Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 100 questões.

506096 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questão.

Military Officers Face a New Evaluation

Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is leading important changes following recent scandals involving high-ranking officers. This is part of training and development programs for generals and admirals. They will include new courses to train the security detail, executive staffs and even the spouses of senior officers.

Saying he was disturbed about the misconduct issues, General Dempsey said that evaluations of top officers needed to go beyond the traditional assessment of professional performance by superior officers alone. He said that he had decided the changes were necessary “to assess both competence and character in a richer way”.

“You can have someone of incredible character who can’t lead their way out of a forward operating base because they don’t have the competence to understand the application of military power, and that doesn’t do me any good”, General Dempsey said. “Conversely, you can have someone who is intensely competent in the skills of the profession, but doesn’t live a life of character. And that doesn’t do me any good.”

General Dempsey said that regular professional reviews would be transformed from top-down assessments to the kind of “360-degree performance evaluation”, which includes feedback from subordinates, peers and superiors. For the new training programs, he said that while it may be impossible to prevent infractions, “most officers need to be reminded of the rules and regulations on a routine basis”.

Teams of inspectors will observe and review the procedures of commanders and their staffs. The inspections will not be punitive, but will provide a “periodic opportunity for general officers to understand whether, from an institutional perspective, we think they are inside or outside the white lines”, he said. In addition, new programs will be instituted to ensure that a commander’s staff, and a spouse, are fully aware of military regulations.

“In my 39 years in the military, I have learned that you are not a profession just because you say you are. You have to earn it and re-earn it and re-evaluate it from time to time”, General Dempsey said.

Adapted from

According to the Macmillan English Dictionary Online, the word issue has the following definitions. Read them and answer the question below.

1. a problem that needs to be considered.
2. a magazine that is published at a particular time.
3. a set of things that are available to people at a particular time.
4. (formal) the act of officially giving something to someone.
5. (legal) someone’s children.

Which word is a synonym for evaluations in the text?



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
504706 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Português
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Quanto à separação silábica, assinale a alternativa correta.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
498914 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Geografia
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Sobre a matriz energética brasileira podemos afirmar que

I- embora os combustíveis fósseis tenham importante participação na matriz energética brasileira, o País apresenta relativo equilíbrio no uso de fontes renováveis e não renováveis de energia.

II- atualmente, tomados em conjunto, o setor industrial e o setor residencial são responsáveis por cerca de 70% do consumo energético total do País.

III- a biomassa e o gás natural estão entre as principais fontes na geração de energia térmica convencional, porém o diesel (derivado do petróleo) continua sendo a principal fonte de geração elétrica em usinas térmicas no País.

IV- a descoberta do pré-sal contribuiu para a autossuficiência brasileira em petróleo e interrompeu políticas de diversificação da matriz energética, tais como a retomada do programa de centrais nucleares e os investimentos em geração eólica no País.

V- a fim de amenizar os impactos ambientais, o projeto aprovado para a construção da Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte (PA) a definiu como uma “usina a fio d’água”, o que acarretará grandes variações em sua capacidade de produção entre a estação das cheias e a das vazantes.

Assinale a alternativa em que todas as afirmativas estão corretas.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
491821 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.

The Phenomenon of Candy Crush: Why Is the Game So Popular?

In 2012, Candy Crush was released on Facebook and was later converted to smartphone format for people to play on the go. In 2013, the game reached real prominence and became the most popular game on Facebook. It’s no surprise then that so many people play this game on their phones. Candy Crush Saga has changed the way many of us kill time on commutes, or even in the toilet. I don’t remember the last train journey I took where at least one person wasn’t playing Candy Crush on their phone. I’m sure almost every reader of this article will have either been invited or invited others to play Candy Crush via Facebook in an effort to get more lives or even levels.

Despite being incredibly similar to many games over the years, Candy Crush Saga has added new depth to the genre, with seemingly unlimited combinations of new scenarios and concepts. So, this mixture of simplicity and variety is what makes Candy Crush so unbelievably popular.

As a result, Candy Crush Saga shows no signs of slowing down. New levels are generally released via the Facebook version every three weeks, with new levels also being made frequently available for the smartphone version. With 6.7 million active users, the developers are rumoured to be earning $633,000 per day from Candy Crush users.

Adapted from

According to the text, the popularity of Candy Crush Saga is because



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
491626 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: História
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Leia as afirmações abaixo relacionadas ao Brasil.

I- O Estado devia associar-se ao capital privado nacional e estrangeiro, para promover a industrialização acelerada do país.

II- O Estado devia intervir na economia, controlando as indústrias de base e os setores de energia, comunicações e transporte.

III- O governo devia limitar a remessa de lucros.

IV- O governo buscava atrair capitais estrangeiros, concedendo às empresas multinacionais facilidades para importar maquinário e isenção de impostos por vários anos.

Pode-se afirmar que as medidas



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
491542 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: História
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Uma das características que podemos reconhecer no sistema feudal europeu



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
484293 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Leia o texto a seguir e responda à questão.

The Phenomenon of Candy Crush: Why Is the Game So Popular?

In 2012, Candy Crush was released on Facebook and was later converted to smartphone format for people to play on the go. In 2013, the game reached real prominence and became the most popular game on Facebook. It’s no surprise then that so many people play this game on their phones. Candy Crush Saga has changed the way many of us kill time on commutes, or even in the toilet. I don’t remember the last train journey I took where at least one person wasn’t playing Candy Crush on their phone. I’m sure almost every reader of this article will have either been invited or invited others to play Candy Crush via Facebook in an effort to get more lives or even levels.

Despite being incredibly similar to many games over the years, Candy Crush Saga has added new depth to the genre, with seemingly unlimited combinations of new scenarios and concepts. So, this mixture of simplicity and variety is what makes Candy Crush so unbelievably popular.

As a result, Candy Crush Saga shows no signs of slowing down. New levels are generally released via the Facebook version every three weeks, with new levels also being made frequently available for the smartphone version. With 6.7 million active users, the developers are rumoured to be earning $633,000 per day from Candy Crush users.

Adapted from

In the sentence “Candy Crush Saga has changed the way many of us kill time on commutes...” (paragraph 1), the expression kill time on commutes means



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
474018 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Química
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Um átomo neutro do elemento químico genérico A, ao perder 2 elétrons forma um cátion bivalente, contendo 36 elétrons. O número atômico deste átomo A é



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1469608 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Português
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Nas palavras gratuito, vácuo, frear e minguam, há, respectivamente,

Questão Anulada


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
1478926 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Geografia
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Sobre o comércio agrícola mundial, podemos afirmar que,

I- atualmente, o Japão e o Egito estão entre os maiores importadores mundiais de cereais.

II- ao contrário da União Europeia, dos Estados Unidos e da China, o Brasil exibe elevado saldo positivo na sua balança comercial de produtos agrícolas.

III- na última década, o aumento dos investimentos no agronegócio e a difusão dos organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM) na agricultura fizeram com que o comércio mundial de produtos agrícolas superasse em valor o comércio mundial de manufaturados.

IV- graças à Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC), que em 2002 pôs fim à política de subsídios agrícolas concedida pelos países desenvolvidos aos seus agricultores, países como o Brasil e a Argentina têm obtido maior destaque no comércio mundial de produtos agrícolas.

V- devido aos elevados custos do transporte de carga no Brasil, a soja brasileira vem perdendo paulatinamente posição de destaque dentre os grandes exportadores mundiais desse produto.

Assinale a alternativa em que todas as afirmativas estão corretas.

Questão Desatualizada


Questão presente nas seguintes provas