Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 50 questões.

3137102 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)

Sustainability is a big buzzword in modern architecture – and not just when building the world’s tallest wooden skyscraper. According to the Green Building Council – an authority on sustainable buildings and communities in Australia – the built environment accounts for nearly 40% of “global energy related carbon emissions,” with materials and construction alone accounting for 11% of that global total. But once a recently approved residential high-rise in Perth, Australia, is erected, there will be no mistaking how central sustainability was to the project. Why? Because it would stand as the tallest wooden skyscraper in the world.

Envisioned by an Australian architecture firm, C6 (the project’s name, which is derived from its location at 6 Charles Street) aims to incorporate hybridized timber not just for floor paneling, but as an essential structural element throughout all of its 50 stories, making up a substantial amount of the project’s total materials. As a result, the architecture firm claims that C6 will use “around 45% less concrete than a traditional building of a similar scale”.

There’s no timeline for the completion of C6 just yet. But don’t be surprised if this landmark inspires other sustainable-minded architects to eclipse its benchmark by the time residents are moving in.

(, 12.10.2023)

In the third paragraph, the expression this landmark refers to the following expression from the first paragraph:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137101 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)

Sustainability is a big buzzword in modern architecture – and not just when building the world’s tallest wooden skyscraper. According to the Green Building Council – an authority on sustainable buildings and communities in Australia – the built environment accounts for nearly 40% of “global energy related carbon emissions,” with materials and construction alone accounting for 11% of that global total. But once a recently approved residential high-rise in Perth, Australia, is erected, there will be no mistaking how central sustainability was to the project. Why? Because it would stand as the tallest wooden skyscraper in the world.

Envisioned by an Australian architecture firm, C6 (the project’s name, which is derived from its location at 6 Charles Street) aims to incorporate hybridized timber not just for floor paneling, but as an essential structural element throughout all of its 50 stories, making up a substantial amount of the project’s total materials. As a result, the architecture firm claims that C6 will use “around 45% less concrete than a traditional building of a similar scale”.

There’s no timeline for the completion of C6 just yet. But don’t be surprised if this landmark inspires other sustainable-minded architects to eclipse its benchmark by the time residents are moving in.

(, 12.10.2023)

The word timber, as used in the second paragraph of the text, can be understood as



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137100 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)

Sustainability is a big buzzword in modern architecture – and not just when building the world’s tallest wooden skyscraper. According to the Green Building Council – an authority on sustainable buildings and communities in Australia – the built environment accounts for nearly 40% of “global energy related carbon emissions,” with materials and construction alone accounting for 11% of that global total. But once a recently approved residential high-rise in Perth, Australia, is erected, there will be no mistaking how central sustainability was to the project. Why? Because it would stand as the tallest wooden skyscraper in the world.

Envisioned by an Australian architecture firm, C6 (the project’s name, which is derived from its location at 6 Charles Street) aims to incorporate hybridized timber not just for floor paneling, but as an essential structural element throughout all of its 50 stories, making up a substantial amount of the project’s total materials. As a result, the architecture firm claims that C6 will use “around 45% less concrete than a traditional building of a similar scale”.

There’s no timeline for the completion of C6 just yet. But don’t be surprised if this landmark inspires other sustainable-minded architects to eclipse its benchmark by the time residents are moving in.

(, 12.10.2023)

O trecho do segundo parágrafo – which is derived from its location at 6 Charles Street – apresenta



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137099 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)

Sustainability is a big buzzword in modern architecture – and not just when building the world’s tallest wooden skyscraper. According to the Green Building Council – an authority on sustainable buildings and communities in Australia – the built environment accounts for nearly 40% of “global energy related carbon emissions,” with materials and construction alone accounting for 11% of that global total. But once a recently approved residential high-rise in Perth, Australia, is erected, there will be no mistaking how central sustainability was to the project. Why? Because it would stand as the tallest wooden skyscraper in the world.

Envisioned by an Australian architecture firm, C6 (the project’s name, which is derived from its location at 6 Charles Street) aims to incorporate hybridized timber not just for floor paneling, but as an essential structural element throughout all of its 50 stories, making up a substantial amount of the project’s total materials. As a result, the architecture firm claims that C6 will use “around 45% less concrete than a traditional building of a similar scale”.

There’s no timeline for the completion of C6 just yet. But don’t be surprised if this landmark inspires other sustainable-minded architects to eclipse its benchmark by the time residents are moving in.

(, 12.10.2023)

No trecho do primeiro parágrafo – But once a recently approved residential high-rise in Perth, Australia, is erected –, a palavra em negrito é equivalente em português a



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137098 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)

Sustainability is a big buzzword in modern architecture – and not just when building the world’s tallest wooden skyscraper. According to the Green Building Council – an authority on sustainable buildings and communities in Australia – the built environment accounts for nearly 40% of “global energy related carbon emissions,” with materials and construction alone accounting for 11% of that global total. But once a recently approved residential high-rise in Perth, Australia, is erected, there will be no mistaking how central sustainability was to the project. Why? Because it would stand as the tallest wooden skyscraper in the world.

Envisioned by an Australian architecture firm, C6 (the project’s name, which is derived from its location at 6 Charles Street) aims to incorporate hybridized timber not just for floor paneling, but as an essential structural element throughout all of its 50 stories, making up a substantial amount of the project’s total materials. As a result, the architecture firm claims that C6 will use “around 45% less concrete than a traditional building of a similar scale”.

There’s no timeline for the completion of C6 just yet. But don’t be surprised if this landmark inspires other sustainable-minded architects to eclipse its benchmark by the time residents are moving in.

(, 12.10.2023)

O primeiro parágrafo do texto informa que



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137097 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Informática

Tem-se a seguinte planilha, criada no Google Planilhas, em sua configuração padrão, em português do Brasil, não configurada para sempre usar os nomes de funções em inglês.

Enunciado 3137097-1

No intervalo entre B2 e B6 o usuário adicionou uma caixa de seleção, através do menu Inserir, opção Caixa de seleção. Na célula B7, o usuário inseriu uma função para contar a quantidade de itens, entre B2 e B6, em que as caixas de seleção estejam selecionadas. É a função:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137096 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Informática

Tem-se uma apresentação criada no Microsoft Power- Point 2019, em sua configuração padrão, com 1 slide e 2 AutoFormas, com a seguinte configuração de animações, em dois momentos, ANTES e DEPOIS.

Enunciado 3137096-1

Assinale a alternativa que indica a ação realizada entre os momentos ANTES e DEPOIS.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137095 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Informática

Tem-se a seguinte planilha, criada no Microsoft Excel 2019, em sua configuração padrão.

Enunciado 3137095-1

Um usuário selecionou todo o intervalo entre A1 e C7 e criou um gráfico de linhas, que ficou com a seguinte aparência.

Enunciado 3137095-2

Esse usuário então, clicou com o botão secundário do mouse sobre a linha do indicador 2, selecionou a opção Formatar Série de Dados... e selecionou a opção Eixo Secundário, conforme imagem a seguir.

Enunciado 3137095-3

Assinale a alternativa que indica como o gráfico ficará formatado.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137094 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Informática

Em um documento em branco do Microsoft Word 2019, em sua configuração padrão, um usuário efetuou a seguinte formatação na janela Fonte, marcando a opção Todas em maiúsculas.

Enunciado 3137094-1

Em seguida, executou os seguintes passos, sequencialmente, sem usar em nenhum momento a tecla Shift.

I. Com a tecla CAPS LOCK ligada Digitou a letra u
II. Com a tecla CAPS LOCK desligada Digito universidade de
III. Com a tecla CAPS LOCK ligada Pressionou a barra de espaços
IV. Com a tecla CAPS LOCK desligada Digitou a letra c
V. Com a tecla CAPS LOCK ligada Digitou ampinas

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o resultado obtido após a execução dos passos citados.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
3137093 Ano: 2024
Disciplina: Informática

Tem-se a seguinte imagem de um arquivo, no Microsoft Windows 10, em sua configuração original, onde o usuário o selecionou e clicou uma vez sobre ele com o botão secundário do mouse.

Enunciado 3137093-1

Caso o usuário selecione a opção Excluir, o arquivo será



Questão presente nas seguintes provas