Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 20 questões.

INSTRUÇÃO: As questões de nº 13 a nº 17 dizem respeito ao Texto. Leia-o atentamente antes de respondê-las.


O cachorro-lobo de 18 mil anos que intriga os


1-Cachorro ou lobo?A pergunta intriga cientistas

--que estudam um filhote de 18 mil anos que foi

--encontrado praticamente intacto na Sibéria, região

--da Rússia. O corpo do animal, que tinha dois

5-meses quando morreu, foi preservado graças ao

--permafrost (solo composto pro terra, gelo e rochas

--congelados) da região da Rússia, com pelo, nariz

--e dentes intactos.

(fonte adaptada:>acesso em 29 de novembro de 2019)

INSTRUÇÃO: Analise o período a seguir para responder às questões nº 15 a nº 17:

“A pergunta intriga cientistas que estudam um filhote de 18 mil anos que foi encontrado praticamente intacto na Sibéria, região da Rússia.” (linhas 1 a 4).

É correto afirmar que a partícula “que” destacada exerce função morfológica de:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1708214 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Bandeirante-SC

Choose the right alternative:

“Jane read all these books by .”



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1708213 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Bandeirante-SC

In English, the plural of “foot” is:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1708212 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Bandeirante-SC

Complete the sentence using the verb in the present perfect continuous form.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you long.”



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1708211 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Bandeirante-SC

The past simple of “study” is:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1708210 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Bandeirante-SC

INSTRUÇÃO: Texto para as questões nº 05, nº 06, nº 07 e nº 08.

A carved rock found in Jordan may be the oldest known chess piece

A palm-sized sandstone object found in 1991 at an Early Islamic trading outpost in what’s now southern Jordan appears to be the oldest known chess piece.

This roughly 1,300-year-old rectangular piece of rock with two hornlike projections on top resembles several rooks, also known as castles, that have been found at other Islamic sites in the region. But those other rooks date to a century or more later, John Oleson, an archaeologist at the University of Victoria in Canada, said. He presented his analysis of the carved rock on November 21 at the annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research.

Simpler board games than chess go back roughly 4,000 years in Eurasia. Surviving written accounts indicate that chess originated in India at least 1,400 years ago, Oleson said. Merchants and diplomats probably carried the game westward. The suspected chess piece, excavated at Humayma, located on what was once a major trade route, dates to between 680 and 749, when an Islamic family owned and ran the site.

“Chess became very popular in the early Islamic world,” Oleson said. It also brought together people with diverse backgrounds. Islamic texts from that time portray chess matches between Muslims and Christians and between rich and poor players.

Rooks from southwestern Asia in the shape of two-horse chariots date to as early as the late 700s. The two-pronged shape of early Islamic rooks may have been meant to represent such chariots, Oleson said.

The possibly record-setting Humayma rook is now stored at the University of Victoria. At his home nearby, Oleson noted ruefully, his 10-year-old grandson regularly beats him at chess.

(Adapted from:

The verb “presented”, in “He presented his analysis of the carved rock on November 21” means, in Portuguese:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1708209 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Bandeirante-SC

INSTRUÇÃO: Texto para as questões nº 05, nº 06, nº 07 e nº 08.

A carved rock found in Jordan may be the oldest known chess piece

A palm-sized sandstone object found in 1991 at an Early Islamic trading outpost in what’s now southern Jordan appears to be the oldest known chess piece.

This roughly 1,300-year-old rectangular piece of rock with two hornlike projections on top resembles several rooks, also known as castles, that have been found at other Islamic sites in the region. But those other rooks date to a century or more later, John Oleson, an archaeologist at the University of Victoria in Canada, said. He presented his analysis of the carved rock on November 21 at the annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research.

Simpler board games than chess go back roughly 4,000 years in Eurasia. Surviving written accounts indicate that chess originated in India at least 1,400 years ago, Oleson said. Merchants and diplomats probably carried the game westward. The suspected chess piece, excavated at Humayma, located on what was once a major trade route, dates to between 680 and 749, when an Islamic family owned and ran the site.

“Chess became very popular in the early Islamic world,” Oleson said. It also brought together people with diverse backgrounds. Islamic texts from that time portray chess matches between Muslims and Christians and between rich and poor players.

Rooks from southwestern Asia in the shape of two-horse chariots date to as early as the late 700s. The two-pronged shape of early Islamic rooks may have been meant to represent such chariots, Oleson said.

The possibly record-setting Humayma rook is now stored at the University of Victoria. At his home nearby, Oleson noted ruefully, his 10-year-old grandson regularly beats him at chess.

(Adapted from:

In the text, the quoted speech below, in reported speech, is:

“Chess became very popular in the early Islamic world,” Oleson said.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1708208 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Bandeirante-SC

INSTRUÇÃO: Texto para as questões nº 05, nº 06, nº 07 e nº 08.

A carved rock found in Jordan may be the oldest known chess piece

A palm-sized sandstone object found in 1991 at an Early Islamic trading outpost in what’s now southern Jordan appears to be the oldest known chess piece.

This roughly 1,300-year-old rectangular piece of rock with two hornlike projections on top resembles several rooks, also known as castles, that have been found at other Islamic sites in the region. But those other rooks date to a century or more later, John Oleson, an archaeologist at the University of Victoria in Canada, said. He presented his analysis of the carved rock on November 21 at the annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research.

Simpler board games than chess go back roughly 4,000 years in Eurasia. Surviving written accounts indicate that chess originated in India at least 1,400 years ago, Oleson said. Merchants and diplomats probably carried the game westward. The suspected chess piece, excavated at Humayma, located on what was once a major trade route, dates to between 680 and 749, when an Islamic family owned and ran the site.

“Chess became very popular in the early Islamic world,” Oleson said. It also brought together people with diverse backgrounds. Islamic texts from that time portray chess matches between Muslims and Christians and between rich and poor players.

Rooks from southwestern Asia in the shape of two-horse chariots date to as early as the late 700s. The two-pronged shape of early Islamic rooks may have been meant to represent such chariots, Oleson said.

The possibly record-setting Humayma rook is now stored at the University of Victoria. At his home nearby, Oleson noted ruefully, his 10-year-old grandson regularly beats him at chess.

(Adapted from:

According to the text:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1708207 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Bandeirante-SC

INSTRUÇÃO: Texto para as questões nº 05, nº 06, nº 07 e nº 08.

A carved rock found in Jordan may be the oldest known chess piece

A palm-sized sandstone object found in 1991 at an Early Islamic trading outpost in what’s now southern Jordan appears to be the oldest known chess piece.

This roughly 1,300-year-old rectangular piece of rock with two hornlike projections on top resembles several rooks, also known as castles, that have been found at other Islamic sites in the region. But those other rooks date to a century or more later, John Oleson, an archaeologist at the University of Victoria in Canada, said. He presented his analysis of the carved rock on November 21 at the annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research.

Simpler board games than chess go back roughly 4,000 years in Eurasia. Surviving written accounts indicate that chess originated in India at least 1,400 years ago, Oleson said. Merchants and diplomats probably carried the game westward. The suspected chess piece, excavated at Humayma, located on what was once a major trade route, dates to between 680 and 749, when an Islamic family owned and ran the site.

“Chess became very popular in the early Islamic world,” Oleson said. It also brought together people with diverse backgrounds. Islamic texts from that time portray chess matches between Muslims and Christians and between rich and poor players.

Rooks from southwestern Asia in the shape of two-horse chariots date to as early as the late 700s. The two-pronged shape of early Islamic rooks may have been meant to represent such chariots, Oleson said.

The possibly record-setting Humayma rook is now stored at the University of Victoria. At his home nearby, Oleson noted ruefully, his 10-year-old grandson regularly beats him at chess.

(Adapted from:

In the title, when mentioning that the piece could be “the oldest found”, it means that:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1708206 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Pedagogia
Orgão: Pref. Bandeirante-SC

Sobre metodologia de ensino da língua inglesa, com relação ao Método de Gramática e Tradução, analise os itens a seguir como utilizando (V) para Verdadeiro ou (F) para Falso:

(__) - Depois que as regras e listas de vocabulário são ensinados, prescreve-se a tradução de exercícios que seguem as explicações gramaticais dadas. A compreensão das regras e leituras é testada pela tradução;

(__) - A língua nativa e a língua alvo são constantemente comparadas;

(__) - O foco é o oferecimento de diferentes oportunidades aos alunos para ouvir e falar, apesar da ênfase na leitura e na tradução.

O resultado da análise para os itens é, respectivamente:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas