Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 85 questões.

2380024 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Espanhol (Língua Espanhola)
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: CGU
¿Y en Colombia, qué?

El decrecimiento económico en Estados Unidos tiene, por supuesto, un efecto multiplicador a nivel global y Colombia no está al margen. Que el socio comercial más importante del país esté en crisis genera reacciones encontradas entre el Gobierno y los empresarios.

El ministro de Hacienda Óscar Iván Zuluaga, ratificó que la economía colombiana muestra signos de fortaleza y prueba de ello son las cifras de crecimiento en el consumo y en la inversión. "Espero que esa desaceleración en los Estados Unidos coincida con una mejoría de nuestro acceso a ese mercado y de las inversiones norteamericanas por cuenta de la aprobación del TLC", manifestó Luis Carlos Villegas, presidente de la Andi.

Por su parte, Álvaro Camaro, vicepresidente Técnico de Stanford Bolsa y Banca, comentó que el desplome de las bolsas se siente en nuestra bolsa y que estas caídas deberían reflejarse en devaluaciones del tipo de cambio.

El Colombiano. Colombia 18.01.08
De acuerdo con el texto, la crisis por la que atraviesa la economía de Estados Unidos ha provocado reacciones:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2380023 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Espanhol (Língua Espanhola)
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: CGU
¿Y en Colombia, qué?

El decrecimiento económico en Estados Unidos tiene, por supuesto, un efecto multiplicador a nivel global y Colombia no está al margen. Que el socio comercial más importante del país esté en crisis genera reacciones encontradas entre el Gobierno y los empresarios.

El ministro de Hacienda Óscar Iván Zuluaga, ratificó que la economía colombiana muestra signos de fortaleza y prueba de ello son las cifras de crecimiento en el consumo y en la inversión. "Espero que esa desaceleración en los Estados Unidos coincida con una mejoría de nuestro acceso a ese mercado y de las inversiones norteamericanas por cuenta de la aprobación del TLC", manifestó Luis Carlos Villegas, presidente de la Andi.

Por su parte, Álvaro Camaro, vicepresidente Técnico de Stanford Bolsa y Banca, comentó que el desplome de las bolsas se siente en nuestra bolsa y que estas caídas deberían reflejarse en devaluaciones del tipo de cambio.

El Colombiano. Colombia 18.01.08

En el texto se dice que el decrecimiento económico estadounidense:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2380022 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Espanhol (Língua Espanhola)
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: CGU
Así lo han reconocido tanto Raffarin como el titular de Justicia, Dominique Perben, para quien "sin duda" Bédier no habría dimitido si hubiera sido responsable de cualquier otro ministerio y a pesar de la llamada jurisprudencia Balladour, según la cual un miembro del Gobierno tiene que dejar su cargo si es procesado.

REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA: Banco de datos (CORDE) [en línea]. Corpus diacrónico del español. <> [Consulta del 20.01.08]

En el texto se dice que Bédier:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2380021 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Espanhol (Língua Espanhola)
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: CGU
BCE mantiene política monetaria y advierte de posible alza futura de los tipos

El Banco Central Europeo (BCE) decidió ayer cumplir con lo previsto y mantuvo la tasa de interés referencial en 4% debido a los riesgos de desaceleración de Estados Unidos y Europa,. Sin embargo, su presidente, Jean-Claude Trichet, confirmó que las presiones para aumentarla son cada vez más fuertes y rechazó que se hubiera considerado un recorte. Aseguró que los fundamentos de la eurozona "siguen sólidos", pero se espera una reducción del crecimiento para el cuarto trimestre de este año.

"Nuestra postura no es neutral", aseguró Trichet, dando a entender que el BCE favorecerá un alza de las tasas de interés este año, aunque el crecimiento se desacelere. El BCE ratificó ayer que su principal preocupación es contener los riesgos inflacionarios que se han disparado en el viejo continente. Trichet agregó que el banco estaba listo para actuar "preventivamente" y en tono duro advirtió a los sindicatos y empresas europeas que el BCE "no tolerará una espiral inflacionista" precios-salarios y los llamó a negociar "con conciencia" eventuales aumentos salariales.

Trichet aseguró que todavía hay restricciones en los mercados de dinero, por lo que el BCE realizará dos nuevas subastas, por US$ 10.000 millones cada una, a 28 días, en similares condiciones a las realizadas en diciembre.

Diario Financiero, Chile, 11.01.08

En el contexto del texto, la palabra "subasta" significa:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2380020 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: CGU
Read the text below entitled "The European Union Budget at a glance" in order to answer question
"The European Union Budget at a glance" Source: Jan 16th, 2008 (Adapted)
Taxpayers'money is used by the European Union (EU) to fund activities that all Member States and parliaments have agreed upon in the Treaties. A small amount - around 1% of the Union's national wealth, which is equivalent to about 235 Euro per head of the population - comes into the EU's annual budget and is then spent mainly for its citizens and communities.

A wide range of activities are funded in the Member States, for example in agriculture, fisheries, infrastructure (construction of roads, bridges and railways), education and training, culture, employment and social policy, environmental policy, health and consumer protection, research, to mention a few. Initiatives are also underway to offer EU citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal borders. Part of the EU budget is also spent on funding economic development around the world and on humanitarian aid to help non-EU countries afflicted by natural disasters and other crisis situations.

In paragraph 2, the text reports that part of the European Union budget


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2380019 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: CGU
Read the text below entitled "The European Union Budget at a glance" in order to answer question
"The European Union Budget at a glance" Source: Jan 16th, 2008 (Adapted)
Taxpayers'money is used by the European Union (EU) to fund activities that all Member States and parliaments have agreed upon in the Treaties. A small amount - around 1% of the Union's national wealth, which is equivalent to about 235 Euro per head of the population - comes into the EU's annual budget and is then spent mainly for its citizens and communities.

A wide range of activities are funded in the Member States, for example in agriculture, fisheries, infrastructure (construction of roads, bridges and railways), education and training, culture, employment and social policy, environmental policy, health and consumer protection, research, to mention a few. Initiatives are also underway to offer EU citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal borders. Part of the EU budget is also spent on funding economic development around the world and on humanitarian aid to help non-EU countries afflicted by natural disasters and other crisis situations.

In paragraph 2, the text enumerates a wide range of activities funded in the Member States including employment and health. These two terms are respectively translated into Portuguese as


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2380018 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: CGU
Read the text below entitled "The European Union Budget at a glance" in order to answer question
"The European Union Budget at a glance" Source: Jan 16th, 2008 (Adapted)
Taxpayers'money is used by the European Union (EU) to fund activities that all Member States and parliaments have agreed upon in the Treaties. A small amount - around 1% of the Union's national wealth, which is equivalent to about 235 Euro per head of the population - comes into the EU's annual budget and is then spent mainly for its citizens and communities.

A wide range of activities are funded in the Member States, for example in agriculture, fisheries, infrastructure (construction of roads, bridges and railways), education and training, culture, employment and social policy, environmental policy, health and consumer protection, research, to mention a few. Initiatives are also underway to offer EU citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal borders. Part of the EU budget is also spent on funding economic development around the world and on humanitarian aid to help non-EU countries afflicted by natural disasters and other crisis situations.

In paragraph 1, the terms national wealth and annual budget are mentioned. They are respectively translated into Portuguese as


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2380017 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: CGU
Read the text below entitled "The Rise of a Fierce yet Fragile Superpower" in order to answer question
The Rise of a Fierce Yet Fragile Superpower Source: Special Double Issue Newsweek Dec 31st, 2007 / Jan 7th 2008 (Adapted)
For Americans, 2008 is an important election year. But for much of the world, it is likely to be seen as the year that China moved to center stage, with the Olympics serving as the country's long-awaited coming-out party. The much-heralded advent of China as a global power is no longer a forecast but a reality. On issue after issue, China has become the second most important country on the planet. Consider what happened already this past year. In 2007 China contributed more to global growth than the United States, the first time another country had done so since at least the 1930s. It also became the world's largest consumer, eclipsing the United States in four of the five basic food, energy and industrial commodities. And a few months ago China surpassed the United States to become the world's leading emitter of CO2.

Concerning the contribution given to global growth,


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2380016 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: CGU
Read the text below entitled "The Rise of a Fierce yet Fragile Superpower" in order to answer question
The Rise of a Fierce Yet Fragile Superpower Source: Special Double Issue Newsweek Dec 31st, 2007 / Jan 7th 2008 (Adapted)
For Americans, 2008 is an important election year. But for much of the world, it is likely to be seen as the year that China moved to center stage, with the Olympics serving as the country's long-awaited coming-out party. The much-heralded advent of China as a global power is no longer a forecast but a reality. On issue after issue, China has become the second most important country on the planet. Consider what happened already this past year. In 2007 China contributed more to global growth than the United States, the first time another country had done so since at least the 1930s. It also became the world's largest consumer, eclipsing the United States in four of the five basic food, energy and industrial commodities. And a few months ago China surpassed the United States to become the world's leading emitter of CO2.

According to the text, the rise of China


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2380015 Ano: 2008
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: ESAF
Orgão: CGU
Considerando o sistema de equações lineares
!$ \begin{cases} x_1-x_2=2 \\ \\ \\ 2x_1+px_2=q \end{cases} !$
pode-se corretamente afirmar que


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