Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 50 questões.

3137410 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)

Administrative assistants are often the backbone of an organization, providing support to managers, teams, and clients. They handle a variety of tasks, such as scheduling, organizing, communicating, and problem-solving. To succeed in this role, they need not only technical skills, but also soft skills and personality traits that help them work effectively with others and adapt to changing situations.

Hard skills for the administrative assistant are the overriding technical office skills that you bring to the workplace. Hard skills can be learned and can be acquired through training, work or a combination of both. Hard skills are considered transferable which means, once learned, you can transfer them from job to job. That’s because hard skills are standard across industries and would be very similar at several different organizations and industries. Hard skills are considered measurable, which means an employer can test you on these skills.

On the other hand, soft skills are personal qualities that allow one to relate to others more effectively. Some soft skills include having a positive attitude and effective time management. Also called people skills, soft skills are considered social skills such as communication skills, listening skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, and emotional intelligence, such as the ability to show empathy to others. Once learned, these skills will enhance your personal interactions on the job.


Na última sentença do texto – Once learned, these soft skills will enhance your personal interactions on the job –, a palavra em negrito pode ser substituída, mantendo o mesmo significado, por



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137409 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)

Administrative assistants are often the backbone of an organization, providing support to managers, teams, and clients. They handle a variety of tasks, such as scheduling, organizing, communicating, and problem-solving. To succeed in this role, they need not only technical skills, but also soft skills and personality traits that help them work effectively with others and adapt to changing situations.

Hard skills for the administrative assistant are the overriding technical office skills that you bring to the workplace. Hard skills can be learned and can be acquired through training, work or a combination of both. Hard skills are considered transferable which means, once learned, you can transfer them from job to job. That’s because hard skills are standard across industries and would be very similar at several different organizations and industries. Hard skills are considered measurable, which means an employer can test you on these skills.

On the other hand, soft skills are personal qualities that allow one to relate to others more effectively. Some soft skills include having a positive attitude and effective time management. Also called people skills, soft skills are considered social skills such as communication skills, listening skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, and emotional intelligence, such as the ability to show empathy to others. Once learned, these skills will enhance your personal interactions on the job.


In the excerpt from the second paragraph – are the overriding technical office skills – the word in bold may be substituted with no change in meaning by



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137408 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)

Administrative assistants are often the backbone of an organization, providing support to managers, teams, and clients. They handle a variety of tasks, such as scheduling, organizing, communicating, and problem-solving. To succeed in this role, they need not only technical skills, but also soft skills and personality traits that help them work effectively with others and adapt to changing situations.

Hard skills for the administrative assistant are the overriding technical office skills that you bring to the workplace. Hard skills can be learned and can be acquired through training, work or a combination of both. Hard skills are considered transferable which means, once learned, you can transfer them from job to job. That’s because hard skills are standard across industries and would be very similar at several different organizations and industries. Hard skills are considered measurable, which means an employer can test you on these skills.

On the other hand, soft skills are personal qualities that allow one to relate to others more effectively. Some soft skills include having a positive attitude and effective time management. Also called people skills, soft skills are considered social skills such as communication skills, listening skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, and emotional intelligence, such as the ability to show empathy to others. Once learned, these skills will enhance your personal interactions on the job.


O segundo parágrafo informa que hard skills



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137407 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)

Administrative assistants are often the backbone of an organization, providing support to managers, teams, and clients. They handle a variety of tasks, such as scheduling, organizing, communicating, and problem-solving. To succeed in this role, they need not only technical skills, but also soft skills and personality traits that help them work effectively with others and adapt to changing situations.

Hard skills for the administrative assistant are the overriding technical office skills that you bring to the workplace. Hard skills can be learned and can be acquired through training, work or a combination of both. Hard skills are considered transferable which means, once learned, you can transfer them from job to job. That’s because hard skills are standard across industries and would be very similar at several different organizations and industries. Hard skills are considered measurable, which means an employer can test you on these skills.

On the other hand, soft skills are personal qualities that allow one to relate to others more effectively. Some soft skills include having a positive attitude and effective time management. Also called people skills, soft skills are considered social skills such as communication skills, listening skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, and emotional intelligence, such as the ability to show empathy to others. Once learned, these skills will enhance your personal interactions on the job.


In the excerpt from the first paragraph – personality traits that help them work effectively with others –, the word in bold may be exchanged by



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137406 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)

Administrative assistants are often the backbone of an organization, providing support to managers, teams, and clients. They handle a variety of tasks, such as scheduling, organizing, communicating, and problem-solving. To succeed in this role, they need not only technical skills, but also soft skills and personality traits that help them work effectively with others and adapt to changing situations.

Hard skills for the administrative assistant are the overriding technical office skills that you bring to the workplace. Hard skills can be learned and can be acquired through training, work or a combination of both. Hard skills are considered transferable which means, once learned, you can transfer them from job to job. That’s because hard skills are standard across industries and would be very similar at several different organizations and industries. Hard skills are considered measurable, which means an employer can test you on these skills.

On the other hand, soft skills are personal qualities that allow one to relate to others more effectively. Some soft skills include having a positive attitude and effective time management. Also called people skills, soft skills are considered social skills such as communication skills, listening skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, and emotional intelligence, such as the ability to show empathy to others. Once learned, these skills will enhance your personal interactions on the job.


In the excerpt from the first paragraph – such as scheduling, organizing, communicating, and problem-solving –, the expression in bold letters indicates



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137405 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Raciocínio Lógico

Usando o serviço de correio eletrônico Gmail, em sua configuração padrão, um usuário criou uma nova mensagem e programou o envio para o dia seguinte. Antes de chegar o momento programado, se o usuário desejar cancelar o envio, será necessário encontrar a mensagem na pasta



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137404 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Raciocínio Lógico

Assinale a alternativa correta sobre o Microsoft Teams, em sua configuração padrão, com 2 usuários (usuário A e usuário B) presentes em uma reunião virtual (uma reunião regular, não prefeitura e não webinar), considerando que ambos os participantes têm permissão para compartilhar suas telas e estão usando computadores com Microsoft Windows 10, também em sua configuração padrão.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137403 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Raciocínio Lógico

Tem-se a seguinte planilha, criada no Microsoft Excel 2019, em sua configuração original.

Enunciado 3137403-1

A célula A6 contém a função =MÉDIA(A1:A5). Caso o usuário digite 0 nas células A1 e A5, e apague o conteúdo da célula A3, o resultado na célula A6 será:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137402 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Raciocínio Lógico

Tem-se o seguinte texto criado no Microsoft Word 2019, em sua configuração original.

Enunciado 3137402-1

Um usuário selecionou todo o texto e executou as seguintes ações, sequencialmente:

Ação 1

Selecionou a opção Colocar Cada Palavra em Maiúscula

Enunciado 3137402-2

Ação 2

Selecionou a opção Alternar Maiúsc./Minúsc.

Enunciado 3137402-3

O resultado final é:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137401 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Raciocínio Lógico

Tem-se a seguinte estrutura de pastas, exibidas no Explorador de Arquivos do Microsoft Windows 10, ambos em sua configuração padrão.

Enunciado 3137401-1

Assinale a alternativa com o resultado obtido ao se selecionar a pasta Documentos e apagá-la, considerando que todas as permissões para a operação estão concedidas.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas