Magna Concursos

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2726106 Ano: 2002
Disciplina: Informática
Banca: FGV
Orgão: ALESP
Outros fatores que podem causar distorções em sinais durante a transmissão são:


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2726103 Ano: 2002
Disciplina: TI - Segurança da Informação
Banca: FGV
Orgão: ALESP
Em se tratando de problemas de segurança na rede é INCORRETO afirmar:


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2726096 Ano: 2002
Disciplina: TI - Banco de Dados
Banca: FGV
Orgão: ALESP
Sobre redes ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) NÃO é correto afirmar:


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2726080 Ano: 2002
Disciplina: Engenharia de Telecomunicações
Banca: FGV
Orgão: ALESP
Quanto à transmissão de dados no modelo OSI (Open Sys-tem Interconnection) NÃO é correto afirmar que:


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"Candidates are expected to live in France, so they can apply for the job they prove they can speak French." The expression or word which best completes the passage is:


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"If they can't meet goals, they should blame , not ." The words which best complete the passage are, respectively:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas

According to a survey conducted by Gartner Group and the investment banking group Soundview Technology, Inc., technology budgets of U.S. businesses will rise 1.5 percent in 2002 over 2001 budgets. For 2001, IT spending at these companies was 2.5 percent ahead of 2000 levels, but it was down from a planned 8 percent increase. "We expected a slowdown on the rate of budget growth," says Al Case, senior vice president of Gartner Group. "I was surprised that it was still positive for next year." (CIO, Dec. 2001) According to the text:



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Currently, there exist a large number of superb digital librari-es (DLs), all of which are, unfortunately, vertically integrated and all presenting a monolithic interface to their users. Ideally, a user would want to locate resources from a variety of digital libraries dealing only with one interface. A number of approa-ches to this interoperability issue exist including: defining a u-niversal protocol for all libraries to adhere to; or developing mechanisms to translate between protocols. (D-Lib, March 1999) The problem which the text point to is:



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WEB DEVELOPER.COM GUIDE TO CREATING WEB CHANNELS by Lee Purcell reviewed by Deborah Wiley for Database, Feb. 1999 This book sheds more light on push technology, focusing on the three major technologies, Microsoft's Active Channels, Netscape's Netcaster and Backweb's InfoCenter. In particular, this book provides some details on software that can help you develop channels, with updates posted on the Web site listed earlier. This book does not go into quite as much detail on us-ing and developing channels, although it certainly provides plenty of information to get you started. According to the review, the book gives less emphasis to:



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If they us beforehand, we the necessary mea-sures. Now it is too late. Choose the verbs which best complete the passage above:


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