Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 70 questões.

3000814 Ano: 2023
Disciplina: Administração Geral
Orgão: Transpetro
Um operador logístico para a indústria de óleo, gás e biocombustíveis, com excelência em operação de ativos de primeira classe, tem consciência de que o escopo competitivo é um ponto importante para a empresa ampliar sua vantagem competitiva.

Assim sendo, a empresa opta por uma estratégia de enfoque, na qual


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3000813 Ano: 2023
Disciplina: Administração Geral
Orgão: Transpetro
Um gerente está tentando decidir se deve construir um novo navio pequeno ou grande. A decisão depende muito da demanda futura que deverá surgir, que poderá ser baixa ou alta. O gerente pode fazer uma relação dos possíveis eventos, mas não pode estimar suas probabilidades, portanto, há uma tomada de decisão com incerteza.

Nesse caso, o gerente opta por uma regra de decisão denominada “Laplace”, escolhendo a seguinte alternativa:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3000812 Ano: 2023
Disciplina: Administração Geral
Orgão: Transpetro
Considere o texto a seguir.

Ludmilla dá o sangue
A cantora Ludmilla prometeu dar um ingresso de seu show “Numanice” para cada pessoa que doasse sangue entre os dias 5 e 7 de julho, no Rio de Janeiro. Como resultado, recordes de doações foram batidos. Ao ver os números, eu pensei que este seria um belíssimo caso em que a economia comportamental pode explicar o fenômeno. Ela é uma disciplina que surge da incorporação, pela economia, de desenvolvimentos teóricos e descobertas empíricas no campo da psicologia, da neurociência e de outras ciência sociais.
SANTANA, Irapuã. Ludmilla dá o sangue. O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, ano XCVIII, n. 32.851, 17 jul. 2023. Opinião, p. 3. Adaptado.

Para o autor do texto, o sucesso da campanha da cantora Ludmilla explica-se pela tomada de decisão intuitiva que pode ser caracterizada como um


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3000811 Ano: 2023
Disciplina: Administração Geral
Orgão: Transpetro
Indústrias em que coexistem muitos concorrentes, todos ou quase todos de porte médio ou pequeno, sem que haja um líder claro que tenha conseguido uma parcela significativa do mercado, são denominadas indústrias


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3000810 Ano: 2023
Disciplina: Administração Geral
Orgão: Transpetro
Tomadores de decisão que fazem uso de um estilo voltado para a intuição se concentram em desenvolver abstrações e exemplos figurativos para que sejam utilizados na tomada de decisão, com ênfase na imaginação e nas possibilidades.

Esse estilo voltado para a intuição pode mostrar-se valioso em situações específicas, quando há


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3000809 Ano: 2023
Disciplina: Administração Geral
Orgão: Transpetro
Em organizações grandes e complexas, cada área desenvolve um nível de tecnologia com diferentes graus de excepcionalidade e capacidade de análise, devendo a estrutura da organização ser ajustada para atender às necessidades dessa tecnologia. Dependendo do tipo de tecnologia da área, esta seguirá um modelo mais burocrático ou orgânico em termos de formalização, centralização, qualificação de pessoal, abrangência do controle e comunicação.

Portanto, tem-se que a tecnologia


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3000808 Ano: 2023
Disciplina: Administração Geral
Orgão: Transpetro
A Transpetro assumiu o desafio de projetar e instalar, em menos de um ano, os sistemas de injeção de biodiesel em seus terminais com carregamento rodoviário. A estratégia para implementar o projeto foi adotar um plano de ação com visão matricial, na qual o coordenador do projeto pudesse gerenciar todas as informações das várias áreas envolvidas. Por ser um projeto com características multidisciplinares, o trabalho e a colaboração da equipe tornaram-se fatores críticos de sucesso.

Para tanto, formaram-se equipes autogerenciadas constituídas por grupos de funcionários que


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
How space technology is bringing
green wins for transport
1 Space technology is developing fast, and, with every advance, it is becoming more accessible to industry. Today, satellite communications (satcoms) and space-based data are underpinning new ways of operating that boost both sustainability and profitability. Some projects are still in the planning stages, offering great promise for the future. However, others are already delivering practical results.
2 The benefits of space technology broadly fall into two categories: connectivity that can reach into situations where terrestrial technologies struggle to deliver and the deep, unique insights delivered by Earth Observation (EO) data. Both depend on access to satellite networks, particularly medium earth orbit (MEO) and low earth orbit (LEO) satellites that offer low-latency connectivity and frequently updated data. Right now, the satellite supplier market is booming, driving down the cost of access to satellites. Suppliers are increasingly tailoring their services to emerging customer needs and the potential applications are incredible – as a look at the transportation sector shows.
3 Satellite technology is a critical part of revolutionizing connectivity on trains. The Satellites for Digitalization of Railways (SODOR) project will provide low latency, highly reliable connectivity that, combined with monitoring sensors, will mean near realtime data guides operational decisions. This insight will help trains run more efficiently with fewer delays for passengers. Launching this year, SODOR will help operators reduce emissions by using the network more efficiently, allowing preventative maintenance and extending the lifetime of some existing trains. It will also make rail travel more attractive and help shift more passengers from road to rail (that typically emits even less CO2 per passenger than electric cars do).
4 Satellite data and communications will also play a fundamental role in shaping a sustainable future for road vehicles. Right now, the transport sector contributes around 14% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, of which 91% is from road vehicles – and this needs to change.
5 A future where Electric Vehicles (EV) dominate will need a smart infrastructure to monitor and control the electricity network, managing highly variable supply and demand, as well as a large network of EV charging points. EO data will be critical in future forecasting models for wind and solar production, to help manage a consistent flow of green energy.
6 Satellite communications will also be pivotal. As more wind and solar installations join the electricity network – often in remote locations – satcoms will step in to deliver highly reliable connectivity where 4G struggles to reach. It will underpin a growing network of EV charging points, connecting each point to the internet for operational management purposes, for billing and access app functionality and for the users’ comfort, they may access the system wherever they are.
7 Satellite technology will increasingly be a part of the vehicles themselves, particularly when automated driving becomes more mainstream. It will be essential for every vehicle to have continuous connectivity to support real-time software patches, map updates and inter-vehicle communications. Already, satellites provide regular software updates to vehicles and enhanced safety through an in-car emergency call service.
8 At our company, we have been deeply embedded in the space engineering for more than 40 years – and we continue to be involved with the state-of-the-art technologies and use cases. We have a strong track record of translating these advances into practical benefits for our customers that make sense on both a business and a sustainability level.
Available at: Retrieved on April 25, 2023. Adapted.
In the eighth paragraph of the text, the author states that, for the last 40 years, the company where he works has been


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
How space technology is bringing
green wins for transport
1 Space technology is developing fast, and, with every advance, it is becoming more accessible to industry. Today, satellite communications (satcoms) and space-based data are underpinning new ways of operating that boost both sustainability and profitability. Some projects are still in the planning stages, offering great promise for the future. However, others are already delivering practical results.
2 The benefits of space technology broadly fall into two categories: connectivity that can reach into situations where terrestrial technologies struggle to deliver and the deep, unique insights delivered by Earth Observation (EO) data. Both depend on access to satellite networks, particularly medium earth orbit (MEO) and low earth orbit (LEO) satellites that offer low-latency connectivity and frequently updated data. Right now, the satellite supplier market is booming, driving down the cost of access to satellites. Suppliers are increasingly tailoring their services to emerging customer needs and the potential applications are incredible – as a look at the transportation sector shows.
3 Satellite technology is a critical part of revolutionizing connectivity on trains. The Satellites for Digitalization of Railways (SODOR) project will provide low latency, highly reliable connectivity that, combined with monitoring sensors, will mean near realtime data guides operational decisions. This insight will help trains run more efficiently with fewer delays for passengers. Launching this year, SODOR will help operators reduce emissions by using the network more efficiently, allowing preventative maintenance and extending the lifetime of some existing trains. It will also make rail travel more attractive and help shift more passengers from road to rail (that typically emits even less CO2 per passenger than electric cars do).
4 Satellite data and communications will also play a fundamental role in shaping a sustainable future for road vehicles. Right now, the transport sector contributes around 14% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, of which 91% is from road vehicles – and this needs to change.
5 A future where Electric Vehicles (EV) dominate will need a smart infrastructure to monitor and control the electricity network, managing highly variable supply and demand, as well as a large network of EV charging points. EO data will be critical in future forecasting models for wind and solar production, to help manage a consistent flow of green energy.
6 Satellite communications will also be pivotal. As more wind and solar installations join the electricity network – often in remote locations – satcoms will step in to deliver highly reliable connectivity where 4G struggles to reach. It will underpin a growing network of EV charging points, connecting each point to the internet for operational management purposes, for billing and access app functionality and for the users’ comfort, they may access the system wherever they are.
7 Satellite technology will increasingly be a part of the vehicles themselves, particularly when automated driving becomes more mainstream. It will be essential for every vehicle to have continuous connectivity to support real-time software patches, map updates and inter-vehicle communications. Already, satellites provide regular software updates to vehicles and enhanced safety through an in-car emergency call service.
8 At our company, we have been deeply embedded in the space engineering for more than 40 years – and we continue to be involved with the state-of-the-art technologies and use cases. We have a strong track record of translating these advances into practical benefits for our customers that make sense on both a business and a sustainability level.
Available at: Retrieved on April 25, 2023. Adapted.
From the seventh paragraph of the text, one can infer that automated driving will have the benefits of


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
How space technology is bringing
green wins for transport
1 Space technology is developing fast, and, with every advance, it is becoming more accessible to industry. Today, satellite communications (satcoms) and space-based data are underpinning new ways of operating that boost both sustainability and profitability. Some projects are still in the planning stages, offering great promise for the future. However, others are already delivering practical results.
2 The benefits of space technology broadly fall into two categories: connectivity that can reach into situations where terrestrial technologies struggle to deliver and the deep, unique insights delivered by Earth Observation (EO) data. Both depend on access to satellite networks, particularly medium earth orbit (MEO) and low earth orbit (LEO) satellites that offer low-latency connectivity and frequently updated data. Right now, the satellite supplier market is booming, driving down the cost of access to satellites. Suppliers are increasingly tailoring their services to emerging customer needs and the potential applications are incredible – as a look at the transportation sector shows.
3 Satellite technology is a critical part of revolutionizing connectivity on trains. The Satellites for Digitalization of Railways (SODOR) project will provide low latency, highly reliable connectivity that, combined with monitoring sensors, will mean near realtime data guides operational decisions. This insight will help trains run more efficiently with fewer delays for passengers. Launching this year, SODOR will help operators reduce emissions by using the network more efficiently, allowing preventative maintenance and extending the lifetime of some existing trains. It will also make rail travel more attractive and help shift more passengers from road to rail (that typically emits even less CO2 per passenger than electric cars do).
4 Satellite data and communications will also play a fundamental role in shaping a sustainable future for road vehicles. Right now, the transport sector contributes around 14% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, of which 91% is from road vehicles – and this needs to change.
5 A future where Electric Vehicles (EV) dominate will need a smart infrastructure to monitor and control the electricity network, managing highly variable supply and demand, as well as a large network of EV charging points. EO data will be critical in future forecasting models for wind and solar production, to help manage a consistent flow of green energy.
6 Satellite communications will also be pivotal. As more wind and solar installations join the electricity network – often in remote locations – satcoms will step in to deliver highly reliable connectivity where 4G struggles to reach. It will underpin a growing network of EV charging points, connecting each point to the internet for operational management purposes, for billing and access app functionality and for the users’ comfort, they may access the system wherever they are.
7 Satellite technology will increasingly be a part of the vehicles themselves, particularly when automated driving becomes more mainstream. It will be essential for every vehicle to have continuous connectivity to support real-time software patches, map updates and inter-vehicle communications. Already, satellites provide regular software updates to vehicles and enhanced safety through an in-car emergency call service.
8 At our company, we have been deeply embedded in the space engineering for more than 40 years – and we continue to be involved with the state-of-the-art technologies and use cases. We have a strong track record of translating these advances into practical benefits for our customers that make sense on both a business and a sustainability level.
Available at: Retrieved on April 25, 2023. Adapted.
In the fragment in the sixth paragraph of the text “Satellite communications will also be pivotal”, the word pivotal can be replaced, with no change in meaning, by


Questão presente nas seguintes provas