Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 115 questões.

96155 Ano: 1999
Disciplina: Literatura Brasileira e Estrangeira
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

Sobre O Ateneu, de Raul Pompéia, NÃO se pode afirmar que:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96154 Ano: 1999
Disciplina: Literatura Brasileira e Estrangeira
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

Pode-se afirmar que Paulo Honório, personagem de São Bernardo, de Graciliano Ramos, é descrito como um homem:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96153 Ano: 1999
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

'Debunking' Laissez Faire

My Atlantic Monthly essay, "The Capitalist Threat", has aroused the ire of Robert J. Samuelson ("Crackpot Prophet", JUDGMENT CALLS, March 10) for its perceived attack on the capitalist system. I wasn't attacking capitalism, only its excess and laissez faire ideology.

I pointed out a curious affinity between laissez faire ideology and Marxism: both lay claim to scientific validity. The Marxist claim has been fully discredited. But laissez faire ideology is derived from the most respectable of social sciences, economics, and its claim to scientific validity still requires debunking. I suspect that Samuelson prefers to dismiss my ideas as jumbled, rather than to entertain the possibility that the scientific foundtions of laissez faire are less than secure.

Our understanding of the world in which we live is inherently imperfect. This creates difficulties for the social sciences from which the natural sciences are exempt. Scientific method has discovered universally valid generalizations that can explain and predict events in the natural world. To make such generalizations possible, the events must be independent of statements that relate to them.

But in society, participants must make decisions about events that are contigent on their decisions. The separation between statements and facts, a characteristic of science, is lacking. (...)

Since nobody is in possession of the ultimate truth, we need institutions and attitudes that allow people with different views and interests to live together in peace. Markets are the best mechanisms for correcting individual errors, but government intervention and collective action are needed to protect common interests and correct inequities in the capitalist system. Laissez faire ideology - which holds that the common interest is best served when each individual pursues his own particular interest - is inadequate for holding our open society together.

My main contention in the Atlantic Monthly essay is that the concept of open society, which not only recognizes the multiplicity of cultures and traditions but actively advocates pluralism, could serve as a unifying principle for our global society.

The trouble is that the concept is neither recognized nor accepted.

George Soros

Chairman, Open Society Institute

New York, N.Y.


Das afirmações abaixo:

I. Segundo Soros, a ideologia marxista, ao contrário da do laissez faire, carece de validade científica.

II. A Economia é o mais respeitado ramos das ciências sociais, provavelmente por ser a única a que se possa atribuir validade científica.

III. "The common interest is best served when each individual pursues his own particular interest" contém aproximadamente a mesma idéia de "we need institutuions and attitudes that allow people with different views and interests to live together in peace" (5º parágrafo).

está(ão) condizente(s) com o texto:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96152 Ano: 1999
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

A frase de Gloria Steinem abaixo:

"If you can learn to like how you look - and not the way you think you look - it can set you free."

Gloria Steinem from Revd uti on From Within, excerpted from Parade. May 22.1994.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96151 Ano: 1999
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a opção que melhor responde.

The Fear Is Old

The Economy New


There is something perverseabout reading the business news these days. Every month the Labor Department comes out with a new set of statistc about how unemplyment is down an thousands of jobs are being created. But these stories always contaim the same caveat, like the warning on a pack of cigarettes, that this news is bad for the health of the economy. The stories always go on to say that these great employment statistics triggered panic among Wall Street investors and led to a sell off of stocks and bonds.


Of course there has always been a link between unemploymnt numbers and inflation expectations. The more people are working, the more they have the money to pay for things; the more consumer demand out strips factory capacity, the more prices shoot up, and the more prices shoot up the more the value of bonds, with their fixed interest rates, erodes.

But what has been so frustrating about the market reactions in recent months is that despite the surging economy, inflation has not been rising. It has remained flat, at around 3 percent, and yet Wall Street, certain that the shadow it sees is the ghost of higher inflation come to haunt the trading floors, has been clamoring to the Federal Reserve for higher rates. (...)


May 22,1994.

Das afirmações abaixo:

I. Devido à velocidade com que os dados econômicos sofrem alterações hoje em dia é, no mínimo, complicado acompanhar pelos jornais o desempenho da economia.

