Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 20 questões.

2131105 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Paraíso-SC

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 1 a 4.

(1º§) The ivory-billed woodpecker, along with 22 other species of birds, fish, mussels and other wildlife, is set to be declared extinct and removed from the endangered species list, US wildlife officials announced Wednesday.

(2º§) "For the species proposed for delisting today, the protections of the (Endangered Species Act) came too late, with most either extinct, functionally extinct, or in steep decline at the timing of listing," the US Fish and Wildlife Service said.

(3º§) "The circumstances of each also underscore how human activity can drive species decline and extinction, by contributing to habitat loss, overuse and the introduction of invasive species and disease. The growing impacts of climate change are anticipated to further exacerbate these threats and their interactions," the wildlife agency said.

(4º§) Interior Secretary Deb Haaland underscored that while a variety of specific factors contributed to each species' demise, "the story arc is essentially the same - humans altered their habitat in a significant way, and we couldn't or didn't do enough to ultimately change the trajectory before it was too late."

(5º§) But the interior secretary suggested the extinction of these species can be a "wake-up call" for humans to take action to prevent extinction and protect biodiversity.

(6º§) "With climate change and natural area loss pushing more and more species to the brink, now is the time to lift up proactive, collaborative, and innovative efforts to save America's wildlife," Haaland said Wednesday in a statement. "The Endangered Species Act has been incredibly effective at preventing species from going extinct and has also inspired action to conserve at-risk species and their habitat before they need to be listed as endangered or threatened.

(7º§) "We will continue to ensure that states, Tribes, private landowners, and federal agencies have the tools they need to conserve America's biodiversity and natural heritage."

In the sentence (4º§) "[...] the story arc is essentially the same - humans altered their habitat in a significant way, and we couldn't or didn't do enough to ultimately change the trajectory before it was too late.", the underlined word means:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2131102 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Paraíso-SC

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 1 a 4.

(1º§) The ivory-billed woodpecker, along with 22 other species of birds, fish, mussels and other wildlife, is set to be declared extinct and removed from the endangered species list, US wildlife officials announced Wednesday.

(2º§) "For the species proposed for delisting today, the protections of the (Endangered Species Act) came too late, with most either extinct, functionally extinct, or in steep decline at the timing of listing," the US Fish and Wildlife Service said.

(3º§) "The circumstances of each also underscore how human activity can drive species decline and extinction, by contributing to habitat loss, overuse and the introduction of invasive species and disease. The growing impacts of climate change are anticipated to further exacerbate these threats and their interactions," the wildlife agency said.

(4º§) Interior Secretary Deb Haaland underscored that while a variety of specific factors contributed to each species' demise, "the story arc is essentially the same - humans altered their habitat in a significant way, and we couldn't or didn't do enough to ultimately change the trajectory before it was too late."

(5º§) But the interior secretary suggested the extinction of these species can be a "wake-up call" for humans to take action to prevent extinction and protect biodiversity.

(6º§) "With climate change and natural area loss pushing more and more species to the brink, now is the time to lift up proactive, collaborative, and innovative efforts to save America's wildlife," Haaland said Wednesday in a statement. "The Endangered Species Act has been incredibly effective at preventing species from going extinct and has also inspired action to conserve at-risk species and their habitat before they need to be listed as endangered or threatened.

(7º§) "We will continue to ensure that states, Tribes, private landowners, and federal agencies have the tools they need to conserve America's biodiversity and natural heritage."

According to the text, how many species of animals are on the verge of extinction?



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2121117 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Paraíso-SC

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 1 a 4.

(1º§) The ivory-billed woodpecker, along with 22 other species of birds, fish, mussels and other wildlife, is set to be declared extinct and removed from the endangered species list, US wildlife officials announced Wednesday.

(2º§) "For the species proposed for delisting today, the protections of the (Endangered Species Act) came too late, with most either extinct, functionally extinct, or in steep decline at the timing of listing," the US Fish and Wildlife Service said.

(3º§) "The circumstances of each also underscore how human activity can drive species decline and extinction, by contributing to habitat loss, overuse and the introduction of invasive species and disease. The growing impacts of climate change are anticipated to further exacerbate these threats and their interactions," the wildlife agency said.

(4º§) Interior Secretary Deb Haaland underscored that while a variety of specific factors contributed to each species' demise, "the story arc is essentially the same - humans altered their habitat in a significant way, and we couldn't or didn't do enough to ultimately change the trajectory before it was too late."

(5º§) But the interior secretary suggested the extinction of these species can be a "wake-up call" for humans to take action to prevent extinction and protect biodiversity.

(6º§) "With climate change and natural area loss pushing more and more species to the brink, now is the time to lift up proactive, collaborative, and innovative efforts to save America's wildlife," Haaland said Wednesday in a statement. "The Endangered Species Act has been incredibly effective at preventing species from going extinct and has also inspired action to conserve at-risk species and their habitat before they need to be listed as endangered or threatened.

(7º§) "We will continue to ensure that states, Tribes, private landowners, and federal agencies have the tools they need to conserve America's biodiversity and natural heritage."

Which one could be better for the title of the text?



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

A diversidade cultural está presente em Santa Catarina, com manifestações nas mais variadas áreas, sob a influência dos índios nativos e dos imigrantes vindos da Europa. Neste contexto, podemos citar como marca da cultura alemã no estado a:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2098257 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Paraíso-SC

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 1 a 4.

(1º§) The ivory-billed woodpecker, along with 22 other species of birds, fish, mussels and other wildlife, is set to be declared extinct and removed from the endangered species list, US wildlife officials announced Wednesday.

(2º§) "For the species proposed for delisting today, the protections of the (Endangered Species Act) came too late, with most either extinct, functionally extinct, or in steep decline at the timing of listing," the US Fish and Wildlife Service said.

(3º§) "The circumstances of each also underscore how human activity can drive species decline and extinction, by contributing to habitat loss, overuse and the introduction of invasive species and disease. The growing impacts of climate change are anticipated to further exacerbate these threats and their interactions," the wildlife agency said.

(4º§) Interior Secretary Deb Haaland underscored that while a variety of specific factors contributed to each species' demise, "the story arc is essentially the same - humans altered their habitat in a significant way, and we couldn't or didn't do enough to ultimately change the trajectory before it was too late."

(5º§) But the interior secretary suggested the extinction of these species can be a "wake-up call" for humans to take action to prevent extinction and protect biodiversity.

(6º§) "With climate change and natural area loss pushing more and more species to the brink, now is the time to lift up proactive, collaborative, and innovative efforts to save America's wildlife," Haaland said Wednesday in a statement. "The Endangered Species Act has been incredibly effective at preventing species from going extinct and has also inspired action to conserve at-risk species and their habitat before they need to be listed as endangered or threatened.

(7º§) "We will continue to ensure that states, Tribes, private landowners, and federal agencies have the tools they need to conserve America's biodiversity and natural heritage."

Based on the text, it does not among the factors that contributed to the demise of species:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2098256 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Paraíso-SC

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

I.The ___ children are kind.

II.His house is over ___.

III.The ___ is cheap.

IV.His voice is ___.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2098189 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Pedagogia
Orgão: Pref. Paraíso-SC

De acordo com a teoria de Vygotsky, o ser humano adquire conhecimento por meio de um elo intermediário entre ele e o ambiente. Nesse sentido, estamos falando da(s):



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2098188 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Paraíso-SC

"Aprender a língua inglesa propicia a criação de novas formas de engajamento e participação dos alunos em um mundo social cada vez mais globalizado e plural, em que as fronteiras entre países e interesses pessoais, locais, regionais, nacionais e transnacionais estão cada vez mais difusas e contraditórias" (BNCC, p. 241). Podemos afirmar que o tratamento do inglês como língua franca:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

De acordo com as Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, os sistemas de ensino definirão as normas da gestão democrática do ensino público na educação básica, de acordo com as suas peculiaridades e conforme os seguintes princípios:

I.Participação dos profissionais da educação na elaboração do projeto pedagógico da escola.

II.Participação das comunidades escolar e local em conselhos escolares ou equivalentes.

III.Participação dos conselhos escolares na elaboração do projeto pedagógico da escola.

IV.Participação da associação comunitária da localidade onde a instituição está inserida no planejamento das atividades pedagógicas.

Analisando os itens acima podemos afirmar que:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

O velho ditado que diz, "trate os outros como gostaria de ser tratado", além de sinônimo de respeito, pode representar também uma característica extremamente valorizada no mercado profissional por ter em foco o bom andamento das relações interpessoais. Assim, como forma de garantir que tal conselho seja realmente aplicado à sua vida profissional, o trabalhador NÃO deve, entre outras coisas:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas