Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 20 questões.

2086748 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Palma Sola-SC
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
(1º§) Farmer Pedro Vaz Ferreira was out hunting on Saturday with his two sons in the rural area of Portel, Brazil when he was savaged by the big cat.
(2º§) The feline's brutal attack left the 67-year-old in a serious state of health - as he reportedly suffered a partially disfigured face, some broken cheek bones and went blind in one eye.
(3º§) His two sons, Davi, 32, and 25-year-old Josue witnessed as the elderly man and animal even tussled for a few minutes. Davi told the news outlet O Liberal: "The three of us were in the forest, but it just attacked him. "The most serious wound is on his face. It broke the bones in his face, his nose, it blinded him. "He lost his vision instantly. It pierced his eye with its nail." Shortly after the attack, one of Mr Ferreira's sons reportedly killed the jaguar with a machete.
(4º§) Mr Ferreira's relatives took him by speedboat to the Hospital Wilson da Mota Silveira in Portel. He remained there in a serious condition until Monday, when he was transferred to a larger hospital in Ananindeua - 200km away.
(5º§) Jaguar attacks are considered rare in Brazil, as experts have cited them as the least likely of all big cats to kill and eat humans.
(6º§) Recently, another Brazilian was attacked by an alligator - but managed to make a lucky escape with only a bite on his arm. The daredevil had decided to go for a swim in a popular tourist destination, the Lago do Amor in Campo Grande - ignoring warning signs that a lake was infested with the predators.
(7º§) In July, another Brazilian's fate was not so fortunate as he was mauled to death by a shark after walking into the sea to pee. The victim had reportedly been drinking with friends before he entered the water and was fatally bitten by the vicious animal.
Where did the jaguar attack take place?


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2086747 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Palma Sola-SC
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
(1º§) Farmer Pedro Vaz Ferreira was out hunting on Saturday with his two sons in the rural area of Portel, Brazil when he was savaged by the big cat.
(2º§) The feline's brutal attack left the 67-year-old in a serious state of health - as he reportedly suffered a partially disfigured face, some broken cheek bones and went blind in one eye.
(3º§) His two sons, Davi, 32, and 25-year-old Josue witnessed as the elderly man and animal even tussled for a few minutes. Davi told the news outlet O Liberal: "The three of us were in the forest, but it just attacked him. "The most serious wound is on his face. It broke the bones in his face, his nose, it blinded him. "He lost his vision instantly. It pierced his eye with its nail." Shortly after the attack, one of Mr Ferreira's sons reportedly killed the jaguar with a machete.
(4º§) Mr Ferreira's relatives took him by speedboat to the Hospital Wilson da Mota Silveira in Portel. He remained there in a serious condition until Monday, when he was transferred to a larger hospital in Ananindeua - 200km away.
(5º§) Jaguar attacks are considered rare in Brazil, as experts have cited them as the least likely of all big cats to kill and eat humans.
(6º§) Recently, another Brazilian was attacked by an alligator - but managed to make a lucky escape with only a bite on his arm. The daredevil had decided to go for a swim in a popular tourist destination, the Lago do Amor in Campo Grande - ignoring warning signs that a lake was infested with the predators.
(7º§) In July, another Brazilian's fate was not so fortunate as he was mauled to death by a shark after walking into the sea to pee. The victim had reportedly been drinking with friends before he entered the water and was fatally bitten by the vicious animal.
The word "fate" (7º§) can be correctly translated as:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2086746 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Palma Sola-SC
Mark the alternative that does have words that presents the same sound in the pronunciation.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2064781 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Pedagogia
Orgão: Pref. Palma Sola-SC
Relacione a coluna 1 com a coluna 2:
Coluna 1
(1)Avaliação Formativa.
(2)Avaliação Diagnóstica. (3)Avaliação Somativa.

Coluna 2
( )Corresponde as chamadas "provas", podendo ser bimestrais, trimestrais, semestrais ou anuais.

( )É aplicada com o objetivo de conhecer a realidade do estudante e planejar ações pedagógicas.
( )Realizada de maneira informal durante as aulas, no momento em que o professor(a) propõe debates e questionamentos.

Após análise, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA.


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2064765 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Pedagogia
Orgão: Pref. Palma Sola-SC
O conceito de mediação de Lev Vygotsky é amplamente utilizado para se pensar o processo cultural da aprendizagem.

Nesse sentido, julgue as frases abaixo:
I.A mediação cultural proposta por Vygotsky possibilita reconhecer que todos os seres humanos e animais podem produzir cultura.

II.O conceito de mediação leva em consideração a relação estabelecida entre o indivíduo e as múltiplas possibilidades de obtenção do conhecimento.
III.No pensamento de Vygotsky, o conceito de zona desenvolvimento proximal está relacionado ao de mediação.

Está (ão) CORRETA (S) a (s) seguinte (s) proposição (ões).


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2064764 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Pedagogia
Orgão: Pref. Palma Sola-SC
Julgue as sentenças abaixo como VERDADEIRAS ou FALSAS:

1.( )Historicamente, o ensino-aprendizagem tem sido analisado das mais diferentes formas.
2.( )A eficácia do processo educativo está vinculada apenas a apropriação do saber pelo estudante.
3.( )Todo e qualquer processo educativo obedece a determinados propósitos e responde a certos interesses sociais, econômicos e políticos.

Após análise, assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA dos itens acima, de cima para baixo:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2035428 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Pedagogia
Orgão: Pref. Palma Sola-SC
Entende-se por educação especial, para os efeitos desta Lei, a modalidade de educação escolar oferecida , para educandos com deficiência, transtornos globais do desenvolvimento e altas habilidades ou superdotação.
O texto acima refere-se ao artigo 58º da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional e tem entre os itens abaixo o trecho que o completa corretamente. Qual é essa alternativa?


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, em seu capítulo II, trata do direito à liberdade, citando como um deles:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2033308 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Palma Sola-SC
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
(1º§) Farmer Pedro Vaz Ferreira was out hunting on Saturday with his two sons in the rural area of Portel, Brazil when he was savaged by the big cat.
(2º§) The feline's brutal attack left the 67-year-old in a serious state of health - as he reportedly suffered a partially disfigured face, some broken cheek bones and went blind in one eye.
(3º§) His two sons, Davi, 32, and 25-year-old Josue witnessed as the elderly man and animal even tussled for a few minutes. Davi told the news outlet O Liberal: "The three of us were in the forest, but it just attacked him. "The most serious wound is on his face. It broke the bones in his face, his nose, it blinded him. "He lost his vision instantly. It pierced his eye with its nail." Shortly after the attack, one of Mr Ferreira's sons reportedly killed the jaguar with a machete.
(4º§) Mr Ferreira's relatives took him by speedboat to the Hospital Wilson da Mota Silveira in Portel. He remained there in a serious condition until Monday, when he was transferred to a larger hospital in Ananindeua - 200km away.
(5º§) Jaguar attacks are considered rare in Brazil, as experts have cited them as the least likely of all big cats to kill and eat humans.
(6º§) Recently, another Brazilian was attacked by an alligator - but managed to make a lucky escape with only a bite on his arm. The daredevil had decided to go for a swim in a popular tourist destination, the Lago do Amor in Campo Grande - ignoring warning signs that a lake was infested with the predators.
(7º§) In July, another Brazilian's fate was not so fortunate as he was mauled to death by a shark after walking into the sea to pee. The victim had reportedly been drinking with friends before he entered the water and was fatally bitten by the vicious animal.
According to the text, who witnessed the man's attack by the jaguar?


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2033307 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: Pref. Palma Sola-SC
O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder à questão.
(1º§) Farmer Pedro Vaz Ferreira was out hunting on Saturday with his two sons in the rural area of Portel, Brazil when he was savaged by the big cat.
(2º§) The feline's brutal attack left the 67-year-old in a serious state of health - as he reportedly suffered a partially disfigured face, some broken cheek bones and went blind in one eye.
(3º§) His two sons, Davi, 32, and 25-year-old Josue witnessed as the elderly man and animal even tussled for a few minutes. Davi told the news outlet O Liberal: "The three of us were in the forest, but it just attacked him. "The most serious wound is on his face. It broke the bones in his face, his nose, it blinded him. "He lost his vision instantly. It pierced his eye with its nail." Shortly after the attack, one of Mr Ferreira's sons reportedly killed the jaguar with a machete.
(4º§) Mr Ferreira's relatives took him by speedboat to the Hospital Wilson da Mota Silveira in Portel. He remained there in a serious condition until Monday, when he was transferred to a larger hospital in Ananindeua - 200km away.
(5º§) Jaguar attacks are considered rare in Brazil, as experts have cited them as the least likely of all big cats to kill and eat humans.
(6º§) Recently, another Brazilian was attacked by an alligator - but managed to make a lucky escape with only a bite on his arm. The daredevil had decided to go for a swim in a popular tourist destination, the Lago do Amor in Campo Grande - ignoring warning signs that a lake was infested with the predators.
(7º§) In July, another Brazilian's fate was not so fortunate as he was mauled to death by a shark after walking into the sea to pee. The victim had reportedly been drinking with friends before he entered the water and was fatally bitten by the vicious animal.
The text makes it clear that in Brazil:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas