BRICs"- the developing countries that would share dominance of the world economy by 2050.

In some ways Brazil is the steadiest of the BRICs. Unlike China and Russia it is a full-blooded democracy; unlike India it has no serious disputes with its neighbours. It is the only BRIC without a nuclear bomb. The Heritage Foundation's "Economic Freedom Index", which measures such factors as protection of property rights and free trade, ranks Brazil ("moderate free") above the other BRICs ("mostly unfree"). One of the main reasons why Brazil's growth has been slower than China's and India's is that Brazil is richer and more urbanized.

The survey will argue that disgruntlement persists because Brazil is a battleground between progress and inertia. Since independence was proclaimed by the son of the Portuguese king, Brazil has been adding layer upon layer of change rather than sweeping away the old and starting afresh.

In paragraph 2, the author compares Brazil's growth to China's and India's and, therefore, defines it as


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Your answer to question must be based on the text below entitled "Land of Promise":

Land of Promise
April 12th 2007 (Adapted)

In 2003 Goldman Sachs, an investment bank, selected Brazil, along with Russia, India and China, as one of the "BRICs"- the developing countries that would share dominance of the world economy by 2050.

In some ways Brazil is the steadiest of the BRICs. Unlike China and Russia it is a full-blooded democracy; unlike India it has no serious disputes with its neighbours. It is the only BRIC without a nuclear bomb. The Heritage Foundation's "Economic Freedom Index", which measures such factors as protection of property rights and free trade, ranks Brazil ("moderate free") above the other BRICs ("mostly unfree"). One of the main reasons why Brazil's growth has been slower than China's and India's is that Brazil is richer and more urbanized.

The survey will argue that disgruntlement persists because Brazil is a battleground between progress and inertia. Since independence was proclaimed by the son of the Portuguese king, Brazil has been adding layer upon layer of change rather than sweeping away the old and starting afresh.

In paragraph 1, four countries are referred to as


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Assinale a opção em que o trecho foi transcrito com erro de pontuação.



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Os trechos abaixo constituem um texto (Leandro Konder, Jornal do Brasil,12/01/2008), mas estão desordenados. Ordene-os, indique a ordem dentro dos parênteses e assinale a opção que corresponde à ordem correta.

( ) Para sublinhar sua decisão de uma recusa radical daquilo que acontecia no mundo germânico, modificou seu nome do alemão Karpfen para o francês Carpeaux.

( ) Sua vida tinha se tornado impossível na Áustria que Hitler tinha anexado à Alemanha.

( ) Em agosto de 1939, Carpeaux chegou ao Brasil fugindo da Holanda, em companhia de sua mulher, dona Helena.

( ) Carpeaux, de fato, era católico e tinha aspectos conservadores em seu pensamento. Mas a acusação era grotesca, pois o homem tinha vindo para cá, fugindo do nazismo.

( ) Um grupo de jovens de esquerda, percebendo que Carpeaux, em seus artigos, criticava o marxismo-leninismo, acusou-o de ser um simpatizante do nazismo.



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