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2424559 Ano: 2011
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: UnB

Enunciado 3502894-1

Girl with a Pearl Earring is a quiet movie about things not said, opportunities not taken, potentials not realized, lips unkissed. All of these elements are guessed at by the filmmakers as they regard a painting made in about 1665 by Johannes Vermeer. The painting shows a young woman looking at us over her left shoulder. She wears a simple blue headband, a modest smock and a pearl earring. Her red lips are slightly parted. Is she smiling?

Not much is known about Vermeer, who left about 35 paintings. Nothing is known about his model. You can hear that it was his daughter, a neighbor, a tradeswoman, but not his lover, because Vermeer’s household was under the iron rule of his mother-in-law, who was vigilant as a hawk. The painting has become as intriguing in its modest way as the Mona Lisa. The girl’s face turned toward us from centuries ago demands that we ask, “Who was she? What was she thinking? What was the artist thinking about her?”

Tracy Chevalier’s novel speculating about the painting has now been filmed by Peter Webber, who cast Scarlett Johansson as the girl and Colin Firth as Vermeer. The girl’s name is Griet, according to this story. She lives nearby and is sent by her blind father to work in Vermeer’s house.

Roger Ebert. Review of girl with a pearl earring. Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the item that follow according to the text above.

In the text, the word “iron” can correctly be replaced with strict.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2424558 Ano: 2011
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: UnB

Enunciado 3502893-1

Girl with a Pearl Earring is a quiet movie about things not said, opportunities not taken, potentials not realized, lips unkissed. All of these elements are guessed at by the filmmakers as they regard a painting made in about 1665 by Johannes Vermeer. The painting shows a young woman looking at us over her left shoulder. She wears a simple blue headband, a modest smock and a pearl earring. Her red lips are slightly parted. Is she smiling?

Not much is known about Vermeer, who left about 35 paintings. Nothing is known about his model. You can hear that it was his daughter, a neighbor, a tradeswoman, but not his lover, because Vermeer’s household was under the iron rule of his mother-in-law, who was vigilant as a hawk. The painting has become as intriguing in its modest way as the Mona Lisa. The girl’s face turned toward us from centuries ago demands that we ask, “Who was she? What was she thinking? What was the artist thinking about her?”

Tracy Chevalier’s novel speculating about the painting has now been filmed by Peter Webber, who cast Scarlett Johansson as the girl and Colin Firth as Vermeer. The girl’s name is Griet, according to this story. She lives nearby and is sent by her blind father to work in Vermeer’s house.

Roger Ebert. Review of girl with a pearl earring. Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the item that follow according to the text above.

It is likely that Vermeer’s mother-in-law met the girl shown in the painting.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2424557 Ano: 2011
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: UnB

Enunciado 3502892-1

Girl with a Pearl Earring is a quiet movie about things not said, opportunities not taken, potentials not realized, lips unkissed. All of these elements are guessed at by the filmmakers as they regard a painting made in about 1665 by Johannes Vermeer. The painting shows a young woman looking at us over her left shoulder. She wears a simple blue headband, a modest smock and a pearl earring. Her red lips are slightly parted. Is she smiling?

Not much is known about Vermeer, who left about 35 paintings. Nothing is known about his model. You can hear that it was his daughter, a neighbor, a tradeswoman, but not his lover, because Vermeer’s household was under the iron rule of his mother-in-law, who was vigilant as a hawk. The painting has become as intriguing in its modest way as the Mona Lisa. The girl’s face turned toward us from centuries ago demands that we ask, “Who was she? What was she thinking? What was the artist thinking about her?”

Tracy Chevalier’s novel speculating about the painting has now been filmed by Peter Webber, who cast Scarlett Johansson as the girl and Colin Firth as Vermeer. The girl’s name is Griet, according to this story. She lives nearby and is sent by her blind father to work in Vermeer’s house.

Roger Ebert. Review of girl with a pearl earring. Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the item that follow according to the text above.

In the sentence “You can hear that it was his daughter”, “it” can correctly be replaced with she.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2424556 Ano: 2011
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: UnB

Enunciado 3502891-1

Girl with a Pearl Earring is a quiet movie about things not said, opportunities not taken, potentials not realized, lips unkissed. All of these elements are guessed at by the filmmakers as they regard a painting made in about 1665 by Johannes Vermeer. The painting shows a young woman looking at us over her left shoulder. She wears a simple blue headband, a modest smock and a pearl earring. Her red lips are slightly parted. Is she smiling?

Not much is known about Vermeer, who left about 35 paintings. Nothing is known about his model. You can hear that it was his daughter, a neighbor, a tradeswoman, but not his lover, because Vermeer’s household was under the iron rule of his mother-in-law, who was vigilant as a hawk. The painting has become as intriguing in its modest way as the Mona Lisa. The girl’s face turned toward us from centuries ago demands that we ask, “Who was she? What was she thinking? What was the artist thinking about her?”

Tracy Chevalier’s novel speculating about the painting has now been filmed by Peter Webber, who cast Scarlett Johansson as the girl and Colin Firth as Vermeer. The girl’s name is Griet, according to this story. She lives nearby and is sent by her blind father to work in Vermeer’s house.

Roger Ebert. Review of girl with a pearl earring. Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the item that follow according to the text above.

In the writer’s opinion, the girl’s facial expression is ironic.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2424555 Ano: 2011
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: UnB

Interview with Tracy Chevalier — author of Girl with a Pearl Earring

— What inspired you to write about the girl in Vermeer’s painting?

— I have had a copy of that painting for a long time. I love it because it is so beautiful and mysterious. The expression on the girl’s face is ambiguous — sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes innocent, sometimes seductive. I was always curious about what she was thinking, and one day I thought there must be a story behind her look, but we don’t know who the model for the painting was, so I realized I would have to make up the story myself.

— Why did you make the girl a servant? Did Griet really exist?

— In the painting the girl’s clothes are very plain compared to other women’s Vermeer painted, and yet the pearl is clearly luxurious. I was fascinated by that contrast, and it seemed clear to me that the pearl was not hers. However, I also felt she knew Vermeer well, as her gaze is very direct and knowing. So I thought, who would be close to him but not related? And I thought of a servant. Griet did not exist. We don’t know who the girl in the painting is, nor any of the other models for Vermeer’s works.

— Why do you think there is such a big interest in Vermeer these days? Why do people like his paintings so much?

— I think people like Vermeer because he reflects our everyday lives, yet makes them more beautiful and more ideal. He paints a whole world in a little corner of a room. The paintings are beautiful and simple and yet complicated too, with lingering depths and understated meanings. They are very calm paintings, and you’re forced to slow down when you look at them. In this noisy, frenetic world, that tranquility can be quite seductive.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the item that follow according to the text above.

The models for other Vermeer’s paintings were known, unlike that who posed for Girl with a Pearl Earring.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2424554 Ano: 2011
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: UnB

Interview with Tracy Chevalier — author of Girl with a Pearl Earring

— What inspired you to write about the girl in Vermeer’s painting?

— I have had a copy of that painting for a long time. I love it because it is so beautiful and mysterious. The expression on the girl’s face is ambiguous — sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes innocent, sometimes seductive. I was always curious about what she was thinking, and one day I thought there must be a story behind her look, but we don’t know who the model for the painting was, so I realized I would have to make up the story myself.

— Why did you make the girl a servant? Did Griet really exist?

— In the painting the girl’s clothes are very plain compared to other women’s Vermeer painted, and yet the pearl is clearly luxurious. I was fascinated by that contrast, and it seemed clear to me that the pearl was not hers. However, I also felt she knew Vermeer well, as her gaze is very direct and knowing. So I thought, who would be close to him but not related? And I thought of a servant. Griet did not exist. We don’t know who the girl in the painting is, nor any of the other models for Vermeer’s works.

— Why do you think there is such a big interest in Vermeer these days? Why do people like his paintings so much?

— I think people like Vermeer because he reflects our everyday lives, yet makes them more beautiful and more ideal. He paints a whole world in a little corner of a room. The paintings are beautiful and simple and yet complicated too, with lingering depths and understated meanings. They are very calm paintings, and you’re forced to slow down when you look at them. In this noisy, frenetic world, that tranquility can be quite seductive.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the item that follow according to the text above.

Griet was the name of one of Vermeer’s daughters.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2424553 Ano: 2011
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: UnB

Interview with Tracy Chevalier — author of Girl with a Pearl Earring

— What inspired you to write about the girl in Vermeer’s painting?

— I have had a copy of that painting for a long time. I love it because it is so beautiful and mysterious. The expression on the girl’s face is ambiguous — sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes innocent, sometimes seductive. I was always curious about what she was thinking, and one day I thought there must be a story behind her look, but we don’t know who the model for the painting was, so I realized I would have to make up the story myself.

— Why did you make the girl a servant? Did Griet really exist?

— In the painting the girl’s clothes are very plain compared to other women’s Vermeer painted, and yet the pearl is clearly luxurious. I was fascinated by that contrast, and it seemed clear to me that the pearl was not hers. However, I also felt she knew Vermeer well, as her gaze is very direct and knowing. So I thought, who would be close to him but not related? And I thought of a servant. Griet did not exist. We don’t know who the girl in the painting is, nor any of the other models for Vermeer’s works.

— Why do you think there is such a big interest in Vermeer these days? Why do people like his paintings so much?

— I think people like Vermeer because he reflects our everyday lives, yet makes them more beautiful and more ideal. He paints a whole world in a little corner of a room. The paintings are beautiful and simple and yet complicated too, with lingering depths and understated meanings. They are very calm paintings, and you’re forced to slow down when you look at them. In this noisy, frenetic world, that tranquility can be quite seductive.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the item that follow according to the text above.

The writer supposes the pearl earrings were a present, because the girl could not have possibly bought them.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2424552 Ano: 2011
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: UnB

Interview with Tracy Chevalier — author of Girl with a Pearl Earring

— What inspired you to write about the girl in Vermeer’s painting?

— I have had a copy of that painting for a long time. I love it because it is so beautiful and mysterious. The expression on the girl’s face is ambiguous — sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes innocent, sometimes seductive. I was always curious about what she was thinking, and one day I thought there must be a story behind her look, but we don’t know who the model for the painting was, so I realized I would have to make up the story myself.

— Why did you make the girl a servant? Did Griet really exist?

— In the painting the girl’s clothes are very plain compared to other women’s Vermeer painted, and yet the pearl is clearly luxurious. I was fascinated by that contrast, and it seemed clear to me that the pearl was not hers. However, I also felt she knew Vermeer well, as her gaze is very direct and knowing. So I thought, who would be close to him but not related? And I thought of a servant. Griet did not exist. We don’t know who the girl in the painting is, nor any of the other models for Vermeer’s works.

— Why do you think there is such a big interest in Vermeer these days? Why do people like his paintings so much?

— I think people like Vermeer because he reflects our everyday lives, yet makes them more beautiful and more ideal. He paints a whole world in a little corner of a room. The paintings are beautiful and simple and yet complicated too, with lingering depths and understated meanings. They are very calm paintings, and you’re forced to slow down when you look at them. In this noisy, frenetic world, that tranquility can be quite seductive.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the item that follow according to the text above.

One of the reasons for Tracy Chevalier to suppose that the girl was a servant is the fact that her clothes looked a little too ordinary.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2424551 Ano: 2011
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: UnB

Interview with Tracy Chevalier — author of Girl with a Pearl Earring

— What inspired you to write about the girl in Vermeer’s painting?

— I have had a copy of that painting for a long time. I love it because it is so beautiful and mysterious. The expression on the girl’s face is ambiguous — sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes innocent, sometimes seductive. I was always curious about what she was thinking, and one day I thought there must be a story behind her look, but we don’t know who the model for the painting was, so I realized I would have to make up the story myself.

— Why did you make the girl a servant? Did Griet really exist?

— In the painting the girl’s clothes are very plain compared to other women’s Vermeer painted, and yet the pearl is clearly luxurious. I was fascinated by that contrast, and it seemed clear to me that the pearl was not hers. However, I also felt she knew Vermeer well, as her gaze is very direct and knowing. So I thought, who would be close to him but not related? And I thought of a servant. Griet did not exist. We don’t know who the girl in the painting is, nor any of the other models for Vermeer’s works.

— Why do you think there is such a big interest in Vermeer these days? Why do people like his paintings so much?

— I think people like Vermeer because he reflects our everyday lives, yet makes them more beautiful and more ideal. He paints a whole world in a little corner of a room. The paintings are beautiful and simple and yet complicated too, with lingering depths and understated meanings. They are very calm paintings, and you’re forced to slow down when you look at them. In this noisy, frenetic world, that tranquility can be quite seductive.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the item that follow according to the text above.

Tracy Chevalier had to imagine who the girl in the painting was because there was no information available about her.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
2424550 Ano: 2011
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Orgão: UnB

Interview with Tracy Chevalier — author of Girl with a Pearl Earring

— What inspired you to write about the girl in Vermeer’s painting?

— I have had a copy of that painting for a long time. I love it because it is so beautiful and mysterious. The expression on the girl’s face is ambiguous — sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes innocent, sometimes seductive. I was always curious about what she was thinking, and one day I thought there must be a story behind her look, but we don’t know who the model for the painting was, so I realized I would have to make up the story myself.

— Why did you make the girl a servant? Did Griet really exist?

— In the painting the girl’s clothes are very plain compared to other women’s Vermeer painted, and yet the pearl is clearly luxurious. I was fascinated by that contrast, and it seemed clear to me that the pearl was not hers. However, I also felt she knew Vermeer well, as her gaze is very direct and knowing. So I thought, who would be close to him but not related? And I thought of a servant. Griet did not exist. We don’t know who the girl in the painting is, nor any of the other models for Vermeer’s works.

— Why do you think there is such a big interest in Vermeer these days? Why do people like his paintings so much?

— I think people like Vermeer because he reflects our everyday lives, yet makes them more beautiful and more ideal. He paints a whole world in a little corner of a room. The paintings are beautiful and simple and yet complicated too, with lingering depths and understated meanings. They are very calm paintings, and you’re forced to slow down when you look at them. In this noisy, frenetic world, that tranquility can be quite seductive.

Internet: <> (adapted).

Judge the item that follow according to the text above.

The writer felt intrigued by the girl in the painting.



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