Magna Concursos
1152813 Ano: 2019
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: Marinha
Orgão: Escola Naval
Which is the correct option to complete the text below?
AII 12 members oi lhe Wild Soar soccer team and their coach ___ alter more than two weeks trapped inside a cave in Thailand. The rescue mission was complicated. Here's how it went down.
First, experts ___ to teach lhe boys how to use scuba gear. During the hours-long trip out oi lhe cave, each boy ___ underwater by two divers. The boys and their escorts ___ to squeeze through a narrow, flooded channel. Having completed that narrow section, the boys_____to separate, specialist rescue teams, who ____ them through the remainder oi the cave.
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Aspirante da Escola Naval

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