Magna Concursos

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CPC espera conocer propuesta de reforma tributaria antes que sea enviada al Congreso

Su deseo de conocer el proyecto de reforma tributaria que prepara el gobierno antes de que sea enviado al Parlamento manifestó el timonel de la Confederación de la Producción y del Comercio (CPC), Lorenzo Constans, quien dijo que, de todas formas, esa es una decisión que debe tomar el presidente chileno, Sebastián Piñera.

Asimismo, planteó que no opinará sobre los cambios tributarios hasta que no se conozcan en detalle, pero aprovechó para enviar un consejo al presidente Piñera en momentos previos a la reunión que sostendría con el primer ministro japonés, teniendo en cuenta que también se está discutiendo una reforma de este tipo en este país. "Esperemos que se reúnan, que tenga una información que sirva para comparar, porque también, a lo mejor, hay que alivianar la carga", dijo Constans.

(Texto adaptado de Diario Financiero, 31. 03.2012)

En el texto se dice que el presidente de la CPC solo emitirá su opinión sobre los cambios tributarios cuando estos se conozcan:


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Read the text below entitled "Currency disunion" in order to answer question:

Currency disunion
Source: (Adapted)
Apr 7th, 2012

The Irish left the sterling zone. The Balts escaped from the rouble. The Czechs and Slovaks left each other. History is littered with currency unions that broke up. Why not the euro? Had its fathers foreseen turmoil, they might never have embarked on currency union.

The founders of the euro thought they were forging a rival to the American dollar. Instead they recreated a version of the gold standard abandoned by their predecessors long ago. Unable to devalue their currencies, struggling euro countries are trying to regain competitiveness by "internal devaluation", ie, pushing down wages and prices. That hurts: unemployment in Greece and Spain is above 20%. And resentment is deepening among creditors. So why not release the yoke? The treaties may declare the euro "irrevocable", but treaties can be changed.

One reason the euro holds together is fear of financial and economic chaos on an unprecedented scale. Another is the impulse to defend the decades-long political investment in the European project. So, despite many bitter words, Greece has a second rescue.

So the euro zone remains vulnerable to new shocks. Markets still worry about the risk of sovereign defaults, and of a partial or total collapse of the euro. Common sense suggests that leaders should think about how to manage a break-up.

According to the text, currency unions


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Read the text below entitled "Currency disunion" in order to answer question:

Currency disunion
Source: (Adapted)
Apr 7th, 2012

The Irish left the sterling zone. The Balts escaped from the rouble. The Czechs and Slovaks left each other. History is littered with currency unions that broke up. Why not the euro? Had its fathers foreseen turmoil, they might never have embarked on currency union.

The founders of the euro thought they were forging a rival to the American dollar. Instead they recreated a version of the gold standard abandoned by their predecessors long ago. Unable to devalue their currencies, struggling euro countries are trying to regain competitiveness by "internal devaluation", ie, pushing down wages and prices. That hurts: unemployment in Greece and Spain is above 20%. And resentment is deepening among creditors. So why not release the yoke? The treaties may declare the euro "irrevocable", but treaties can be changed.

One reason the euro holds together is fear of financial and economic chaos on an unprecedented scale. Another is the impulse to defend the decades-long political investment in the European project. So, despite many bitter words, Greece has a second rescue.

So the euro zone remains vulnerable to new shocks. Markets still worry about the risk of sovereign defaults, and of a partial or total collapse of the euro. Common sense suggests that leaders should think about how to manage a break-up.

In paragraph 3, the author tries to explain why the euro


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Read the text below entitled "Currency disunion" in order to answer question:

Currency disunion
Source: (Adapted)
Apr 7th, 2012

The Irish left the sterling zone. The Balts escaped from the rouble. The Czechs and Slovaks left each other. History is littered with currency unions that broke up. Why not the euro? Had its fathers foreseen turmoil, they might never have embarked on currency union.

The founders of the euro thought they were forging a rival to the American dollar. Instead they recreated a version of the gold standard abandoned by their predecessors long ago. Unable to devalue their currencies, struggling euro countries are trying to regain competitiveness by "internal devaluation", ie, pushing down wages and prices. That hurts: unemployment in Greece and Spain is above 20%. And resentment is deepening among creditors. So why not release the yoke? The treaties may declare the euro "irrevocable", but treaties can be changed.

One reason the euro holds together is fear of financial and economic chaos on an unprecedented scale. Another is the impulse to defend the decades-long political investment in the European project. So, despite many bitter words, Greece has a second rescue.

So the euro zone remains vulnerable to new shocks. Markets still worry about the risk of sovereign defaults, and of a partial or total collapse of the euro. Common sense suggests that leaders should think about how to manage a break-up.

In paragraph 2, the author argues that treaties


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Read the text below entitled "Currency disunion" in order to answer question:

Currency disunion
Source: (Adapted)
Apr 7th, 2012

The Irish left the sterling zone. The Balts escaped from the rouble. The Czechs and Slovaks left each other. History is littered with currency unions that broke up. Why not the euro? Had its fathers foreseen turmoil, they might never have embarked on currency union.

The founders of the euro thought they were forging a rival to the American dollar. Instead they recreated a version of the gold standard abandoned by their predecessors long ago. Unable to devalue their currencies, struggling euro countries are trying to regain competitiveness by "internal devaluation", ie, pushing down wages and prices. That hurts: unemployment in Greece and Spain is above 20%. And resentment is deepening among creditors. So why not release the yoke? The treaties may declare the euro "irrevocable", but treaties can be changed.

One reason the euro holds together is fear of financial and economic chaos on an unprecedented scale. Another is the impulse to defend the decades-long political investment in the European project. So, despite many bitter words, Greece has a second rescue.

So the euro zone remains vulnerable to new shocks. Markets still worry about the risk of sovereign defaults, and of a partial or total collapse of the euro. Common sense suggests that leaders should think about how to manage a break-up.

In paragraph 2, the author points out that "struggling euro countries" are


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
Read the text below entitled "Currency disunion" in order to answer question:

Currency disunion
Source: (Adapted)
Apr 7th, 2012

The Irish left the sterling zone. The Balts escaped from the rouble. The Czechs and Slovaks left each other. History is littered with currency unions that broke up. Why not the euro? Had its fathers foreseen turmoil, they might never have embarked on currency union.

The founders of the euro thought they were forging a rival to the American dollar. Instead they recreated a version of the gold standard abandoned by their predecessors long ago. Unable to devalue their currencies, struggling euro countries are trying to regain competitiveness by "internal devaluation", ie, pushing down wages and prices. That hurts: unemployment in Greece and Spain is above 20%. And resentment is deepening among creditors. So why not release the yoke? The treaties may declare the euro "irrevocable", but treaties can be changed.

One reason the euro holds together is fear of financial and economic chaos on an unprecedented scale. Another is the impulse to defend the decades-long political investment in the European project. So, despite many bitter words, Greece has a second rescue.

So the euro zone remains vulnerable to new shocks. Markets still worry about the risk of sovereign defaults, and of a partial or total collapse of the euro. Common sense suggests that leaders should think about how to manage a break-up.

In paragraph 1, the author claims that if the euro's fathers had foreseen turmoil, they would never have


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O texto abaixo foi transcrito com adaptações. Assinale a opção que corresponde a erro gramatical.

Mais um setor pede proteção contra a (1) concorrência externa: em resposta a pedido, de julho de 2011, de entidades de produtores de vinhos finos, o Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior − MDIC abriu investigação para decidir se (2) aplica restrições à (3) importação do produto. O MDIC vai apurar os motivos pela qual (4) a entrada do produto estrangeiro quase triplicou desde 2002, chegando a 72 milhões de litros em 2011. Caso conclua que há prejuízo grave à (5) indústria brasileira, pode estabelecer salvaguardas − a saber: cotas para a entrada de vinhos estrangeiros ou aumento da alíquota do imposto de importação (hoje de 27%).

(Editorial, Folha de S. Paulo, 28/3/2012)



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

O texto abaixo foi transcrito com adaptações. Assinale a opção que manteve o emprego correto do sinal indicativo de crase.

Interessa à (1) todo o País, por sua importância para à (2) produção, à (3) criação de empregos e o desenvolvimento, a agenda levada ao Congresso pelo presidente da Confederação Nacional da Indústria − CNI. Ao apresentar uma lista de 131 projetos considerados favoráveis ou prejudiciais ao setor, ele cobrou dos parlamentares, como de costume, atenção urgente às (4) questões de grande relevância para à (5) economia, especialmente numa fase de crise internacional.

(Editorial, O Estado de S. Paulo, 29/3/2012)



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

O texto abaixo foi transcrito com adaptações. Assinale a opção que corresponde a erro gramatical ou de grafia de palavra.

Poucos dias depois de estender (1) a cobrança de 6% do Imposto sobre Operações Financeiras − IOF para os empréstimos externos de cinco anos (antes eram taxados apenas os de três anos), como parte da guerrilha que mantém (2) para conter a valorização do real frente ao (3) dólar, o ministro da Fazenda não apenas reconheceu que sacrifica sua fé no câmbio flutuante, como admitiu haver efeitos colaterais da medida que terão de ser mitigados (4).

De fato, o aumento do custo desse tipo de empréstimo ajuda o governo a rejeitar o capital oportunista, que aqui vem apenas para tirar vantagem de nossas taxas de juros elevadas, mas ingeta (5) problema na veia dos exportadores que precisam financiar suas operações no exterior. Ele fez questão de reforçar sua disposição de continuar atirando com todas as armas contra o excesso de liquidez mundial, provocado pelo tsunami cambial promovido pelos bancos centrais europeu e norte-americano.

(Editorial, Correio Braziliense,15/3/2012)



Questão presente nas seguintes provas

O texto abaixo foi transcrito com adaptações. Assinale a opção que apresenta erro gramatical ou de grafia de palavra que prejudica a coerência textual.

Constata-se(1) uma discrepância nas carteiras dos maiores detentores de dinheiro no mundo rico: uma pequena fração, menos de 10%, está investida(2) nos países emergentes, que, no entanto, já representa(3) mais de 50% do PIB global. Nesse cenário o Brasil continuará a conviver com maciças(4) entradas de recursos, que devem manter o real ainda valorizado.

O governo precisa favorecer investimentos diretos e conter fluxos mais especulativos. É tolerável desestimular a entrada de capital aventureiro, mas cumpre evitar exageros que afugentem (5) o dinheiro bom.

(Editorial, Folha de S. Paulo, 25/3/2012)



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