Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 105 questões.

96039 Ano: 2000
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

Enunciado 3202721-1

A questão refere-se ao “cartoon” cujo vocabulário principal se segue:

• glove = luva

• to sign up = inscrever-se

• to remind = lembrar

• lucky = “sortudo”

• to put up with = suportar

• nonsense = bobagem

• that’s fine = tudo bem

• guy = “cara”

• to spend = passar

• to chase = correr atrás, perseguir

• wimp = fracote

• to have it easy = é fácil

• on the other hand = por outro lado

• pounds = libras

• underweight = abaixo do peso

• beer = cerveja

Considere as afirmações abaixo:

I. O menino acaba de assinar um documento pedindo a exclusão do beisebol como esporte obrigatório na escola.

II. Segundo o garoto, as pessoas referem-se pejorativamente a meninos que não praticam esportes.

III. Na opinião do garoto, a vida das meninas é mais tranqüila que a vida dos meninos na sociedade atual.

Está(ão) condizente(s) com o texto:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96038 Ano: 2000
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA


In the 1950s a bilingual educational system was introduced in Singapore, with English used as a unifying and utilitarian medium alongside Chinese, Malay, or Tamil. However, English remained the language of government and the legal system, and retained its importance in education and the media. Its use has also been steadily increasing among the general population. In a 1975 survey, only 27 per cent of people over age 40 claimed to understand English, whereas among 15 – 20-year-olds, the proportion was over 87 per cent. There is also evidence of quite widespread use in family settings. In such an environment, therefore, it is not surprising that a local variety (‘Singaporean English’) should have begun to emerge.


The situation is very different in Malaysia where, following independence (1957), Bahasa Malaysia was adopted as the national language, and the role of English accordingly became more restricted. Malaymedium education was introduced, with English as an obligatory subject but increasingly being seen as a value for international rather than intranational purposes – more a foreign language than a second language. The traditional prestige attached to English still exists, for many speakers, but the general sociolinguistic situation is not one which motivates the continuing emergence of a permanent variety of ‘Malaysian English’.

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language

David Crystal – CUP, 1995

A questão refere-se ao texto cujo vocabulário principal se segue:

• in the 1950s = nos anos 50

• unifying = unificador

• medium = meio

• alongside = juntamente

• to remain = permanecer

• to retain = reter

• steadily = continuamente

• to increase = aumentar

• among = entre

• survey = pesquisa

• over age 40 = acima dos 40 anos de idade

• to claim = alegar

• whereas = enquanto

• quite = bastante

• widespread = difundido

• settings = ambientes

• such = tal

• environment = ambiente

• therefore = portanto

• following independence = após a independência

• role = papel, função

• accordingly = conseqüentemente

• to become = tornar-se

• subject = matéria, assunto

• increasingly = gradativamente

• value = valor

• rather than = em vez de

• purposes = finalidades, propósitos

• foreign language = língua estrangeira

• to attach to = ligar a

• still = ainda

Sinônimos para therefore (texto sobre Singapura) e para rather than (texto sobre Malásia) são, respectivamente:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96037 Ano: 2000
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

A questão refere-se ao quadro abaixo, também extraido do artigo “Dinosaur Docudrama Blends Fact, Fantasy”.



I. Postosuchus. Producers kept scene of the predator urinating – even though its closest relatives all excrete urea, not urine.

II. Diplodocus. Herds look so heavy you can almost feel the ground shake. First time animated with frill on spine.

III. Cynodonts. Squat mammal ancestors sport convincing fur and behaviors. Bonus points for calling them “mammal-like reptiles.”

IV. Coatimundi. Cameo by this modern American mammal is totally out of place; its ancestors were never in Antarctica or Australia.

V. Pterosaurs. They fly like aces, but it’s the groundwalking that really wows. Insulating fuzz on wings is accurate.

VI. Marine reptiles. Cousteau would have loved graceful ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs. Realistic birth scene.

A questão refere-se ao texto cujo vocabulário principal se segue:

• even though = mesmo que

• closest = o mais próximo

• relatives = parentes

• herds = manadas

• heavy = pesadas

• to feel = sentir

• to shake = tremer

• squat = de cócoras

• mammal = mamífero

• fur = pêlo

• behaviors = comportamentos, condutas

• to sport = ostentar

• points = pontos

• to fly = voar

• aces = ases (da aviação)

• to wow = fazer sucesso

• fuzz = barulho (de insetos)

• wings = asas

• accurate = preciso, exato

• graceful = gracioso

• birth = nascimento

O quadro faz menção a pontos fortes e a pontos fracos observados pela crítica no documentário “Caminhando com Dinossauros”, classificando-os de “winners” (os pontos fortes) e “losers” (os pontos fracos). Analise o quadro e aponte, pelo contexto da crítica, se cada um dos itens, numerados de I a VI, é um “winner” ou um “loser”.

Enunciado 3194158-1



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96036 Ano: 2000
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo, extraído do artigo “Dinosaur Docudrama Blends Fact, Fantasy”


Amid the majestic sequoias of what could be a state park in Northern California, the silence is broken by a guttural bellow. An enormous beast plods across the television screen. She kicks out a shallow nest and begins to lay her eggs. Each white egg, the size of a soccer ball, slides gently down an ovipositor and comes to rest in the ground. (... )

It looks and sounds just like a wildlife documentary - so much so that, if you watch long enough, you almost forget that the animals it shows have been extinct for more than 65 million years. But this is Walking With Dinosaurs, a sometimes stunning dinoextravaganza that uses computer animation and detailed puppets to resurrect the creatures and place them in real landscapes. When the $10 million program aired in the United Kingdom last fall, 17 million people - almost a third of the population - tuned in to the six weekly installments making it the BBC’s most watched science program ever and one of its top 20 programs of all time. It also stirred up a controversy.

Some researchers were unstinting in their praise: “This is going to stand out as one of the best dinosaur shows ever done and certainly the most novel one,” says Tom Hoitz, a vertebrate paleontologist at the University of Maryland, College Park, who consulted with the BBC on the project. But others cringed at the way it blurred fact and fiction. Most of the egg-laying sequence, for example, is screenwriter’s fantasy: There is no scientific evidence that the giant dinosaur Diplodocus had an ovipositor or abandoned its young. “Some of the arguments were just so far-fetched, so ridiculous,” says Norman MacLeod, an invertebrate paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London. “[ was embarrassed for the profession.” The British media debated whether docudrama was a suitable way to convey science to the public. Would TV viewers be stimulated, misled, or just confused? On 16 April millions more will get the chance to make up their own minds as the Discovery Channel airs a revised 3-hour version of the show in North and South America. (... )


VOL 288 7 April 2000

A questão refere-se ao texto cujo vocabulário principal se segue:

• amid = entre

• the silence is broken = o silêncio é rompido

• bellow = grito, berro

• beast = animal

• to plod = caminhar lenta e penosamente

• screen = tela

• to kick out = chutar longe, expulsar

• shallow = baixo, raso

• nest = ninho

• to lay eggs = botar ovos

• size = tamanho

• soccer ball = bola de futebol

• to slide = deslizar

• to rest = descansar

• ground = chão

• to look = parecer

• to sound = soar

• wildlife = selvagem

• to watch = assistir

• long enough = o tempo suficiente

• almost = quase

• to forget = esquecer

• to show = mostrar

• stunning = surpreendente

• puppets = marionetes, bonecos

• to ressurect = ressuscitar

• to place = colocar

• landscapes = paisagens

• to air = ir ao ar

• fall = outono

• to tune in = sintonizar

• installments = capítulos, episódios

• of all time = de todos os tempos

• to stir up = provocar, suscitar

• researchers = pesquisadores

• to be unstinting = ser esfuziante

• praise = elogio

• to stand out = destacar-se

• novel = atual

• to cringe = encolher-se

• to blur = confundir

• screenwriter = roteirista

• young = filhote

• far-fetched = artificial, forçado

• embarrassed = constrangido

• whether = se

• suitable = apropriado

• way = modo, maneira

• to convey = transmitir

• TV viewers = telespectadores

• misled = desorientados, enganados

• to make up one’s mind = decidir-se

O termo “its”, na penúltima linha do segundo parágrafo, refere-se:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96035 Ano: 2000
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

A questão refere-se ao texto cujo vocabulário principal se segue:

• happiness = felicidade

• to catch one’s eye = chamar a atenção

• to catch one’s heart = tocar o coração

• to pursue = buscar

• to scatter = espalhar

• seeds = sementes

• heavenly = celestial

• good = bem

• to belong = pertencer

Assinale a opção correta em relação às frases abaixo, extraídas de um calendário americano.

