Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 95 questões.

2489044 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
After a series of building problems and public protests in Brazil, the governing body of world football, Fifa, repeatedly warned there would be “no compromise” over the delivery of World Cup stadiums. But with Fifa’s endof- year deadline looming, several stadiums are well behind schedule and one host city, Cuiaba, has told the BBC that not only will it be unable to finish its stadium on time, but there are not even enough hotel rooms for visiting fans.
Even though Fifa only insisted on a minimum of eight stadiums to host the World Cup, Brazil decided to go with 12, such was the interest and demand from all parts of this huge nation to be part of the tournament. But, in hindsight, has Brazil bitten off more than it can chew? Up in the city of Manaus, they are finishing an arena that bears some resemblance to the famous Bird’s Nest Stadium in Beijing: an elaborate steel structure, imported from Portugal, envelops the playing area like an indigenous woven basket.
(Taken from
looming – expiring
in hindsight – looking back now
In “…an arena that bears some resemblance to the famous Bird’s Nest Stadium…”, it means that the stadium in Manaus the one in Beijing.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2489034 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Português
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Nas cozinhas modernas é comum ver tecnologias como o cooktop um fogão moderno com sistema de indução eletromagnética.
Sobre o emprego da vírgula no período acima, coloque (C) para a afirmação correta e (E) para a errada. Em seguida, assinale a alternativa com a sequência correta.
( ) Depois do adjetivo modernas, deve haver uma vírgula para assinalar a anteposição do adjunto adverbial.
( ) Depois da palavra cooktop, deve haver uma vírgula para isolar o aposto.
( ) O adjetivo moderno deve ficar entre vírgulas, pois é adjunto adnominal.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2488961 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Understanding the Five Elements
Water is represented by the color black and the calm stillness of winter. People dominant element is water prefer salty foods. They tend to be peaceful and introspective, though they can also be stubborn individuals. Water people value privacy and rarely share their personal thoughts with others.
Wood is represented by the color green and the rebirth of spring. People dominant element is wood prefer sour foods. They tend to be driven, assertive individuals, which can sometimes make them argumentative and difficult to get along with. However, they can also be understanding, helpful individuals who are happy to assist others in need.
Fire corresponds to the color red and the season of summer. People dominant element prefer bitter foods. They tend to be optimistic, energetic, unpredictable individuals. Fire people often have strong opinions, and are risk takers: they are passionate people who love excitement and change. Like fire, though, they can also be destructive and rude.
Earth is represented by the color yellow and is related to late summer – a time of wellbeing when things are in balance. People dominant element is earth prefer sweet foods. Earth people are slow to change their minds and rarely lose their tempers. They tend to be patient, easygoing, caring, and nurturing, although like some parents, they can also be overprotective.
Metal is represented by the color white and is related to the season of autumn. People dominant element is metal prefer spicy foods. They tend to be systematic and refined, but are sometimes viewed by others as somewhat distant or unfriendly.
nurturing – supportive
somewhat – more than a little but not very
“Value”, was used in the text as a/an


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2488211 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Seja a função real !$ f (x) = { \large x + 5 \over \sqrt{x -1}} !$. A sentença que completa corretamente a expressão do conjunto domínio !$ D = \{ X ∈ IR / \} !$ dessa função é


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2488144 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Different ways of speaking are part of gender. As adults, men and women sometimes face difficulties in their communication with each other. Studies of communication show that if a woman tells her husband about a problem, she will expect him to listen and offer sympathy. She may be annoyed when he simply tells her how to solve the problem. Similarly, a husband may be annoyed when his wife wants to stop and ask a stranger for directions to a park or restaurant. Unlike his wife, he would prefer to use a map and find his way by himself.
Language is also part of the different ways that men and women think about friendship. Most men believe that friendship means doing things together such as camping or playing tennis. Talking is not an important part of friendship for most of them. Women, , usually identify their best friend as someone with whom they talk frequently. Experts believe that for women, talking with friends and agreeing with them is very important.
(Adapted from Different Ways of Talking)
Reading the extract, we can lead to the conclusion that


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2488111 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Física
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Uma amostra de um gás ideal sofre uma expansão isobárica. Para que isto ocorra é necessário que essa amostra


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2487731 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Understanding the Five Elements
Water is represented by the color black and the calm stillness of winter. People dominant element is water prefer salty foods. They tend to be peaceful and introspective, though they can also be stubborn individuals. Water people value privacy and rarely share their personal thoughts with others.
Wood is represented by the color green and the rebirth of spring. People dominant element is wood prefer sour foods. They tend to be driven, assertive individuals, which can sometimes make them argumentative and difficult to get along with. However, they can also be understanding, helpful individuals who are happy to assist others in need.
Fire corresponds to the color red and the season of summer. People dominant element prefer bitter foods. They tend to be optimistic, energetic, unpredictable individuals. Fire people often have strong opinions, and are risk takers: they are passionate people who love excitement and change. Like fire, though, they can also be destructive and rude.
Earth is represented by the color yellow and is related to late summer – a time of wellbeing when things are in balance. People dominant element is earth prefer sweet foods. Earth people are slow to change their minds and rarely lose their tempers. They tend to be patient, easygoing, caring, and nurturing, although like some parents, they can also be overprotective.
Metal is represented by the color white and is related to the season of autumn. People dominant element is metal prefer spicy foods. They tend to be systematic and refined, but are sometimes viewed by others as somewhat distant or unfriendly.
nurturing – supportive
somewhat – more than a little but not very
“Tend”, in bold type in the text, means


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2487692 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Enunciado 2865493-1
Reading the cartoon, we can infer that Garfield thinks that


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2487485 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
There’s an old cliché in linguistics that a language is a dialect with an army and navy behind it. This isn’t merely a joke. Defining when a new language is born is than defining when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. In the process by which a dialect becomes a language there is no easy empirical equivalent of the point when the butterfly emerges from the larva able to take off. So no linguist can look back and say: “That’s it, Wednesday 5 May 1213, that’s when the English language finally got wingss.”
caterpillar – lagarta
“take off”, means


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2487454 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
After a series of building problems and public protests in Brazil, the governing body of world football, Fifa, repeatedly warned there would be “no compromise” over the delivery of World Cup stadiums. But with Fifa’s endof- year deadline looming, several stadiums are well behind schedule and one host city, Cuiaba, has told the BBC that not only will it be unable to finish its stadium on time, but there are not even enough hotel rooms for visiting fans.
Even though Fifa only insisted on a minimum of eight stadiums to host the World Cup, Brazil decided to go with 12, such was the interest and demand from all parts of this huge nation to be part of the tournament. But, in hindsight, has Brazil bitten off more than it can chew? Up in the city of Manaus, they are finishing an arena that bears some resemblance to the famous Bird’s Nest Stadium in Beijing: an elaborate steel structure, imported from Portugal, envelops the playing area like an indigenous woven basket.
(Taken from
looming – expiring
in hindsight – looking back now
The question, in bold type in the article, makes us reflect that Brazil


Questão presente nas seguintes provas