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3008884 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: IF-PB

Question based on the following passage:

The Regional English Training Centres (RETC) project – new approach to teaching English already shows results

September 30, 2018 08:00 By The nation

British Council and the Thai Education Ministry have joined hands to modernise the teaching methods of 17,000 English-language teachers in the kingdom, moving from the “grammar-vocabulary” memorisation system to focus on communication. The UK cultural and education international body’s Regional English Training Centres (RETC) project aims to improve the skills of teachers at primary and secondary schools across Thailand.

Some 75% of English teachers in Thailand are ranked at the A2 elementary level in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), representing an IELTS score of 3.5 to 4, according to the statement issued by British Council on Friday.The RETC Boot Camp project was first introduced in 2015 to improve overall English teaching proficiency. After two and a half years, 15,300 English teachers, or 90%, have improved their confidence in teaching English and using it in classrooms.

As the next step, an assessment and evaluation system is to be considered to assist in the adaptation toward the communicative approach.

Education Minister Teerakiat Jareonsettasin said the development of Thai students’ English skills is crucial and needs serious improvement. Each Thai student studies English for at least 12 years at primary and secondary school, however most are unable to communicate in English which is the main obstacle to global competition, he said. Two main challenges that need to be addressed are Thai teachers’ English skills and their teaching approach. “By focusing on language accuracy and the memorisation method rather than the communicative approach, most Thai students cannot communicate effectively in English,” he said.

Many Thai students also have a poor attitude towards English classes. Andrew Glass, director of British Council Thailand, said since the start of the project, 15 RETCs have been established and that 17,000 out of 40,000 of Thailand’s English teachers have been trained and mentored in the communicative approach. Additionally, more than 30 teachers have been intensively trained to become TMTs. They work with British Council trainers to mentor and transfer knowledge to teachers and school directors, creating academic networking opportunities with regional supervisors to improve their follow-up sessions.

After completing the project, the research clearly indicates that 90% or 15,300 English teachers have more confidence in teaching English in the communicative approach and more confidence in using English in their classrooms. Besides, 72 of English teachers improved their lesson planning and were able to give clearer instructions, while 94% improved their lesson management. In addition, 93% of English teachers have improved their English subject knowledge. Sutthiwat Sutthiprapa, one of the Thai master trainers and a full-time English teacher at Khor Wittayakom in Nakhon Phanom Province, said all the knowledge he gained from the RETC project can be applied in his English classes. “It significantly changes the atmosphere of the classroom and the students’ attitude towards English. "Students are eager to attend the class and make every effort to participate in class activities. I believe that if every English teacher in Thailand exploits the RETC concept, Thai students’ English ability will increase considerably," he said.

(Available in: Accessed on May 18th, 2019. Adapted.)

The word “additionally” highlighted in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3008883 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: IF-PB

Question based on the following passage:

The Regional English Training Centres (RETC) project – new approach to teaching English already shows results

September 30, 2018 08:00 By The nation

British Council and the Thai Education Ministry have joined hands to modernise the teaching methods of 17,000 English-language teachers in the kingdom, moving from the “grammar-vocabulary” memorisation system to focus on communication. The UK cultural and education international body’s Regional English Training Centres (RETC) project aims to improve the skills of teachers at primary and secondary schools across Thailand.

Some 75% of English teachers in Thailand are ranked at the A2 elementary level in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), representing an IELTS score of 3.5 to 4, according to the statement issued by British Council on Friday.The RETC Boot Camp project was first introduced in 2015 to improve overall English teaching proficiency. After two and a half years, 15,300 English teachers, or 90%, have improved their confidence in teaching English and using it in classrooms.

As the next step, an assessment and evaluation system is to be considered to assist in the adaptation toward the communicative approach.

Education Minister Teerakiat Jareonsettasin said the development of Thai students’ English skills is crucial and needs serious improvement. Each Thai student studies English for at least 12 years at primary and secondary school, however most are unable to communicate in English which is the main obstacle to global competition, he said. Two main challenges that need to be addressed are Thai teachers’ English skills and their teaching approach. “By focusing on language accuracy and the memorisation method rather than the communicative approach, most Thai students cannot communicate effectively in English,” he said.

Many Thai students also have a poor attitude towards English classes. Andrew Glass, director of British Council Thailand, said since the start of the project, 15 RETCs have been established and that 17,000 out of 40,000 of Thailand’s English teachers have been trained and mentored in the communicative approach. Additionally, more than 30 teachers have been intensively trained to become TMTs. They work with British Council trainers to mentor and transfer knowledge to teachers and school directors, creating academic networking opportunities with regional supervisors to improve their follow-up sessions.

After completing the project, the research clearly indicates that 90% or 15,300 English teachers have more confidence in teaching English in the communicative approach and more confidence in using English in their classrooms. Besides, 72 of English teachers improved their lesson planning and were able to give clearer instructions, while 94% improved their lesson management. In addition, 93% of English teachers have improved their English subject knowledge. Sutthiwat Sutthiprapa, one of the Thai master trainers and a full-time English teacher at Khor Wittayakom in Nakhon Phanom Province, said all the knowledge he gained from the RETC project can be applied in his English classes. “It significantly changes the atmosphere of the classroom and the students’ attitude towards English. "Students are eager to attend the class and make every effort to participate in class activities. I believe that if every English teacher in Thailand exploits the RETC concept, Thai students’ English ability will increase considerably," he said.

(Available in: Accessed on May 18th, 2019. Adapted.)

The word “however” highlighted in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3008882 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: IF-PB

Question based on the following passage:

The Regional English Training Centres (RETC) project – new approach to teaching English already shows results

September 30, 2018 08:00 By The nation

British Council and the Thai Education Ministry have joined hands to modernise the teaching methods of 17,000 English-language teachers in the kingdom, moving from the “grammar-vocabulary” memorisation system to focus on communication. The UK cultural and education international body’s Regional English Training Centres (RETC) project aims to improve the skills of teachers at primary and secondary schools across Thailand.

Some 75% of English teachers in Thailand are ranked at the A2 elementary level in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), representing an IELTS score of 3.5 to 4, according to the statement issued by British Council on Friday.The RETC Boot Camp project was first introduced in 2015 to improve overall English teaching proficiency. After two and a half years, 15,300 English teachers, or 90%, have improved their confidence in teaching English and using it in classrooms.

As the next step, an assessment and evaluation system is to be considered to assist in the adaptation toward the communicative approach.

Education Minister Teerakiat Jareonsettasin said the development of Thai students’ English skills is crucial and needs serious improvement. Each Thai student studies English for at least 12 years at primary and secondary school, however most are unable to communicate in English which is the main obstacle to global competition, he said. Two main challenges that need to be addressed are Thai teachers’ English skills and their teaching approach. “By focusing on language accuracy and the memorisation method rather than the communicative approach, most Thai students cannot communicate effectively in English,” he said.

Many Thai students also have a poor attitude towards English classes. Andrew Glass, director of British Council Thailand, said since the start of the project, 15 RETCs have been established and that 17,000 out of 40,000 of Thailand’s English teachers have been trained and mentored in the communicative approach. Additionally, more than 30 teachers have been intensively trained to become TMTs. They work with British Council trainers to mentor and transfer knowledge to teachers and school directors, creating academic networking opportunities with regional supervisors to improve their follow-up sessions.

After completing the project, the research clearly indicates that 90% or 15,300 English teachers have more confidence in teaching English in the communicative approach and more confidence in using English in their classrooms. Besides, 72 of English teachers improved their lesson planning and were able to give clearer instructions, while 94% improved their lesson management. In addition, 93% of English teachers have improved their English subject knowledge. Sutthiwat Sutthiprapa, one of the Thai master trainers and a full-time English teacher at Khor Wittayakom in Nakhon Phanom Province, said all the knowledge he gained from the RETC project can be applied in his English classes. “It significantly changes the atmosphere of the classroom and the students’ attitude towards English. "Students are eager to attend the class and make every effort to participate in class activities. I believe that if every English teacher in Thailand exploits the RETC concept, Thai students’ English ability will increase considerably," he said.

(Available in: Accessed on May 18th, 2019. Adapted.)

What can be stated about the passage above?



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3008881 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: IF-PB

Question based on the following passage:

Bring nurture into it

All children need boundaries, and some of these students either won’t have had those or will have had a lot of inappropriate, overly severe boundaries. But while consistent, firm boundaries can help a child to feel safe, it’s important to remember that nurture also plays a part.

By nurture I mean the consistent care that we would expect a parent to give a child. If any of your students end up being among the tiny minority of children who are actually taken into care (approximately half a percent) it seems reasonable to assume that they will not have received the consistent, nurturing parenting that enables physical, mental and emotional wellbeing (it’s also worth noting that the rate of is 46.4% as compared to 8.5% in nondisadvantaged children and young people).

