Magna Concursos

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The sentence "The security system has not been tested so far" means approximately:


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IN SPITE OF A DROP IN INVESTMENT IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL AREA, skillful web designers are still eagerly looked for. The clause "In spite of a drop in investment in the technological area" could be replaced by:


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Microsoft next year plans to update Windows XP to support two technologies left out of the new operating system: USB 2.0 and Bluetooth. Both technologies are used for connecting peripherals to PCs, USB 2.0 at speeds up to 480 megabits per second (mbps) and Bluetooth over the air without wires. USB 2.0 support is expected early next year, and the Bluetooth ad-dition should come by mid-2002. (ZedNet news, Dec. 2001) According to the text:



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In the passage "This study on business on the web – which has just been released – points to a marked slowdown in the sector", WHICH refers to:


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Se M = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} e N são conjuntos tais que M U N = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} e M ∩ N = {1, 2, 3}, então o conjunto N é:


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O ponto crítico da função y = 3x2 + 2x + 1 é:


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A integral de [ (2x) / (1 + x2) ] dx é igual a:


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Um funil cônico tem diâmetro de 30 cm na parte superior e altura de 40 cm. Se o funil é alimentado a uma taxa de 1,5 litros por segundo e tem uma vazão de 800 cm³/s, determine quão rapidamente está subindo o nível da água quando esse nível é de 25 cm.



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O limite da função f(x) = (x2 ─ 4x + 4) / (x ─ 2) quando x tende a 2:



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Derivando y = (x + 1) 2. (ex ), obtemos:


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