Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 39 questões.

2750729 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: PM-MG
Orgão: PM-MG
Throughout the centuries humans have been concerned with the practical art memory. Everyone knows that normally it is difficult to memorize things. Yet a few people have always known special techniques that make the task possible with apparent ease. In the past, psychologists tended to ignore these techniques because they were thought to be more tricks and sophistry the practitioners exhibited themselves as stage entertainers or advertised themselves and their methods in unrespectable classified advertisements. But the techniques
work. In fact, we ought to examine procedures that simplify the job of memorizing with great care. Not only might they be useful in our lives, but the secrets of those who practice the art of memory ought to shed some light on the organization and operation of the mechanisms involved in memory. Certainly, the things one must do in order to learn material easily bear some relationship to the way that information processes operate.
The study of methods for improving memory has long been popular, for a good memory can serve its owner well in many activities. Who among us has not wished for better ability to retain important material ? Through the years a number of systems have been developed for the purpose of improving memory. The details of the systems are not always known, for often their designer has kept them secret , hoping to gain either an advantage over his competitors or wealth from his students. But a study of must public systems ( and guesses about the techniques used by practitioners of secret systems) indicates that they all have similar bases : they teach the user to pay attention and to learn how to organize.
(NORMAN,Donald A. – Memory and Attention.)
In the author's opinion, everybody:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2750728 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: PM-MG
Orgão: PM-MG
Throughout the centuries humans have been concerned with the practical art memory. Everyone knows that normally it is difficult to memorize things. Yet a few people have always known special techniques that make the task possible with apparent ease. In the past, psychologists tended to ignore these techniques because they were thought to be more tricks and sophistry the practitioners exhibited themselves as stage entertainers or advertised themselves and their methods in unrespectable classified advertisements. But the techniques
work. In fact, we ought to examine procedures that simplify the job of memorizing with great care. Not only might they be useful in our lives, but the secrets of those who practice the art of memory ought to shed some light on the organization and operation of the mechanisms involved in memory. Certainly, the things one must do in order to learn material easily bear some relationship to the way that information processes operate.
The study of methods for improving memory has long been popular, for a good memory can serve its owner well in many activities. Who among us has not wished for better ability to retain important material ? Through the years a number of systems have been developed for the purpose of improving memory. The details of the systems are not always known, for often their designer has kept them secret , hoping to gain either an advantage over his competitors or wealth from his students. But a study of must public systems ( and guesses about the techniques used by practitioners of secret systems) indicates that they all have similar bases : they teach the user to pay attention and to learn how to organize.
(NORMAN,Donald A. – Memory and Attention.)
The Noun correspondent at verb : “to grow” is:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2750727 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: PM-MG
Orgão: PM-MG
The sentence “Why is entrepreneurial America increasingly female?” in the Report Speech is:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2750726 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: PM-MG
Orgão: PM-MG
Throughout the centuries humans have been concerned with the practical art memory. Everyone knows that normally it is difficult to memorize things. Yet a few people have always known special techniques that make the task possible with apparent ease. In the past, psychologists tended to ignore these techniques because they were thought to be more tricks and sophistry the practitioners exhibited themselves as stage entertainers or advertised themselves and their methods in unrespectable classified advertisements. But the techniques
work. In fact, we ought to examine procedures that simplify the job of memorizing with great care. Not only might they be useful in our lives, but the secrets of those who practice the art of memory ought to shed some light on the organization and operation of the mechanisms involved in memory. Certainly, the things one must do in order to learn material easily bear some relationship to the way that information processes operate.
The study of methods for improving memory has long been popular, for a good memory can serve its owner well in many activities. Who among us has not wished for better ability to retain important material ? Through the years a number of systems have been developed for the purpose of improving memory. The details of the systems are not always known, for often their designer has kept them secret , hoping to gain either an advantage over his competitors or wealth from his students. But a study of must public systems ( and guesses about the techniques used by practitioners of secret systems) indicates that they all have similar bases : they teach the user to pay attention and to learn how to organize.
(NORMAN,Donald A. – Memory and Attention.)
The detail about the systems of improving memory are not popularized because:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2750725 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: PM-MG
Orgão: PM-MG
Um professor realizou uma pesquisa em uma de suas turmas afim de saber a preferência a respeito do tema a ser escolhido para a feira de cultura da escola. Assim, apresentou aos alunos dois temas, Cidadania e Meio Ambiente, obtendo os seguintes resultados:
• 40 alunos escolheram Cidadania
• 25 alunos escolheram Meio Ambiente
• 10 alunos escolheram ambos os temas
• 5 alunos não escolheram nenhum dos dois temas.
Desta forma, selecionando um aluno da sala, ao acaso, a probabilidade dele ter escolhido apenas Meio Ambiente como tema é:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2750724 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: PM-MG
Orgão: PM-MG
Sejam A e B duas matrizes quadradas de ordem 2 tais que B=4A. Assim sendo, é correto afirmar que:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2750723 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: PM-MG
Orgão: PM-MG
Um pequeno tanque tem a forma de um cilindro reto. Sabendo que o seu volume é de 20 !$ \pi !$ cm3 e o seu raio mede 40% da medida da sua altura. Então, o valor da sua área total é dado por:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2750722 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: PM-MG
Orgão: PM-MG
A intensidade (I) de uma onda sonora, medida em Watt por metro quadrado, possui uma faixa de valores muito grande. Por esse motivo é conveniente a utilização de logaritmos em seu cálculo. O nível sonoro (N), medido em decibéis (dB.), é dado por !$ N(I) = 10.log {\begin {pmatrix} {\large I \over I_0} \end{pmatrix}} !$, onde !$ I_0 !$ é uma intensidade de referência padrão. O nível sonoro de um determinado local é !$ N_1 (I_1)= 80 !$db, enquanto o nível sonoro de maior intensidade que um ser humano pode suportar antes de sentir dor é !$ N_2 (I_2)= 120 !$ db. Qual a razão entre as intensidades sonoras !$ I_2 !$e !$ I_1 !$?


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2750721 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: PM-MG
Orgão: PM-MG
Sejam C, F e O os conjuntos tais que:
!$ C \cup F \cup O !$={x !$ \in !$ N*; x !$ \le !$ 10}
C !$ \cap !$ F={3,5,7}
C !$ \cap !$ O={3,8}
F !$ \cap !$ O={3,4,6}
C !$ \cup !$ F={x !$ \in !$ N*; x !$ \le !$ 8 },
Os elementos do conjunto O são:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2750720 Ano: 2009
Disciplina: Matemática
Banca: PM-MG
Orgão: PM-MG
Uma função é tal que, !$ \forall x \in R !$ temos !$ f(2x)=2 \cdot f(x) !$. Se !$ f(4)=32 !$, então o valor de !$ f(1) !$ é:


Questão presente nas seguintes provas