Magna Concursos
2507802 Ano: 2015
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: DIRENS Aeronáutica
Orgão: EEAr
Corruption Scandal at Petrobras Threatens Brazil’s
The accusations of corruption at Brazil’s statecontrolled petroleum giant Petrobras have already led to a political scandal and a change in management. Now, the problems are threatening other Brazilian companies and may even tip the country into recession.
In the wake of a police investigation, called Operation Car Wash, that indicated that Petrobras’s suppliers and subcontractors had bribed executives in return for inflated contracts, the company has halted payments on many projects. Petrobras has also prohibited new contracts with some of the country’s biggest engineering and oil services firms.
The drop in the company’s spending will probably shave 0.75 percent off growth of the nation’s economy this year.
(Adapted from:
threatens - ameaça
tip into - arrastar para
suppliers - fornecedores
bribed - subornou
halted - interrompeu
shave off - reduzir
According to the text, all the alternatives are correct, except:


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