Some children may need therapeutic intervention but all children, especially those who are vulnerable, would benefit from schools that promote emotional well-being. As teachers, we shouldn’t underestimate the power of smiles, kind words, acceptance following behavioural incidents and appropriate physical proximity.

(Available in: teachers-support-vulnerable-children-at-school. Accessed on May 19th, 2019. Adapted.)

What attitudes should teachers take when dealing with vulnerable children?



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3008880 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: IF-PB

Question based on the following passage:

Bring nurture into it

All children need boundaries, and some of these students either won’t have had those or will have had a lot of inappropriate, overly severe boundaries. But while consistent, firm boundaries can help a child to feel safe, it’s important to remember that nurture also plays a part.

By nurture I mean the consistent care that we would expect a parent to give a child. If any of your students end up being among the tiny minority of children who are actually taken into care (approximately half a percent) it seems reasonable to assume that they will not have received the consistent, nurturing parenting that enables physical, mental and emotional wellbeing (it’s also worth noting that the rate of is 46.4% as compared to 8.5% in nondisadvantaged children and young people).

Some children may need therapeutic intervention but all children, especially those who are vulnerable, would benefit from schools that promote emotional well-being. As teachers, we shouldn’t underestimate the power of smiles, kind words, acceptance following behavioural incidents and appropriate physical proximity.

(Available in: teachers-support-vulnerable-children-at-school. Accessed on May 19th, 2019. Adapted.)

What can be inferred about the text?



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3008879 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: IF-PB

Question is based on the following poem:

Love is like a bicycle

Left out in the storm

If it's not protected

Rust begins to form

So unless you want your bicycle

To slowly rust away,

Provide a little kindness

When the sky begins to grey

Author: Darren A. Mccallum

(Available in: Accessed on May 18th, 2019.)

What is the best title for the poem?



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3008878 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: IF-PB

Question based on the following passage:

Greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface. When the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth’s atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases include water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and some artificial chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).

The absorbed energy warms the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth. This process maintains the Earth’s temperature at around 33 degrees Celsius warmer than it would otherwise be, allowing life on Earth to exist. The problem we now face is that human activities – particularly burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), agriculture and land clearing – are increasing the concentrations of greenhouse gases. This is the enhanced greenhouse effect, which is contributing to warming of the Earth.

(Available in: climate-science/greenhouse-effect. Accessed on May 18th, 2019. Adapted.)

What are the factors that contribute to the increase of the gases that cause the enhanced greenhouse effect?



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3008877 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: IF-PB

Question based on the following passage

The real reason Apple and Google want you to use your phone less

NIR EYAL MAY 19, 2019

If tech is “hijacking your brain” with their “irresistible” products, as some tech critics claim, why are these companies now acting against their own interests?

This week Apple follows Google by announcing features to help people cut back on their tech use. Why would the companies that make your phone want you to use it less? If tech is “hijacking your brain” with their “irresistible” products, as some tech critics claim, why are these companies now acting against their own interests? Perhaps the tech giants have had a change of heart or have been persuaded by public pressure to change their ways? Hardly. I studied the sophisticated psychology these companies deploy to keep people hooked and wrote a book about how they do it. At first glance, it appears their business model would benefit from addiction. The more you use your phone, the more money they make through the apps you buy and the ads you view.

However, the addiction story falls short when considering the long-term interests of these companies. Apple and Google are making it easier for consumers to cut back on phone use because it is in their interest to do so. In this case, what’s good for the user is also good for these companies’ bottom lines. Apple and Google don’t want you to get addicted. Addiction is a compulsive harmful behavior. Rather, they’d prefer you form healthy habits with your digital devices.

Consider why you wear a seatbelt. In 1968, the Federal Government mandated that seat belts come equipped in all cars. However, nineteen years before any such regulation, American car makers started offering seat belts as a feature. The laws came well after car makers started offering seatbelts because that’s what consumers wanted. Car makers who sold safer cars sold more.

Similarly, thousands of third-party apps have given smartphone owners ways to moderate tech use with tools to help them monitor how much time they spend online, turn off access to certain sites, and reduce digital distraction — tools very similar to what Apple and Google recently announced. I started writing about this burgeoning trend, in what I called “attention retention” devices, back in early 2015 and today there are more digital wellness products than ever.

