Magna Concursos

Foram encontradas 60 questões.

227490 Ano: 2012
Disciplina: Direito Constitucional
Banca: FCC
Orgão: ALESP
Consoante previsão da Constituição Federal brasileira, a criação, a incorporação, a fusão e o desmembramento de Municípios, desde que preenchidos os demais requisitos, far-se-ão por lei


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
227489 Ano: 2012
Disciplina: Direito Constitucional
Banca: FCC
Orgão: ALESP
Nos termos da Constituição Federal brasileira, no que diz respeito às associações, está correto afirmar que


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
227488 Ano: 2012
Disciplina: Direito Constitucional
Banca: FCC
Orgão: ALESP
Richard, brasileiro naturalizado, praticou crime comum após sua naturalização. Tom, também brasileiro naturalizado, teve comprovado envolvimento em tráfico ilícito de entorpecentes e drogas afins. Nesse caso e nos termos da Constituição Federal brasileira,


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
227481 Ano: 2012
Disciplina: Direito Constitucional
Banca: FCC
Orgão: ALESP

Nos termos da Constituição do Estado de São Paulo, a Assembleia Legislativa terá Comissões permanentes e temporárias, na forma e com atribuições previstas no Regimento Interno. s comissões, em razão da matéria de sua competência, cabe:

I. acompanhar execução orçamentária.

II. realizar audiências públicas dentro ou fora da sede do Poder Legislativo.

III. convocar o Defensor Público Geral, para prestar informações a respeito de assuntos previamente fixados, relacionados com a respectiva área.

IV. fiscalizar e apreciar programas de obras, planos estaduais, regionais e setoriais de desenvolvimento e, sobre eles, emitir parecer.

Está correto o que se afirma em



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
227479 Ano: 2012
Disciplina: Direito Constitucional
Banca: FCC
Orgão: ALESP


I. Decretação de estado de sítio ou de estado de defesa que atinja todo ou parte do território estadual.

II. Intervenção no Estado.

III. Intervenção em Município.

IV. Recebimento dos autos de prisão de Deputado, na hipótese de crime afiançável.

Nos termos da Constituição do Estado de São Paulo, a convocação extraordinária da Assembleia Legislativa pelo Presidente dar-se-á em



Questão presente nas seguintes provas
227473 Ano: 2012
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: FCC
Orgão: ALESP

Neglect contributed to death of patient at community hospital

16 August 2012 | By Sarah Calkin

A patient who choked to death at a hospital run by Somerset Partnership Foundation Trust had been neglected by staff, a coroner has ruled.

Parkinson’s sufferer Diana Mansfield, 78, was struggling to swallow during her stay at Frome Community Hospital in September 2011. On 3 September she choked and died. East Somerset coroner Tony Williams found ..ART1... primary cause of death was ....ART2... acute upper airway obstruction and dysphagia, ...ART3... common side effect of Parkinson’s.

Following the inquest in July he identified failings made in the nursing care received by Ms Mansfield and recorded a verdict of accidental death aggravated by neglect.

The Care Quality Commission visited the 28-bed hospital earlier this year in response to concerns about care and welfare of patients and staffing levels arising from Ms Mansfield’s death.

Inspectors judged the hospital was meeting standards overall. .....CONECTIVO.... it raised minor concerns about staffing levels, noting the ward had a sickness absence rate of nearly 10 per cent and cover was not always available for absent staff for a whole shift.

The full staffing establishment on the 12-bed ward where Ms Mansfield stayed was three registered nurses and four healthcare assistants on the early shift and five staff - usually two nurses and three HCAs - on the late shift. Some nurses complained this was not always adequate to meet the needs of patients and said it was sometimes a struggle to complete all their tasks.

Segundo o texto, a paciente


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
227471 Ano: 2012
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: FCC
Orgão: ALESP

Neglect contributed to death of patient at community hospital

16 August 2012 | By Sarah Calkin

A patient who choked to death at a hospital run by Somerset Partnership Foundation Trust had been neglected by staff, a coroner has ruled.

Parkinson’s sufferer Diana Mansfield, 78, was struggling to swallow during her stay at Frome Community Hospital in September 2011. On 3 September she choked and died. East Somerset coroner Tony Williams found ..ART1... primary cause of death was ....ART2... acute upper airway obstruction and dysphagia, ...ART3... common side effect of Parkinson’s.

Following the inquest in July he identified failings made in the nursing care received by Ms Mansfield and recorded a verdict of accidental death aggravated by neglect.

The Care Quality Commission visited the 28-bed hospital earlier this year in response to concerns about care and welfare of patients and staffing levels arising from Ms Mansfield’s death.

Inspectors judged the hospital was meeting standards overall. .....CONECTIVO.... it raised minor concerns about staffing levels, noting the ward had a sickness absence rate of nearly 10 per cent and cover was not always available for absent staff for a whole shift.

The full staffing establishment on the 12-bed ward where Ms Mansfield stayed was three registered nurses and four healthcare assistants on the early shift and five staff - usually two nurses and three HCAs - on the late shift. Some nurses complained this was not always adequate to meet the needs of patients and said it was sometimes a struggle to complete all their tasks.

Segundo o texto,


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
227470 Ano: 2012
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: FCC
Orgão: ALESP

Neglect contributed to death of patient at community hospital

16 August 2012 | By Sarah Calkin

A patient who choked to death at a hospital run by Somerset Partnership Foundation Trust had been neglected by staff, a coroner has ruled.

Parkinson’s sufferer Diana Mansfield, 78, was struggling to swallow during her stay at Frome Community Hospital in September 2011. On 3 September she choked and died. East Somerset coroner Tony Williams found ..ART1... primary cause of death was ....ART2... acute upper airway obstruction and dysphagia, ...ART3... common side effect of Parkinson’s.

Following the inquest in July he identified failings made in the nursing care received by Ms Mansfield and recorded a verdict of accidental death aggravated by neglect.

The Care Quality Commission visited the 28-bed hospital earlier this year in response to concerns about care and welfare of patients and staffing levels arising from Ms Mansfield’s death.

Inspectors judged the hospital was meeting standards overall. .....CONECTIVO.... it raised minor concerns about staffing levels, noting the ward had a sickness absence rate of nearly 10 per cent and cover was not always available for absent staff for a whole shift.

The full staffing establishment on the 12-bed ward where Ms Mansfield stayed was three registered nurses and four healthcare assistants on the early shift and five staff - usually two nurses and three HCAs - on the late shift. Some nurses complained this was not always adequate to meet the needs of patients and said it was sometimes a struggle to complete all their tasks.

A alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna ...CONECTIVO... , dentro do contexto, é


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
227467 Ano: 2012
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: FCC
Orgão: ALESP

Neglect contributed to death of patient at community hospital

16 August 2012 | By Sarah Calkin

A patient who choked to death at a hospital run by Somerset Partnership Foundation Trust had been neglected by staff, a coroner has ruled.

Parkinson’s sufferer Diana Mansfield, 78, was struggling to swallow during her stay at Frome Community Hospital in September 2011. On 3 September she choked and died. East Somerset coroner Tony Williams found ..ART1... primary cause of death was ....ART2... acute upper airway obstruction and dysphagia, ...ART3... common side effect of Parkinson’s.

Following the inquest in July he identified failings made in the nursing care received by Ms Mansfield and recorded a verdict of accidental death aggravated by neglect.

The Care Quality Commission visited the 28-bed hospital earlier this year in response to concerns about care and welfare of patients and staffing levels arising from Ms Mansfield’s death.

Inspectors judged the hospital was meeting standards overall. .....CONECTIVO.... it raised minor concerns about staffing levels, noting the ward had a sickness absence rate of nearly 10 per cent and cover was not always available for absent staff for a whole shift.

The full staffing establishment on the 12-bed ward where Ms Mansfield stayed was three registered nurses and four healthcare assistants on the early shift and five staff - usually two nurses and three HCAs - on the late shift. Some nurses complained this was not always adequate to meet the needs of patients and said it was sometimes a struggle to complete all their tasks.

De acordo com o texto, a ala em que a paciente estava internada


Questão presente nas seguintes provas
227465 Ano: 2012
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: FCC
Orgão: ALESP

Neglect contributed to death of patient at community hospital

16 August 2012 | By Sarah Calkin

A patient who choked to death at a hospital run by Somerset Partnership Foundation Trust had been neglected by staff, a coroner has ruled.

Parkinson’s sufferer Diana Mansfield, 78, was struggling to swallow during her stay at Frome Community Hospital in September 2011. On 3 September she choked and died. East Somerset coroner Tony Williams found ..ART1... primary cause of death was ....ART2... acute upper airway obstruction and dysphagia, ...ART3... common side effect of Parkinson’s.

Following the inquest in July he identified failings made in the nursing care received by Ms Mansfield and recorded a verdict of accidental death aggravated by neglect.

The Care Quality Commission visited the 28-bed hospital earlier this year in response to concerns about care and welfare of patients and staffing levels arising from Ms Mansfield’s death.

Inspectors judged the hospital was meeting standards overall. .....CONECTIVO.... it raised minor concerns about staffing levels, noting the ward had a sickness absence rate of nearly 10 per cent and cover was not always available for absent staff for a whole shift.

The full staffing establishment on the 12-bed ward where Ms Mansfield stayed was three registered nurses and four healthcare assistants on the early shift and five staff - usually two nurses and three HCAs - on the late shift. Some nurses complained this was not always adequate to meet the needs of patients and said it was sometimes a struggle to complete all their tasks.

A alternativa que preenche correta, e respectivamente, as lacunas ..ART1... a ...ART3... é


Questão presente nas seguintes provas