II. Nas economias modernas, o pleno emprego representa fator gerador de inflação.

III. O Federal Reserve precisou aumentar as taxas de juros para conter a inflação e evitar corrosão no valor dos bônus do Tesouro.

está(ão) condizente(s) com o texto.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96150 Ano: 1999
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

Enunciado 3175016-1

The New York Times Magazine.

May 22,1994.

Das afirmações abaixo:

I. "Hailed", palavra do texto, quer dizer "considerado".

II. O verbo"to jump" (na forma jumping), está usado no sentido literal.

III. "New hot spot" tem função de adjetivo.

está(ão) condizente(s) com o texto



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96149 Ano: 1999
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

Leia o texto abaixo e assinale a opção que melhor responde.

The Fear Is Old

The Economy New


There is something perverseabout reading the business news these days. Every month the Labor Department comes out with a new set of statistc about how unemplyment is down an thousands of jobs are being created. But these stories always contaim the same caveat, like the warning on a pack of cigarettes, that this news is bad for the health of the economy. The stories always go on to say that these great employment statistics triggered panic among Wall Street investors and led to a sell off of stocks and bonds.


Of course there has always been a link between unemploymnt numbers and inflation expectations. The more people are working, the more they have the money to pay for things; the more consumer demand out strips factory capacity, the more prices shoot up, and the more prices shoot up the more the value of bonds, with their fixed interest rates, erodes.

But what has been so frustrating about the market reactions in recent months is that despite the surging economy, inflation has not been rising. It has remained flat, at around 3 percent, and yet Wall Street, certain that the shadow it sees is the ghost of higher inflation come to haunt the trading floors, has been clamoring to the Federal Reserve for higher rates. (...)


May 22,1994.

"Caveat", palavra destacada no texto, quer dizer:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96148 Ano: 1999
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

O texto abaixo refere-se ao Y2K (ou "bug do milênio") e a rumores correntes acerca dele. Leia-o e assinale a opção que melhor responde a questão.

Rumor (1): Increased solar activity at the end of 1999 could cause satellite systems to malfunction on or around January 1,2000.

Experts say that the next peak in solar flares or storms on the sun's surface, whice can interfere with normal satellite operations, will occur in late 1999 and early 2000; the last peak occurred in March 1989. It is believed that increased solar activity in May 1998 adversely affeted operations of the Galaxy 4 satellite over the United States, creating a few days of difficulties for pager operators and broadcasting companies.

Rumor (2): Y2K problems in federal prison facilities will cause cell doors and gates to open, increasing the risk of prison escapes.

Controls on doors and gates are always managed by correction officers, and the doors and gates do not operate on timers. Prison doors and gates are opened through human control, when the corrections officer pushes a button. In the event of power failures, the doors and gates default to a closed position.

Rumor (3): Organizations can experience Y2K-related glitches before January 1,2000.

Many businesses and government agencies have al ready reached, or will soon, a phase in their operations where they need to look a head into the Year 2000. These Took-ahead functions might include budget programming for a fiscal year that begins sometime after January 1,1999, or simple tasks such as making hotel or flight reservations. To the extent that the systems supporting such functions are not Y2K compliant, glitches could surface prior to the new millennium.

Rumor (4): Most elevator computers and embedded systems will fail on January 1, 2000. (...) If elevator systems were to experience Year 2000-related failures, all elevators have manual overrides that would enable them to return to operation.

Rumor (5): The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), certain that the air traffic control system will not be ready at the turn of the century, will ground all flights in the United States at 6 p.m. on December 31, 1999, and not let any take off until 6 a.m. January 1, 2000.

The FAA has no plans to halt air traffic on or around December 31, 1999 !$ ± !$ Jan 1,2000. The FAA is committed to the safety of air transport and, as such, is working hard not only on its own systems, but with the airline industry, to ensure a seamless transition in to the new millennium.

Year 2000 Conversion

Com base na explicação que segue cada rumor, decida se ele é falso ou verdadeiro.

Enunciado 3170521-1



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96147 Ano: 1999
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

O texto abaixo refere-se ao Y2K (ou "bug do milênio") e a rumores correntes acerca dele. Leia-o e assinale a opção que melhor responde a questão.

Rumor (1): Increased solar activity at the end of 1999 could cause satellite systems to malfunction on or around January 1,2000.

Experts say that the next peak in solar flares or storms on the sun's surface, whice can interfere with normal satellite operations, will occur in late 1999 and early 2000; the last peak occurred in March 1989. It is believed that increased solar activity in May 1998 adversely affeted operations of the Galaxy 4 satellite over the United States, creating a few days of difficulties for pager operators and broadcasting companies.

Rumor (2): Y2K problems in federal prison facilities will cause cell doors and gates to open, increasing the risk of prison escapes.

Controls on doors and gates are always managed by correction officers, and the doors and gates do not operate on timers. Prison doors and gates are opened through human control, when the corrections officer pushes a button. In the event of power failures, the doors and gates default to a closed position.

Rumor (3): Organizations can experience Y2K-related glitches before January 1,2000.

Many businesses and government agencies have al ready reached, or will soon, a phase in their operations where they need to look a head into the Year 2000. These Took-ahead functions might include budget programming for a fiscal year that begins sometime after January 1,1999, or simple tasks such as making hotel or flight reservations. To the extent that the systems supporting such functions are not Y2K compliant, glitches could surface prior to the new millennium.

Rumor (4): Most elevator computers and embedded systems will fail on January 1, 2000. (...) If elevator systems were to experience Year 2000-related failures, all elevators have manual overrides that would enable them to return to operation.

Rumor (5): The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), certain that the air traffic control system will not be ready at the turn of the century, will ground all flights in the United States at 6 p.m. on December 31, 1999, and not let any take off until 6 a.m. January 1, 2000.

The FAA has no plans to halt air traffic on or around December 31, 1999 !$ ± !$ Jan 1,2000. The FAA is committed to the safety of air transport and, as such, is working hard not only on its own systems, but with the airline industry, to ensure a seamless transition in to the new millennium.

Year 2000 Conversion

A expressão "look ahead" aparece duas vezes na explicação que segue o rumor 3. No primeiro caso, look ahead exerce a função de I e tem significado semelhante a II e, no segundo caso, look ahead exerce a função de III e tem significado semelhante a IV.

Enunciado 3164812-1



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96146 Ano: 1999
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

Os depoimentos a seguir foram extraídos de uma reportagem da revista Newsweek, duas semanas após a tragédia de Littleton - Estados Unidos, no início deste ano. Leia-os e assinale a opção que melhor responde a questão.



The school is divided into different groups of kids: the break-dancers, the people who listen to heavy-metal, the pretty girls, the ravers and the hip-hop people. But there's no pressure to be in one group or another. If a person is a break-dancer, they can still chill with the ravers. I'm a hip-hopper. We wear baggy jeans and sweatshirts. Bit if I'm really good friends with a person in the heavy-metal group; I can go chill with them and it's iust like. whatever. I don't really worry about violence. And I don't really worry about peer pressure. Like if you're at a party and you don't drink, that's cool. "Most kids' parents dont's know what they are doing. I talk to my mom about everything. She shows up for every parents'night; sometimes she's the only one there. It makes me feed good that I have a mom who cares about what is going on with me."

Diana Leary, 17.

Senior, Memorial High School, West New York, N.J. Student council, tennis team.


I went to a National Honor Society induction. The parents were just staring at me. I think they couldn't believe someone with pink hair could be smart. I want to be a high-school teacher, but I'm afraid that, based on my appearance, they won't hire me. Don't be afraid of us. Don't sterestype us.

Lauren Barry, 19.

Senior, Glenbrook South High School, Glenview, III.

National Honor Society, alternative theater group.


I see people who don't allow themselves to grow in certain areas, even though they have talent or skill, because they feel that would be out character or that peoplewouldn't like them if they changed. Say you're really good at math, but your friends say, "I hate math. It's such a nerdy stupid subject ..." You can't be good at it because then you're a nerdy brainiac person. And then you feel like you don't fit in.

Julia Papasta vrids, 15.

Freshman, the Paideia School, Atlanta. Student rep on the disciplinary commitee, chorus member.


The biggest thing here is wearing name-brand clothes. If you even think of wearing a non-name brand, you have guts. Looks area real important, too. If you're not pretty, people won't want to hang out with you. Even the girls with dark hair usually dye their hair blonde. Everything is just one big competition.

Marisol Salguero, 16.

Junior, Alexander Hamilton High School, Los Angeles.

AP snd honors classes, academic tutor.

Quais temas são abordados nos depoimentos I, II, III e IV, respectivamente?

Enunciado 3161299-1Enunciado 3161299-2



Questão presente nas seguintes provas