Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 120 questões.

753570 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: AOCP

Evaluate the following item regarding the text below.

“Representatives from the U.S., the European Union, and 30 other countries pledged to mitigate the risk of ransomware and harden the financial system from exploitation with the goal of disrupting the ecosystem, calling it an "escalating global security threat with serious economic and security consequences." (…) The international counter-ransomware collaboration comes as illicit payments topped nearly $500 million globally in the last two years alone — $400 million in 2020 and $81 million in the first quarter of 2021 — necessitating the payment flows that make the activities profitable are subject to anti-money laundering regulations and the networks that facilitate these payments are held accountable.”



The sum of illegal ransomware payments in the last two years is $500 million.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
753569 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: AOCP

Evaluate the following item regarding the text below.

“Representatives from the U.S., the European Union, and 30 other countries pledged to mitigate the risk of ransomware and harden the financial system from exploitation with the goal of disrupting the ecosystem, calling it an "escalating global security threat with serious economic and security consequences." (…) The international counter-ransomware collaboration comes as illicit payments topped nearly $500 million globally in the last two years alone — $400 million in 2020 and $81 million in the first quarter of 2021 — necessitating the payment flows that make the activities profitable are subject to anti-money laundering regulations and the networks that facilitate these payments are held accountable.”



The financial fund destined to the counterransomware initiative comes from illicit payments.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
753568 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: AOCP

Evaluate the following item regarding the text below.

“Representatives from the U.S., the European Union, and 30 other countries pledged to mitigate the risk of ransomware and harden the financial system from exploitation with the goal of disrupting the ecosystem, calling it an "escalating global security threat with serious economic and security consequences." (…) The international counter-ransomware collaboration comes as illicit payments topped nearly $500 million globally in the last two years alone — $400 million in 2020 and $81 million in the first quarter of 2021 — necessitating the payment flows that make the activities profitable are subject to anti-money laundering regulations and the networks that facilitate these payments are held accountable.”



Up to 30 countries are united in a task force aimed at mitigating the risk of ransomware attacks.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
753567 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: AOCP

Evaluate the following item regarding the text below.

“Representatives from the U.S., the European Union, and 30 other countries pledged to mitigate the risk of ransomware and harden the financial system from exploitation with the goal of disrupting the ecosystem, calling it an "escalating global security threat with serious economic and security consequences." (…) The international counter-ransomware collaboration comes as illicit payments topped nearly $500 million globally in the last two years alone — $400 million in 2020 and $81 million in the first quarter of 2021 — necessitating the payment flows that make the activities profitable are subject to anti-money laundering regulations and the networks that facilitate these payments are held accountable.”



Ransomware consequences are serious for both the economic and the security areas.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
753566 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: AOCP

Evaluate the following item regarding the text below.

“Representatives from the U.S., the European Union, and 30 other countries pledged to mitigate the risk of ransomware and harden the financial system from exploitation with the goal of disrupting the ecosystem, calling it an "escalating global security threat with serious economic and security consequences." (…) The international counter-ransomware collaboration comes as illicit payments topped nearly $500 million globally in the last two years alone — $400 million in 2020 and $81 million in the first quarter of 2021 — necessitating the payment flows that make the activities profitable are subject to anti-money laundering regulations and the networks that facilitate these payments are held accountable.”



The text is about actions needed against ransomware attacks, which is a malware that encrypts the victim’s files and demands a ransom to restore the access to their data.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
753565 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: TI - Gestão e Governança de TI
Banca: AOCP

Em relação aos processos do ITIL v3, julgue o seguinte item.

O Gerenciamento de Mudanças contribui para o sucesso no planejamento e na execução de projetos na organização, minimizando o impacto sobre os serviços e os usuários.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
753564 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: TI - Gestão e Governança de TI
Banca: AOCP

Em relação aos processos do ITIL v3, julgue o seguinte item.

Um problema é qualquer incidente cuja causa é conhecida e pode ser tratado pelo Gerenciamento de Problemas.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
753563 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: TI - Gestão e Governança de TI
Banca: AOCP

Em relação aos processos do ITIL v3, julgue o seguinte item.

O Gerenciamento de Incidentes tem como objetivo tratar eventos que causam a interrupção não planejada de serviços de TI.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
753562 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: TI - Gestão e Governança de TI
Banca: AOCP

Em relação aos processos do ITIL v3, julgue o seguinte item.

O Gerenciamento de Eventos tem como objetivo identificar qualquer ocorrência que possa ser detectável, sendo que os mecanismos de monitoração desempenham um papel fundamental para isso.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
753561 Ano: 2021
Disciplina: TI - Gestão e Governança de TI
Banca: AOCP

Em relação aos processos do ITIL v3, julgue o seguinte item.

O Gerenciamento de Configuração tem como principal objetivo criar uma base de dados com a configuração de cada serviço prestado pela organização.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas