Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 120 questões.

2473468 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
According to Jose Antonio Felez, president of the Spanish producer association AEC, the film industry is suffering on all fronts. Spanish film releases are down 24 percent from last year, with 61 films compared to last year’s 80 — a far cry from the 230 foreign films released so far this year, as of last week.
Overall box office earnings are down 13.5 percent at $486 million (360 million euros), with homegrown films earning $55 million (41 million euros), 7 million euros less than the same period in 2012, representing an 18 percent drop.
The number of shoots dropped 28.7 percent from 2012 and budgets are shrinking, with more than half of Spanish films operating on a budget of less than $1.35 million (1 million euros). Even so, 15 films cost more than $4 million (3 million euros), with eight of those weighing in over $5.4 million (4 million euros).
P. Rolfe. Spanish producers urge government to revamp film
financing model. Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the text above, judge the item below.
The number of films released in Spain in 2013 is less than half the number of foreign films released in the same period.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2473467 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
According to Jose Antonio Felez, president of the Spanish producer association AEC, the film industry is suffering on all fronts. Spanish film releases are down 24 percent from last year, with 61 films compared to last year’s 80 — a far cry from the 230 foreign films released so far this year, as of last week.
Overall box office earnings are down 13.5 percent at $486 million (360 million euros), with homegrown films earning $55 million (41 million euros), 7 million euros less than the same period in 2012, representing an 18 percent drop.
The number of shoots dropped 28.7 percent from 2012 and budgets are shrinking, with more than half of Spanish films operating on a budget of less than $1.35 million (1 million euros). Even so, 15 films cost more than $4 million (3 million euros), with eight of those weighing in over $5.4 million (4 million euros).
P. Rolfe. Spanish producers urge government to revamp film
financing model. Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the text above, judge the item below.
The pronoun “those” refers to “3 million euros”.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2473466 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
According to Jose Antonio Felez, president of the Spanish producer association AEC, the film industry is suffering on all fronts. Spanish film releases are down 24 percent from last year, with 61 films compared to last year’s 80 — a far cry from the 230 foreign films released so far this year, as of last week.
Overall box office earnings are down 13.5 percent at $486 million (360 million euros), with homegrown films earning $55 million (41 million euros), 7 million euros less than the same period in 2012, representing an 18 percent drop.
The number of shoots dropped 28.7 percent from 2012 and budgets are shrinking, with more than half of Spanish films operating on a budget of less than $1.35 million (1 million euros). Even so, 15 films cost more than $4 million (3 million euros), with eight of those weighing in over $5.4 million (4 million euros).
P. Rolfe. Spanish producers urge government to revamp film
financing model. Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the text above, judge the item below.
The number of films produced in Spain in 2013 is smaller in comparison with 2012.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2473465 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
According to Jose Antonio Felez, president of the Spanish producer association AEC, the film industry is suffering on all fronts. Spanish film releases are down 24 percent from last year, with 61 films compared to last year’s 80 — a far cry from the 230 foreign films released so far this year, as of last week.
Overall box office earnings are down 13.5 percent at $486 million (360 million euros), with homegrown films earning $55 million (41 million euros), 7 million euros less than the same period in 2012, representing an 18 percent drop.
The number of shoots dropped 28.7 percent from 2012 and budgets are shrinking, with more than half of Spanish films operating on a budget of less than $1.35 million (1 million euros). Even so, 15 films cost more than $4 million (3 million euros), with eight of those weighing in over $5.4 million (4 million euros).
P. Rolfe. Spanish producers urge government to revamp film
financing model. Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the text above, judge the item below.
There was an increase in the total box office earnings in 2013 destined for Spanish films.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2473464 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
The proposition “Copyright is Dead, Long Live the Pirates” was put to the audience after a debate last night on intellectual property and the need to ensure creators of content are paid for their work.
Of the audience at Melbourne Town Hall, 49% voted for the proposition, with 36% against and 15% undecided.
The forum was part of a year-round program of lectures, readings and debates.
Lori Flekser, executive director of the Intellectual Property Awareness Foundation and general manager of the Motion Picture Distributors Association of Australia asserted copyright is not dead, quoting statistics for 2010-2011 which showed more than 900,000 people were employed in the copyright industries, which generated an economic value of $93.2 billion and just over $7 billion in exports.
“It’s very clear from our research that the public either do not or choose not to understand that the victims of piracy are not simply studio executives, music companies and high-profile actors and musicians,” she said.
D. Groves. Copyright is dead. Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the item.
Statistics show there is more than nine hundred thousand people who depend on the copyright industries for their income.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2473463 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
The proposition “Copyright is Dead, Long Live the Pirates” was put to the audience after a debate last night on intellectual property and the need to ensure creators of content are paid for their work.
Of the audience at Melbourne Town Hall, 49% voted for the proposition, with 36% against and 15% undecided.
The forum was part of a year-round program of lectures, readings and debates.
Lori Flekser, executive director of the Intellectual Property Awareness Foundation and general manager of the Motion Picture Distributors Association of Australia asserted copyright is not dead, quoting statistics for 2010-2011 which showed more than 900,000 people were employed in the copyright industries, which generated an economic value of $93.2 billion and just over $7 billion in exports.
“It’s very clear from our research that the public either do not or choose not to understand that the victims of piracy are not simply studio executives, music companies and high-profile actors and musicians,” she said.
D. Groves. Copyright is dead. Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the item.
The debate was part of a one-year forum on intellectual property and piracy.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2473462 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
The proposition “Copyright is Dead, Long Live the Pirates” was put to the audience after a debate last night on intellectual property and the need to ensure creators of content are paid for their work.
Of the audience at Melbourne Town Hall, 49% voted for the proposition, with 36% against and 15% undecided.
The forum was part of a year-round program of lectures, readings and debates.
Lori Flekser, executive director of the Intellectual Property Awareness Foundation and general manager of the Motion Picture Distributors Association of Australia asserted copyright is not dead, quoting statistics for 2010-2011 which showed more than 900,000 people were employed in the copyright industries, which generated an economic value of $93.2 billion and just over $7 billion in exports.
“It’s very clear from our research that the public either do not or choose not to understand that the victims of piracy are not simply studio executives, music companies and high-profile actors and musicians,” she said.
D. Groves. Copyright is dead. Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the item.
The text criticizes those who are against the defense of intellectual property.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2473461 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
The proposition “Copyright is Dead, Long Live the Pirates” was put to the audience after a debate last night on intellectual property and the need to ensure creators of content are paid for their work.
Of the audience at Melbourne Town Hall, 49% voted for the proposition, with 36% against and 15% undecided.
The forum was part of a year-round program of lectures, readings and debates.
Lori Flekser, executive director of the Intellectual Property Awareness Foundation and general manager of the Motion Picture Distributors Association of Australia asserted copyright is not dead, quoting statistics for 2010-2011 which showed more than 900,000 people were employed in the copyright industries, which generated an economic value of $93.2 billion and just over $7 billion in exports.
“It’s very clear from our research that the public either do not or choose not to understand that the victims of piracy are not simply studio executives, music companies and high-profile actors and musicians,” she said.
D. Groves. Copyright is dead. Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the item.
The verb form “ensure” could be replaced by make certain without changing the meaning of the text.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2473460 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Português

Caso alguém pergunte, em um futuro distante, qual terá sido o meio de expressão de maior impacto da era moderna, a resposta será quase unânime: o cinematógrafo. Inventado em 1895 pelos irmãos Lumière para fins científicos, o cinema revelou-se peça fundamental do imaginário coletivo do século XX, seja como fonte de entretenimento, seja como fonte de divulgação cultural de todos os povos do globo.

O cinematógrafo aportou no Brasil com Affonso Segretto, imigrante italiano que filmou cenas do porto do Rio de Janeiro e tornou-se nosso primeiro cineasta, em 1898. Um imenso mercado de entretenimento foi montado em torno da capital federal no início do século XX, quando centenas de pequenos filmes foram produzidos e exibidos para plateias urbanas que, em franco crescimento, demandavam lazer e diversão.

Nos anos 30, iniciou-se a era do cinema falado. Já então, o pioneiro cinema nacional concorria com o forte esquema de distribuição norte americano, em uma disputa que se estende até os nossos dias. A criação do estúdio Vera Cruz, no final da década de 40, representou o desejo de diretores que, influenciados pelo requinte das produções estrangeiras, procuravam realizar um tipo de cinema mais sofisticado.

A reação ao cinema da Vera Cruz representou o movimento que divulgou o cinema nacional para o mundo inteiro: o Cinema Novo. No início da década de 60, um grupo de jovens cineastas começou a realizar uma série de filmes imbuídos de forte temática social. Entre eles, Glauber Rocha, cineasta baiano e símbolo do Cinema Novo. Diretor de filmes como Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (1964) e O Dragão da Maldade Contra o Santo Guerreiro (1968), Glauber tornou-se uma figura conhecida no meio cultural brasileiro, tendo redigido manifestos e artigos na imprensa, rejeitado o cinema popular das chanchadas e defendido uma arte revolucionária que promovesse verdadeira transformação social e política.

História do cinema brasileiro. Internet: <> (com adaptações).

No que se refere às ideias do texto acima e a seus aspectos linguísticos, julgue o item a seguir.

Conclui-se do texto que o cinema brasileiro foi pioneiro na era do cinema falado.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2473459 Ano: 2013
Disciplina: Português

Caso alguém pergunte, em um futuro distante, qual terá sido o meio de expressão de maior impacto da era moderna, a resposta será quase unânime: o cinematógrafo. Inventado em 1895 pelos irmãos Lumière para fins científicos, o cinema revelou-se peça fundamental do imaginário coletivo do século XX, seja como fonte de entretenimento, seja como fonte de divulgação cultural de todos os povos do globo.

O cinematógrafo aportou no Brasil com Affonso Segretto, imigrante italiano que filmou cenas do porto do Rio de Janeiro e tornou-se nosso primeiro cineasta, em 1898. Um imenso mercado de entretenimento foi montado em torno da capital federal no início do século XX, quando centenas de pequenos filmes foram produzidos e exibidos para plateias urbanas que, em franco crescimento, demandavam lazer e diversão.

Nos anos 30, iniciou-se a era do cinema falado. Já então, o pioneiro cinema nacional concorria com o forte esquema de distribuição norte americano, em uma disputa que se estende até os nossos dias. A criação do estúdio Vera Cruz, no final da década de 40, representou o desejo de diretores que, influenciados pelo requinte das produções estrangeiras, procuravam realizar um tipo de cinema mais sofisticado.

A reação ao cinema da Vera Cruz representou o movimento que divulgou o cinema nacional para o mundo inteiro: o Cinema Novo. No início da década de 60, um grupo de jovens cineastas começou a realizar uma série de filmes imbuídos de forte temática social. Entre eles, Glauber Rocha, cineasta baiano e símbolo do Cinema Novo. Diretor de filmes como Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol (1964) e O Dragão da Maldade Contra o Santo Guerreiro (1968), Glauber tornou-se uma figura conhecida no meio cultural brasileiro, tendo redigido manifestos e artigos na imprensa, rejeitado o cinema popular das chanchadas e defendido uma arte revolucionária que promovesse verdadeira transformação social e política.

História do cinema brasileiro. Internet: <> (com adaptações).

No que se refere às ideias do texto acima e a seus aspectos linguísticos, julgue o item a seguir.

No Brasil, o cinematógrafo sempre foi usado na indústria do entretenimento, não tendo finalidade científica.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas