Magna Concursos

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2574312 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Texas High School Opens Grocery Store That Accepts Good Deeds as Payment

How many high schools can say they have a grocery store inside their walls? The student-run grocery store at Linda Tutt High School in rural Sanger, Texas, provides food and other necessities to students and their families while teaching essential job skills. And the store doesn’t accept cash, just good deeds. Instead of money, students shop using a point system.

The store, which aims to address food insecurities for students and others in the community, is open Monday through Wednesday for students and staff within the school district. “A lot of our students come from low socioeconomic families,” principal Anthony Love told KTVT. “It’s a way for students to earn the ability to shop for their families. Through hard work you can earn points. You can earn points for doing chores around the building or helping to clean.”

The pioneering project is run in partnership with First Refuge Ministries, Texas Health Resources, and Albertsons (a grocery store chain). But nearly all the responsibility falls on the students. They stock the shelves, keep track of inventory, address sales, and monitor registers when items are purchased. “I think the most exciting part of it is just teaching our kids job skills that they can carry with them as they graduate high school and move on into the world,” Love said to WAGA-TV. “Students are really the key piece to it.”

Adapted from

The sentence “Students are really the key piece to it.” (paragraph 3) can be correctly paraphrased in the following terms:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2574311 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Texas High School Opens Grocery Store That Accepts Good Deeds as Payment

How many high schools can say they have a grocery store inside their walls? The student-run grocery store at Linda Tutt High School in rural Sanger, Texas, provides food and other necessities to students and their families while teaching essential job skills. And the store doesn’t accept cash, just good deeds. Instead of money, students shop using a point system.

The store, which aims to address food insecurities for students and others in the community, is open Monday through Wednesday for students and staff within the school district. “A lot of our students come from low socioeconomic families,” principal Anthony Love told KTVT. “It’s a way for students to earn the ability to shop for their families. Through hard work you can earn points. You can earn points for doing chores around the building or helping to clean.”

The pioneering project is run in partnership with First Refuge Ministries, Texas Health Resources, and Albertsons (a grocery store chain). But nearly all the responsibility falls on the students. They stock the shelves, keep track of inventory, address sales, and monitor registers when items are purchased. “I think the most exciting part of it is just teaching our kids job skills that they can carry with them as they graduate high school and move on into the world,” Love said to WAGA-TV. “Students are really the key piece to it.”

Adapted from

According to the text, “...stock the shelves...” (paragraph 3) is an example of



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2574310 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Texas High School Opens Grocery Store That Accepts Good Deeds as Payment

How many high schools can say they have a grocery store inside their walls? The student-run grocery store at Linda Tutt High School in rural Sanger, Texas, provides food and other necessities to students and their families while teaching essential job skills. And the store doesn’t accept cash, just good deeds. Instead of money, students shop using a point system.

The store, which aims to address food insecurities for students and others in the community, is open Monday through Wednesday for students and staff within the school district. “A lot of our students come from low socioeconomic families,” principal Anthony Love told KTVT. “It’s a way for students to earn the ability to shop for their families. Through hard work you can earn points. You can earn points for doing chores around the building or helping to clean.”

The pioneering project is run in partnership with First Refuge Ministries, Texas Health Resources, and Albertsons (a grocery store chain). But nearly all the responsibility falls on the students. They stock the shelves, keep track of inventory, address sales, and monitor registers when items are purchased. “I think the most exciting part of it is just teaching our kids job skills that they can carry with them as they graduate high school and move on into the world,” Love said to WAGA-TV. “Students are really the key piece to it.”

Adapted from

In the sentence “And the store doesn’t accept cash, just good deeds.” (paragraph 1), the word deeds means



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2574309 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: História
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Relativamente ao processo de Independência dos Estados Unidos da América, é correto afirmar que



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2574308 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: História
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Por quase duzentos anos (1096 a 1270), a região do Mediterrâneo Oriental viveu o movimento das Cruzadas, expedições de perfil militar organizadas pela Igreja Católica. Relativamente a esse assunto, é correto afirmar que



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2574307 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: História
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Em 1580, o rei de Portugal morreu sem deixar herdeiros diretos e, na disputa pelo trono que se seguiu, saiu-se vencedor Filipe II, então rei da Espanha. Com isso, teve início o período conhecido como “União Ibérica”, que se estendeu por 60 anos e no qual, dentre outras consequências, os inimigos da Espanha passaram a ser, também, de Portugal. A respeito desse período, é correto afirmar que



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2574306 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: História
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

A participação portuguesa no comércio europeu ganhou impulso no início do século XV, no contexto das grandes navegações que se iniciaram nesse período. A primeira ação imperialista dos portugueses, a partir da qual os súditos do rei Dom João I sentiram-se seguros para iniciar seu avanço por “mares nunca dantes navegados” foi



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2574305 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: História
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

Até o início de 1942, na II Guerra Mundial, as tropas do Eixo Roma-Berlim-Tóquio dominaram a guerra. A partir daí, iniciou-se sua derrocada, com sucessivas derrotas e avanço dos aliados, retomando e libertando territórios conquistados pelo Eixo. Sobre esse assunto, analise as assertivas abaixo:

I – A primeira frente de luta dos aliados, que marcharia pouco a pouco em direção a Berlim, foi possibilitada pela derrota nazista na Batalha de Stalingrado, na União Soviética.

II – A segunda frente aliada foi criada a partir do desembarque na Normandia, no “Dia D”.

III – A terceira frente, avançando pela Itália, iniciou-se após a vitória aliada na Batalha de El Alamein, no Egito.

IV – A primeira grande derrota da Marinha japonesa aconteceu na Batalha de Midway.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta somente assertivas corretas, dentre as apresentadas.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2574304 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: História
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

No processo de descolonização da África, no contexto da Guerra Fria, os movimentos nacionalistas antagônicos que surgiram naquele continente, alinhados com o capitalismo ou com o socialismo, frequentemente recebiam apoio externo. Em Moçambique, após sua independência, surgiu a Resistência Nacional Moçambicana (Renamo), apoiada



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2574303 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: História
Banca: DECEx
Orgão: EsPCEx

A Guerra da Tríplice Aliança, também conhecida como Guerra do Paraguai, envolveu os aliados Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai contra o Paraguai. Foi o conflito mais sangrento ocorrido na América do Sul no século XIX. Relativamente a esse assunto, é correto afirmar que



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