Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 120 questões.

2065476 Ano: 2022
Disciplina: Engenharia Civil
Orgão: Petrobrás

Enunciado 2065476-1

Julgue o item subsecutivo, em relação às características das curvas do gráfico precedente, que representa os diagramas de tensão-deformação convencional e real de uma barra de aço (sem escala) adotado em determinada obra.

A região A do gráfico representa o comportamento elástico da barra de aço.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2065475 Ano: 2022
Disciplina: Engenharia Civil
Orgão: Petrobrás

O engenheiro responsável pelo projeto de uma edificação em estrutura de aço tomou as seguintes decisões:

nas ligações com parafusos de alta resistência, adotou o aperto normal.

considerou a influência de todas as ações que poderiam impactar significativamente a estrutura, adotando, na sua análise, tanto o estado-limite de serviço como o estado-limite último.

desprezou a carga de vento devido às condições locais.

determinou os esforços internos do material aplicando a análise global elástica.

A respeito das decisões do engenheiro, acima apresentadas, julgue o item que se segue, com base nas normas vigentes.

Pelo comportamento flexível da estrutura em aço e pelos diversos fatores de segurança adotados em outros carregamentos, as cargas de vento podem ser desconsideradas no cálculo estrutural.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2065474 Ano: 2022
Disciplina: Engenharia Civil
Orgão: Petrobrás

O engenheiro responsável pelo projeto de uma edificação em estrutura de aço tomou as seguintes decisões:

nas ligações com parafusos de alta resistência, adotou o aperto normal.

considerou a influência de todas as ações que poderiam impactar significativamente a estrutura, adotando, na sua análise, tanto o estado-limite de serviço como o estado-limite último.

desprezou a carga de vento devido às condições locais.

determinou os esforços internos do material aplicando a análise global elástica.

A respeito das decisões do engenheiro, acima apresentadas, julgue o item que se segue, com base nas normas vigentes.

Ao considerar a influência de todas as ações que possam impactar significativamente a estrutura, o engenheiro poderia ter desprezado o estado- limite de serviço ao adotar o estado - limite último na análise.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2065473 Ano: 2022
Disciplina: Engenharia Civil
Orgão: Petrobrás

O engenheiro responsável pelo projeto de uma edificação em estrutura de aço tomou as seguintes decisões:

nas ligações com parafusos de alta resistência, adotou o aperto normal.

considerou a influência de todas as ações que poderiam impactar significativamente a estrutura, adotando, na sua análise, tanto o estado-limite de serviço como o estado-limite último.

desprezou a carga de vento devido às condições locais.

determinou os esforços internos do material aplicando a análise global elástica.

A respeito das decisões do engenheiro, acima apresentadas, julgue o item que se segue, com base nas normas vigentes.

O engenheiro deve justificar a adoção de análise global elástica, que é indicada, por norma, somente para situações excepcionais.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2065472 Ano: 2022
Disciplina: Engenharia Civil
Orgão: Petrobrás

Durante a construção de uma edificação em estrutura de concreto pré-moldado, observou-se, entre outros, o que se destaca a seguir.

Nos elementos protendidos, utilização de argamassa de injeção com aditivos à base de halogenetos.

Alteração do projeto, que previa o uso de pilares vazados como condutor de água pluvial, para que dutos pluviais fossem instalados de forma aparente, fora da estrutura.

Reprovação das alças de içamento, pois o material adotado era o aço do tipo CA60.

Tendo em vista essas informações, julgue o item subsequente, conforme as normas vigentes.

Em elementos pré-moldados, o aproveitamento de pilares vazados como condutor de águas pluviais não é permitido por norma, sendo a alteração realizada no projeto a solução mais adequada, conforme as normas vigentes.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2065471 Ano: 2022
Disciplina: Engenharia Civil
Orgão: Petrobrás

Enunciado 2065471-1

A figura I acima representa a seção reta na parte central de uma viga de concreto armada em balanço, na qual a linha tracejada define a linha neutra; os círculos, as barras de aço longitudinais; e o retângulo interno, a armadura de estribo. A viga está engastada em um único apoio, com carga distribuída uniformemente de cima para baixo, conforme ilustra a figura II.

Com base nessas informações, julgue o próximo item.

As duas barras de aço longitudinais acima da linha neutra têm como principal função manter os estribos em sua posição de projeto.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2065470 Ano: 2022
Disciplina: Engenharia Civil
Orgão: Petrobrás

Enunciado 2065470-1

A figura I acima representa a seção reta na parte central de uma viga de concreto armada em balanço, na qual a linha tracejada define a linha neutra; os círculos, as barras de aço longitudinais; e o retângulo interno, a armadura de estribo. A viga está engastada em um único apoio, com carga distribuída uniformemente de cima para baixo, conforme ilustra a figura II.

Com base nessas informações, julgue o próximo item.

O estribo está sujeito a um esforço de torção.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

In a world where many of us are glued to our smartphones, Dulcie Cowling is something of an anomaly — she has ditched hers. The 36-year-old decided at the end of last year that getting rid of her handset would improve her mental health. So, over Christmas she told her family and friends that she was switching to an old Nokia phone that could only make and receive calls and text messages.

She recalls that one of the pivotal moments that led to her decision was a day at the park with her two boys, aged six and three: “I was on my mobile at a playground with the kids and I looked up and every single parent — there was up to 20 — were looking at their phones, just scrolling away,” she says.

“I thought ‘when did this happen?’. Everyone is missing out on real life. I don’t think you get to your death bed and think you should have spent more time on Twitter, or reading articles online.”

Ms Cowling, who is a creative director at London-based advertising agency Hell Yeah!, adds that the idea to abandon her smartphone had built up during the covid-19 lockdowns.

“I thought about how much of my life is spent looking at the phone and what else could I do. Being constantly connected to lots of services creates a lot of distractions, and is a lot for the brain to process.”

She plans to use the time gained from quitting her smartphone to read and sleep more.

About nine out of 10 people in the UK now own a smartphone, a figure broadly replicated across the developed world. And we are glued to them — one recent study found that the average person spends 4.8 hours a day on their handset.

Yet for a small, but growing number of people, enough is enough.

Alex Dunedin binned his smartphone two years ago. “Culturally we have become addicted to these tools,” says the educational researcher and technology expert. “They are blunting cognition and impeding productivity.”

He has become happier and more productive since he stopped using a smartphone, he says.

Mr Dunedin doesn’t even have an old-fashioned mobile phone or even a landline anymore. He is instead only electronically contactable via emails to his home computer.

“It has improved my life,” he says. “My thoughts are freed up from constantly being cognitively connected to a machine that I need to feed with energy and money. I think that the danger of technologies is that they are emptying our lives.”

Yet, while some worry about how much time they spend on their handset, for millions of others they are a godsend.

“More than ever, access to healthcare, education, social services and often to our friends and family is digital, and the smartphone is an essential lifeline for people,” says a spokesperson for UK mobile network Vodafone.

“We also create resources to help people get the most from their tech, as well as to stay safe when they’re online — that’s hugely important.”

Suzanne Bearne.

The people deciding to ditch their smartphones. Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the previous text, judge the following item.

Although there is a movement of people ditching their smartphones in order to have what they think is a better life quality, millions believe digital technology is essential to everyone’s lives.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

In a world where many of us are glued to our smartphones, Dulcie Cowling is something of an anomaly — she has ditched hers. The 36-year-old decided at the end of last year that getting rid of her handset would improve her mental health. So, over Christmas she told her family and friends that she was switching to an old Nokia phone that could only make and receive calls and text messages.

She recalls that one of the pivotal moments that led to her decision was a day at the park with her two boys, aged six and three: “I was on my mobile at a playground with the kids and I looked up and every single parent — there was up to 20 — were looking at their phones, just scrolling away,” she says.

“I thought ‘when did this happen?’. Everyone is missing out on real life. I don’t think you get to your death bed and think you should have spent more time on Twitter, or reading articles online.”

Ms Cowling, who is a creative director at London-based advertising agency Hell Yeah!, adds that the idea to abandon her smartphone had built up during the covid-19 lockdowns.

“I thought about how much of my life is spent looking at the phone and what else could I do. Being constantly connected to lots of services creates a lot of distractions, and is a lot for the brain to process.”

She plans to use the time gained from quitting her smartphone to read and sleep more.

About nine out of 10 people in the UK now own a smartphone, a figure broadly replicated across the developed world. And we are glued to them — one recent study found that the average person spends 4.8 hours a day on their handset.

Yet for a small, but growing number of people, enough is enough.

Alex Dunedin binned his smartphone two years ago. “Culturally we have become addicted to these tools,” says the educational researcher and technology expert. “They are blunting cognition and impeding productivity.”

He has become happier and more productive since he stopped using a smartphone, he says.

Mr Dunedin doesn’t even have an old-fashioned mobile phone or even a landline anymore. He is instead only electronically contactable via emails to his home computer.

“It has improved my life,” he says. “My thoughts are freed up from constantly being cognitively connected to a machine that I need to feed with energy and money. I think that the danger of technologies is that they are emptying our lives.”

Yet, while some worry about how much time they spend on their handset, for millions of others they are a godsend.

“More than ever, access to healthcare, education, social services and often to our friends and family is digital, and the smartphone is an essential lifeline for people,” says a spokesperson for UK mobile network Vodafone.

“We also create resources to help people get the most from their tech, as well as to stay safe when they’re online — that’s hugely important.”

Suzanne Bearne.

The people deciding to ditch their smartphones. Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the previous text, judge the following item.

In the sentence ‘They are blunting cognition and impeding productivity’ (ninth paragraph), the pronoun ‘They’ refers to the “nine out of 10 people in the UK who own a smartphone” (seventh paragraph).



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

In a world where many of us are glued to our smartphones, Dulcie Cowling is something of an anomaly — she has ditched hers. The 36-year-old decided at the end of last year that getting rid of her handset would improve her mental health. So, over Christmas she told her family and friends that she was switching to an old Nokia phone that could only make and receive calls and text messages.

She recalls that one of the pivotal moments that led to her decision was a day at the park with her two boys, aged six and three: “I was on my mobile at a playground with the kids and I looked up and every single parent — there was up to 20 — were looking at their phones, just scrolling away,” she says.

“I thought ‘when did this happen?’. Everyone is missing out on real life. I don’t think you get to your death bed and think you should have spent more time on Twitter, or reading articles online.”

Ms Cowling, who is a creative director at London-based advertising agency Hell Yeah!, adds that the idea to abandon her smartphone had built up during the covid-19 lockdowns.

“I thought about how much of my life is spent looking at the phone and what else could I do. Being constantly connected to lots of services creates a lot of distractions, and is a lot for the brain to process.”

She plans to use the time gained from quitting her smartphone to read and sleep more.

About nine out of 10 people in the UK now own a smartphone, a figure broadly replicated across the developed world. And we are glued to them — one recent study found that the average person spends 4.8 hours a day on their handset.

Yet for a small, but growing number of people, enough is enough.

Alex Dunedin binned his smartphone two years ago. “Culturally we have become addicted to these tools,” says the educational researcher and technology expert. “They are blunting cognition and impeding productivity.”

He has become happier and more productive since he stopped using a smartphone, he says.

Mr Dunedin doesn’t even have an old-fashioned mobile phone or even a landline anymore. He is instead only electronically contactable via emails to his home computer.

“It has improved my life,” he says. “My thoughts are freed up from constantly being cognitively connected to a machine that I need to feed with energy and money. I think that the danger of technologies is that they are emptying our lives.”

Yet, while some worry about how much time they spend on their handset, for millions of others they are a godsend.

“More than ever, access to healthcare, education, social services and often to our friends and family is digital, and the smartphone is an essential lifeline for people,” says a spokesperson for UK mobile network Vodafone.

“We also create resources to help people get the most from their tech, as well as to stay safe when they’re online — that’s hugely important.”

Suzanne Bearne.

The people deciding to ditch their smartphones. Internet: <> (adapted).

Considering the previous text, judge the following item.

People who are giving up on their mobile devices believe they were spending too much time with being connected and they were missing their real lives because of that.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas