Magna Concursos
716105 Ano: 2014
Disciplina: Inglês (Língua Inglesa)
Banca: UFSM
Orgão: UFSM

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Why should agricultural animal research programs participate in AAALAC accreditation?

Heres what colleagues at agricultural institutions have told us about the benefits of AAALAC International accreditation

Accreditation promotesand validateshigh standards for research and animal care

Colleagues at accredited institutions say that AAALAC accreditation puts agricultural programs on par with biomedical research programs in terms of having a well-managed, well-documented and accountable animal care and use program. They say that earning accreditation represents a high standard for quality, and that it takes procedures, processes and facilities to the highest level, enhancing the quality of research.

Accreditation provides public accountability

Representatives from accredited programs say that accreditation demonstrates concern for animal welfare, and assures the public of the highest possible level of animal care oversight.

Accreditation offers an opportunity for in-depth program assessment

One of the biggest benefits noted was the excellent opportunity for self- and peer-evaluation to improve our program. They also noted that this exercise in self- assesment provides a valuable benchmarking tool, and quality assurance through peer-review.

Accreditation simulates continuous improvement

When an institution chooses to participate in the AAALAC accreditation program, its committing to a process that stimulates continuous improvement. Earning and maintaining accreditation keeps an institution aware of, and engaged in, current best practices in the field of agricultural animal research and care.

Accreditation can identify the need forand facilitate the acquisition ofadditional resources

Participating in AAALAC accreditation may also help improve funding for research programs and facilities. Members say it offers an objective source of leverage for continued improvements to our animal care program and facilities, including garnering administrative buy-in.

Accreditation provides a positive image among research funders

Accreditation gives added credibility to the animal research and teaching program among federal agencies especially the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense, as well as large corporate sponsors. (This is likely to become increasingly important as agricultural research continues to move to genetic and molecular levels.)

Accreditation instills a sense of pride and teamwork among animal care personnel

Earning and maintaining AAALAC International accreditation is a great achievement that can instill a sense of tremendous pride throughout all levels of an organization. In particular, it can be an immensely satisfying accomplishment for the animal care technicians, custodians, and others who provide much of the day-to-day care for agricultural animals. The process of earning and maintaining accreditation is often a valuable team-building experience for the entire animal care and use staff.

Enunciado 716105-1

Considere as afirmações a seguir.

I - Estimula o desenvolvimento continuado.

II - Promove aceitação do público.

III - Oportuniza autoavaliação.

É (São) razão(ões) para ser membro da AAALAC:



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Médico Veterinário

50 Questões