Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 217 questões.

A empresa X, entidade privada com fins lucrativos, apresentou à APEX Brasil uma proposta de convênio, visando à execução, por aquela, de um projeto específico para promover a exportação de suco de laranja. Para a celebração do convênio, a empresa X teve de apresentar uma contrapartida de 40% do valor total do projeto, enquanto a APEX Brasil fez o aporte de recursos financeiros referentes aos 60% restantes.

Considerando a situação hipotética precedente, assinale a opção correta, de acordo com o Regulamento de Convênios da APEX Brasil.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Na assessoria jurídica da APEX Brasil, aportaram três processos de contratação para análise de diversas questões. Os contratos eram os apresentados a seguir.
(i) Contratação do serviço de seguro dos equipamentos da APEX Brasil junto ao Banco do Brasil S/A, sociedade de economia mista da União, sendo de R$ 800 mil o valor do contrato.
(ii) Contratação da empresa estrangeira XYZ, sediada em Uganda, para prestar serviços à APEX Brasil relativos à organização e estruturação de um evento que será promovido naquele país, sendo de R$ 2 milhões o valor do contrato.
(iii) Contratação da Associação de Exportadores do estado Alfa, a fim de que a APEX Brasil, desenvolvendo a sua atividade fim, participe nas feiras e exposições organizadas por aquela entidade associativa, sendo de R$ 8 milhões o valor do contrato.
Considerando a situação hipotética apresentada, assinale a opção correta, de acordo com o Regulamento de Licitações e de Contratos da APEX Brasil.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Conforme as disposições do Decreto n.º 4.584/2003, assinale a opção correta.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3111577 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Legislação Federal
Orgão: APEX
Os cinco produtos oferecidos pela APEX Brasil incluem o de serviço, que possibilita aos empresários o contato direto com parceiros de negócios internacionais e auxilia na inserção ativa e competitiva das empresas nacionais nos mercados estrangeiros. Esse produto refere-se à


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3111576 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho (SST)
Orgão: APEX
O programa de prevenção de riscos ambientais (PPRA), em sua composição,


Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Text CB1A7

Whenever a global economic transformation takes place, a single city usually drives it forward. Ghent, in modern-day Belgium, was at the core of the burgeoning global wool trade in the 13th century. The first initial public offering took place in Amsterdam in 1602. London was the financial centre of the first wave of globalisation during the 19th century. Today the city is San Francisco.

California’s commercial capital has no serious rival in generative artificial intelligence (AI), a breakthrough technology that has caused a bull market in American stocks and which, many economists hope, will power a global productivity surge. Almost all big AI start-up companies are based in the Bay Area, which comprises the city of San Francisco and Silicon Valley (largely based in Santa Clara county, to the south). OpenAI is there, of course; so are Anthropic, Databricks and Scale AI. Tech giants, including Meta and Microsoft, are also spending big on AI in San Francisco. According to Brookings Metro, a think tank, last year San Francisco accounted for close to a tenth of generative AI job postings in America, more than any other city of the country. New York, with four times as many residents, was second.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the ideas conveyed in text CB1A7, choose the correct option.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3111574 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: APEX
Text CB4A1
When parties to a private law dispute are based in different countries, or the facts and issues giving rise to the dispute cross national borders, questions of private international law arise. In which country’s courts should the parties litigate their dispute? Which country’s law should be applied to resolve it? How can the judgment be enforced in another country? Private international law is the body of domestic law that supplies the rules used to determine these questions.
Problems of private international law are by no means a recent phenomenon. The conditions that give rise to problems of private international law date from at least the fourth century BC. The problems are, however, becoming more difficult and increasingly pervasive because modern technologies challenge the territorial premise on which the existing rules of private international law have been developed.
In this respect, the advent of the Internet in the late 1980s has been a catalyst of socio-economic change that has posed significant challenges for private international law. More recent innovations, such as crypto-tokens and distributed ledgers, add novel and arguably intractable problems to these existing challenges.
The British Law Commission has a project that particularly focuses on crypto-tokens, electronic bills of lading, and electronic bills of exchange. This is because these assets are prevalent in market practice, whilst also posing novel theoretical challenges to the methods by which issues of private international law have traditionally been resolved.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the ideas conveyed in text CB4A1, choose the correct option.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3111573 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: APEX
Text CB4A1
When parties to a private law dispute are based in different countries, or the facts and issues giving rise to the dispute cross national borders, questions of private international law arise. In which country’s courts should the parties litigate their dispute? Which country’s law should be applied to resolve it? How can the judgment be enforced in another country? Private international law is the body of domestic law that supplies the rules used to determine these questions.
Problems of private international law are by no means a recent phenomenon. The conditions that give rise to problems of private international law date from at least the fourth century BC. The problems are, however, becoming more difficult and increasingly pervasive because modern technologies challenge the territorial premise on which the existing rules of private international law have been developed.
In this respect, the advent of the Internet in the late 1980s has been a catalyst of socio-economic change that has posed significant challenges for private international law. More recent innovations, such as crypto-tokens and distributed ledgers, add novel and arguably intractable problems to these existing challenges.
The British Law Commission has a project that particularly focuses on crypto-tokens, electronic bills of lading, and electronic bills of exchange. This is because these assets are prevalent in market practice, whilst also posing novel theoretical challenges to the methods by which issues of private international law have traditionally been resolved.
Internet: <> (adapted).
According to text CB4A1, the factor that most significantly contributes to the increasing difficulty of resolving disputes related to private international law is


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3111572 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: APEX

Text CB1A7

Whenever a global economic transformation takes place, a single city usually drives it forward. Ghent, in modern-day Belgium, was at the core of the burgeoning global wool trade in the 13th century. The first initial public offering took place in Amsterdam in 1602. London was the financial centre of the first wave of globalisation during the 19th century. Today the city is San Francisco.

California’s commercial capital has no serious rival in generative artificial intelligence (AI), a breakthrough technology that has caused a bull market in American stocks and which, many economists hope, will power a global productivity surge. Almost all big AI start-up companies are based in the Bay Area, which comprises the city of San Francisco and Silicon Valley (largely based in Santa Clara county, to the south). OpenAI is there, of course; so are Anthropic, Databricks and Scale AI. Tech giants, including Meta and Microsoft, are also spending big on AI in San Francisco. According to Brookings Metro, a think tank, last year San Francisco accounted for close to a tenth of generative AI job postings in America, more than any other city of the country. New York, with four times as many residents, was second.

Internet: <> (adapted).

In text CB1A7, the expression “California’s commercial capital” (in the beginning of the second paragraph) refers to


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3111571 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: APEX

Text CB1A7

Whenever a global economic transformation takes place, a single city usually drives it forward. Ghent, in modern-day Belgium, was at the core of the burgeoning global wool trade in the 13th century. The first initial public offering took place in Amsterdam in 1602. London was the financial centre of the first wave of globalisation during the 19th century. Today the city is San Francisco.

California’s commercial capital has no serious rival in generative artificial intelligence (AI), a breakthrough technology that has caused a bull market in American stocks and which, many economists hope, will power a global productivity surge. Almost all big AI start-up companies are based in the Bay Area, which comprises the city of San Francisco and Silicon Valley (largely based in Santa Clara county, to the south). OpenAI is there, of course; so are Anthropic, Databricks and Scale AI. Tech giants, including Meta and Microsoft, are also spending big on AI in San Francisco. According to Brookings Metro, a think tank, last year San Francisco accounted for close to a tenth of generative AI job postings in America, more than any other city of the country. New York, with four times as many residents, was second.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Maintaining the original meaning and the grammatical correctness of text CB1A7, the word “burgeoning” (second sentence) could be replaced with


Questão presente nas seguintes provas