Magna Concursos

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California woman arrested in theft of 65 Stanley cups - valued at nearly $2,500

By C Mandler

January 22, 2024 / 3:05 PM EST / CBS News

On Jan. 17, police in Roseville, California, discovered a 23-year-old woman had allegedly absconded with 65 Stanley cups from a nearby store — worth nearly $2,500.

"Staff saw a woman take a shopping cart full of Stanley water bottles without paying for them," said the Roseville Police Department in a statement on Facebook.

After being confronted by retail staff, the woman refused to stop, stuffing the cups into her car. She was subsequently arrested on a charge of grand theft and has yet to be identified by officers.

"While Stanley Quenchers are all the rage, we strongly advise against turning to crime to fulfill your hydration habits," said the Roseville police.

One commenter on the post pointed out that in addition to the trove of cups in the trunk and front seat, there was also a bright red Stanley cup in the cup holder, which they hoped police also confiscated. Colorful Stanley cups caused consumer mayhem earlier this month when the brand dropped a limited-edition batch of Valentine's Day colors of the popular tumbler at in-Target Starbucks locations.

Viral video showed shoppers running toward displays of the cups, as well as long lines of consumers waiting to get their hands on one of the coveted Quenchers. (First published on January 22, 2024 /3:05PM EST)

C Mandler is a social media producer and trending topics writer for CBS News, focusing on American politics and LGBTQ+ issues.


Enunciado 3427169-1

Fonte: CBS NEWS, 2024.

Based on the information provided in the text, select the correct statement explaining what the Roseville police statement suggests about the popularity of Stanley Quenchers:



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California woman arrested in theft of 65 Stanley cups - valued at nearly $2,500

By C Mandler

January 22, 2024 / 3:05 PM EST / CBS News

On Jan. 17, police in Roseville, California, discovered a 23-year-old woman had allegedly absconded with 65 Stanley cups from a nearby store — worth nearly $2,500.

"Staff saw a woman take a shopping cart full of Stanley water bottles without paying for them," said the Roseville Police Department in a statement on Facebook.

After being confronted by retail staff, the woman refused to stop, stuffing the cups into her car. She was subsequently arrested on a charge of grand theft and has yet to be identified by officers.

"While Stanley Quenchers are all the rage, we strongly advise against turning to crime to fulfill your hydration habits," said the Roseville police.

One commenter on the post pointed out that in addition to the trove of cups in the trunk and front seat, there was also a bright red Stanley cup in the cup holder, which they hoped police also confiscated. Colorful Stanley cups caused consumer mayhem earlier this month when the brand dropped a limited-edition batch of Valentine's Day colors of the popular tumbler at in-Target Starbucks locations.

Viral video showed shoppers running toward displays of the cups, as well as long lines of consumers waiting to get their hands on one of the coveted Quenchers. (First published on January 22, 2024 /3:05PM EST)

C Mandler is a social media producer and trending topics writer for CBS News, focusing on American politics and LGBTQ+ issues.


Enunciado 3427168-1

Fonte: CBS NEWS, 2024.

Based on the information provided in the text, select the correct statement regarding the influence of cultural and societal norms on criminal acts and their impact on perspectives on crime and punishment:



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California woman arrested in theft of 65 Stanley cups - valued at nearly $2,500

By C Mandler

January 22, 2024 / 3:05 PM EST / CBS News

On Jan. 17, police in Roseville, California, discovered a 23-year-old woman had allegedly absconded with 65 Stanley cups from a nearby store — worth nearly $2,500.

"Staff saw a woman take a shopping cart full of Stanley water bottles without paying for them," said the Roseville Police Department in a statement on Facebook.

After being confronted by retail staff, the woman refused to stop, stuffing the cups into her car. She was subsequently arrested on a charge of grand theft and has yet to be identified by officers.

"While Stanley Quenchers are all the rage, we strongly advise against turning to crime to fulfill your hydration habits," said the Roseville police.

One commenter on the post pointed out that in addition to the trove of cups in the trunk and front seat, there was also a bright red Stanley cup in the cup holder, which they hoped police also confiscated. Colorful Stanley cups caused consumer mayhem earlier this month when the brand dropped a limited-edition batch of Valentine's Day colors of the popular tumbler at in-Target Starbucks locations.

Viral video showed shoppers running toward displays of the cups, as well as long lines of consumers waiting to get their hands on one of the coveted Quenchers. (First published on January 22, 2024 /3:05PM EST)

C Mandler is a social media producer and trending topics writer for CBS News, focusing on American politics and LGBTQ+ issues.


Enunciado 3427167-1

Fonte: CBS NEWS, 2024.

Based on the information provided in the text, select the correct statement explaining why the Roseville police advised against involvement in criminal activities:



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California woman arrested in theft of 65 Stanley cups - valued at nearly $2,500

By C Mandler

January 22, 2024 / 3:05 PM EST / CBS News

On Jan. 17, police in Roseville, California, discovered a 23-year-old woman had allegedly absconded with 65 Stanley cups from a nearby store — worth nearly $2,500.

"Staff saw a woman take a shopping cart full of Stanley water bottles without paying for them," said the Roseville Police Department in a statement on Facebook.

After being confronted by retail staff, the woman refused to stop, stuffing the cups into her car. She was subsequently arrested on a charge of grand theft and has yet to be identified by officers.

"While Stanley Quenchers are all the rage, we strongly advise against turning to crime to fulfill your hydration habits," said the Roseville police.

One commenter on the post pointed out that in addition to the trove of cups in the trunk and front seat, there was also a bright red Stanley cup in the cup holder, which they hoped police also confiscated. Colorful Stanley cups caused consumer mayhem earlier this month when the brand dropped a limited-edition batch of Valentine's Day colors of the popular tumbler at in-Target Starbucks locations.

Viral video showed shoppers running toward displays of the cups, as well as long lines of consumers waiting to get their hands on one of the coveted Quenchers. (First published on January 22, 2024 /3:05PM EST)

C Mandler is a social media producer and trending topics writer for CBS News, focusing on American politics and LGBTQ+ issues.


Enunciado 3427166-1

Fonte: CBS NEWS, 2024.

Given the context provided in the article, select the potential motives behind the woman's decision to steal the cups.



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Read the text and provide responses to questions.

California woman arrested in theft of 65 Stanley cups - valued at nearly $2,500

By C Mandler

January 22, 2024 / 3:05 PM EST / CBS News

On Jan. 17, police in Roseville, California, discovered a 23-year-old woman had allegedly absconded with 65 Stanley cups from a nearby store — worth nearly $2,500.

"Staff saw a woman take a shopping cart full of Stanley water bottles without paying for them," said the Roseville Police Department in a statement on Facebook.

After being confronted by retail staff, the woman refused to stop, stuffing the cups into her car. She was subsequently arrested on a charge of grand theft and has yet to be identified by officers.

"While Stanley Quenchers are all the rage, we strongly advise against turning to crime to fulfill your hydration habits," said the Roseville police.

One commenter on the post pointed out that in addition to the trove of cups in the trunk and front seat, there was also a bright red Stanley cup in the cup holder, which they hoped police also confiscated. Colorful Stanley cups caused consumer mayhem earlier this month when the brand dropped a limited-edition batch of Valentine's Day colors of the popular tumbler at in-Target Starbucks locations.

Viral video showed shoppers running toward displays of the cups, as well as long lines of consumers waiting to get their hands on one of the coveted Quenchers. (First published on January 22, 2024 /3:05PM EST)

C Mandler is a social media producer and trending topics writer for CBS News, focusing on American politics and LGBTQ+ issues.


Enunciado 3427165-1

Fonte: CBS NEWS, 2024.

Considering the events detailed in the article, choose the statement that outlines the events leading to the arrest of the author.



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A quadra poliesportiva do Colégio Tiradentes da Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais, com formato retangular de dimensões de 30 metros de comprimento e 20 metros de largura, será revestida com placas quadradas de material sintético e antiderrapante que medem 40 cm de lado. Desprezando o espaço entre as placas, assinale a alternativa CORRETA que corresponde a quantidade de placas necessárias e suficientes para revestir completamente a quadra é:



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Na empresa contratada para realizar a manutenção das motocicletas modelo ALPHA da Polícia Militar, sabe-se que 03 operários montam uma motocicleta em 12 horas de trabalho. Sabe-se ainda que o primeiro operário, trabalhando sozinho, monta o mesmo veículo em 24 horas e o segundo operário, também trabalhando sozinho, realiza a mesma tarefa em 36 horas. Considera-se ainda que os salários dos operários são diretamente proporcionais aos seus desempenhos e equivalem a R$ 935,00 por cada motocicleta montada.

Considerando que um dia de trabalho da empresa corresponde a 8 horas; que no mês de janeiro de 2024 foram 27 dias trabalhados; que o ritmo de trabalho se manteve constante por todo o mês. Nesses termos, a resposta CORRETA alusiva ao salário do terceiro operário no referido mês, foi igual a:



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O professor da disciplina de Análise Criminal do Curso de Formação de Soldados organizou uma avaliação final que continha 2 problemas. Após a correção, ao invés de apresentar o clássico resultado dos alunos com as respectivas notas, o professor lançou um desafio, com um tempo de 3 minutos para a resposta dos alunos, valendo 1 ponto extra. Desafio: “Na avaliação final, 150 alunos acertaram somente um dos problemas; 130 alunos acertaram o segundo problema; 50 alunos acertaram os dois problemas e 105 alunos erraram o primeiro problema”. Qual o total de alunos que fez a avaliação final?

A resposta CORRETA do desafio é:



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Enquanto visitava uma Escola na cidade onde trabalha, o policial militar “Soldado Euclides” foi interpelado por um aluno que havia acabado de sair da aula de Matemática e apresentou o seguinte desafio ao policial: “Considere todos os retângulos de perímetro 100 m. Qual a área máxima que pode ser associada às diversas combinações de retângulos?” O Soldado Euclides, admirador das ciências exatas, apresentou ao aluno, de forma incontinenti e acertada a resposta para o desafio. Com base na resposta do Soldado Euclides, assinale a alternativa CORRETA correspondente a área máxima encontrada:



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Para fins de programação de um sistema de leitura e identificação de placas veiculares para a Polícia Militar, foi necessário que o Soldado Gauss desenvolvesse alguns testes e cálculos. Um dos testes realizados foi o seguinte: Quantos números inteiros existem de 999 (novecentos e noventa e nove) a 9.999 (nove mil novecentos e noventa e nove) que não são divisíveis nem por 5 e nem por 7?

A resposta CORRETA encontrada pelo Soldado Gauss é:



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