Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 50 questões.

2765201 Ano: 2023
Disciplina: Estatística

A média aritmética simples de três cotações efetuadas para a compra de um equipamento é de R$ 3.900,00. A cotação de maior valor é R$ 800,00 mais alta que a cotação de menor valor, enquanto que a terceira cotação corresponde à média aritmética simples das outras duas cotações. O valor da cotação mais baixa é de



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2765200 Ano: 2023
Disciplina: Estatística

O gráfico apresenta a distribuição do número de candidatos inscritos em um concurso para um cargo de nível superior, pela categoria administrativa das instituições em que eles se formaram – pública ou privada:

Enunciado 3539648-1

Sabendo que 390 candidatos se formaram em instituições públicas, o número de candidatos inscritos que se formaram em instituições privadas supera o número dos outros candidatos em



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Na sequência numérica 2, 1, 8, 7, 14, 13, 20, 19, ..., o primeiro elemento é 2. Mantida a regularidade da sequência, adicionando-se o seu 68o com 69o elementos tem-se como resultado o número



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Considere a seguinte afirmação: Se eu estudei muito, então estou confiante que serei aprovado na primeira fase do concurso. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma afirmação logicamente equivalente à afirmação apresentada.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

A network administrator’s tasks generally fall into the areas of designing and planning the network; setting up the network; maintaining and expanding it.

The first phase in the life cycle of a network involves creating its design, a task which entails making decisions about the type of network that best suits the needs of your organization.

Once the new network is designed, the second phase, which involves setting up and configuring the network, begins. This consists of installing the hardware that makes up the physical part of the network, and configuring the files or databases, hosts, routers, and network configuration servers.

The third phase of network administration consists of ongoing tasks that typically constitute most of what you are responsible for. They might include adding new host machines to the network, administering network security, administering network services, such as NFS™ services, name services, and electronic mail, and troubleshooting network problems.

The longer a network is in place and functioning properly, the more your organization might want to expand its features and services. Eventually, a single network will expand to the point where it can no longer operate efficiently. That is when it must enter the fourth phase of the network administration cycle: expansion.

Each task area corresponds to a phase in the continuing life cycle of a network. You might be responsible for all the phases, or you might ultimately specialize in a particular area, for example, network maintenance.

( Adaptado)

A suitable synonym for “Eventually”, in the fifth paragraph, is



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

A network administrator’s tasks generally fall into the areas of designing and planning the network; setting up the network; maintaining and expanding it.

The first phase in the life cycle of a network involves creating its design, a task which entails making decisions about the type of network that best suits the needs of your organization.

Once the new network is designed, the second phase, which involves setting up and configuring the network, begins. This consists of installing the hardware that makes up the physical part of the network, and configuring the files or databases, hosts, routers, and network configuration servers.

The third phase of network administration consists of ongoing tasks that typically constitute most of what you are responsible for. They might include adding new host machines to the network, administering network security, administering network services, such as NFS™ services, name services, and electronic mail, and troubleshooting network problems.

The longer a network is in place and functioning properly, the more your organization might want to expand its features and services. Eventually, a single network will expand to the point where it can no longer operate efficiently. That is when it must enter the fourth phase of the network administration cycle: expansion.

Each task area corresponds to a phase in the continuing life cycle of a network. You might be responsible for all the phases, or you might ultimately specialize in a particular area, for example, network maintenance.

( Adaptado)

No que diz respeito ao administrador da rede, a terceira fase do processo, apresentada no quarto parágrafo, caracteriza-se por



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

A network administrator’s tasks generally fall into the areas of designing and planning the network; setting up the network; maintaining and expanding it.

The first phase in the life cycle of a network involves creating its design, a task which entails making decisions about the type of network that best suits the needs of your organization.

Once the new network is designed, the second phase, which involves setting up and configuring the network, begins. This consists of installing the hardware that makes up the physical part of the network, and configuring the files or databases, hosts, routers, and network configuration servers.

The third phase of network administration consists of ongoing tasks that typically constitute most of what you are responsible for. They might include adding new host machines to the network, administering network security, administering network services, such as NFS™ services, name services, and electronic mail, and troubleshooting network problems.

The longer a network is in place and functioning properly, the more your organization might want to expand its features and services. Eventually, a single network will expand to the point where it can no longer operate efficiently. That is when it must enter the fourth phase of the network administration cycle: expansion.

Each task area corresponds to a phase in the continuing life cycle of a network. You might be responsible for all the phases, or you might ultimately specialize in a particular area, for example, network maintenance.

( Adaptado)

In the excerpt from the third paragraph – “Once the new network is designed...”, – the word in bold letters can be substituted without change in meaning, by



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

A network administrator’s tasks generally fall into the areas of designing and planning the network; setting up the network; maintaining and expanding it.

The first phase in the life cycle of a network involves creating its design, a task which entails making decisions about the type of network that best suits the needs of your organization.

Once the new network is designed, the second phase, which involves setting up and configuring the network, begins. This consists of installing the hardware that makes up the physical part of the network, and configuring the files or databases, hosts, routers, and network configuration servers.

The third phase of network administration consists of ongoing tasks that typically constitute most of what you are responsible for. They might include adding new host machines to the network, administering network security, administering network services, such as NFS™ services, name services, and electronic mail, and troubleshooting network problems.

The longer a network is in place and functioning properly, the more your organization might want to expand its features and services. Eventually, a single network will expand to the point where it can no longer operate efficiently. That is when it must enter the fourth phase of the network administration cycle: expansion.

Each task area corresponds to a phase in the continuing life cycle of a network. You might be responsible for all the phases, or you might ultimately specialize in a particular area, for example, network maintenance.

( Adaptado)

No excerto do segundo parágrafo, – “which entails making decisions about the type of network...”, – a palavra destacada corresponde em português a



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

A network administrator’s tasks generally fall into the areas of designing and planning the network; setting up the network; maintaining and expanding it.

The first phase in the life cycle of a network involves creating its design, a task which entails making decisions about the type of network that best suits the needs of your organization.

Once the new network is designed, the second phase, which involves setting up and configuring the network, begins. This consists of installing the hardware that makes up the physical part of the network, and configuring the files or databases, hosts, routers, and network configuration servers.

The third phase of network administration consists of ongoing tasks that typically constitute most of what you are responsible for. They might include adding new host machines to the network, administering network security, administering network services, such as NFS™ services, name services, and electronic mail, and troubleshooting network problems.

The longer a network is in place and functioning properly, the more your organization might want to expand its features and services. Eventually, a single network will expand to the point where it can no longer operate efficiently. That is when it must enter the fourth phase of the network administration cycle: expansion.

Each task area corresponds to a phase in the continuing life cycle of a network. You might be responsible for all the phases, or you might ultimately specialize in a particular area, for example, network maintenance.

( Adaptado)

According to the text,



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2765136 Ano: 2023
Disciplina: Matemática

Em certo laboratório, para cada 4 computadores com mais de 1 ano de utilização, existem 7 computadores com 1 ano ou menos de utilização. Se, ao todo, há 44 computadores nesse laboratório, e serão comprados alguns computadores novos para que a razão entre o número de computadores com mais de 1 ano de utilização e o número de computadores com 1 ano ou menos de utilização seja de 1 para 2, então o número de novos computadores que serão comprados é igual a



Questão presente nas seguintes provas