Magna Concursos

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You don’t have to be a diplomat or a rocket scientist to do something about global warming. There are simple steps each of us can take that will go a long way toward reducing our use of energy — and hence our emissions of the greenhouse gasesA), such as carbon dioxideB), that help produce global warming. Here are a few things each of us can do:

Reduce, reuse, recycle. Buy products that feature reusable, recyclable, or reduced packaging to save the energy required to manufacture new containers. By recycling all of your home’s waste newsprint, cardboard, glass, and metal, you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 850 pounds annually.

Think about giving your car a day off. Consider transportation alternatives such as mass transit, car pooling, bicycling, and telecommuting. By leaving your car at home two days a week, you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1,590 pounds per year. When you do drive, keep your car tuned up and the tires properly inflated to save on fuel costs.

Go solar. Install a solar thermal system in your home to help provide your hot water, and reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by about 720 pounds annually.

Plant trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the air. Join family members, neighbors, or community service groups in planting trees in your yard, along roadways, and in parks. Trees reduce energy use when planted for shade; they also can remove 50 poundsC) of carbon from the atmosphere in a year during photosynthesis.

Educate others. Let friends and family know about these practical, energy-saving steps they can take to save money while protecting the environment. A few simple actions on your part — but they can make a big differenceD).

By taking these measures, you could cut your annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than 10,000 pounds annually, almost as much as if you didn’t drive your car for a year. Why not do your part to help slow global warming and make our planet a better place forE) ourselves and our children. You’ll be surprised at how much money you can save at the same time. ResourceCenterPublicationsOutreachMaterial.html#resources

Check the item in which the underlined word introduces an exemplification.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas


You don’t have to be a diplomat or a rocket scientist to do something about global warming. There are simple steps each of us can take that will go a long way toward reducing our use of energy — and hence our emissions of the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, that help produce global warming. Here are a few things each of us can do:

Reduce, reuse, recycle. Buy products that feature reusable, recyclable, or reduced packaging to save the energy required to manufacture new containers. By recycling all of your home’s waste newsprint, cardboard, glass, and metal, you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 850 pounds annually.

Think about giving your car a day off. Consider transportation alternatives such as mass transit, car pooling, bicycling, and telecommuting. By leaving your car at home two days a week, you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1,590 pounds per year. When you do drive, keep your car tuned up and the tires properly inflated to save on fuel costs.

Go solar. Install a solar thermal system in your home to help provide your hot water, and reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by about 720 pounds annually.

Plant trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the air. Join family members, neighbors, or community service groups in planting trees in your yard, along roadways, and in parks. Trees reduce energy use when planted for shade; they also can remove 50 pounds of carbon from the atmosphere in a year during photosynthesis.

Educate others. Let friends and family know about these practical, energy-saving steps they can take to save money while protecting the environment. A few simple actions on your part — but they can make a big difference.

By taking these measures, you could cut your annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than 10,000 pounds annually, almost as much as if you didn’t drive your car for a year. Why not do your part to help slow global warming and make our planet a better place for ourselves and our children. You’ll be surprised at how much money you can save at the same time. ResourceCenterPublicationsOutreachMaterial.html#resources

The overall tone of the text is one of:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas


You don’t have to be a diplomat or a rocket scientist to do something about global warming. There are simple steps each of us can take that will go a long way toward reducing our use of energy — and hence our emissions of the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, that help produce global warming. Here are a few things each of us can do:

Reduce, reuse, recycle. Buy products that feature reusable, recyclable, or reduced packaging to save the energy required to manufacture new containers. By recycling all of your home’s waste newsprint, cardboard, glass, and metal, you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 850 pounds annually.

Think about giving your car a day off. Consider transportation alternatives such as mass transit, car pooling, bicycling, and telecommuting. By leaving your car at home two days a week, you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1,590 pounds per year. When you do drive, keep your car tuned up and the tires properly inflated to save on fuel costs.

Go solar. Install a solar thermal system in your home to help provide your hot water, and reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by about 720 pounds annually.

Plant trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the air. Join family members, neighbors, or community service groups in planting trees in your yard, along roadways, and in parks. Trees reduce energy use when planted for shade; they also can remove 50 pounds of carbon from the atmosphere in a year during photosynthesis.

Educate others. Let friends and family know about these practical, energy-saving steps they can take to save money while protecting the environment. A few simple actions on your part — but they can make a big difference.

By taking these measures, you could cut your annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than 10,000 pounds annually, almost as much as if you didn’t drive your car for a year. Why not do your part to help slow global warming and make our planet a better place for ourselves and our children. You’ll be surprised at how much money you can save at the same time. ResourceCenterPublicationsOutreachMaterial.html#resources

According to the last two paragraphs, protecting the environment:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas


You don’t have to be a diplomat or a rocket scientist to do something about global warming. There are simple steps each of us can take that will go a long way toward reducing our use of energy — and hence our emissions of the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, that help produce global warming. Here are a few things each of us can do:

Reduce, reuse, recycle. Buy products that feature reusable, recyclable, or reduced packaging to save the energy required to manufacture new containers. By recycling all of your home’s waste newsprint, cardboard, glass, and metal, you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 850 pounds annually.

Think about giving your car a day off. Consider transportation alternatives such as mass transit, car pooling, bicycling, and telecommuting. By leaving your car at home two days a week, you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1,590 pounds per year. When you do drive, keep your car tuned up and the tires properly inflated to save on fuel costs.

Go solar. Install a solar thermal system in your home to help provide your hot water, and reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by about 720 pounds annually.

Plant trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the air. Join family members, neighbors, or community service groups in planting trees in your yard, along roadways, and in parks. Trees reduce energy use when planted for shade; they also can remove 50 pounds of carbon from the atmosphere in a year during photosynthesis.

Educate others. Let friends and family know about these practical, energy-saving steps they can take to save money while protecting the environment. A few simple actions on your part — but they can make a big difference.

By taking these measures, you could cut your annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than 10,000 pounds annually, almost as much as if you didn’t drive your car for a year. Why not do your part to help slow global warming and make our planet a better place for ourselves and our children. You’ll be surprised at how much money you can save at the same time. ResourceCenterPublicationsOutreachMaterial.html#resources

Mark the only statement that CANNOT be found in the text.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas


You don’t have to be a diplomat or a rocket scientist to do something about global warming. There are simple steps each of us can take that will go a long way toward reducing our use of energy — and hence our emissions of the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, that help produce global warming. Here are a few things each of us can do:

Reduce, reuse, recycle. Buy products that feature reusable, recyclable, or reduced packaging to save the energy required to manufacture new containers. By recycling all of your home’s waste newsprint, cardboard, glass, and metal, you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 850 pounds annually.

Think about giving your car a day off. Consider transportation alternatives such as mass transit, car pooling, bicycling, and telecommuting. By leaving your car at home two days a week, you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1,590 pounds per year. When you do drive, keep your car tuned up and the tires properly inflated to save on fuel costs.

Go solar. Install a solar thermal system in your home to help provide your hot water, and reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by about 720 pounds annually.

Plant trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the air. Join family members, neighbors, or community service groups in planting trees in your yard, along roadways, and in parks. Trees reduce energy use when planted for shade; they also can remove 50 pounds of carbon from the atmosphere in a year during photosynthesis.

Educate others. Let friends and family know about these practical, energy-saving steps they can take to save money while protecting the environment. A few simple actions on your part — but they can make a big difference.

By taking these measures, you could cut your annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than 10,000 pounds annually, almost as much as if you didn’t drive your car for a year. Why not do your part to help slow global warming and make our planet a better place for ourselves and our children. You’ll be surprised at how much money you can save at the same time. ResourceCenterPublicationsOutreachMaterial.html#resources

In the sentence “You don’t have to be a diplomat or a rocket scientist to do something about global warming”., the author means that:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas


You don’t have to be a diplomat or a rocket scientist to do something about global warming. There are simple steps each of us can take that will go a long way toward reducing our use of energy — and hence our emissions of the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, that help produce global warming. Here are a few things each of us can do:

Reduce, reuse, recycle. Buy products that feature reusable, recyclable, or reduced packaging to save the energy required to manufacture new containers. By recycling all of your home’s waste newsprint, cardboard, glass, and metal, you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 850 pounds annually.

Think about giving your car a day off. Consider transportation alternatives such as mass transit, car pooling, bicycling, and telecommuting. By leaving your car at home two days a week, you can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1,590 pounds per year. When you do drive, keep your car tuned up and the tires properly inflated to save on fuel costs.

Go solar. Install a solar thermal system in your home to help provide your hot water, and reduce your carbon dioxide emissions by about 720 pounds annually.

Plant trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the air. Join family members, neighbors, or community service groups in planting trees in your yard, along roadways, and in parks. Trees reduce energy use when planted for shade; they also can remove 50 pounds of carbon from the atmosphere in a year during photosynthesis.

Educate others. Let friends and family know about these practical, energy-saving steps they can take to save money while protecting the environment. A few simple actions on your part — but they can make a big difference.

By taking these measures, you could cut your annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than 10,000 pounds annually, almost as much as if you didn’t drive your car for a year. Why not do your part to help slow global warming and make our planet a better place for ourselves and our children. You’ll be surprised at how much money you can save at the same time. ResourceCenterPublicationsOutreachMaterial.html#resources

The main intention of the text is to:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

No Oriente Médio, segundo observadores internacionais, a crise política entre israelenses e palestinos passou a contar com um dado novo e favorável à solução dos conflitos. Assinale-o.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Expansão Criminosa

Desde o início da década de 1990, o tráfico de drogas dobrou de 400 bilhões para 800 bilhões de dólares ao ano e o volume de recursos movimentados pela lavagem de dinheiro aumentou 10 vezes, chegando a 1,5 bilhão de dólares por ano.

Revista Veja, ed. 1933, 30 nov. 2005.

O aspecto mais diretamente associado à situação descrita é a(o):



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

Acerca do desempenho do comércio exterior brasileiro, ao longo do ano de 2005, afirma-se:

I − As exportações têm apresentado crescimento, ainda que de forma descontínua.

II − A soja e seus derivados têm liderado as exportações.

III − O saldo da balança comercial tem registrado, continuamente, superavit.

Está(ão) correta(s) a(s) afirmativa(s):



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

O presidente do IBGE negou erro no PIB (Produto Interno Bruto), disse que a retração de 1,2% no terceiro trimestre reflete a realidade da economia e que o resultado pode ser revisto, mas, se houver mudança no número, ela não será grande.

Folha de São Paulo, 3 dez. 2005.

O resultado do PIB neste terceiro trimestre de 2005 não representa tendência negativa, mas retrata um momento transitório da economia brasileira, afirma técnico do IPEA.

Disponível em

Em questão. Acesso em 3 dez. 2005.

O Ministro da Fazenda admitiu que as turbulências no campo político afetaram a atividade econômica e abalaram as expectativas, tanto de consumidores quanto de empresários. Jornal do Brasil, 2 dez. 2005. Um fator que explica o resultado econômico em foco é o(a):



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