I. “A really great talent finds its happiness in execution.” – Goethe.

II. “There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart.. pursue these.” – unknown.

III. “By cultivating the beautiful we scatter the seeds of heavenly flowers, as by doing good we cultivate those that belong to humanity.” – V. Howard.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96034 Ano: 2000
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

In April we asked our readers: is there humor in the workplace? Perhaps engineering is too serious to be funny – or is it? Here is one response:


To the editor:

An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says, “Ah, you’re an engineer – you’re in the wrong place.”

So the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is let in. Pretty soon, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and starts designing and building improvements. After a while, they’ve got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and the engineer is a pretty popular guy.

One day St. Peter calls Satan up on the telephone and says with a sneer, “So, how’s it going down there in hell?”

Satan replies, “Hey, things are going great! We’ve got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and there’s no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next.”

St. Peter replies, ‘What? You’ve got an engineer? That’s a mistake – he should never have gotten down there; send him up here.” Satan says, “No way. I like having an engineer on the staff, and I’m keeping him.”

St Peter says, “Send him back up here or I’ll sue.”

Satan laughs uproariously and answers, “Yeah, right.

And just where are YOU going to get a lawyer?”

H. D.

Mt Vemon, Iowa, USA

The Institute June, 1997


A questão refere-se ao texto cujo vocabulário principal se segue:

• hell = inferno

• engineer = engenheiro

• to die = morrer

• to report = relatar

• pearly gates = portais do paraíso

• to check = verificar

• to say = dizer

• the wrong place = o lugar errado

• to let in = permitir a entrada

• pretty soon = logo em seguida

• level = nível

• to start = começar

• to design = projetar

• to build = construir

• improvements = melhorias, benfeitorias

• after a while = depois de um certo tempo

• flush = descarga

• escalators = escadas rolantes

• pretty popular = bastante popular

• guy = sujeito, “cara”

• to call up = telefonar

• sneer = sarcasmo

• how’s it going = como está indo

• to reply = responder

• things are going great = as coisas estão indo maravilhosamente bem

• to come up with next = inventar em seguida

• mistake = erro

• should = deveria

• send him up here = mande-o para cá

• no way = de jeito nenhum

• staff = equipe

• to keep = manter

• to sue = processar

• to laugh = rir

• uproariously = estrondosamente

• to answer = responder

• right = ok

• lawyer = advogado

Considere as afirmações abaixo:

I. São Pedro telefonou ao Diabo para obter informações sobre o comportamento do engenheiro no inferno.

II. O dia-a-dia no inferno tornou-se muito melhor após a chegada do engenheiro.

III. São Pedro ameaçou mover uma ação judicial contra o Diabo caso ele desprezasse os serviços do engenheiro.

Está(ão) condizente(s) com o texto:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96033 Ano: 2000
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo, extraído da introdução de um livro.

“Curiosity killed a cat.” That cautionary cliché has passed through my mind several times in the last few years, once or twice even’ giving me pause. For it was curiosity that first tempted me to investigate computer graphics. Nothing in my training or professional background prepared me for something as foreign as a computer paint system. But it sounded intriguing, so I decided to see one firsthand. (... )

While touring the Computer Graphics Lab at the New York Institute of Technology in Old Westbury, New York – a research and development facility – I was invited to draw on a paint system. I picked up the stylus and drew a simple sketch of a horse. It was surprisingly easy and felt very natural – but it wasn’t unforgettable. What happened next was that the demonstrator reached out to the keyboard and hit a couple of buttons; instantly my simple drawing became a brilliant kaleidoscopic chain of moving colors. It was as if my horse had suddenly come alive.

I was thrilled – and hooked. Since that time, in professional workshops at colleges, or with clients, I have seen my own initial reaction repeated in others, an experience akin to magic.

