Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 50 questões.

2838984 Ano: 2023
Disciplina: Raciocínio Lógico
Banca: PM-MG
Orgão: PM-MG

Os pregos são mais baratos do que os parafusos.

Não tenho dinheiro suficiente para comprar duas dúzias de pregos. Logo,



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Sabe-se que, na equipe de Basquete Alfa, há um Armador que sempre mente, um Pivô que sempre fala a verdade e um Ala que às vezes fala a verdade e às vezes mente. Na saída do ginásio, dirigindo-se a um torcedor que não sabia o resultado final do jogo, um deles informou “Foi empate”, o segundo disse “Não foi empate” e o terceiro falou “Nós perdemos”. O torcedor reconheceu somente o Ala, mas pôde deduzir o resultado da partida com certeza. A declaração do Ala e o resultado da partida foram, respectivamente:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Escolha a opção gramaticalmente CORRETA para a redação de perguntas diretas e indiretas em inglês:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Read the text below and answer the questions from 11 to 14

Rice is a staple food for a large part of the world’s population, providing more than one fifth of the calories consumed worldwide, making it the second-most-consumed cereal grain. The rice plant grows about 2 to 5 feet high and is a flowering plant.

Rice is composed of the grain and husk. The grain is mainly used as food, but the vitamins, including B-complex, are found in the husk. Most people prefer to eat polished rice without the husk, but this can create a vitamin deficiency because polished rice doesn’t have many vitamins.

Much of the rice that we eat comes from southeastern Asia and grows in all countries that have a warm and moist climate, including India, China, and Japan. The traditional method for cultivating rice is to flood the fields after planting the seedlings. This simple method requires planning and maintenance of the water supply, but reduces the growth of weeds and deters vermin. Flooding is not mandatory, but all other methods of irrigation require more effort in weed and pest control and different methods of fertilization.

COOK, Ann, Grammar: American Accent Training – 2009, Page 208.

As a complex carb, it the primary source of energy over half of the world's people. Depending the strain of rice, it can contain decent amounts fibre, protein, vitamin B, iron and manganese. This means it can play a vital role against malnutrition:

Marque a opção gramaticalmente CORRETA para completar as lacunas do texto acima.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Read the text below and answer the questions from 11 to 14

Rice is a staple food for a large part of the world’s population, providing more than one fifth of the calories consumed worldwide, making it the second-most-consumed cereal grain. The rice plant grows about 2 to 5 feet high and is a flowering plant.

Rice is composed of the grain and husk. The grain is mainly used as food, but the vitamins, including B-complex, are found in the husk. Most people prefer to eat polished rice without the husk, but this can create a vitamin deficiency because polished rice doesn’t have many vitamins.

Much of the rice that we eat comes from southeastern Asia and grows in all countries that have a warm and moist climate, including India, China, and Japan. The traditional method for cultivating rice is to flood the fields after planting the seedlings. This simple method requires planning and maintenance of the water supply, but reduces the growth of weeds and deters vermin. Flooding is not mandatory, but all other methods of irrigation require more effort in weed and pest control and different methods of fertilization.

COOK, Ann, Grammar: American Accent Training – 2009, Page 208.

De acordo com o terceiro parágrafo, para se cultivar arroz da forma mais usual é necessário...



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Read the text below and answer the questions from 11 to 14

Rice is a staple food for a large part of the world’s population, providing more than one fifth of the calories consumed worldwide, making it the second-most-consumed cereal grain. The rice plant grows about 2 to 5 feet high and is a flowering plant.

Rice is composed of the grain and husk. The grain is mainly used as food, but the vitamins, including B-complex, are found in the husk. Most people prefer to eat polished rice without the husk, but this can create a vitamin deficiency because polished rice doesn’t have many vitamins.

Much of the rice that we eat comes from southeastern Asia and grows in all countries that have a warm and moist climate, including India, China, and Japan. The traditional method for cultivating rice is to flood the fields after planting the seedlings. This simple method requires planning and maintenance of the water supply, but reduces the growth of weeds and deters vermin. Flooding is not mandatory, but all other methods of irrigation require more effort in weed and pest control and different methods of fertilization.

COOK, Ann, Grammar: American Accent Training – 2009, Page 208.

De acordo com o segundo parágrafo do artigo, escolha a opção INCORRETA abaixo:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Read the text below and answer the questions from 11 to 14

Rice is a staple food for a large part of the world’s population, providing more than one fifth of the calories consumed worldwide, making it the second-most-consumed cereal grain. The rice plant grows about 2 to 5 feet high and is a flowering plant.

Rice is composed of the grain and husk. The grain is mainly used as food, but the vitamins, including B-complex, are found in the husk. Most people prefer to eat polished rice without the husk, but this can create a vitamin deficiency because polished rice doesn’t have many vitamins.

Much of the rice that we eat comes from southeastern Asia and grows in all countries that have a warm and moist climate, including India, China, and Japan. The traditional method for cultivating rice is to flood the fields after planting the seedlings. This simple method requires planning and maintenance of the water supply, but reduces the growth of weeds and deters vermin. Flooding is not mandatory, but all other methods of irrigation require more effort in weed and pest control and different methods of fertilization.

COOK, Ann, Grammar: American Accent Training – 2009, Page 208.

De acordo com as informações do primeiro parágrafo, qual das afirmativas está CORRETA?



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Resolva a equação 9!$ x !$ − 10 × 3!$ x !$ + 9 = 0 e marque a alternativa CORRETA em relação a sua solução:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Sabendo que a Sequência A: 51, X, 69 e a Sequência B: Y, 19, 23 são diretamente proporcionais determine o valor de X – Y.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Em uma turma de soldados da Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais, há 25 recrutas que praticam tiro, mas não praticam jiu-jítsu, e há 12 recrutas que praticam jiu-jítsu, mas não praticam tiro. O total dos que praticam jiu-jítsu é 21. Ao todo, existem 20 recrutas que não praticam tiro. Qual o número de recrutas da classe? Marque a alternativa CORRETA:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas