Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 60 questões.

2378651 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Informática

A técnica aplicada por pessoas mal intencionadas para induzir os usuários de computador a revelarem informações pessoais ou financeiras por meio de uma mensagem de email ou de um site chama-se



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2378650 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Informática

Observe o conteúdo de uma planilha do Excel XP, em sua configuração original, apresentada na figura:

Enunciado 2949258-1

Assinale a alternativa que contém o resultado da seguinte fórmula inserida na célula L6: =SE(K2+L2>9;SOMA(K3:M4);SE(L2*3>=15;MÉDIA(L3:M4);L3^M3))



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2378649 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Informática

A palavra “ALGMU” digitada num documento do Word XP, em português, é convertida automaticamente para “ALGUM”. Assinale a alternativa que contém a ferramenta que faz essa conversão.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2378648 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Informática

Assinale a alternativa correta sobre o software de correio eletrônico Microsoft Outlook XP, na sua configuração padrão.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2378647 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Informática

Utilizando o Internet Explorer 7, para visualizar simultaneamente todas as páginas que o usuário está acessando na Web, conforme apresentado na figura, foi necessário pressionar o botão:

Enunciado 2949255-1



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2378646 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Informática

O botão do Windows Vista, em sua configuração original, que aciona o menu apresentado a seguir, é

Enunciado 2949254-1



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2378645 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)


The traditional concept of a library is being redefined from a place to access paper records or books to one that also houses the most advanced electronic resources, including the Internet, digital libraries, and remote access to a wide range of information sources. Consequently, librarians, often called information professionals, increasingly combine traditional duties with tasks involving quickly changing technology. Librarians help people find information and use it effectively for personal and professional purposes. They must have knowledge of a wide variety of scholarly and public information sources and must follow trends related to publishing, computers, and the media in order to oversee the selection and organization of library materials. Librarians manage staff and develop and direct information programs and systems for the public and ensure that information is organized in a manner that meets users’ needs.

Most librarian positions focus on one of three aspects of library work: user services, technical services, and administrative services. Still, even librarians specializing in one of these areas have other responsibilities, too. Librarians in user services, such as reference and children’s librarians, work with patrons to help them find the information they need. The job involves analyzing users’ needs to determine what information is appropriate and searching for, acquiring, and providing the information. The job also includes an instructional role, such as showing users how to find information. For example, librarians commonly help users navigate the Internet so they can search for and evaluate information efficiently. Librarians in technical services, such as acquisitions and cataloguing, acquire, prepare, and classify materials so that patrons can find them easily. Some write abstracts and summaries. Often, these librarians do not deal directly with the public. Librarians in administrative services oversee the management and planning of libraries: they negotiate contracts for services, materials, and equipment; supervise library employees; perform public-relations and fundraising duties; prepare budgets; and direct activities to ensure that everything functions properly.

( Adaptado.)

Levantar fundos e preparar orçamentos são tarefas de



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2378644 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)


The traditional concept of a library is being redefined from a place to access paper records or books to one that also houses the most advanced electronic resources, including the Internet, digital libraries, and remote access to a wide range of information sources. Consequently, librarians, often called information professionals, increasingly combine traditional duties with tasks involving quickly changing technology. Librarians help people find information and use it effectively for personal and professional purposes. They must have knowledge of a wide variety of scholarly and public information sources and must follow trends related to publishing, computers, and the media in order to oversee the selection and organization of library materials. Librarians manage staff and develop and direct information programs and systems for the public and ensure that information is organized in a manner that meets users’ needs.

Most librarian positions focus on one of three aspects of library work: user services, technical services, and administrative services. Still, even librarians specializing in one of these areas have other responsibilities, too. Librarians in user services, such as reference and children’s librarians, work with patrons to help them find the information they need. The job involves analyzing users’ needs to determine what information is appropriate and searching for, acquiring, and providing the information. The job also includes an instructional role, such as showing users how to find information. For example, librarians commonly help users navigate the Internet so they can search for and evaluate information efficiently. Librarians in technical services, such as acquisitions and cataloguing, acquire, prepare, and classify materials so that patrons can find them easily. Some write abstracts and summaries. Often, these librarians do not deal directly with the public. Librarians in administrative services oversee the management and planning of libraries: they negotiate contracts for services, materials, and equipment; supervise library employees; perform public-relations and fundraising duties; prepare budgets; and direct activities to ensure that everything functions properly.

( Adaptado.)

No trecho do segundo parágrafo do texto – The job also includes an instructional role, such as showing users how to find information.– a expressão such as indica



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2378643 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)


The traditional concept of a library is being redefined from a place to access paper records or books to one that also houses the most advanced electronic resources, including the Internet, digital libraries, and remote access to a wide range of information sources. Consequently, librarians, often called information professionals, increasingly combine traditional duties with tasks involving quickly changing technology. Librarians help people find information and use it effectively for personal and professional purposes. They must have knowledge of a wide variety of scholarly and public information sources and must follow trends related to publishing, computers, and the media in order to oversee the selection and organization of library materials. Librarians manage staff and develop and direct information programs and systems for the public and ensure that information is organized in a manner that meets users’ needs.

Most librarian positions focus on one of three aspects of library work: user services, technical services, and administrative services. Still, even librarians specializing in one of these areas have other responsibilities, too. Librarians in user services, such as reference and children’s librarians, work with patrons to help them find the information they need. The job involves analyzing users’ needs to determine what information is appropriate and searching for, acquiring, and providing the information. The job also includes an instructional role, such as showing users how to find information. For example, librarians commonly help users navigate the Internet so they can search for and evaluate information efficiently. Librarians in technical services, such as acquisitions and cataloguing, acquire, prepare, and classify materials so that patrons can find them easily. Some write abstracts and summaries. Often, these librarians do not deal directly with the public. Librarians in administrative services oversee the management and planning of libraries: they negotiate contracts for services, materials, and equipment; supervise library employees; perform public-relations and fundraising duties; prepare budgets; and direct activities to ensure that everything functions properly.

( Adaptado.)

Uma das tarefas do bibliotecário especializado em serviços técnicos é



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2378642 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)


The traditional concept of a library is being redefined from a place to access paper records or books to one that also houses the most advanced electronic resources, including the Internet, digital libraries, and remote access to a wide range of information sources. Consequently, librarians, often called information professionals, increasingly combine traditional duties with tasks involving quickly changing technology. Librarians help people find information and use it effectively for personal and professional purposes. They must have knowledge of a wide variety of scholarly and public information sources and must follow trends related to publishing, computers, and the media in order to oversee the selection and organization of library materials. Librarians manage staff and develop and direct information programs and systems for the public and ensure that information is organized in a manner that meets users’ needs.

Most librarian positions focus on one of three aspects of library work: user services, technical services, and administrative services. Still, even librarians specializing in one of these areas have other responsibilities, too. Librarians in user services, such as reference and children’s librarians, work with patrons to help them find the information they need. The job involves analyzing users’ needs to determine what information is appropriate and searching for, acquiring, and providing the information. The job also includes an instructional role, such as showing users how to find information. For example, librarians commonly help users navigate the Internet so they can search for and evaluate information efficiently. Librarians in technical services, such as acquisitions and cataloguing, acquire, prepare, and classify materials so that patrons can find them easily. Some write abstracts and summaries. Often, these librarians do not deal directly with the public. Librarians in administrative services oversee the management and planning of libraries: they negotiate contracts for services, materials, and equipment; supervise library employees; perform public-relations and fundraising duties; prepare budgets; and direct activities to ensure that everything functions properly.

( Adaptado.)

No trecho do segundo parágrafo – Librarians in technical services, such as acquisitions and cataloguing, acquire, prepare, and classify materials so that patrons can find it easily.– a expressão so that significa, em português,



Questão presente nas seguintes provas