Magna Concursos

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1429704 Ano: 2016
Disciplina: Contabilidade Geral
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: ANAC
A utilização de "Indicadores Operacionais", resultante do acompanhamento de processos de uma determinada instituição ou empresa, apresenta-se como forma complementar de avaliação em relação aos indicadores puramente financeiros, de origem contábil. Indique, entre as opções abaixo, aquela que não se encontra entre as principais características dos Indicadores Operacionais.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Faça uma correlação entre as colunas I e II da tabela abaixo e, em seguida, assinale a opção que contenha a sequência correta para a coluna II.

1. Captura dos
reguladores pelas
empresas reguladas.
( ) Benefício potencial do
processo de regulação para
as empresas reguladas.
2. Amparo legal para
garantir direito do
( ) Falha potencial do
processo de regulação por
agência reguladora.
3. Adoção de medidas
para dificultar a entrada
de produtos substitutos
e complementares.
( ) Benefício potencial do
processo de regulação para a


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Faça uma correlação entre as colunas I e II da tabela abaixo e, em seguida, assinale a opção que contenha a sequência correta para a coluna II.
1. Elaboração do projeto de
Lei Orçamentária
( ) Unidade Orçamentária
2. Análise e aprovação da Lei
de Diretrizes Orçamentárias
( ) Congresso Nacional
3. Execução do orçamento ( ) Órgão Central de
4. Elaboração da Proposta de
Programação Financeira
( ) Órgão Central de


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Correlacione as colunas e, ao final, assinale a opção que contenha a sequência correta com a coluna "premissa ou papel".
Reinventando as formas de governar no séc. XXI e
propondo um novo paradigma de Estado
(1) Governo
( ) É ter uma visão de conjunto. Ter em mente
o papel fundamental da inovação nos serviços
públicos ─ a necessidade de inovar é cada
vez maior.
(2) Governo
orientado por
( ) É induzir mudanças por meio do mercado.
A organização pública como facilitadora,
intermediária em mercados novos ou
(3) Governo
( ) É gerador de receitas ao invés de
despesas. A crise dos impostos...
chegou para ficar. Para garantir receitas
futuras, precisamos criar novas fontes
de receitas.
(4) Governo
orientado para
( ) É transformar órgãos burocratizados,pois
órgãos orientados por missões são mais
racionais que aqueles orientados por normas.
(5) Governo
( ) É navegar, não remar. Prestar serviço é
remar, e o governo não é bom remador.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Read text and answer question.
The advantage
1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place.
2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to pre-owned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation.
3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that’s no small thing.
Source: [slightly adapted]
The expression " that’s no small thing" in Paragraph 3, could be replaced by


Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Read text and answer question.

The advantage

1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place.

2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to pre-owned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation.

3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that’s no small thing.

Source: [slightly adapted]

The pronoun 'they' occurs twice in #1, referring to



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Read text and answer question.

The advantage

1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place.

2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to pre-owned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation.

3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that’s no small thing.

Source: [slightly adapted]

The word 'seamlessly' in #2 means



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Read text and answer question.

The advantage

1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place.

2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to pre-owned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation.

3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that’s no small thing.

Source: [slightly adapted]

The 'unique and new service' referred to in #3 is



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Read text and answer question.
The advantage
1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place.
2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to pre-owned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation.
3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that’s no small thing.
Source: [slightly adapted]
A pre-owned aircraft refers to a plane that


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Read text and answer question.
The advantage
1 CARE Acquiring a new aircraft is already a complex enough process. Acquiring a pre-owned aircraft can be an even more challenging task. The industry has its fair share of brokers and experts all willing to offer you the best deal in town but, regrettably, once you have signed and the aircraft is delivered, they tend to vanish as they move onto the next deal. Our philosophy is very different. Every Embraer aircraft we lease has passed through our own Embraer facilities. Every aircraft is treated with a level of service and care that can only come from those who built them in the first place.
2 SUPPORT In choosing one of our pre-owned aircraft, all of our customers share a common goal: to ensure that the aircraft delivered perform seamlessly from day one and continue to perform for many years to come. In response to this, we offer the Lifetime Program by Embraer. This program represents a first in the industry and is the result of a very detailed review between ECC and Embraer on how best to support our customers. The Lifetime Program is unique to pre-owned Embraer aircraft and offers a wide range of services from startup through operation.
3 RELIABLE So when an ECC pre-owned aircraft is offered for delivery to its new home you can rest assured that it will provide many years of happy, reliable service. Our focus does not end there since we value the relationships we build with our customers. Our Lifetime Program is testament to this. This is a unique and new service from Embraer to support our used aircraft. We invite you to learn, in greater detail, how it will not only enhance your operation, but also keep your Chief Financial Officer happy. Transparency in costs and flexibility in adapting to your needs. It is our way of showing that every Embraer aircraft we offer has our seal of approval. Coming from the manufacturer, that’s no small thing.
Source: [slightly adapted]
The main aim of the text is to convince potential customers that


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