Now, six years later, wiser and more experienced, my enthusiasm is still intact, and I am more deeply involved than ever in this art form. Mastering this medium is, as with most complex techniques, an ongoing process, in which each new plateau reveals another height to be challenged. (... )

What is needed is an adventurous, risk-taking approach – a curiosity about the new, much of which lies, unknown and unseen, around a dozen corners. Yes, curiosity – that word again. Of course, today we don’t take those old sayings seriously. Anyhow, there’s another old adage about cats, reassuring us that after all “a cat has nine lives.” Well, so do artists.

Don Bolognese

Watson – Guptill Publications 1988. (adapted)

p. 8/9

A questão refere-se a texto cujo vocabulário principal se segue:

• mind = mente

• several times = diversas vezes

• in the last few years = nos últimos anos

• once or twice = uma ou duas vezes

• even = até mesmo

• for = porque

• to tempt = incitar

• firsthand = em primeira mão

• while = enquanto

• to tour = passar por

• development = desenvolvimento

• facility = instalações

• to be invited to = ser convidado a

• to draw = desenhar

• to pick up = aprender gradualmente

• sketch = esboço

• unforgettable = inesquecível

• to happen= acontecer

• to reach out = alcançar

• keyboard = teclado

• to hit = teclar

• a couple of buttons = algumas teclas

• chain = cadeia

• to be thrilled = ficar extasiado

• to be hooked = ficar viciado

• colleges = faculdades

• own = próprio

• akin to = semelhante a

• wiser = mais sábio

• deeply = profundamente

• more than ever = mais que nunca

• to master = dominar

• ongoing = contínuo

• each = cada

• plateau = passo, degrau

• height = altura

• to challenge = desafiar

• risk-taking = arriscado

• approach = abordagem

• to lie = estar

• unknown = desconhecido

• unseen = oculto

• dozen = dúzia

• again = novamente

• of course = é claro

• old sayings = velhos ditados

• to take seriously = levar a sério

• anyhow = de qualquer modo

• adage = ditado

• to reassure = reforçar, encorajar

• after all = afinal de contas

• well = bem

As expressões populares sobre gatos foram utilizadas no início e no final do texto para:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96032 Ano: 2000
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

A questão refere-se ao texto abaixo:


Ever since Dad had returned from his life at sea he had been interested in robots. Maybe that in itself wasn’t so strange, but with Dad it didn’t end there. He was convinced that one day science would be able to create artificial people. By this, he didn’t just mean those dumb metal robots with red and green flashing lights and hollow voices. Oh no, Dad believed that science would one day be able to create real thinking human beings, like us. And there was more – he also believed that, fundamentally, human beings are artificial objects. (…) “Just imagine if all this suddenly came alive, Hans Thomas,” he said. “imagine if these Lego figures suddenly began to toddle around among the plastic houses. What would we do then?” (…) “Basically, we ourselves are such Lego figures.”

“Just imagine if all this suddenly came alive, Hans Thomas,” he said. “imagine if these Lego figures suddenly began to toddle around among the plastic houses. What would we do then?” (…) “Basically, we ourselves are such Lego figures.”

The Solitaire Mystery – J. Gaardner – p.8

A questão refere-se ao texto cujo vocabulário principal se segue:

• ever since = desde

• Dad = pai

• maybe = talvez

• in itself = em si mesmo

• to end = terminar

• able = capaz

• by this = com isto

• to mean = querer dizer

• dumb = tolos

• hollow = oco, metalizado, vazio, irreal

• voices = vozes

• to flash = piscar (luz)

• to believe = acreditar

• human beings = seres humanos

• like us = como nós

• suddenly = de repente

• to come alive = tornar-se realidade

• to toddle = caminhar (rastejar) como criança

Assinale a forma pela qual as frases “Imagine if these figures suddenly began to toddle around among the plastic houses. What would we do then?” poderiam ser reescritas em uma única sentença:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96031 Ano: 2000
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA

In April we asked our readers: is there humor in the workplace? Perhaps engineering is too serious to be funny – or is it? Here is one response:


To the editor:

An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates. St. Peter checks his dossier and says, “Ah, you’re an engineer – you’re in the wrong place.”

So the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is let in. Pretty soon, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and starts designing and building improvements. After a while, they’ve got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and the engineer is a pretty popular guy.

One day St. Peter calls Satan up on the telephone and says with a sneer, “So, how’s it going down there in hell?”

Satan replies, “Hey, things are going great! We’ve got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and there’s no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next.”

St. Peter replies, ‘What? You’ve got an engineer? That’s a mistake – he should never have gotten down there; send him up here.” Satan says, “No way. I like having an engineer on the staff, and I’m keeping him.”

St Peter says, “Send him back up here or I’ll sue.”

Satan laughs uproariously and answers, “Yeah, right.

And just where are YOU going to get a lawyer?”

H. D.

Mt Vemon, Iowa, USA

The Institute June, 1997


A questão refere-se ao texto cujo vocabulário principal se segue:

• hell = inferno

• engineer = engenheiro

• to die = morrer

• to report = relatar

• pearly gates = portais do paraíso

• to check = verificar

• to say = dizer

• the wrong place = o lugar errado

• to let in = permitir a entrada

• pretty soon = logo em seguida

• level = nível

• to start = começar

• to design = projetar

• to build = construir

• improvements = melhorias, benfeitorias

• after a while = depois de um certo tempo

• flush = descarga

• escalators = escadas rolantes

• pretty popular = bastante popular

• guy = sujeito, “cara”

• to call up = telefonar

• sneer = sarcasmo

• how’s it going = como está indo

• to reply = responder

• things are going great = as coisas estão indo maravilhosamente bem

• to come up with next = inventar em seguida

• mistake = erro

• should = deveria

• send him up here = mande-o para cá

• no way = de jeito nenhum

• staff = equipe

• to keep = manter

• to sue = processar

• to laugh = rir

• uproariously = estrondosamente

• to answer = responder

• right = ok

• lawyer = advogado

Quais frases, numeradas de I a IV, teriam o significado mais próximo a”Send him back up here or l’II sue”, que se encontra no penúltimo parágrafo do texto?

I. lf you don’t send him back up here, I’II sue.

II. lf you send him back up here, I’II sue.

III. Unless you send him back up here, I won’t sue.

IV. I will sue, unless you send him back up here.



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
96030 Ano: 2000
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: ITA
Orgão: ITA


In the 1950s a bilingual educational system was introduced in Singapore, with English used as a unifying and utilitarian medium alongside Chinese, Malay, or Tamil. However, English remained the language of government and the legal system, and retained its importance in education and the media. Its use has also been steadily increasing among the general population. In a 1975 survey, only 27 per cent of people over age 40 claimed to understand English, whereas among 15 – 20-year-olds, the proportion was over 87 per cent. There is also evidence of quite widespread use in family settings. In such an environment, therefore, it is not surprising that a local variety (‘Singaporean English’) should have begun to emerge.


The situation is very different in Malaysia where, following independence (1957), Bahasa Malaysia was adopted as the national language, and the role of English accordingly became more restricted. Malaymedium education was introduced, with English as an obligatory subject but increasingly being seen as a value for international rather than intranational purposes – more a foreign language than a second language. The traditional prestige attached to English still exists, for many speakers, but the general sociolinguistic situation is not one which motivates the continuing emergence of a permanent variety of ‘Malaysian English’.

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language

David Crystal – CUP, 1995

A questão refere-se ao texto cujo vocabulário principal se segue:

• in the 1950s = nos anos 50

• unifying = unificador

• medium = meio

• alongside = juntamente

• to remain = permanecer

• to retain = reter

• steadily = continuamente

• to increase = aumentar

• among = entre

• survey = pesquisa

• over age 40 = acima dos 40 anos de idade

• to claim = alegar

• whereas = enquanto

• quite = bastante

• widespread = difundido

• settings = ambientes

• such = tal

• environment = ambiente

• therefore = portanto

• following independence = após a independência

• role = papel, função

• accordingly = conseqüentemente

• to become = tornar-se

• subject = matéria, assunto

• increasingly = gradativamente

• value = valor

• rather than = em vez de

• purposes = finalidades, propósitos

• foreign language = língua estrangeira

• to attach to = ligar a

• still = ainda

Da leitura dos dois textos, depreende-se que:



Questão presente nas seguintes provas