As they often do with successful apps built on their platforms, Apple and Google took note of what consumers wanted and decided to incorporate these features as standard — just as car makers did with seat belts in the 1950s. They also went beyond what app makers can do by adding features only the operating system makers can offer, like batch notifications to reduce the frequency of intraday interruptions and the ability to put the phone in “shush” mode by flipping it over.

The history of innovation is littered with examples of new technologies causing unintended harm. As cultural theorist Paul Virilio said, “When you invent the ship, you also invent the shipwreck.” Although the devices these modern shipbuilders make certainly have potential negative consequences, like overuse, it’s also in their interests to make their products less harmful.

With few exceptions, when a product harms people, consumers tend to use it less often or find better alternatives. The feature fight between these two tech rivals benefits everyone. The move to help users create healthy habits with their devices is an example of competition making products better.

Although they are certainly designed to be persuasive and user-friendly, we aren’t slaves to our technologies and it behooves us to stop thinking we’re powerless. The tech companies are taking steps to help users rein in device overuse. Now it’s our turn to put these features to use, buckle down, and buckle up

(Available in: Accessed on May 19th, 2019. Adapted.)

The word “they” highlighted in paragraph 5 refers to:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3008876 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: IF-PB

The real reason Apple and Google want you to use your phone less

NIR EYAL MAY 19, 2019

If tech is “hijacking your brain” with their “irresistible” products, as some tech critics claim, why are these companies now acting against their own interests?

This week Apple follows Google by announcing features to help people cut back on their tech use. Why would the companies that make your phone want you to use it less? If tech is “hijacking your brain” with their “irresistible” products, as some tech critics claim, why are these companies now acting against their own interests? Perhaps the tech giants have had a change of heart or have been persuaded by public pressure to change their ways? Hardly. I studied the sophisticated psychology these companies deploy to keep people hooked and wrote a book about how they do it. At first glance, it appears their business model would benefit from addiction. The more you use your phone, the more money they make through the apps you buy and the ads you view.

However, the addiction story falls short when considering the long-term interests of these companies. Apple and Google are making it easier for consumers to cut back on phone use because it is in their interest to do so. In this case, what’s good for the user is also good for these companies’ bottom lines. Apple and Google don’t want you to get addicted. Addiction is a compulsive harmful behavior. Rather, they’d prefer you form healthy habits with your digital devices.

Consider why you wear a seatbelt. In 1968, the Federal Government mandated that seat belts come equipped in all cars. However, nineteen years before any such regulation, American car makers started offering seat belts as a feature. The laws came well after car makers started offering seatbelts because that’s what consumers wanted. Car makers who sold safer cars sold more.

Similarly, thousands of third-party apps have given smartphone owners ways to moderate tech use with tools to help them monitor how much time they spend online, turn off access to certain sites, and reduce digital distraction — tools very similar to what Apple and Google recently announced. I started writing about this burgeoning trend, in what I called “attention retention” devices, back in early 2015 and today there are more digital wellness products than ever.

As they often do with successful apps built on their platforms, Apple and Google took note of what consumers wanted and decided to incorporate these features as standard — just as car makers did with seat belts in the 1950s. They also went beyond what app makers can do by adding features only the operating system makers can offer, like batch notifications to reduce the frequency of intraday interruptions and the ability to put the phone in “shush” mode by flipping it over.

The history of innovation is littered with examples of new technologies causing unintended harm. As cultural theorist Paul Virilio said, “When you invent the ship, you also invent the shipwreck.” Although the devices these modern shipbuilders make certainly have potential negative consequences, like overuse, it’s also in their interests to make their products less harmful.

With few exceptions, when a product harms people, consumers tend to use it less often or find better alternatives. The feature fight between these two tech rivals benefits everyone. The move to help users create healthy habits with their devices is an example of competition making products better.

Although they are certainly designed to be persuasive and user-friendly, we aren’t slaves to our technologies and it behooves us to stop thinking we’re powerless. The tech companies are taking steps to help users rein in device overuse. Now it’s our turn to put these features to use, buckle down, and buckle up

(Available in: Accessed on May 19th, 2019. Adapted.)

According to the passage, what can be stated about Apple and Google



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3008875 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: IF-PB

Question is based on the following advertisement:

Enunciado 3427243-1

World Wide Fund for Nature: Shark. (Available in: utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic. Accessed on May 18th, 2019. Adapted.)

What is the message of the advertisement?



Questão presente nas seguintes provas