Magna Concursos
1859892 Ano: 2004
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)

1 It is extremely difficult to restrict the flow of software.

It is too widely available, too easy to replicate, and too easy to

conceal. A single 8-mm digital videocassette, small enough to

4 fit into a shirt pocket, can hold all of the sources and binaries to

a major software package representing thousands of personyears

of effort. There is no way to prevent packages from being

7 carried and copied all over the world.

Inhibition of copying has been a concern of software

vendors domestically and within CoCom countries generally.

10 Vendors have resorted to legal protection against copying

(copyright, trade secret), copy protect mechanisms, objectcode-

only (OCO) shipment practices, and, in some cases, use of

13 proprietary compilers. One of the best examples of the difficulty

of protecting software is the decision by several key software

manufacturers (including Lotus Development) not to copy-

16 protect their disks. The previous copy-protection mechanism

were woefully inadequate and tended to alienate customers.

Global trends in computer technology and their impacts on

export control. National Academy Press, D. C. (with adaptations).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

It is not easy to confine the flow of software.



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