Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 70 questões.

3095351 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Direito Digital
Banca: FRA
Orgão: CEMIG

Já está em vigor a Lei nº 12.965/14, chamada de “Marco Civil da Internet”.

Sobre o tema, analise os itens abaixo:

I – O marco civil da internet é uma espécie de constituição da matéria e estabelece princípios, garantias, direitos e deveres para o uso da Internet no Brasil.

II – A chamada neutralidade de rede é um dos principais pilares do Marco Civil.

III – O uso da internet no Brasil tem como princípios exclusivamente a proteção da privacidade e a proteção dos dados pessoais.

IV - O usuário terá a opção de livre escolha na utilização de programa de computador em seu terminal para exercício do controle parental de conteúdo entendido por ele como impróprio a seus filhos menores, desde que respeitados os princípios da Lei nº 12.965/14 e do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Lei nº 8.069/90).

Considerando que cada item tem o valor de 03 (três), a soma dos itens CORRETOS é



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3095350 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Geografia
Banca: FRA
Orgão: CEMIG

Na interface que separa, de um lado, o núcleo terrestre e, de outro, a alta atmosfera e o espaço celeste do universo, estão o homem e suas complexas relações, vivendo e interferindo na biosfera. Toda dinâmica que rege os fenômenos da natureza contidos no estudo geográfico é produto do antagonismo entre forças geradas pela energia solar, que atua na superfície terrestre, com o auxílio da atmosfera e a energia do interior da Terra, que age na superfície através da crosta ou litosfera.

A estas forças dá-se o nome de:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3095349 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Direito Constitucional
Banca: FRA
Orgão: CEMIG

Sobre a organização do Estado Brasileiro, analise os itens abaixo:

I – A organização político-administrativa da República Federativa do Brasil compreende a União, os Estados, o Distrito Federal e os Municípios, todos autônomos, nos termos da Constituição Federal, e Brasília é a capital federal.

II – Os Territórios Federais, vedada sua divisão em Municípios, integram a União, e sua criação, transformação em Estado ou reintegração ao Estado de origem serão reguladas em lei complementar.

III - O Distrito Federal, vedada sua divisão em Municípios, reger- se-á por lei orgânica, votada em dois turnos com interstício mínimo de trinta dias, e aprovada por dois terços da Câmara Legislativa, que a promulgará, atendidos os princípios estabelecidos na Constituição Federal.

IV - É vedado à União, aos Estados, ao Distrito Federal e aos Municípios: estabelecer cultos religiosos ou igrejas, subvencioná-los, embaraçar-lhes o funcionamento ou manter com eles ou seus representantes relações de dependência ou aliança, ressalvada, na forma da lei, a colaboração de interesse público; recusar fé aos documentos públicos; criar distinções entre brasileiros ou preferências entre si.

É CORRETO apenas o que se afirma em



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3095348 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: FRA
Orgão: CEMIG



Fulvio Cupolillo – Magda Luzimar de Abreu

The abundance of solar energy reaching southeastern Brazil, over the year, creates a mild winter, dominated by the impact of large scale systems, such as cold fronts and the South Atlantic Subtropical High (ASAS – Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul), a ubsident branch of the Hadley cell, originated from the General Atmospheric Circulation.

The ASAS has its geographic center at the South Atlantic and originates, during the dry season, warm continental, subsiding and stable atmosphere, preceding the advance frontal systems towards the region.

In Minas Gerais State the ASAS is identified by clear days, high maximum temperatures and weak winds, predominantly (1) east and northeast. The occurrence of cold fronts (FF – Frentes Frias) (2) the region, coming from the southern part of South American, reaches the State with low nebulosity and few rain, mostly due to the dry air mass related to the ASAS effect (figure 1), that induces low relative humidity (Franca, 2009).

The cold air mass (Polar Air Mass, Massa de Ar Polar – MPA, characterizing the South Atlantic Polar High – Alta Polar do Atlântico Sul – APAS) following the frontal system, causes temperature decrease, atmospheric stability and stratiform clouds, due to the moist, ocean air, advection and to the strong thermal inversion. (3) these circumstances, south, southeast and southwest winds predominate. These dynamic elements act in the same way over the Rio Doce basin, although the proximity from the Brazilian coastline results in a wetter winter, with stratiform nebulosity, but low amounts of rainfall.

At the end of spring and during summer (the rainy season), the ASAS, is displaced to the ocean, diminishing its action over the continent (warmed by the intense solar radiation (4) this time of the year). Such warming results in the formation (5) convective systems over the central Brazil and western Minas Gerais State. Therefore centers of low atmospheric pressure predominate at the surface and undergoes to the east, reaching out the coastline. By the 70’s Edmon Nimer identified these convective patterns, naming them Tropical Instabilities (Instabilidades Tropicais – IT).

Under these conditions west winds predominate originating the Continental Equatorial Mass (Massa Equatorial Continental – MEC), causing intensity convective storms.

Nowadays it is known that the formation of the IT is associated to the high level anticyclonic circulation system named Bolivian High (Alta da Bolívia - AB). Jones and Horel (1990), Silva Dias and Marengo (2002), Vianello and Maia (1986), Prates (1994), the Climanálise Especial (1996) and Cupolillo (1997) state that the AB is a high tropospheric circulation which occurs during in the rainy season over South America. This atmospheric phenomenon causes strong convective activity and intense rainfalls over tropical region of the continent. It is mainly supported (6) the condensing latent heat released during the water vapor condensation.

The frontal systems are also present in the wet season. The cold fronts are fed by the low level moisture convergence and join to the ITs, originating abundant precipitation over central and southeastern Brazil. The episodes extending over seven days are characterized by the stationary condition of the frontal system which oscillates between warm (predominating winds from north and northwest) and cold (predominating southwest winds) fronts. This association results in events of intense and continuous precipitation that accumulates large amounts of rain. Under these circumstances, it is observed the phenomenon known as the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul – ZCAS) (CLIMANÁLISE ESPECIAL, 1996; ABREU, 1998; QUADRO, 1993; CONRADO, 1992).

Assinale a alternativa que completa o texto CORRETA e RESPECTIVAMENTE com as preposições apropriadas:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3095347 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: FRA
Orgão: CEMIG



Fulvio Cupolillo – Magda Luzimar de Abreu

The abundance of solar energy reaching southeastern Brazil, over the year, creates a mild winter, dominated by the impact of large scale systems, such as cold fronts and the South Atlantic Subtropical High (ASAS – Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul), a ubsident branch of the Hadley cell, originated from the General Atmospheric Circulation.

The ASAS has its geographic center at the South Atlantic and originates, during the dry season, warm continental, subsiding and stable atmosphere, preceding the advance frontal systems towards the region.

In Minas Gerais State the ASAS is identified by clear days, high maximum temperatures and weak winds, predominantly from east and northeast. The occurrence of cold fronts (FF – Frentes Frias) in the region, coming from the southern part of South American, reaches the State with low nebulosity and few rain, mostly due to the dry air mass related to the ASAS effect (figure 1), that induces low relative humidity (Franca, 2009).

The cold air mass (Polar Air Mass, Massa de Ar Polar – MPA, characterizing the South Atlantic Polar High – Alta Polar do Atlântico Sul – APAS) following the frontal system, causes temperature decrease, atmospheric stability and stratiform clouds, due to the moist, ocean air, advection and to the strong thermal inversion. over these circumstances, south, southeast and southwest winds predominate. These dynamic elements act in the same way over the Rio Doce basin, although the proximity from the Brazilian coastline results in a wetter winter, with stratiform nebulosity, but low amounts of rainfall.

At the end of spring and during summer (the rainy season), the ASAS, is displaced to the ocean, diminishing its action over the continent (warmed by the intense solar radiation at this time of the year). Such warming results in the formation of convective systems over the central Brazil and western Minas Gerais State. Therefore centers of low atmospheric pressure predominate at the surface and undergoes to the east, reaching out the coastline. By the 70’s Edmon Nimer identified these convective patterns, naming them Tropical Instabilities (Instabilidades Tropicais – IT).

Under these conditions west winds predominate originating the Continental Equatorial Mass (Massa Equatorial Continental – MEC), causing intensity convective storms.

Nowadays it is known that the formation of the IT is associated to the high level anticyclonic circulation system named Bolivian High (Alta da Bolívia - AB). Jones and Horel (1990), Silva Dias and Marengo (2002), Vianello and Maia (1986), Prates (1994), the Climanálise Especial (1996) and Cupolillo (1997) state that the AB is a high tropospheric circulation which occurs during in the rainy season over South America. This atmospheric phenomenon causes strong convective activity and intense rainfalls over tropical region of the continent. It is mainly supported by the condensing latent heat released during the water vapor condensation.

The frontal systems are also present in the wet season. The cold fronts are fed by the low level moisture convergence and join to the ITs, originating abundant precipitation over central and southeastern Brazil. The episodes extending over seven days are characterized by the stationary condition of the frontal system which oscillates between warm (predominating winds from north and northwest) and cold (predominating southwest winds) fronts. This association results in events of intense and continuous precipitation that accumulates large amounts of rain. Under these circumstances, it is observed the phenomenon known as the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul – ZCAS) (CLIMANÁLISE ESPECIAL, 1996; ABREU, 1998; QUADRO, 1993; CONRADO, 1992).

Leia as assertivas abaixo e classifique-as como (V) verdadeiras ou (F) falsas:

( ) Quando há massa de ar fria, os ventos do sul, sudeste e sudoeste predominam.

( ) Durante o verão, a Alta Polar do Atlântico Sul é relocada para o oceano, o que diminui sua ação sobre o continente, o qual está mais quente devido à intensa radiação solar nesta época do ano.

( ) A Alta da Bolívia é uma alta circulação troposférica que ocorre durante estações chuvosas na América do Sul e causa fortes movimentações de massas de ar e temperaturas e chuvas intensas.

( ) O alto nível de convergência úmida fomenta as frentes frias que resultam em altos níveis de precipitação.

A sequência CORRETA de classificação, de cima para baixo, é:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3095346 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: FRA
Orgão: CEMIG



Fulvio Cupolillo – Magda Luzimar de Abreu

The abundance of solar energy reaching southeastern Brazil, over the year, creates a mild winter, dominated by the impact of large scale systems, such as cold fronts and the South Atlantic Subtropical High (ASAS – Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul), a ubsident branch of the Hadley cell, originated from the General Atmospheric Circulation.

The ASAS has its geographic center at the South Atlantic and originates, during the dry season, warm continental, subsiding and stable atmosphere, preceding the advance frontal systems towards the region.

In Minas Gerais State the ASAS is identified by clear days, high maximum temperatures and weak winds, predominantly from east and northeast. The occurrence of cold fronts (FF – Frentes Frias) in the region, coming from the southern part of South American, reaches the State with low nebulosity and few rain, mostly due to the dry air mass related to the ASAS effect (figure 1), that induces low relative humidity (Franca, 2009).

The cold air mass (Polar Air Mass, Massa de Ar Polar – MPA, characterizing the South Atlantic Polar High – Alta Polar do Atlântico Sul – APAS) following the frontal system, causes temperature decrease, atmospheric stability and stratiform clouds, due to the moist, ocean air, advection and to the strong thermal inversion. over these circumstances, south, southeast and southwest winds predominate. These dynamic elements act in the same way over the Rio Doce basin, although the proximity from the Brazilian coastline results in a wetter winter, with stratiform nebulosity, but low amounts of rainfall.

At the end of spring and during summer (the rainy season), the ASAS, is displaced to the ocean, diminishing its action over the continent (warmed by the intense solar radiation at this time of the year). Such warming results in the formation of convective systems over the central Brazil and western Minas Gerais State. Therefore centers of low atmospheric pressure predominate at the surface and undergoes to the east, reaching out the coastline. By the 70’s Edmon Nimer identified these convective patterns, naming them Tropical Instabilities (Instabilidades Tropicais – IT).

Under these conditions west winds predominate originating the Continental Equatorial Mass (Massa Equatorial Continental – MEC), causing intensity convective storms.

Nowadays it is known that the formation of the IT is associated to the high level anticyclonic circulation system named Bolivian High (Alta da Bolívia - AB). Jones and Horel (1990), Silva Dias and Marengo (2002), Vianello and Maia (1986), Prates (1994), the Climanálise Especial (1996) and Cupolillo (1997) state that the AB is a high tropospheric circulation which occurs during in the rainy season over South America. This atmospheric phenomenon causes strong convective activity and intense rainfalls over tropical region of the continent. It is mainly supported by the condensing latent heat released during the water vapor condensation.

The frontal systems are also present in the wet season. The cold fronts are fed by the low level moisture convergence and join to the ITs, originating abundant precipitation over central and southeastern Brazil. The episodes extending over seven days are characterized by the stationary condition of the frontal system which oscillates between warm (predominating winds from north and northwest) and cold (predominating southwest winds) fronts. This association results in events of intense and continuous precipitation that accumulates large amounts of rain. Under these circumstances, it is observed the phenomenon known as the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul – ZCAS) (CLIMANÁLISE ESPECIAL, 1996; ABREU, 1998; QUADRO, 1993; CONRADO, 1992).

Há uma associação que resulta em eventos de precipitação intensa e contínua sobre o Brasil central e sudeste, a qual acumula grandes quantidades de chuva.

Essa associação se dá pela



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3095345 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: FRA
Orgão: CEMIG



Fulvio Cupolillo – Magda Luzimar de Abreu

The abundance of solar energy reaching southeastern Brazil, over the year, creates a mild winter, dominated by the impact of large scale systems, such as cold fronts and the South Atlantic Subtropical High (ASAS – Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul), a ubsident branch of the Hadley cell, originated from the General Atmospheric Circulation.

The ASAS has its geographic center at the South Atlantic and originates, during the dry season, warm continental, subsiding and stable atmosphere, preceding the advance frontal systems towards the region.

In Minas Gerais State the ASAS is identified by clear days, high maximum temperatures and weak winds, predominantly from east and northeast. The occurrence of cold fronts (FF – Frentes Frias) in the region, coming from the southern part of South American, reaches the State with low nebulosity and few rain, mostly due to the dry air mass related to the ASAS effect (figure 1), that induces low relative humidity (Franca, 2009).

The cold air mass (Polar Air Mass, Massa de Ar Polar – MPA, characterizing the South Atlantic Polar High – Alta Polar do Atlântico Sul – APAS) following the frontal system, causes temperature decrease, atmospheric stability and stratiform clouds, due to the moist, ocean air, advection and to the strong thermal inversion. over these circumstances, south, southeast and southwest winds predominate. These dynamic elements act in the same way over the Rio Doce basin, although the proximity from the Brazilian coastline results in a wetter winter, with stratiform nebulosity, but low amounts of rainfall.

At the end of spring and during summer (the rainy season), the ASAS, is displaced to the ocean, diminishing its action over the continent (warmed by the intense solar radiation at this time of the year). Such warming results in the formation of convective systems over the central Brazil and western Minas Gerais State. Therefore centers of low atmospheric pressure predominate at the surface and undergoes to the east, reaching out the coastline. By the 70’s Edmon Nimer identified these convective patterns, naming them Tropical Instabilities (Instabilidades Tropicais – IT).

Under these conditions west winds predominate originating the Continental Equatorial Mass (Massa Equatorial Continental – MEC), causing intensity convective storms.

Nowadays it is known that the formation of the IT is associated to the high level anticyclonic circulation system named Bolivian High (Alta da Bolívia - AB). Jones and Horel (1990), Silva Dias and Marengo (2002), Vianello and Maia (1986), Prates (1994), the Climanálise Especial (1996) and Cupolillo (1997) state that the AB is a high tropospheric circulation which occurs during in the rainy season over South America. This atmospheric phenomenon causes strong convective activity and intense rainfalls over tropical region of the continent. It is mainly supported by the condensing latent heat released during the water vapor condensation.

The frontal systems are also present in the wet season. The cold fronts are fed by the low level moisture convergence and join to the ITs, originating abundant precipitation over central and southeastern Brazil. The episodes extending over seven days are characterized by the stationary condition of the frontal system which oscillates between warm (predominating winds from north and northwest) and cold (predominating southwest winds) fronts. This association results in events of intense and continuous precipitation that accumulates large amounts of rain. Under these circumstances, it is observed the phenomenon known as the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul – ZCAS) (CLIMANÁLISE ESPECIAL, 1996; ABREU, 1998; QUADRO, 1993; CONRADO, 1992).

Devido à umidade, ao ar do oceano, à advecção e à forte inversão térmica, a massa de ar frio denominada Massa de Ar Polar (MPA) provoca



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3095344 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: FRA
Orgão: CEMIG



Fulvio Cupolillo – Magda Luzimar de Abreu

The abundance of solar energy reaching southeastern Brazil, over the year, creates a mild winter, dominated by the impact of large scale systems, such as cold fronts and the South Atlantic Subtropical High (ASAS – Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul), a ubsident branch of the Hadley cell, originated from the General Atmospheric Circulation.

The ASAS has its geographic center at the South Atlantic and originates, during the dry season, warm continental, subsiding and stable atmosphere, preceding the advance frontal systems towards the region.

In Minas Gerais State the ASAS is identified by clear days, high maximum temperatures and weak winds, predominantly from east and northeast. The occurrence of cold fronts (FF – Frentes Frias) in the region, coming from the southern part of South American, reaches the State with low nebulosity and few rain, mostly due to the dry air mass related to the ASAS effect (figure 1), that induces low relative humidity (Franca, 2009).

The cold air mass (Polar Air Mass, Massa de Ar Polar – MPA, characterizing the South Atlantic Polar High – Alta Polar do Atlântico Sul – APAS) following the frontal system, causes temperature decrease, atmospheric stability and stratiform clouds, due to the moist, ocean air, advection and to the strong thermal inversion. over these circumstances, south, southeast and southwest winds predominate. These dynamic elements act in the same way over the Rio Doce basin, although the proximity from the Brazilian coastline results in a wetter winter, with stratiform nebulosity, but low amounts of rainfall.

At the end of spring and during summer (the rainy season), the ASAS, is displaced to the ocean, diminishing its action over the continent (warmed by the intense solar radiation at this time of the year). Such warming results in the formation of convective systems over the central Brazil and western Minas Gerais State. Therefore centers of low atmospheric pressure predominate at the surface and undergoes to the east, reaching out the coastline. By the 70’s Edmon Nimer identified these convective patterns, naming them Tropical Instabilities (Instabilidades Tropicais – IT).

Under these conditions west winds predominate originating the Continental Equatorial Mass (Massa Equatorial Continental – MEC), causing intensity convective storms.

Nowadays it is known that the formation of the IT is associated to the high level anticyclonic circulation system named Bolivian High (Alta da Bolívia - AB). Jones and Horel (1990), Silva Dias and Marengo (2002), Vianello and Maia (1986), Prates (1994), the Climanálise Especial (1996) and Cupolillo (1997) state that the AB is a high tropospheric circulation which occurs during in the rainy season over South America. This atmospheric phenomenon causes strong convective activity and intense rainfalls over tropical region of the continent. It is mainly supported by the condensing latent heat released during the water vapor condensation.

The frontal systems are also present in the wet season. The cold fronts are fed by the low level moisture convergence and join to the ITs, originating abundant precipitation over central and southeastern Brazil. The episodes extending over seven days are characterized by the stationary condition of the frontal system which oscillates between warm (predominating winds from north and northwest) and cold (predominating southwest winds) fronts. This association results in events of intense and continuous precipitation that accumulates large amounts of rain. Under these circumstances, it is observed the phenomenon known as the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul – ZCAS) (CLIMANÁLISE ESPECIAL, 1996; ABREU, 1998; QUADRO, 1993; CONRADO, 1992).

O ASAS (Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul) é um grande sistema de alta pressão atmosférica que pode ser identificado em Minas Gerais por



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3095343 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: FRA
Orgão: CEMIG

Personal experience can differ between individuals as a function of their location, history, and/or socio-economic circumstances (Figner and Weber, 2011). Greater familiarity with climate risks, unless accompanied by alarming negative consequences, could actually lead to a reduction rather than an increase in the perceptions of its riskiness (Kloeckner, 2011). On the other hand, people’s experience can make climate a more salient issue. For example, changes in the timing and extent of freezing and melting (and associated effects on sea ice, flora, and fauna) have been experienced since the 1990s in the American and Canadian Arctic and especially indigenous communities (Laidler, 2006), leading to increased concern with climate change because traditional prediction mechanisms no longer can explain these phenomena (Turner and Clifton, 2009).

People’s expectations of change (or stability) in climate variables also affect their ability to detect trends in probabilistic environments. For instance, farmers in Illinois were asked to recall growing season temperature or precipitation statistics for seven preceding years. Farmers who believed that their region was affected by climate change recalled precipitation and temperature trends consistent with this expectation, whereas farmers who believed in a constant climate, recalled precipitations and temperatures consistent with that belief (Weber, 1997). Recognizing that beliefs shape perception and memory provides insight into why climate change expectations and concerns vary between segments of the US population with different political ideologies.

The evidence is mixed when we whether individuals from past experience with respect to investing in adaptation or mitigation measures that are likely to be cost-effective. Even after the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons in the United States, a large number of residents in high-risk areas in relatively inexpensive loss-reduction measures, nor emergency preparedness measures (Goodnough, 2006).

Surveys in Alaska and Florida, regions where residents more regularly to physical evidence of climate change, show greater concern and willingness to take action (ACI, 2004; Leiserowitz and Broad, 2008; Mozumder et al., 2011).

Capítulo 2: Integrated Risk and Uncertainty Assessment of Climate

Change Response Policies, In: Climate Change 2014, p. 164, 165

Assinale a alternativa que preenche CORRETAMENTE as lacunas deixadas no texto acima.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3095342 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: FRA
Orgão: CEMIG

Personal experience can differ between individuals as a function of their location, history, and/or socio-economic circumstances (Figner and Weber, 2011). Greater familiarity with climate risks, unless accompanied by alarming negative consequences, could actually lead to a reduction rather than an increase in the perceptions of its riskiness (Kloeckner, 2011). On the other hand, people’s experience can make climate a more salient issue. For example, changes in the timing and extent of freezing and melting (and associated effects on sea ice, flora, and fauna) have been experienced since the 1990s in the American and Canadian Arctic and especially indigenous communities (Laidler, 2006), leading to increased concern with climate change because traditional prediction mechanisms no longer can explain these phenomena (Turner and Clifton, 2009).

People’s expectations of change (or stability) in climate variables also affect their ability to detect trends in probabilistic environments. For instance, farmers in Illinois were asked to recall growing season temperature or precipitation statistics for seven preceding years. Farmers who believed that their region was affected by climate change recalled precipitation and temperature trends consistent with this expectation, whereas farmers who believed in a constant climate, recalled precipitations and temperatures consistent with that belief (Weber, 1997). Recognizing that beliefs shape perception and memory provides insight into why climate change expectations and concerns vary between segments of the US population with different political ideologies.

The evidence is mixed when we examine whether individuals learn from past experience with respect to investing in adaptation or mitigation measures that are likely to be cost-effective. Even after the devastating 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons in the United States, a large number of residents in high-risk areas had still not invested in relatively inexpensive loss-reduction measures, nor had they undertaken emergency preparedness measures (Goodnough, 2006).

Surveys conducted in Alaska and Florida, regions where residents have been exposed more regularly to physical evidence of climate change, show greater concern and willingness to take action (ACI, 2004; Leiserowitz and Broad, 2008; Mozumder et al., 2011).

Capítulo 2: Integrated Risk and Uncertainty Assessment of Climate

Change Response Policies, In: Climate Change 2014, p. 164, 165

De acordo com o texto acima, é CORRETO afirmar:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas